Positioning Guidelines

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Positioning Guidelines: For competitive brand positioning two issues must be considered.

These are__ Defining and communicating the competitive frame of reference and Choosing and establishing POP and POD A. Defining and communicating the competitive frame of reference: Category membership is first priority in defining and communicating competitive frame of reference. Category membership refers with which products or sets of products does the brand compete. What types of benefit or goal might be achieve by using a product or service, category membership identified it. For highly established products and services category membership is not so important. Customers are aware that Bata is a leading brand of shoes. In case of new product category membership is so important to inform the customer. When Aarong was first introduced it could have been positioned as a brand of cloths. But now Aarong offers new product and services such as Aarong milk, jewelery, bag, shoe and so on. Its competitive frame of reference will continue to evolve. Sometimes consumers know a brand category membership but may not be convinced the brand is a true, valid number of the category. For example, consumer may be aware about that Apex Pharma produces medicine but they may not be certain whether Apex Pharma medicines are in the same "class" as Beximco Pharma or Square. In this case it might be useful to reinforce category membership. Brands are sometimes affiliated with categories in which they do not hold membership rather than with the one in which they do. This approach is a viable way to highlight a brand's point of difference from competitors, provided that consumers know the brand's actual membership. For new products, separate marketing programs are generally needed to inform consumer of membership and to educate them about a brand point of difference. For brands with limited resources the development of a marketing strategy that established category membership prior to one that states point of difference. Concurrent marketing program occurs when greater resources are available. Ways of category membership: There are three ways to convey brand's category membership. These are__ 1. Communicating category benefits 2. Comparing to exemplars 3. Relying on product descriptors.

1. Communicating category benefits: It focuses that a brand will deliver the fundamental reason for using a category. Marketers frequently use benefits to announce category membership. Example, GP might claim to have high network coverage and cheap call rate and show user delighting in its consumption. 2. Comparing to exemplars: Well known, noteworthy brand in a category can also be used to specify a brand category membership. For example, some hands made product from BSIC get a position on self of renowned brand Aarong. 3. Product descriptor: Relying on product descriptor that follows the brand name is often a very compact means of conveying category origin. For example, Unilever have changed its name Unilever Bangladesh in our country. For new technological product descriptor is so critical. Establishing brand positioning category membership is not so effective. Consumer confusion may arise if many firms engage in category building tactics. A sound positioning strategy requires not only the category but also how the brand dominates other members of its category marketers have to specify. B. Choosing point of difference: Desirability criteria and deliverability criteria have to be considered in choosing POD. POD has the potential to become a strong favorable and unique brand association if both these consideration are satisfied. 1. Desirability Criteria: Marketers must assess from a consumer perspective and desirability criteria. These are_ Relevance: Target consumer must find the POD personally relevant and important. For example, All clear shampoo by Unilever must specify whether it will clear dandruff or something else. Distinctiveness: Distinctive and superior POD must be found by target consumers. IF there are established brand marketers want to enter into the market, the challenge is to find a viable basis for differentiation. Sometimes the point of difference dominates its competition but that is not important to consumer. Example, Homeopathy has found limited response to claim that this medicine take long time to cure. Most consumer place more importance on fast relief than long lasting relief. So Allopathic is superior to cure. Believability: In case of choosing a brand over the competing brand, the brand must offer a competing and credible reason for choosing it. That is the unique attributes of the brand. Example, GP argues that it has more network coverage than

other network. When the POP is abstract support for the claim may inside in more general associations to company that have brand developed over time. 1. Deliverability criteria: Three deliverability criteria are__ Feasibility: The product and marketing must be design in a way to support the question that is, can the firm actually create the POD? Unaware customer about the brand fact convinced easily. Communicability: Communicability is consumers' perceptions of the brand and the resulting brand associations. Consumers' who are aware about the product, it is very difficult to create an association that is not consistent with existing consumer knowledge. Sustainability: Internal commitment and use of resources as well as external market forces affects brand sustainability. Example, Squares strategy for leadership in the pharmaceutical sectors, in part, is to enter smaller markets where a second major competitor might be unlikely to enter as Popular pharma Three considerations for developing positioning with three perspective, any brand must be evaluated, namely the consumer, the company, the competition. Desirability is determined from the consumer point of view, deliverability criteria are based on a company inherent capabilities and differentiation is determined relative to the competition.

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