Marketing and Digital Future - Kulwinder Singh

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Marketing and Digital Future - Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream

Kulwinder Singh
MSc Management
University of Bedfordshire

Digital Marketing Plan for Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream in the United
Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

 2.1 Background and Product Overview

 2.2 Objectives of the Digital Marketing Plan

 2.3 Target Audience

3. Situation Analysis

 3.1 SWOT Analysis

 3.1.1 Pest analysis

 3.1.2 STP (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning)

 3.2 Competitor Analysis

4. Digital Marketing Strategies

 4.1 Social Media Marketing

 4.2 Content Marketing

 4.3 Email Marketing

 4.4 Influencer Marketing

 4.5 Community Engagement

5. Implementation Plan

 5.1 social media Posting Schedule

 5.2 Content Calendar

 5.3 Email Campaigns

 5.4 Influencer Collaborations

 5.5 Community Building Activities

6. Measurement and Analytics

 6.1 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

 6.2 Tools for Tracking and Analysis

7. Budget Allocation

8. Risk Assessment

9. Conclusion

10. References

1. Executive Summary

This comprehensive digital marketing plan outlines strategies to promote Ben & Jerry's ice cream in
the United Kingdom. It aims to enhance brand visibility, engage with the target audience, and
increase online sales. The plan encompasses Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email
Marketing, Influencer Marketing, and Community Engagement. The primary objectives are to
achieve a 15% growth in online sales and a 20% increase in brand awareness within the UK market.

2. Introduction

2.1 Background and Product Overview

Ben & Jerry's is a renowned ice cream brand known for its creative flavours and commitment to
social and environmental causes. In 2023, Ben & Jerry's introduced a limited-edition flavour, "Save
Our Swirled," aimed at raising awareness about climate change. To maintain its market position and
strengthen customer relationships in the UK, a robust digital marketing plan is imperative.

2.1.1 Market Research: -

This is a market research report about Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in the United Kingdom:

Ben & Jerry’s is a fancy ice cream brand established in 1978 by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield in
Vermont, USA. This brand is famous for its unique flavors, its focus on social and environmental
causes, and its fun marketing campaigns. Ben & Jerry’s is currently owned by Unilever, a big
company that makes lots of different consumer products.

Market Size and Growth

The UK ice cream market is worth about £1.7 billion in 2022, and people in the UK will buy about 365
million litters of ice cream. It's expected that the market will keep growing, with a rate of about 3%
in value and 0.5% in volume each year from 2018 to 2028. By 2028, the market should be worth
around £2.1 billion and people will be buying about 382 million litters of ice cream. The fancy ice
cream part of the market, which includes Ben & Jerry’s, is about 10% of the whole ice cream market,
and it's supposed to grow even faster at a rate of about 4.5% each year from 2018 to 2028.

Market Share and Competition

Ben & Jerry’s is the most popular brand when it comes to fancy ice cream tubs and blocks in the UK.
In 2021, it was estimated that about 6.1 million people used Ben & Jerry’s. This brand has about 29%
of the market in this part, which is more than its competitors like Carte D’Or by Unilever with 18%
and Haagen-Dazs with 16%. When it comes to ice cream bars, cones, sticks, and individual tubs, Ben
& Jerry’s is in second place. In 2021, about 10.7 million people used Ben & Jerry’s, while Magnum by
Unilever was in first place with 14.4 million users. Other famous brands like Kit Kat by Nestlé,
Snickers by Mars, and Flake by Cadbury also compete in this part of the market.

2.2 Objectives of the Digital Marketing Plan

The primary objectives of this digital marketing plan are:

 Increase brand awareness by 20% within the UK market.

 Achieve a 15% growth in online sales of Ben & Jerry's products.

 Build a loyal online community through active social media engagement.

 Promote the "Save Our Swirled" flavour and its associated climate change awareness

2.3 Target Audience

The target audience for Ben & Jerry's in the UK consists of:

 Ice cream enthusiasts of all age groups.

 Environmentally conscious consumers who support brands with a purpose.

 Existing Ben & Jerry's customers.

 Individuals seeking unique and socially responsible ice cream options.

3. Situation Analysis

3.1 SWOT Analysis


 Strong brand reputation for unique and innovative ice cream flavours.

 A history of commitment to social and environmental causes.

 A loyal customer base and a well-established presence.


 Premium pricing compared to some competitors.

 Limited differentiation in certain product lines.


 Growing demand for socially responsible brands.

 Expansion of e-commerce due to changing consumer behaviour.

 Collaborations with influencers and climate change awareness campaigns.


 Intense competition in the ice cream market.

 Economic uncertainties affecting consumer spending.

 Public relations challenges related to climate change messaging.

3.1.1 Pest analysis

PEST Analysis Report: Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream in the United Kingdom

Political Factors:

PEST analysis helps businesses evaluate external factors: political, economic, social, and
technological. Let's see how these factors affect Ben & Jerry's ice cream in the UK.

 Government Sugar Tax: In 2018, the UK imposed a sugar tax on soft drinks to reduce sugar
consumption and tackle obesity and diabetes. This tax might also affect ice cream, which is
high in sugar and calories. To follow the tax rules, Ben & Jerry's may need to change its
products or raise prices.

 Brexit Impact: The UK left the EU in 2020, causing uncertainties in trade and regulations.
While the UK and the EU have a trade deal to avoid tariffs, there are still issues like customs
checks and standards. Ben & Jerry's may face difficulties in sourcing ingredients and
exporting its products after Brexit.

Economic Factors:

 COVID-19 Impact: The COVID-19 pandemic hit the UK economy hard, causing a recession,
job losses, and reduced spending. The ice cream industry also suffered due to closed outlets
and fewer impulse purchases. To adapt to changing consumer behavior, Ben & Jerry's may
need to adjust distribution, marketing, and product offerings.

 Market Growth: The UK ice cream market is expected to grow, especially the premium
segment, where Ben & Jerry's belongs. They may have opportunities to grow by offering
unique products for this premium segment.

Social Factors:

 Health Consciousness: UK consumers are becoming more health-conscious, seeking low-fat,

low-sugar, low-calorie, high-protein, fiber-rich, and natural products. Ben & Jerry's may need
to create healthier alternatives like lactose-free, organic, vegan, or low-fat ice creams.

 Social Responsibility: UK consumers are socially and environmentally conscious and expect
brands to share their values. Ben & Jerry's is known for its social and environmental activism,
which is an advantage. However, they may also face criticism for their political or social
Technological Factors:

 Technological Advances: Technology has helped Ben & Jerry's improve product quality,
packaging, and efficiency. They use natural ingredients, recyclable materials, and renewable
energy. Technology also helps them create new ice cream variations that appeal to different

 Digital Marketing: Ben & Jerry's uses technology for marketing and customer engagement.
They promote their brand and products on digital and social media platforms, interact with
customers online, gather feedback, and sell products through e-commerce and delivery

3.1.2 STP

3.1.2 Ben & Jerry’s Market Segmentation

Geographic Segmentation

Geographic segmentation involves dividing the market based on geographical factors such as
location, climate, and population density. For Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in the UK, geographic
segmentation can be summarized as follows:

Urban vs. Rural: Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is more popular and readily available in urban areas
compared to rural regions. This is due to the higher concentration of retail outlets,
foodservice channels, and delivery services in urban areas. Urban consumers often have
higher disposable incomes and diverse tastes compared to their rural counterparts.
Consequently, Ben & Jerry’s should prioritize urban markets and tailor its products and
promotions accordingly.

Regions: The UK comprises four distinct regions - England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern
Ireland. Each of these regions has unique cultural and economic characteristics that
influence ice cream consumption patterns and preferences. For example, Scotland, with its
colder climate and lower population density, may have different demands and availability of
ice cream products compared to England. To address these regional variations, Ben & Jerry’s
should conduct in-depth market research to comprehend the specific preferences and
differences among its customers in various regions and adapt its products and marketing
strategies accordingly.

Cities: Within each region, different cities display variations in population size, income
levels, competitive landscapes, and consumer behaviours. For instance, London, as the
largest and most cosmopolitan city in the UK, has a diverse population with a strong demand
for premium ice cream products. However, it also faces intense competition from other ice
cream brands and substitutes. To effectively serve customers, Ben & Jerry’s should segment
its customers by city and formulate localized strategies to cater to their unique needs and
Demographic Segmentation

Demographic segmentation categorizes the market based on demographic characteristics

such as age, gender, income, education, family size, occupation, and lifestyle. For Ben &
Jerry’s ice cream in the UK, demographic segmentation can be explained as follows:

Age: Ben & Jerry’s ice cream appeals to a wide range of age groups, spanning from children
to adults. However, its primary target audience consists of young adults aged 18 to 34. This
age group is more inclined to be adventurous, socially conscious, and loyal to the brand. To
effectively engage this demographic, Ben & Jerry’s should design products and marketing
campaigns that resonate with them, offering innovative flavours, compelling social media
initiatives, and ethical messaging.

Gender: Ben & Jerry’s ice cream doesn't exhibit significant gender bias within its customer
base. Both men and women equally enjoy its products. However, specific flavours might be
more appealing to one gender over the other. For example, certain flavours may be more
popular among women due to their lighter and fruitier profiles. Consequently, Ben & Jerry’s
should consider gender preferences when developing new products and promotions.

Income: Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is considered a premium product, priced higher than typical
ice cream products. This implies that its customers tend to have higher income levels
compared to the average ice cream consumer. However, Ben & Jerry’s also attracts
customers willing to pay more for quality and to support social responsibility. To maintain its
premium positioning, Ben & Jerry’s should clearly communicate its value proposition to its

Education: Customers of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream typically have higher levels of education
compared to the average ice cream consumer. They are more likely to be socially and
environmentally aware, supporting brands that align with their values. Leveraging this
segmentation, Ben & Jerry’s should emphasize its social mission and impact in its products
and promotional efforts.

Family Size: Customers of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream tend to have smaller family sizes in
comparison to the average ice cream consumer. They are more likely to be singles, couples
without children, or have one or two children. These consumers are also more likely to
indulge in ice cream as a treat rather than consuming it as a family dessert. To cater to this
segment, Ben & Jerry’s should offer smaller pack sizes, individual portions, and indulgent

Psychographic Segmentation

Psychographic segmentation involves the categorization of the market based on

psychological and lifestyle traits. For Ben & Jerry's ice cream in the UK, psychographic
segmentation includes considerations of social consciousness, values, and lifestyle choices.

Social Consciousness

Ben & Jerry's has a strong reputation for its social and environmental activism. Customers
who are socially conscious, environmentally aware, and value brands that align with their
beliefs are particularly drawn to Ben & Jerry's. Leveraging this segment, Ben & Jerry's should
continue to emphasize its commitment to social causes and engage with these consumers
through its marketing campaigns.


Consumers who value ethical practices, fair trade, sustainability, and animal-friendly
products are inclined to choose Ben & Jerry's. The company should continue to
communicate and reinforce its values in its branding and marketing efforts to cater to this
segment effectively.

Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle choices such as vegetarianism and veganism are on the rise. Ben & Jerry's has
responded by offering non-dairy and vegan ice cream options, catering to consumers with
such dietary preferences. To serve this segment, Ben & Jerry's should continue to innovate
and expand its product lines.

Behavioural Segmentation

Behavioural segmentation divides the market based on consumers' behaviour and usage
patterns. For Ben & Jerry's ice cream in the UK, behavioural segmentation includes
considerations of benefits sought, loyalty, occasions, and usage rate.

Benefits Sought

Consumers may seek various benefits from ice cream, including indulgence, comfort, or
social bonding. Ben & Jerry's should continue to offer a variety of flavours and products that
cater to these different benefits.


Ben & Jerry's has a strong base of loyal customers. The company should continue to engage
with and reward these loyal customers through loyalty programs and personalized offers.


Consumers buy ice cream for different occasions, whether it's a family gathering or personal
indulgence. Ben & Jerry's should tailor its marketing campaigns and product offerings to
align with various consumption occasions.

Usage Rate

The frequency with which consumers purchase and consume ice cream can vary. Ben &
Jerry's should identify and segment consumers based on their usage rate, creating strategies
to encourage more frequent purchases.

3.2 Competitor Analysis

Key competitors in the UK ice cream market include Haagen-Dazs, Breyers, and Wall's. Haagen-Dazs
is known for premium ice cream, Breyers focuses on healthier alternatives, and Wall's offers a wide
range of traditional ice cream products.

4. Digital Marketing Strategies

4.1 Social Media Marketing

 Establish a strong presence on popular platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

 Run engaging campaigns showcasing Ben & Jerry's flavours and climate change initiatives.

 Conduct live product launches and Q&A sessions with customers.

4.2 Content Marketing

 Develop a comprehensive content strategy, including blog posts, videos, and infographics
highlighting Ben & Jerry's flavours and climate change mission.

 Collaborate with influencers for content creation and promotion.

 Encourage user-generated content, sharing creative ice cream recipes, and climate action

4.3 Email Marketing

 Create personalized and segmented email campaigns targeting existing customers.

 Send regular product updates, special offers, and stories about climate change initiatives.

 Implement A/B testing for email subject lines and content optimization.

4.4 Influencer Marketing

 Partner with food and lifestyle influencers who align with Ben & Jerry's values.

 Provide influencers with Ben & Jerry's products and unique flavour experiences.

 Collaborate on content creation, including recipes, reviews, and climate change awareness.
4.5 Community Engagement

 Develop and launch an online community platform or forum for ice cream enthusiasts and
climate change advocates.

 Organize virtual events such as climate change awareness webinars, ice cream tasting
parties, and contests.

 Encourage users to share their own ice cream creations and climate action stories within the

5. Implementation Plan

5.1 Social Media Posting Schedule

 Create a detailed social media content calendar with daily and weekly themes.

 Schedule posts for optimal engagement times based on platform analytics.

 Monitor comments and messages for timely responses and community engagement.

5.2 Content Calendar

 Develop a content calendar with planned blog post topics, video scripts, and infographic

 Collaborate with influencers for content creation and promotion on their channels.

 Consistently publish and promote content on social media platforms.

5.3 Email Campaigns

 Segment email lists based on user preferences, behaviors, and past interactions.

 Create automated email sequences for onboarding, product updates, and special

 Implement A/B testing for email subject lines and content to optimize open and click-
through rates.

5.4 Influencer Collaborations

 Identify and reach out to food and lifestyle influencers who resonate with Ben & Jerry's

 Provide influencers with Ben & Jerry's products and unique flavour experiences to generate
authentic content.
 Collaborate on content creation, including ice cream recipes, product reviews, and climate
change awareness.

5.5 Community Building Activities

 Develop and launch an online community platform or forum for ice cream enthusiasts and
climate change advocates.

 Organize virtual events, contests, and giveaways within the community to foster

 Regularly feature user-generated content on Ben & Jerry's official social media channels to
showcase creativity and climate impact.

6. Measurement and Analytics

6.1 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

 Website traffic metrics, including unique visitors and pageviews.

 Conversion rate tracking for online sales and email sign-ups.

 Email marketing performance metrics, such as open rates and click-through rates.

 Social media engagement metrics, including likes, comments, shares, and follower growth.

 Community engagement metrics, such as the number of active users, discussions, and
contributions within the community platform.

6.2 Tools for Tracking and Analysis

 Google Analytics for website traffic and conversion tracking.

 MailChimp for email marketing analytics.

 Hootsuite and Sprout Social for social media management and analytics.

7. Budget Allocation

Table: Budget Allocation for Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital Marketing Activity Budget Allocation

Social Media Marketing £50,000

Digital Marketing Activity Budget Allocation

Content Marketing £30,000

Email Marketing £20,000

Influencer Marketing £40,000

Community Engagement £10,000

Tools and Analytics Software £5,000

Total Budget £155,000

8. Risk Assessment

 Public relations risks related to social and environmental causes.

 Economic uncertainties affecting consumer spending.

 Intense competition in the ice cream market.

 Evolving consumer preferences and health trends.

9. Conclusion

This digital marketing plan outlines a comprehensive strategy to promote Ben & Jerry's ice cream in
the UK market. By leveraging social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing,
influencer collaborations, and community engagement, Ben & Jerry's aims to achieve its objectives
of increased brand awareness, online sales, and customer engagement. The plan includes detailed
implementation steps, measurement strategies, and budget allocation to ensure effective execution.

10. References

1. Ben & Jerry's. (2023). Flavors. Ice Cream Flavors | Ben & Jerry’s (

2. Sugar Tax what does it mean for consumers? BBC News Sugar tax is already producing
results - BBC News

3. Brexit what trade deals has UK done so far? BBC Brexit: What trade deals has the UK done so
far? - BBC News

4. Ice Cream Production in the UK - Market Size | IBISWorld Ice Cream Production in the UK -
Market Size, Industry Analysis, Trends and Forecasts (2023-2028)| IBISWorld
5. United Kingdom (UK) Ice Cream Market Size | GlobalData United Kingdom (UK) Ice Cream
Market Size and Trend Analysis by Categories and Segment, Distribution Channel, Packaging
Formats, Market Share, Demographics and Forecast, 2021-2026 (

6. Demographics of the United Kingdom – Wikipedia Demography of the United Kingdom -


7. Consumer Behavior: The Psychology of Marketing The Psychology of Consumer Buying

Behavior: Understanding How and Why People Buy (

8. Market Segmentation: Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic & More The Target Market
for Ice Cream: Who Buys It and Why | AMPLIFY XL

9. The Ice Cream Market in the UK – Statista Ice cream and frozen desserts in the UK - statistics
& facts | Statista

10. UK Ice Cream Market Report - Market Size, Forecast & Growth UK Ice Cream Market Report -
Market Size, Forecast & Growth (

11. Statista. (2022). Ice Cream Market in the UK. Ice cream market value by segment 2022 |

12. HubSpot. (n.d.). Email Marketin. Marketing Software for Businesses of Every Size | HubSpot

13. Social Media Today. (n.d.). Social Media Engagement. How to Create a Social Media Content
Strategy | Social Media Today

14. Influencity. (n.d.). Influencer Marketing Platform. The Complete Influencer Marketing
Platform | Influencity

15. Vanilla Forums. (n.d.). Community Engagement Software. Higher Logic Vanilla | Top
Customer Community Software

16. Google Analytics. (n.d.). Web Analytics Service. Analytics (

17. MailChimp. (n.d.). Email Marketing Platform. Marketing, Automation & Email Platform |

18. Hootsuite. (n.d.). Social Media Management Tool. Social Media Marketing and Management
Tool (

19. Sprout Social. (n.d.). Social Media Management and Analytics Platform. Sprout Social: Social
Media Management Solutions

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