Ch. 3 Advanced Features of Word Processor: Jump Start

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3 Advanced Features of Word Processor

Let’s Learn

to add header and footer in a document

to format text in columns

to insert column and page break in a document

to create a table and enter data in it

to add or remove rows and columns from a table

to merge multiple cells of a table into a single cell

to split a cell into multiple cells

to format a table

Jump Start

Given below are some images of word processing documents. Tick the image
which looks more organised and attractive, according to you. Also give the
reason for the same.


Student Name English Maths Science

Student English Maths Science
Ashish 76 88 87
Ashish 76 88 87
Radha 87 98 97
Radha 87 98 97
Ramesh 77 77 85
Ramesh 77 77 85

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Ch. 3 Advanced Features of Word Processor

We know that word processor is a type of software that allows us to create, edit, save

and print documents. It is used in offices, schools to create documents, timetables and

so on. While creating the above documents, it is very important these are convenient

for the users to read and understand.

We have already learnt to use some of the formatting features of MS Word. We will

now learn additional features of MS Word that will help us to create more organised

and attractive documents.

Page Properties

Page properties refer to features such as header or footer, page orientation, margins,

size, etc. Let us see how we can use these features in MS Word 2016

Header and Footer

It is used to add titles, page numbers, icons, symbols and graphics that need to be

repeated across all pages of the document. The content placed in the header section

appears at the top of every page in the top margin while that in the footer appears at

the bottom of each page in the bottom margin. A header is mainly used to display the

title, company logo, author name or chapter name of a document while a footer is

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Ch. 3 Advanced Features of Word Processor
used to display page number, creation date and time or copyright information of the



Steps to insert header and footer

Step 1: Click the Insert tab from the Ribbon.

Step 2: Select the Header command from the Header & Footer group. A Built-in drop-

down menu appears.

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Step 3: Click the type of header that you wish to add to your

document. The selected header area will be added to your


Similarly, you can select the desired footer by clicking the

Footer command from the Header & Footer group in the

Insert tab. A footer area will be added in the document.

Column Formatting

You must have observed that text in

newspapers, magazines or journals are

arranged in several columns. We can also

arrange the text in an MS Office document

in a similar manner.

To divide the text into columns

Step 1: In the Layout tab, click the Columns option to display the

Column menu

Step 2: Select the Two option to format the text

in the document into two columns. Similarly, you can select the

Three option to format the text into three columns.

To divide the text into more than three columns, select the More

Columns option from the menu. A Columns dialog box appears

as shown.

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Step 3: In the Number of columns tab,

enter the number of columns you want to

divide the text into or click the up arrow

accordingly and click OK.

The selected text gets divided into the

specified number of columns.

Page orientation
Orientation refers to the layout of the paper while

printing. You can set the orientation of a page to either

Portrait or Landscape mode.

Portrait – The document is printed vertically across the


Landscape – The document is printed horizontally across the page.

To set page orientation

Step 1: Click the Orientation command from

the Layout tab, to display the

Orientation menu.

Step 2: Select the Portrait or

Landscape option from the drop-down menu. The selected page

orientation is applied to the document.

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Learning by doing
Create a newsletter in Word with a minimum of three articles describing the activities
held during the school annual day function.
It must be in the following format:

 The Newsletter title should be font size 25 and must be inserted in the header.

 The Year and Month should be font size 20 and must be inserted in the footer.

 The title of each article is left aligned with a font size 18.

 The article text should be font size 14 and aligned to the left.

 Each article must be around 200-300 words each.

 All articles should be into two columns

 Themargin
author names should be bold, italic and aligned to the right with font size 11.
Page margin is the blank space around the edges of a page. The default page margin

in Word is 1 inch.

To set a page margin, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Click the Margins command in

the Layout tab to display the Margin

drop-down menu.

Step 2: Select the Normal option to set the Left, Right,

Top and Bottom margin of the document to 1 inch.

Step 3: To change the margins, click the Custom

Margins option from the Margin menu. A Page Setup

dialog box appears.

Step 4: Set the desired Left, Right, Top and Bottom

margin and click OK. The page will now appear with the

new margins

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Page size
Before printing a document, you can select the size of the paper on which the printing

will be done.

To select the page size

Step 1: Click the Size command in the Layout tab, to

display the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Select a predefined page size.

Step 3: To set your own page size, select the More

Paper Sizes…. option. A Page Setup dialog box


Step 4: Select the Paper size from the drop-down menu.

Step 5: Specify appropriate values in the Width and

Height box and click OK.

Gutter position

When a document is to be a part of a

bound book, a gutter will be needed.

The gutter is an area outside the

margins that is used to bind the book

together. The Gutter is set in the same

way, in the Margin section of the

window. The gutter can be placed to

the left or top of the page, depending

upon the type of binding.

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Ch. 3 Advanced Features of Word Processor
Paragraph Properties
Paragraph properties refer to features such as line spacing, indentation, page break,

avoiding widows and orphans, etc.

Widows and Orphans

Sometimes, the last line of a

paragraph may appear at the

beginning of the next page. This line

is known as a widow.

Similarly, when you begin a new paragraph at the

bottom of a page, only one line can be

accommodated on that page, while the remaining

paragraph goes onto the next page. This first line of

the paragraph at the bottom of the page or column

is called an orphan.

It is always good to avoid creating a widow or orphan in a document. It can be done

by enabling the Widow/Orphan control in MS Office Word. This option is enabled by

default in MS Word.

To view or enable the Widow/Orphan control in MS Word

Step 1: Click the dialog box launcher in the Paragraph group

of the Home tab. A Paragraph dialog box appears.

Step 2: You can enable the control by

checking the Widow/Orphan control

under the Pagination section of the Line

and Page Breaks tab and then click OK.

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Page break
While typing text, when there is no more space available on a page, the cursor moves

to the next page and the remaining text gets typed on the next page. In this case, a

page break is automatically inserted when we reach the end of the page. However, you

can also insert a page break manually at a desired position in the document.

Column break
Similar to the page break that sends the text after the cursor to the next page, a column

break sends the text after the cursor to the beginning of the next column.
To apply Page/Column break
Step 1: Place the cursor where you want to apply the break

and click the Layout tab from the Ribbon.

Step 2: Select the Breaks command from the Layout tab.

A drop down menu appears.

Step 3: Select the type of break required and click OK. The

desired break gets applied to the document.

Learning by Doing
Type a few lines on your favorite hobbies in a Word document.

Format it using the following guidelines

 Set the Page margins to 3.00 cm

 Set appropriate Column/Page break to avoid widows and orphans.

 Replace the word ‘Hobby’ with ‘activities’ throughout the document.

A table is a tool that is used to present a collection of related data in rows and columns.

It presents the data in a structured way and helps to compare and analyse information.

For example, a list of students with their details can be arranged in a table as shown


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Creating a table

To create a Table in MS Word, perform the following steps.

Step 1: Position the cursor where you want to create a table in the

document and click the Insert tab.

Step 2: Select Insert →Table option. The Insert Table dialog box


Step 3: Set the number of rows and

columns using the up and down

arrows, or type the same in the rows and columns

boxes and click OK.

A table gets added at the cursor position with the

specified number of rows and columns.

Editing a Table

Editing refers to entering data, inserting and deleting additional rows and columns in

the table.

Entering data in the table

Click the cell where you want to enter the data and start typing the data. The first row

can be used for specifying column headings. You can navigate through the cells using

the arrow or tab keys of your keyboard.

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A sample table is given below.

Name Roll No. Grade

Ashish 1 V

Madhav 8 VII

Amie 15 VI

Inserting rows

You can insert additional rows in the existing table at the end of the table by pressing

the Tab key when the cursor is positioned in the last cell. You can also insert rows

between two rows of a table by following the given steps.

Step 1: Click a cell above or below the position where you want to insert a row and

right click. A list of option appears.

Step 2: Select the Insert option. Click the Insert Rows Above option to add a row


the selected row. Click the Insert Rows Below

option to add a row below the selected row.

Inserting columns

Similar to rows, you can also insert columns in the existing table.

Step 1: Click a cell to the left or right of the position where you want to insert a column.

Step 2: Select Insert option. Click the Insert Columns to the left option to add a

column to the left of the selected column. Click the Insert Columns to the right option

to add a column to the right of the selected column.

Deleting rows or columns

Sometimes you may need to remove a row or column from the table that is not

required. You can delete a row or column from a table using the given steps.

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Step 1: Select the rows or columns to be deleted and right-click.

Step 2: Select the Delete cells option to delete the selected rows

or columns from a table. A Delete cells dialog box appears.

Step 3: Select Delete entire row or Delete entire columns to

delete the selected rows or columns from the table. The selected

rows or columns will get deleted from the table.

Deleting the entire table

Step 1: Select the entire table and right-click. A list of options appears.

Step 2: Click the Delete Table option from the list. The selected table will be deleted
from the document.

Learning by doing

Create the following table using Word Processor and perform the following tasks.

1) Add a new column between the column ’10-12’ and ‘2-4’ and give the title as’12-2’.
2) Insert the data as ‘Hindi’ and ‘Science’ in the second and third row of the column.
3) Add 2 new rows after the first row ‘Date’.
4) Enter the data ‘15th May’, ’English’, ’Mathematics’, ’Science’ in the first row and ‘16th
May’, ‘Hindi’, ‘Science’, ‘Mathematics’ in the second row of the table.

Formatting a table
Adding borders and shading

You can select and apply different border styles to your table. You can also change the

background of a row, column or entire table.

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Ch. 3 Advanced Features of Word Processor
Adding borders and changing the table background can improve the readability of the

information contained in it. It highlights important parts of the table and makes the

table more attractive. You can set borders or shading for the entire table or a group of

cells within the table.

To apply table border

Step 1: Select the table or group of cells to which

you wish to apply the border and right click.

Step 2: Click the Table Properties option. The

Table Properties dialog box appears.

Step 3: In the Table tab, click the Borders and

Shading option. A Borders and Shading dialog

box appears.

Step 4: You can now set the

border by using the border

components given below.

Settings: It is used to decide

the edges of the table whose

border has to be changed.

Style - It is used to select the

style of the border.

Color – It is used to select the color of the border.

Width - It is used to select the thickness of the border.

Preview– It is used to view the look of the final table before the changes are applied

to the table.

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You can view the final table using the Preview option and click OK. The desired border

will be applied to the selected table or group of cells in the table.

To apply shading to a table

MS Word allows you to add background

colour to the table. You can set a

background for the table using the steps

given below:

Step 1: Select the table or group of cells

to which you wish to apply a background

colour and right-click.

Step 2: Click the Table Properties

option. The Table Properties dialog box


Step 3: In the Table tab, click the Borders and

Shading option. A Borders and Shading dialog

box appears.

Step 4: In the Shading tab, select the desired Fill

and Pattern for your table. You can view the

selected changes in the Preview and click OK. The

desired background colour will be applied to the


Learning by doing
Create the following table using MS Word. Apply borders and shading as shown below.

Name Age Roll No Grade

Ashish 15 09 X
Nikhil 14 02 IX

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Ch. 3 Advanced Features of Word Processor
Splitting and merging cells

Sometimes you may require designing more complex

tables. You may need to join two adjacent cells or divide a

cell into two or more cells. MS Word provides us options

such as merge and split for joining and dividing the cells

of a table.

To join cells into a single cell

Step 1: Select the cells to be merged.

Step 2: Under the Table Tools → Layout tab and select the

Merge Cells command. The selected cells are merged into

a single cell.

To divide a cell into two or more cells

Step 1: Place the cursor in the cell that you want

to split.

Step 2: Select the Split Cells option from the

Merge group in the Layout tab.

Step 3: A Split Cells dialog box appears. A cell can be split

either horizontally to create more rows or vertically to

create more columns. Select the number of rows and

columns into which you want to divide the cell and click

OK. The cell will be split into the specified number of rows

and columns.

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Changing the row height and column width

There might be a case when you require different widths for different columns because

the data width in each column may differ. You can adjust the height of the row and

width of the column in several ways. The easiest way to adjust it is by using the mouse


Place the mouse pointer on the edge or border

of the cell whose height or width you wish to


When the cursor changes to a double-headed

arrow, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the border to get the required

width or height.

You can also change the column width and row height by using the AutoFit command

from the Layout tab under Table Tools menu.

Selecting Table Tools →Layout → AutoFit offers the following

resizing options.

 The AutoFit Contents option adjusts the column width

automatically to fit the content of the cell.

 The AutoFit Window option adjusts the table width

automatically to fit the content of the cell.

 If you do not want to adjust the table or column width

automatically, you can select the Fixed Column Width option

to turn AutoFit off.

Word Galaxy

orientation Landscape Portrait widow orphan

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Ch. 3 Advanced Features of Word Processor
Let’s Summarise

Let’s Exercise

1. Fill in the blanks.

a) The content placed in the ________________ section appears at the top of every

page in a Word document.

b) The last line of a typed paragraph that appears at the top of next page in MS

Word is known as ________________.

c) The________________ tool in a word processor is used to present a collection of

related data in rows and columns.

d) The________________ command in Borders tab is used to decide the edges of the

table whose border has to be changed.

2. Answer the following questions.
a) Rama wants to add a title at the top of every page in the document and page

number at the bottom of every page in her MS Word document. Which

command will help her do the same?

b) Describe the use of Page Orientation.

c) Explain the terms widow and orphan in a MS Word document.

d) Explain the border components used to set the borders of a table.

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e) Pravin is working on a Word document. He needs to perform the following

tasks. Describe how he will go about it.

i. Insert a picture on top of every page

ii. Organize the data in rows and columns

Lab Activity

1. Create a table to display the sales report of five customers of a shop as shown

below. Perform the following tasks on this table.

 Insert a column before Order Date field, and specify the column heading as

Order Number.

 Merge the fields Item and Units and specify the column heading as


 Change the page orientation to Landscape if the existing page orientation is

Portrait and vice versa.

2. Your exams are nearing soon. Using MS Word, create a study timetable to

prepare for your exams.

Smart Challenge

Conduct research to find the different software that are used to create tables and
documents similar to MS Word.

Web Link


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