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Childern :Forced-Labor

Free them to achieve

their dreams
Stop Child Labor
Done by:Maya Daher
I. Definition of child labor
II. Cause of child labor
III. Treatment
IV. People prespective
V. My Own View
VI. Conclusion
I. Definition of child labor

Forced child labor is when children are made to work

under the threat of violence or other forms of punishment,
or when they are abducted and forced to work against
their will. It is a form of modern-day slavery and is illegal in
most countries.
II. Causes of child labor

Why does child labor happen?

Here are some of the causes:
I. poverty
II. lack of acess to quality education
III. cultural tradition
IV. Natural disasters & climate change
V. Social inequality
III. Treatment

How to stop child labor?

I. Providing educational services to enhance teaching
II. Providing support for parents to improve their incomes
and food security so that children don’t need to work
III. Advocating for national child labor laws and their
IV. People perspective

People have different perspectives on child labor,

depending on their cultural, social, and economic
backgrounds. However, most people agree that child
labor is harmful and exploitative, and that it's important to
work towards ending this practice. It's important to listen
to the voices of those who are affected by child labor
and to work towards creating solutions that address the
root causes of this issue.
V. My own view

For my opinion I believe that child labor is a serious

violation of children's rights and a major barrier to their
development and well-being. It is unacceptable that
millions of children around the world are forced to work in
dangerous and exploitative conditions. It is important that
we work together to address the root causes of child
labor and to ensure that all children have the opportunity
to reach their full potential.
VI. Conclusion

To wrap up, child labor is a complex issue with many

underlying cause and it harms a child's social and mental
development, reduces their ability to enjoy their
childhood. It's essential to work towards addressing these
causes to help and protect the living being of millions of
children around the world.

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