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Multi-Server hailing ride app

Final Year Project Proposal

Project ID: _______________________

S# Name Registration #/Roll #/Section Mobile # E-Mail

1. Muhammad Faraz Ahmed Fa20/BSIT/072 03096613172

2. Muhammad zohaib Sarwar Fa20/BSIT/074 03498472135

Supervised by:
Sabir Abass (Senior Lecturer) ___________________ (Signature)

Zainab Ghazanfar (Lecturer) ___________________ (Signature)


MAY 2023
Department of Information Technology
Lahore Garrison University

Table of Contents
Project Title: Multi-Server Hailing Riding app..................................................................................
1.1 Introduction:..................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Motivation:.................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Problem Statement:...................................................................................................................3
1.4 Goals and Objective:.................................................................................................................3
1.5 Project Scope..............................................................................................................................4
1.6 Process Model............................................................................................................................4
1.7 Proposed Solution......................................................................................................................4
1.8 Nature of the Project.................................................................................................................4
1.10 Project Milestones and Deliverables.......................................................................................5

Project Title: Multi-Server Hailing Riding app
1.1 Introduction:
The ride-hailing industry has witnessed unprecedented growth in recent years, driven by a surge in
mobile technology adoption and a shift in consumer preferences. As our platform has grown to
accommodate millions of users, the limitations of our current infrastructure have become apparent.
This proposal outlines a strategic initiative to develop and implement a Multi-Server Ride-Hailing
System, positioning our platform as an industry leader in technological innovation and service

The ride-hailing industry has evolved from a convenience to a necessity for many urban dwellers. As
more users rely on our platform for their daily transportation needs, the importance of a scalable,
reliable, and responsive system becomes increasingly critical. Industry competitors are investing
heavily in technology to meet these demands and provide seamless experiences for their users.

1.2 Motivation:
Despite the success of our ride-hailing platform, the current system faces challenges that hinder its
ability to meet the growing demands effectively. Server overload during peak hours, occasional
downtimes, and limitations in scalability have been identified as critical issues impacting user
experience and overall system performance.

The ride-hailing industry is dynamic, with competitors constantly innovating to gain a competitive
edge. To remain at the forefront, our platform must not only address current challenges but also
anticipate future trends. The Multi-Server Ride-Hailing System is conceived as a strategic response to
these challenges, ensuring our platform remains a leader in the industry.

1.3 Problem Statement:

The existing ride-hailing system, while successful, has limitations that impact its overall performance.
Server overload during peak hours leads to latency issues, occasional downtimes, and a less than
optimal user experience. These limitations restrict our ability to efficiently cater to the growing
demand for our services.

User experience is paramount in the success of any ride-hailing platform. The identified limitations
impact user satisfaction, leading to frustration during peak hours and potential user attrition.
Addressing these limitations is not only a technical necessity but also a strategic move to maintain
and enhance user loyalty.

1.4 Goals and Objective:

1.4.1 Improving Scalability:
The primary goal of the Multi-Server Ride-Hailing System is to significantly improve the
scalability of our platform. By adopting a multi-server architecture, we aim to distribute the
load intelligently, ensuring optimal resource utilization even during peak hours.

1.4.2 Enhancing Reliability:

Reliability is key to user satisfaction and loyalty. This project seeks to enhance the reliability
of our platform by introducing redundancy and failover mechanisms. In the event of a server

failure, the system should seamlessly redirect traffic to healthy servers, ensuring
uninterrupted service.

1.5 Project Scope

To seamlessly integrate the multi-server architecture, modifications to the existing ride-hailing
application, built with React, are essential. The React components and state management will be
adapted to interact with the new multi-server backend. This phase will involve revising the
applications codebase to ensure compatibility and optimal performance within the new architecture.

Rigorous testing will be conducted to validate the functionality, performance, and user experience of
the modified application. This phase will include unit testing for React components, integration
testing for the entire application, stress testing to evaluate system scalability, and security
assessments to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

1.6 Process Model

Given the nature of the React framework and the need for continuous adaptation, an iterative and
incremental development model is chosen. This approach allows for continuous feedback,
adjustments, and the incorporation of new features or improvements as the project progresses.
React's component-based architecture aligns well with this model, facilitating modular development
and efficient updates

The iterative nature of the chosen process model allows for continuous feedback from users,
stakeholders, and the development team. Regular review cycles ensure that any challenges or
enhancements can be addressed promptly. This adaptability is crucial for a project of this scale and

1.7 Proposed Solution
The Multi-Server Ride-Hailing System, built with React, aims to provide a seamless and responsive
user interface. React's virtual DOM and component-based architecture will be leveraged to optimize
rendering and ensure a smooth user experience. The system will intelligently distribute ride requests
across multiple servers, enhancing overall platform reliability.

1.8 Nature of the Project

The implementation of the Multi-Server Ride-Hailing System with React represents a transformative
step towards ensuring the long-term competitiveness of our platform. React's efficient rendering,
virtual DOM, and component reusability contribute to a more responsive and user-friendly interface,
setting us apart in the competitive ride-hailing landscape.

1.9 Conclusion
In conclusion, the Multi-Server Ride-Hailing System with React addresses the identified limitations of
the current system. The motivation to enhance scalability, improve reliability, implement dynamic
load balancing, achieve horizontal scalability, and facilitate real-time communication underscores
our commitment to providing a superior ride-hailing experience. Ultimately, the Multi-Server Ride-
Hailing System with React is a testament to our commitment to user satisfaction and continuous

. By addressing current challenges and anticipating future needs, we are laying the groundwork for a
ride-hailing platform that not only meets but exceeds user expectations.

1.10 Project Milestones and Deliverables

This is the Gantt chart of our project.

Figure 1. Gantt chart

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