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College is an ocean. It’s either you sink or you’ll help yourself and swim. It is a battle

between me and myself, and me with my degree. Will I finish it or will it finish me. I’m tired

in school and tired in everything and I want to take some rest. During our class discussion

about life of St. Augustine ,theres a beautiful quote from him says “Our hearts are restless

until it they rest in you”, human as we are we will always be restless because there is a little

void in our hearts that only God can feel and in times of restlessness or emptiness always

remember that all of these will lead us closer to the Lord, when we were tired, when we want

to be filled again, let us go back to the lord , let us always remember that all of these will

direct us closer to him. Our longings and our restlessness be put reminder that only God can

fill our emptiness and answer to all of our longings and desires and He alone give us true rest

and comfort. So as my journey into this life may I be comforted by the fact that God alone

can give us all of these things and not the world and be aware that He is here present and is

willing to give me comfort and true rest.

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