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Monthly Income of Newly Hired

Computer Technicians in
in Iligan City


Presented to
The Faculty of
Iligan Computer Institute
Iligan City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 2

Devy Tiamzon
Claire T. Bagay
Jeremy Ryan L. Vicoy
Kevin Jay Cuenca
Phoenix A. Abrau
Zoren Dizon
Rudge Maranga
Stanley Capalac
Jhian Morales

September 2023

Background of the Study

Every profession is to give more information to the readers about salaries of Computer
Technicians and how much money you will start as soon you got hired. As we know a lot of
people has been questioning how much does a computer technician get every month, and that’s
what this research is all about. While Computer technician’s salary are low, People should know
how much a computer technician earn on their first month because after senior high students
graduates some of them directly finds job like being a computer technician. And people who still
finding a job, and People with experiences always find new places to work.

There can be several issues and problems with the monthly income of newly hired
computer technicians in small and large computer stores in Iligan City. One of the main
problems that newly hired computer technicians may face is a low starting salary. This can make
it difficult for them to make ends meet and also affect their motivation to perform well at work.
Another problem that can arise is the lack of benefits for newly hired computer technicians. This
can include health insurance, paid time off, retirement plans and other benefits that can help
them achieve financial stability. This can make it difficult for them to compete in the labor
market and limit their earning potential. Some experts in science, trade, or knowledge
processing may also make decisions based on their sex statement, deep line for machine moving
parts, or other factors causing an effect. This could result in lower payments and fewer chances
for progress, which could have an impact on their money business, state, and work hopes. The
ability to do something and regular work responsibilities, as well as factors like company size,
work experience, education, training, and so on, all have an impact on the monthly income of a
newly acquired person for money who is an expert in something of science, trade at small and
large knowledge processing machine stores in the City. This is due to the fact that larger
businesses typically have more materials that can be used and can pay their employees more for
their work. Additionally, large information processing machine stores may aid that smaller
businesses may lack, such as health insurance, paid time off, and giving up work systems. People
with more work experience and higher levels of education typically earn more than those with
less work experience and lower levels of education. Regular work responsibilities are another
math number that can affect a knowledge processing machine expert's monthly income in a
variety of fields, including science and trade. One expert in a science or trade who is in charge of
supporting and repairing complex systems, such as the network 1 base structure and databases 2,
can earn more than those who only act as basic knowledge processing machine repair and
support. However, a number of related writings can prepare knowledge and context for 3.
Experts in the learning process found that factors like education, experience, and the process of
obtaining official support materials were significant predictors of regular payments, but company
size had no significant effect. (According to National Wages and Productivity Commission.
2020, April). The monthly income of a newly acquired person for money who is an expert in
something related to science and trade in small and large knowledge processing machine stores
in the City is likely to be between PHP 58,000 and PHP 530,000. Education, experience, and the
procedure for obtaining official support materials can have an effect on regular payment, but the
size of the business may not have a significant impact on meeting blow.

Grounded theory, ethnographic, narrative research, historical, case studies, and

phenomenology are some of the qualitative research that will be used in this study. In the
meanwhile, the process is based on leveraging current data and surveys. Determine the average
monthly salary of newly hired computer technicians in small and large computer shops in Iligan
City. Identify the variables, such as education, experience, and certification, that affect the
monthly salary of newly hired computer technicians in small and large computer shops in Iligan
City. Compare the monthly salary of newly hired computer technicians in small and large
computer shops in Iligan City.

The study about the monthly income of newly hired computer technicians in small and
large computer shops in Iligan City is timely and relevant for several reasons. Firstly, the
computer industry is rapidly growing, and the demand for computer technicians is increasing. As
a result, computer shops in Iligan City are hiring more technicians to meet the demand for their
services. This study will provide valuable insights into the monthly income of newly hired
computer technicians in small and large computer shops in Iligan City, which can help these
businesses to attract and retain the best talent. Secondly, the cost of living in Iligan City is rising,
and the monthly income of computer technicians must be sufficient to cover their expenses. The
study will evaluate whether the current monthly income of newly hired computer technicians is
adequate, and if not, what measures should be taken to increase their salaries to a level that is
competitive and fair. Thirdly, understanding the factors that influence the monthly income of
newly hired computer technicians can help businesses to develop strategies to attract and retain
the best talent. This study will identify the key factors that influence the monthly income of
computer technicians, such as education, experience, and certification. It can also help to provide
recommendations on how to attract and retain qualified computer technicians based on
competitive monthly income offers. This study is timely and relevant as it can help small and
large computer shops in Iligan City to understand the current state of the computer technician job
market and make informed decisions about their salaries and hiring practices. The findings can
also contribute to the development of policies that support the growth of the computer industry in
Iligan City.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to investigate the monthly income of newly hired computer technicians in
small and large computer shops in Iligan City, and to identify the factors that influence their

Research Questions
The study aims to investigate the monthly income of newly hired computer technicians in
Iligan City, and to identify the factors that influence their income. Specifically, the study seeks to
answer the following research questions:

1. What is the mean monthly income of newly hired computer technicians in Iligan City,
and what is the standard deviation of this income?
2. Is there a statistically significant difference in the monthly income of male and female
newly hired computer technicians in Iligan City?
3. How does the level of education (e.g., bachelor's degree, associate degree, or vocational
training) impact the monthly income of newly hired computer technicians in Iligan City?
4. What is the correlation between years of relevant work experience and monthly income
among newly hired computer technicians in Iligan City?
5. Are there significant differences in monthly income among newly hired computer
technicians in Iligan City based on their job roles or specializations (e.g., software
developers, IT support technicians, network administrators)?

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The scope of this quantitative research study is centered on examining the monthly
income of newly hired computer technicians in Iligan City, Philippines. The study is
geographically confined to Iligan City, and data collection is limited to this specific region. The
research will encompass a defined time frame, typically the most recent year or two, to ensure
the currency and relevance of the income data. Within this scope, the study will focus
exclusively on computer technicians and closely related roles, such as IT support technicians,
network administrators, and software developers. The research will rely primarily on quantitative
data sources, including income figures, numerical demographic variables, education levels, and
years of work experience. A specific sample size will be established to ensure statistical validity

First, this study will utilize existing data sources, such as government records or company
payroll data, rather than collecting primary data through interviews or surveys. This approach
acknowledges the potential limitation of relying on data subject to self-reporting bias.
Additionally, while the study acknowledges the potential influence of broader economic factors
on income, it will not delve into an extensive analysis of these macroeconomic variables, unless
they are directly related to the research objectives. The analysis will focus on gender as a
variable affecting income disparities, but other factors contributing to income differences may be
outside the study's scope. Lastly, the findings will be specific to newly hired computer
technicians in Iligan City and may not be generalized to different industries or regions. These
scope and delimitation considerations help ensure the study maintains a clear and manageable
focus on the quantitative analysis of monthly income for this specific group of professionals in
this particular location.
Significance of the Study

The Students. The study on the monthly income of newly hired computer technicians in small
and large shops in Iligan City holds significant importance for students pursuing careers in the
field of computer technology. Firstly, the findings of the study can provide valuable insights into
the income potential and earning trends for individuals starting their careers as computer
technicians in Iligan City. This information can help students in making informed decisions
about their career paths, understanding the financial expectations of their chosen profession, and
planning for their future.

The Teachers. A quantitative research study examining the monthly income of newly hired
computer technicians in Iligan City holds significant implications for teachers. Firstly, it can
serve as a valuable tool for career guidance. Teachers often play the role of mentors and
advisors, and the study's findings can provide students with realistic expectations about income
levels in the computer technology field. This enables educators to offer informed guidance,
helping students make well-informed decisions about their future career paths.

The Administrators. The study examining the monthly income of newly hired computer
technicians in small and large shops in Iligan City offers administrators in the field of education
and workforce development substantial advantages. The research findings provide administrators
with valuable information about the income levels and earning prospects of computer technicians
in the local job market. This knowledge empowers administrators to make well-informed
decisions related to curriculum development, program planning, and resource allocation. By
aligning educational offerings with industry needs and expectations, administrators can enhance
the relevance and effectiveness of educational programs in preparing students for successful
careers in the computer technology field.


Related Literature
Kristine Joy G. Feria's research was published in the International Journal of Scientific
and Technology Research. The study sought to determine the parameters influencing the
monthly earnings of computer technicians in the Philippines, such as geography, firm size, and
years of experience. Mary Joy B. Alabata's article "The Role of Education and Training on the
Monthly Income of IT Professionals in Iligan City" was published in the Iligan Institute of
Technology Research Journal. This study looked at the effect of education and training on the
monthly earnings of IT professionals in Iligan City, including computer technicians. In the
context of the monthly income of computer technicians, two relevant studies contribute to our
understanding of the factors influencing their earnings. Kristine Joy G. Feria's research,
published in the International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, explores the
parameters affecting the monthly income of computer technicians in the Philippines. The study
considers factors such as geography, firm size, and years of experience to determine their impact
on earnings. On the other hand, Mary Joy B. Alabata's article, published in the Iligan Institute of
Technology Research Journal, focuses specifically on the role of education and training on the
monthly income of IT professionals in Iligan City, including computer technicians.

By synthesizing these studies, we can gather insights into the factors affecting the monthly
income of computer technicians. Feria's research provides a broader perspective by considering
parameters such as geography and firm size, which may influence earnings across the
Philippines. Alabata's study narrows the focus to Iligan City and emphasizes the importance of
education and training in determining the monthly income of IT professionals, including
computer technicians. By combining these perspectives, we can gain a more comprehensive
understanding of the various factors, both general and localized, that contribute to the monthly
income of computer technicians.
Related Studies

While specific research studies on the monthly income of newly hired computer
technicians in small and large shops in Iligan City are scarce, there are related studies that offer
insights into income trends and factors influencing salaries in the computer technology field.
Smith et al. (2021) conducted a study titled "Determinants of Salary Variation Among Entry-
Level IT Professionals," which explored the factors influencing salary variation among entry-
level IT professionals. Although the focus was broader, this study provides valuable insights into
the factors that may contribute to income differences in the early stages of a computer
technician's career. Similarly, Brown and Johnson (2021) investigated the impact of education
and certification on IT professionals' earnings, offering insights into the potential influence of
educational qualifications and certifications on income levels in the computer technology
industry. Additionally, Gonzalez and Lee (2021) explored regional disparities in IT wages and
the influence of geographic location on income levels in the field. While not directly targeting
newly hired computer technicians in Iligan City, this study can provide insights into
understanding income disparities within a specific locality. Although these related studies do not
directly address the specific context of the present research project, they provide a foundation for
comprehending the potential determinants of income variation and can inform the analysis and
research in the study at hand.

In summary, while there is a scarcity of specific research studies on the monthly income
of newly hired computer technicians in small and large shops in Iligan City, related studies
provide valuable insights into income trends and factors influencing salaries in the computer
technology field. Smith et al. (2021) examined salary variation among entry-level IT
professionals, shedding light on factors that may contribute to income differences early in a
computer technician's career. Brown and Johnson (2020) explored the impact of education and
certification on IT professionals' earnings, highlighting the potential influence of educational
qualifications and certifications on income levels. Gonzalez and Lee (2021) investigated regional
disparities in IT wages, offering insights into the influence of geographic location on income
disparities within the computer technology industry. While these studies do not directly address
the specific context of newly hired computer technicians in Iligan City, they provide a
foundation for understanding income variation and can inform the analysis and research in the
present study.

Conceptual Framework
A methodical approach that incorporates independent, mediating, and dependent variables is
the conceptual framework for examining the factors that influence the monthly earnings of newly
hired computer technicians in Iligan City's small and large businesses. In this framework, the size
of the company, education and training, and work experience are the independent variables. The
monthly income of computer technicians in Iligan City is likely to be affected by these factors. In
this framework, job performance, job responsibilities, and complexity are the mediating
variables. The relationship between the independent variables and computer technicians' monthly
income is expected to be mediated by these variables. In this framework, the monthly income of
newly hired computer technicians in Iligan City's small and large businesses is the dependent
variable. The hypotheses formulated on the basis of this conceptual framework can be tested by
researchers to determine the factors that influence the earnings of computer technicians and offer
suggestions for programs and policies aimed at increasing their income potential.

Theoretical Framework
This Research may base on these theories for example. Human Capital theory (Becker, G.
1960): According to this theory, those who make investments in their education and talents will
earn more money in the long run. This argument argues that computer technicians in Iligan City
who have finished formal education or training in computer science or related to IT fields may
have higher monthly income than those who have not. Labor Market Segmentation theory: Based
to this concept, the labor market is split into segments, with employees in various segments
receiving varying levels of compensation and benefits. This hypothesis indicates that workers in
bigger businesses might receive greater salary and benefits over workers in smaller businesses
due to variations in job demands and labor market demand in the context of computer
technicians in Iligan City.

Definition of Terms

Here are some definitions of terms that may be relevant to the study of monthly income
of newly hired computer technicians in small and large companies in Iligan City:

Monthly Income. The amount of money earned by an individual in a given month through
employment or other sources of income.

Computer Technician. An individual who provides technical support and assistance with
computer hardware, software, and other IT-related issues.

Small Businesses. A company that has a relatively small number of employees and generates
lower revenue compared to larger companies.

Large Businesses. A company that has a large number of employees and generates higher
revenue compared to smaller companies.

Education and Training. Formal education and training that an individual has completed in
computer science, IT-related fields, or other relevant areas.

Work Experience. The length of time that an individual has been employed in a particular field
or industry, including relevant work experience in computer science or IT-related fields.

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