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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Fourth Quarter Examination

DIRECTION: Read and analyze the given questions/statement. Choose and write the letter of your BEST choice.
1. It is a set of questions used to gather information in a survey.
a. Questionnaire b. Interview c. Research paper d. Survey
2. It summarizes the content that researchers cover during interviews.
a. Interview-guide b. Summary c. Research paper d. Data
3. It is the product of careful or diligent inquiry into the subject for the purpose of interpreting facts and then presenting
them to a reader.
a. Research paper b. Introduction c. Conclusion d. Thesis statement
4. A student forgets the source of the copied material and creates a fictional author’s name.
a. Plagiarism b. Forgery c. Copyright d. Duplication
5. In a research paper, which one is not a benefit?
a. Develop self-discipline in the process.
b. Give the feeling to master a certain subject and become an expert on the subject.
c. Treasure knowledge, and other’s contributions to building up that knowledge.
d. Exercise the power of sharing the knowledge on the subject.
6. It presents background information, scope and focus of the research paper.
a. Introduction b. Body c. Thesis Statement d. Hook statement
7. It refers to the restrictions in a study that may decrease the credibility of the research findings.
a. Limitations b. Scope c. Methodology d. Design

II. The following are non-English abbreviations used in research. Give the literal meanings of the given
8. e.g. a. and other things
9. et. al b. for an example
10. ib/ibid c. and other
d. in the same place

11. An _______ is a detailed specification of how one would go about measuring a given variable.
a. Operational Definition c. Expanded Definition
b. Technical Definition d. Summary
12. A _______ is a definition in communication describing or explaining technical terminology.
a. Technical Definition c. Expanded Definition
b. Operational Definition d. Summary
III. Identify the operational definition and technical definition of the given word/s.

13- 14. Thirst A. Eight hours without access to water

B. Distressful feeling caused by a desire or need for water
15.- 16. Sleep A. Specific brain wave frequencies for different deep stages.
B. A recusing condition of rest, no conscious thought, eyes
17.- 18. Intelligence A. Score on the IQ test
B. Ability to learn or understand from experience
19.- 20. Sanctuary A. A place where something or someone is given shelter
B. A sacred place or a sacred home as to a shrine.
Complete each sentence with the correct word or group of words.
21. A masterpiece is a ________of outstanding artistry, skill or workmanship.
a. work b. skill c. talent d. art
22. Speed is a ____________that marks our time.
a. concept b. notion c. motion d. none
23. The opposite meaning of the word FREICE is
a. fame b. aggressive c. savage d. vicions
24. Restless “hunters of fun” crowd into places of entertainment. Restless means___________
a. uneasy b. calm c. peaceful d. quiet
25. The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.
a. be degraded b. over thinking c. calm down d. keep quiet
26. They gilp their food and swallow it in haste. The words that are (the same in) synonymous are
a. gulp- swallow
b. gulp- haste
c. swallow- haste
d. gulp- food
27. The newest type of a car is the fastest automobile in town while the old (car) model is the slowest,
a. fastest- slowest
b. newest- fastest
c. newest- slowest
d. car- fastest
28. The talks had been amicable and there were grounds for optimism. Optimism is__________
a. hope b. peace c. love d. unity
29. An___________tries to illustrate and /or explain a word, thing or concept.
a. ED b. OP c. TO d. vocabulary
30. An extended definition can be “as short as a paragraph or as long as several hundred pages”.
a. true b. false c. cant be d. no answer

Choose the correct verb form of the given sentences.

31. Heroes are those who commit an act of remarkable bravery or ability. They _______heroes until the end.
a. Remain b. remains c. remained d. remaining
32. The school head________the program of the LGU on June 16,2023.
a. spearhead b. spearheads c. spearheaded d. spearheading

Identify the error.

33. The theme of a work of literature states the insight it gives into life
a b c d
34. An essay is a short work that treats a topic from an author’s personal point of view.
a b c d
35. - 37
Study the given paragraph. Identify the error/s that makes the flow of thought misunderstood.
Social Amelioration Program (SAP) is a cash emergency subsidy program for 18m Filipino families whose lives
is greatly affected by the ECQ. They are mandated by the news law, the Bayanihan to heal as one act, which was signed
by the President last March 25,2020.
38. -40. Synthesizing
Arrange the jumbled statement into a paragraph
____No one is exempted in the daily chores because the head of the family gives the duty or role of each member.
____Each family member has a task to do o that the work is easy.
____Family usually consists of a father, a mother and children living together.

Prepared by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher Secondary School Principal III

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