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Risk assessment number:- Location:- Date:-

Linked documentation :-
Overall category of risk LOW MEDIUM HIGH Reduced to low as reasonable practicable YES :-  No :-

No Controls in place with Controls in place

Hazard Description and Effect HS LH RR Controls Required HS LH RR
Failure of equipment being Test load to be applied slowly, do not stand
5 5 H 3 2 M
tested Death under load, radio contact with crane driver
Manual Handling / Back or hand Tag lines to be used, Cranes or Forklift shall be
5 4 H 3 1 L
injury used to move Weights
Designated area for testing using Barriers and
Crane Operations Death 3 4 M 3 1 L
Designated Banks man/ slingers, Minimum 2
Swing Loads Death 5 3 H 3 1 L
man work party, Tag lines to be used
Underground Hazards i.e. Designated area to be assigned by site owner.
4 4 H 4 2 L
Electrical cables, sewage drains Used spreader pads
Falling Objects 4 4 H Warning Signs and Barriers to be erected 3 1 L
Weather , Strong Winds 5 3 H Adhere to Operators / Manufactures guidelines 3 1 L
Illumination, Darkness, Personal Area of test to be well illuminated prior to test
4 4 H 3 1 L
Oil or Fuel leak, Environmental Drip trays to be used to contain oil / fuel
4 4 H 3 2 M
Load test operations 4 4 H Minimum two man operation 3 1 L
Crane Operations 4 4 H High visibility vests to be worn by all 3 1 L
Moving Test weights Hand / Designated person to be in charge of equipment
4 4 H 4 2 M
Back injury movements / minimum of 2 personnel

Lloyds British Testing Ltd.

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Hazard Initial Risk Controls Residual Risk

Hazard Description Hazard Likelihood Risk rating Hazard Severity Likelihood Risk rating
Persons at risk Controls required
and effect Severity (HS) (LH) (RR) (HS) (LH) (RR)

Describe all hazards, All personnel within From matrix From matrix Classify risk Describe fully all controls applicable for From matrix From matrix Classify risk
identified and their the work party, identify identify Rating from each hazard, if controls can be verified identify severity identify Rating from
effect for each task. Include people severity with severity with matrix for by documentation then it must be with controls in severity with matrix for
Additional hazards outside the work no control in no controls in each hazard available, All controls must be valid in place for each controls in each hazard
may be caused by party who may be place for each place for each that they reduce severity, likelihood or hazard place for each
interaction with affected hazard hazard Both hazard
other work

Risk Ratings (based on Likelihood and Severity)

Hazard Severity index
1 2 3 4 5
5 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5
4 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5
Likelihoo 3 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5
2 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5
1 1,1 1,2 1.3 1,4 1,5

HIGH Control measure must be introduced to reduce the

degree of risk prior to the activity / process proceeding
MEDIUM Activity / process can continue, but additional controls
may need to be introduced to further reduce the risk

Lloyds British Testing Ltd.

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LOW Risk is being adequately controlled, but further controls

measures may further reduce the risk

Hazard serverity index Likelihood index Environment index

Index description N index description index description for effects on the enviroment
5 Death 5 Highly probable 5 Major Consequence
4 Major injury 4 Probable 4 High Consequence
3 Unfit for Normal duties for more than 3 days 3 Possible 3 Moderate Consequence
2 Unfit for Normal duties for less than 3 days 2 Unlikely 2 Limited Consequence
1 Minor injury 1 Highly unlikely 1 Minimal Consequence

Senior Engineer name:- Signature:- Date:-

Team Tool box Talk

All team members must sign to show they know the risks and procedures for the task in hand
Name Signature Name Signature

Lloyds British Testing Ltd.

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Customer Review:-
Review completed
Review date Comments OR Actions
(print name, sign )

Lloyds British Testing Ltd.

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