Empirical Process Control With Scrum Framework - v1

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Empirical Process Control

In Scrum, decisions are made based on empiricism that’s on observations, experiments, experience, past
history, evidence based manner. However, empiricism mainly relies on 3 basic factors. They are,

 Transparency
 Inspect
 Adapt

Scrum is driven by Scrum framework such as Scrum Artifacts, Scrum Roles and Scrum Events. Let’s look
how empiricism works with Scrum Framework.

Empiricism with Scrum Artifacts:

Scrum Artifacts are PBI, SPI, Increment, DoD an DoR. All these artifacts provide you information to all the
users thus enabling transparency

Two ways to represent

1. Take each framework topics individually like sprint planning and explain how transparency,
inspect and adapt are followed in sprint planning
2. Take one framework like Everts and explain which falls under transparency, inspect and adapt.
Example: Sprint Demo and Retrospective is predominately inspect and adapt.
Empiricism process control with Scrum Event – Daily Scrum:

In Daily Scrum team discussions on progress towards a sprint goal – this emphasis on inspect
work with sprint backlog adjusting the planned work – this emphasis on adapt.

By doing inspect and adapt we are enforcing transparency in the daily scrum.

Take away: As a SM look out for words like may be, if possible, try to finish, busy, thought, guess,
waiting, hopefully are few which should be observed and are possible/potential to become
impediments. Check what is the real meaning behind these words to determine the exact status.

Empiricism process control with Scrum Event – Sprint Planning:

In Sprint Planning meeting we analyze, evaluate and select Product backlog item for Sprint – this
emphasis on Inspect.

Developers plan the work and decompose sprint backlog item into smaller workable items – this
emphasis on Adapt.

Having this event brings clarification to everyone in the team and finalize the sprint goal – this emphasis

In Sprint Planning we inspect Product Backlog and adapt Sprint Goal, Sprint Backlog, and Sprint Plan (or
Forecast). Having this event also brings transparency to everyone on the team, allowing us to see what
the team is going to work on in the Sprint and the outcomes (or goal) they are trying to achieve.

Empiricism process control with Scrum Event – Sprint Review:

In Sprint Review we inspect Product Increment, Product Backlog, Market, and Budget and adapt our
Product Backlog. That is an incredible event to bring transparency to your stakeholders.

Empiricism process control with Scrum Event – Sprint Retrospectives:

Finally, in Sprint Retrospectives we inspect Team & Collaboration, Technology & Engineering and
Definition of Done and adapt Actionable Improvements. In this event we bring transparency to everyone
on the team regarding the way we operate as a Scrum Team.

and also i am coming with other article on Empirical Process Control with Scrum Framework, have just
started the article, will send the draft once its done.

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