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Answer the following guide questions listed below. Be brief and concise as much as possible.

1. How is technology a mode of revealing?

Ans: Technology is often seen as a mode of revealing because it uncovers or brings to light
aspects of the world that were previously hidden or unknown. This can be seen in various ways:
● Information Access: Technology can reveal information that was previously difficult to
access or understand. For example, the internet has made it possible to access vast
amounts of information from around the world in an instant.
● Communication: Technology reveals new ways of communicating and connecting with
others. Social media platforms, for example, have revealed new forms of social
interaction and connection.
However, it’s important to note that the revealing nature of technology is not always positive. It
can also reveal challenges and issues, such as privacy concerns or the potential for misuse.
Therefore, it’s crucial to consider the ethical implications of technology as a mode of revealing.

2. Why should technology be questioned?

Ans: Questioning technology helps us stay up to date on the latest developments in technology,
both from a personal and organizational perspective. It’s a crucial part of engaging with and
understanding the technological world around us.

3. How is the questioning the piety of thought?

Ans: Martin Heidegger claims in his book "The Question Concerning Technology" that
questioning is the piety of thought. It is because the more we question things, the more we
think about them and learn new things about them. Because we continue to question out of
interest, questioning serves as thought's piety. We are still seeking and discovering the meaning
of truth.

4. How does art provide a way out of enframing?

Ans: Enframing, as a concept introduced by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, refers to
a mode of revealing in which things are made interpretable only in terms of their use, efficiency,
and functionality. This is often associated with the essence of modern technology. Art activates
human sensitivity and uses imagination to see things the way they are, which is part of poiesis.
It allows us to perceive things not just for their utility but for their inherent qualities and beauty.
In this sense, art reveals things as they are in themselves, as opposed to revealing them in terms
of their use or functionality. So, through art, we can escape the essence of modern technology
because art changes our understanding of things from one of standing reserve (a resource to be
used) to one of truth. It helps us appreciate the world in its richness and complexity, beyond
mere utility

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