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 Buses:
Buses are one of the most popular transportation that most of the people use it, because it’s
more cheaper than taxis and you can almost go whenever you want with it. You pay 750
IQD for a person even though it was cheaper before but because of the gas and some other
things that got expensive also paying for buses increased, but in my opinion I think that’s
not a big deal. If you want to go to another city with buses it costs around 10,000 IQD that I
think it’s a good price.

 Taxis:
Taxis are one of the quickest ways to get around the city it’s better than buses especially if
you are in rush and you want to go to work or a meeting, taxis are better because it’s much
faster than buses. But it’s kind of expensive, normally you pay around 4000 IQD but it
depends on how distance the place is because if it’s more distance you have to pay more.
And if you want to go to another city with taxis, it’s more expensive than buses, I have never
tried it but I think it is.

 The Underground:
Unfortunately, In Kurdistan we don’t have the underground but I think it’s one of the best
transportation, Because it’s safer than the other transportations especially for employees
and those who are going to work in the morning.

 Bikes:
Bikes are also one of the best ways to get around the city but it’s not that safe at all,
Because we don’t really have any cycle lanes, even though it’s one of the healthiest
transportation but unfortunately not that much people use it in our country. you can also cut
corners and things like that with it.

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