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Shell of heat s ink - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4-digit LED ind icate the
Xl - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ status or error informatior
COM1, DIN1 ..... . DI N7 :
7 Digital prog rammab le input channels
ENCO - Z, ENCO-/Z, - - - - - - - - - 4 Setting Button s
ENCO - B, ENCO- /B, Parameter setting
Encoder out X4
OUT1 ... . . . 0UT4 : Male: CAN bus
4 Digital prog ram mab le output channels communication interface
GNDA, AI N1, AI N2, GNDA : Female : R5485
2 analog input channels communication interface
PUL + : Pulse+/ CW+/A+
PU L- : Pulse-/CW-/A-
DIR+: Direction+/CCW+/B+ XS
DIR-: Direction-/CCW-/B- RS232 communication

X2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i -. .
24VS, GNDS: . - - - - - - - - - X6
24V Power supp ly for control Motor encoder input port
24VB, GNDB :
24V Power supp ly for brake
BR+, BR- :
Brake control output

Sh ield
X3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --+-. Fix the Shield Layer
U, V, W, PE : of Power Cable
Motor power connector
L, N :
AC power supply input (AC220V) Earth Terminal
RB +, RB - :
External braking resistor

Interfaces of Drh er
Interface Driver Symbol Function

X1 ESSF-L 1 COMI Common terminal of digital inputs

DIN1 DIN? Digital inputs. Valid signal:12.SV 24V.lnvalid signal:<5V

OUT1+ Digital output 1+

OUT1- Digital output 1-

OUT2+ Digital output 2+

OUT2- Digital output 2-

OUT3 Digital output 3

OUT4 Digital output 4

COMO Common terminal of digital outputs

GND Ground signal

ENCO-Z Motor encoder output interface






AIN1 Analog signal input 1. Input impedance: 200 K

GNDA Ground signal of analog

AIN2 Analog signal input 2. Input impedance: 200 K

GNDA Ground signal of analog

PUL+ Pulse or positive pulse Input voltage range: 5V-24V

PUL- Pulse or positive pulse
DIR+ Direction or negative
pulse interface (+)
DIR- Direction or negative
pulse interface(-)
X2 24VS/GNDS Logic power supply:24 V ± 15% ,>0.5A

24VB/GNDB Power supply for brake ,DC18~30V 2A

BR+/BR- Brake interface

X3 ESSF-L 1 UN/WIPE Motor cable interface

UN Main power supply ( Single-phase AC220V)

RB+/RB- Braking resistor interface


XS ESSF-L 1 RS232 RS232 interface

X6 ENCODER Encoder cable interface



Pin No. ·.- Sigt:ial: Pin No ... ,Signal . Pin ·t,Jo : Signal . Pin No: .' Signal .
2 COM1 1 OUT1 + 20 NC 19 AllN1
4 D!N 1 3 OUT1 - 22 NC 21 GNDA
,s DIN2 5 OUT2+ 24 GND 23 AlN2
10 DIN4 g OUT3 28 EIN CO-/Z 27 PUL+
12 DIN5 11 OUT4 30 ENCO- B 29 PUL-
14 DIN6 13 COMO 32 ENCO- /B 3i DIR+
16 DIN7 15 NC 34 ENCO- A 33 DIR-
18 NC 17 NC 36 ENCO- /A 35 NC

1/0 interface of ESSF-L 1 driver

: I
2 1 DI ftal oulpul channel 1
4 5.1KO 1- 3 Di. ital output channel 1-
DI N1 OUT1 -
6 5 DI ital OU ul channel 2 4
8 1- 7 Di il" I oulpu! channel 2-
10 9 Digital oulpul ctiannel 3
12 11 OlgiWI ou!pul channel 4
14 13 Common lem1inal of digital o lllpt1t
16 15
18 17
20 19 Analog iJ'\pUI chru,nel 1
22 21 G D for analog sig ool
23 Analog Input channel 2

Encoder output Z 26 ENCO-Z 25 GND for enalog signal

Encoder outp,n /Z 28 27 Pulse +
EncodQr Ollq)UI B 30 29 Pulse-
Encoder oulplll 1B 32 31 Dire<:tion +
Encoder output A 34 33 Oir.ection -
needer O'-'lpul IA 36 35


Wirings of the 1/0 interface of ESSF-L 1 driver

Parameter List: Group E (To Set Driver Instructions)

Numeric Internal Variable Name Meaning Default Range

Display Address Value
E-0.0 6060000 Operation_Mo 0.004 (-4): Pulse control mode, -4 I
8 de including pulse direction (P/D) and
double pulse (CW/CCW) modes.
0.003 (-3): instantaneous speed mode
0001 ( 1): Internal position control
0003 (3): Speed mode with
0004 (4): Torque mode
Note: Only applied in the working
mode where no external signals
control the driver.
E-0.1 2FF0050 Control Word- 000.0: Releases the motor 0 I
8 Easy 000.1: Locks the motor
001.0: Clears errors
Note: Only applied in the situation
where enabling a driver or wrong
resetting is not controlled by external
signals. After the wrong reset of the
driver, the motor must be enabled
E-0.2 2FF0091 Speed Demand Sets the motor's target rotation speed 0 I
0 RPM when the driver works in the "-3" or "3"
mode and the address d3.28 is set to
0 (without external analog control).
E-0.3 6071001 CMD_q Sets input torque instructions (current 0 -2047
0 instructions) when the driver works in 2047
the "4" mode and the address d3.30 is
set to O (without external analog
E-0.4 2FF00A Vc_Loop_BW Sets the velocity loop bandwidth. The 60
10 unit is Hz.
This variable can only be set after auto
tuning is performed properly;
otherwise the actual bandwidth goes
wrong, which causes abnormal
working of the driver.
If the auto tuning result is abnormal,
setting this parameter may also cause
abnormal working of the driver.

Note: This parameter cannot be
applied when auto tuning is
unavailable. After setting this
parameter, apply d2.00 to save the
settings as required.
E-0.5 2FF00B Pc_Loop_BW Sets the position loop bandwidth. The 10 I
10 unit is Hz.
Note: After setting this parameter,
apply d2.00 to save the settings as
E-0.6 2FF00C Tuning_Start If the variable is set to 11, auto tuning 0 I
10 starts. All input signals are neglected
during auto tuning. The variable is
automatically changed to 0 after auto
tuning is completed.
Sets the variable to other values to
end auto tuning.

Parameter List: Group G (To Set Real-Time Display Data)

Numeric Internal Variable Name Displayed Content

Display Address
G-0.0 2FF00F20 Soft- Version - LED Software version of numeric display
G-0.1 2FF70020 Time Driver Accumulated working time of the driver (S)
G-0.2 2FF01008 Motor lit Rate Ratio of real iit to the maximum iit of a motor
G-0.3 60F61210 Motor lit Real Actual data of motor overheat protection
The formula of conversion between display value and
actual current(Average value):

_ .JMotor_IIt_Real* 512 * Ipeak

- 2047 ✓ 2

I peak is the max. peak value of the output current

of driver.
G-0.4 2FF01108 Driver I It Rate Ratio of real iit to the maximum iit of a driver

G-0.5 60F61010 Driver I It Real Actual data of driver overheat protection

Numeric Internal Variable Name Displayed Content
Display Address
G-0.6 2FF01208 Chop_Power_Rate Ratio of actual power to rated power of a braking resistor
G-0.7 60F70D10 Chop_Power_Real Actual power of a braking resistor
G-0.8 60F70B10 Temp_Device Temperature of a driver (C)
G-0.9 60790010 Real DCBUS Actual DC bus voltage
G-1.0 60F70C10 Ripple_DCBUS Fluctuating value of the bus voltage (Vpp)
G-1.1 60FD0010 Din Status Status of an input port

G-1.2 20101410 Dout Status Status of an output port

G-1.3 25020F10 Analog1_out Filter output of external analog signal 1
G-1.4 25021010 Analog2_out Filter output of external analog signal 2
G-1.5 26010010 Error State Error state

G-1.6 26020010 Error State2 Error state word 2

G-1.7 60410010 Status Word Driver status word
bitO: Ready to switch on
bit1 : Switch on
bit2: Operation enable
bit3: Falt
bit4: Voltage Disable
bit5: Quick Stop
bit6: Switch on disable
bit7: Warning
bit8: Reserved
bit9: Reserved
bit10: Target reach
bit11 : Internal limit active
bit12: Step.Ach.N=0/Hom.att.
bit13: Foil. Err/Res.Hom. Err.
bit 14: Commutation Found
bit15: Referene Found

G-1.8 60610008 Operation_Mode_Buf Efficient working mode of a driver

G-1.9 60630020 Pos Actual Actual position of a motor
G-2.0 60FB0820 Pos Error Position following error
G-2.1 25080420 Gear Master Count of input pulses before electronic gear
G-2.2 25080520 Gear Slave Count of executed pulses after electronic gear
G-2.3 25080C10 Master_Speed Pulse speed entered by the master axis (pulse/mS)
G-2.4 25080D10 Slave_Speed Pulse speed of the slave axis (pulse/mS)
G-2.5 606C0010 Real_Speed_RPM Real speed (rpm)
Internal sampling time: 200 ms
G-2.6 60F91910 Real_Speed_RPM2 Real speed (0.01 rpm)
Internal sampling time: 200 ms

Numeric Internal Variable Name Displayed Content
Display Address
G-2.7 60F91A 10 Speed_ 1mS Speed data (inc/1 mS)
Internal sampling time: 1 mS
G-2.8 60F60C10 CMD_q_Buff Internal effective current instruction
G-2.9 60F61710 l_q Actual current
The formula of conversion between display value
andactual current:

I _Cf* Tp.._·;]k
I --

I 1,c ,1. is the max. peak value of the output current

of driver.
G-3.0 60F90E10 K Load Load parameter
G-3.1 30100420 Z_Capture_Pos Position data captured by encoder index signals

Parameter List: Group A (To Set Control Loop Parameters)

Numeric Internal Variable Meaning Default Range

Display Address Name Value
A-0.0 2FF0010 Store Lo 1: Stores all setup parameters except those of 0 I
8 op_Data a motor
10: Initializes all setup parameters except
those of a motor
A-0.1 60F9011 Kvp Sets the response speed of velocity loop 0 .
0 32767
A-0.2 60F9021 Kvi Time used to adjust speed control to 0
0 compensate minor errors 16384
A-0.3 60F9030 Notch - N Notch/filtering frequency setting for a velocity 45 0 -90
8 loop, used to set the frequency of the internal
notch filter, so as to eliminate the mechanical
resonance produced when the motor drives
the machine. The formula is
F=Notch N*10+100.
For example, if the mechanical resonance
frequency is F = 500 Hz, the parameter
should be set to 40.
A-0.4 60F9040 Notch O Enable or disable the notch filter 0 I
8 n 0: Disable the trap filter
1: Enable the trap filter
A-0.5 60F9050 Speed_F You can reduce the noise during motor 0~45
Numeric Internal Variable Meaning Default Range
Display Address Name Value
8 b N operation by reducing the feedback bandwidth
of velocity loop. When the set bandwidth
becomes less, the motor responds slower.
The formula is F=Speed_Fb_N*20+100.
For example , to set the filter bandwidth to "F =
500 Hz", you need to set the parameter to 20.
A-0.6 60F9060 Speed_M 0: Speed response after traveling through a 0 I
8 ode low-pass filter
1: Direct speed response without filtering
2: Feedback on output feedback
A-0.7 60FB011 Kpp Proportional gains on position loop Kpp 1000 0~
0 16384
A-0.8 60FB021 K_Speed 0 indicates no feedforward , and 256 indicates 256 0~
0 - FF 100% feedforward 256
A-0.9 60FB031 K Ace F The data is inversely proportional to the 7FF.F 32767
0 F feedforward ~ 10
A-1.0 2FF0061 Profile A To set trapezoidal acceleration (rps/s) in the 610 0~
0 cce 16 "3" and "1" modes 2000
A-1.1 2FF0071 Profile D To set trapezoidal acceleration (rps/s) in the 610 0~
0 ece 16 "3" and "1" modes 2000
A-1.2 60F6011 Kcp To set the response speed of the current loop I I
0 and this parameters does not require
A-1.3 60F6021 Kci Time used to adjust current control to I I
0 compensate minor errors
A-1.4 6073001 CMD_q_ Indicates the maximum value of current I I
0 Max instructions
A-1.5 60F6031 Speed_Li The factor that limits the maximum speed in 10 0~
0 mit Fact the torque mode 1000
rr F
Actual torque
Actual torque
Set torque

Set torque
- N"'(V

-II" )•• • •,[/
~ tual speed ' Maximum speed
q. I
Actual speedMax1mum speed
Actual spe(d.-1ax1mum s ~

V the maximum speed complies with d2.24

Max_Speed_RPM parameter settings
A-1.6 607E000 Invert Dir Runs polarity reverse 0 I
8 0: Counterclockwise indicates the forward
1: Clockwise indicates the forward direction
A-1.7 60F90E1 K Load Indicates load parameters I 20~
0 15000
A-1.8 60F90B1 Kd Virtu Indicates the kd of observers 1000 0~
0 al 32767
A-1.9 60F90C1 Kp_Virtu Indicates the kp of observers 1000 0~

Numeric Internal Variable Meaning Default Range
Display Address Name Value
0 al 32767
A-2.0 60F90D1 Ki Virtual Indicates the ki of observers 0 O·
0 16384
A-2.1 60F9101 Sine Am Proper increase in this data will reduce the 64 0
0 plitude tuning error, but machine vibration will 1000
become severer. This data can be adjusted
properly according to actual conditions of
machines. If the data is too small, the auto
tuning error becomes greater, or even causes
a mistake.
A-2.2 60F91110 Tuning_S It is helpful to reduce the auto tuning time by 128 0
cale reducing the data, but the result may be 16384
A-2.3 60F9121 Tuning_F Indicates filter parameters during auto-tuning 64 1
0 ilter 1000
A-2.4 6080001 Max_Spe Limits the maximum rotation speed of motors 5000 0
0 ed RPM 6000

Parameter List: Group c (To Set Input/Output & Pattern Operation


Numeric Internal Variable Name Meaning Default Range

Display Address Value
c-0.0 2FF00108 Store_Loop_Dat 1: Stores all setup parameters 0 I
a except motors
10: Initializes all setup parameters
except motors
c-0.1 20100310 Din1 - Function 1:Suri.ici.i Aktif 11 I
2:Hata Reset
3:i~letim Madu
c-0.2 20100410 Din2 Function 4:H,z dongusunde P kontrol aktif 12 I
5:Pozisyon pozitif Limit
6:Pozisyon negatif Limit
c-0.3 20100510 Din3 Function 7:Homing sinyali 1 I
8:Yon Sec;imi

Numeric Internal Variable Name Meaning Default Range
Display Address Value
c-0.4 20100610 Din4 Function 9:Dahili H1z kontrol 0 18 I
10:Dahili H1z kontrol 1
11 :Dahili Pozisyon Kontrol 0
c-0.5 20100710 Din5 Function 12:Dahili Pozisyon Kontrol 1 19 I
13:H1zl1 Durma
c-0.6 20100810 Din6 Function 14:Homing Start 3 I
15:Aktif komutu
16:Dahili H1z kontrol 2
c-0.7 20100910 Din? Function 17:Dahili pozisyon kontrol 2 2 I
18:Elektronik Di?li oranI 0
19:Elektronik Di~li oranI 1
20:Elektronik Di~li oranI 2
21 :KazanG 0
22:KazanG 1

c-0.8 2FF00D10 Dio_Polarity Sets 10 polarity 0 I

c-0.9 2FF00810 Dio Simulate Simulates input signals, and 0 I
enforce output signals for
c-1.0 20000008 Switch On Auto Automatically locks motors when 0 I
drivers are powered on
0: No control
1: Automatically locks motors
when drivers are powered on
c-1 .1 20100F10 Dout1 - Function 1:Haz1r 1 I
3:Pozisyona ula?1ld1
c-1.2 20101010 Dout2 - Function 4:S1f1r H1z 3 I
5:Motor Fren
6:H1za ula?1ld1
c-1 .3 20101110 Dout3 Function ?:Index 2 I
8:Maksimum h1za ula?1ld1 Tork
c-1.4 20101210 Dout4 Function 9:PWM ON 10 I
10:Pozisyon Limit
11 :Referans bulundu
c-1.5 20101310 Dout5 Function 12:Kullanimdl~I 5 I
13:Multi Dino
14:Multi Din1
15:Multi Din2

Note:DoutX_Function(X is 1-5) is

Numeric Internal Variable Name Meaning Default Range
Display Address Value
used to define functions of the
digital outputs.

c-1.6 20200D08 Din - Mode0 If a digital input is defined as -4 I

Operation mode control,then this
operation mode is selected when
the input signal is invalid
c-1 .7 20200E08 Din Mode1 If a digital input is defined as -3 I
Operation mode control,then this
operation mode is selected when
the input signal is valid
c-1.8 20200910 Din_Speed0_RP Multi-speed control: 0 [rpm] 0 I
c-1.9 20200A10 Din_Speed1_RP Multi-speed control: 1 [rpm] 0 I
c-2.0 20200B10 Din_Speed2_RP Multi-speed control: 2 [rpm] 0 I
c-2.1 20200C10 Din_Speed3_RP Multi-speed control: 3 [rpm] 0 I
c-2.2 25020110 Analog1_ Filter Used to smooth the input analog 5 1 127
F (Filter Frequency) = 4000/ (2TT*
T (Time Constant) =
Analog1_Filter/4000 (S)
c-2.3 25020210 Analog1_Dead Sets dead zone data for external 0 0
analog signal 1 8192
c-2.4 25020310 Analog1_Offset Sets offset data for external 0 -8192
analog signal 1 -8192
c-2.5 25020410 Analog2_Filter Used to smooth the input analog 5 1 -127
Filter frequency: f=4000/(2TT*
Time Constant: T =
Analog1_Filter/4000 (S)
c-2.6 25020510 Analog2_Dead Sets dead zone data for external 0 0~8192
analog signal 2
c-2.7 25020610 Analog2_ Offset Sets offset data for external 0 -8192
analog signal 2 ~8192
c-2.8 25020708 Analog_Speed_ Chooses analog-speed channels 0 I
Con 0: Invalid analog channel
1: Valid analog channel 1 (AIN1)
2: Valid analog channel 2 (AIN2)

Numeric Internal Variable Name Meaning Default Range
Display Address Value
Valid mode -3 and 3
c-2.9 25020A10 Analog_Speed_F Sets the proportion between 1000 I
actor analog signals and output speed
c-3.0 25020808 Analog_ Torque_ Chooses analog-torque channels 0 I
Con 0: Invalid analog channel
1: Valid analog channel 1 (Al N 1)
2: Valid analog channel 2 (AIN2)
Valid mode 4
c-3.1 25020B10 Analog_ Torque_ Sets the proportion between 1000 I
Factor analog signals and output speed
c-3.2 25020908 Analog_MaxT_C 0: No control 0 I
on 1: Max. torque controlled by AIN 1
2: Max. torque controlled by AIN 2
c-3.3 25020C10 Analog_MaxT_F Indicates the max torque factor on 8192 I
actor analog signal control
c-3.4 25080110 Gear Factor Indicates the numerator to set 1000 -32767
electronic gears when the 32767
operation mode is -4
c-3.5 25080210 Gear Divider Indicates the denominator to set 1000 1
electronic gears when the 32767
operation mode is -4
c-3.6 25080308 PD CW Pulse mode control 1 I
0 ... CW/CCW
1... Pulse/Direction
2 ... lncremental encoder
10 .. CW/CCW(RS422 type)
11 .. Pulse/Direction(RS422 type)
12 .. Incremental encoder (RS422
Note:0, 1,2 are used for PIN4,5,9,
10,14,15 of Master Encoder
interface,they are TTL signal.
10,11,12 are used for PIN6,7,8,11,
12, 13,they are differential signal.
After changing this parameter,it
needs to save by
d2.00/d3.00/d5.00 and then reboot
c-3.7 25080610 PD Filter To flat the input pulse. 3 1~
Filter frequency: f=1000/(2TT* 32767
Time constant: T = PD Filter/1000

Numeric Internal Variable Name Meaning Default Range
Display Address Value
Unit: S
Note: If you adjust this filter
parameter during the operation,
some pulses may be lost.
c-3.8 25080810 Frequency_Chec Indicates the limitation on pulse 600 0 600
k input frequency (k Hz)
c-3.9 25080910 PD ReachT Indicates the position reached 10 0
time window in the pulse mode 32767
Unit: mS
c-4.0 2FF10108 Din - Position - Sel Select which internal position will 0
ect L be set.(The range of Lis 0-7)
Din Pos0
Din Pos1
Din Pos2
Din Pos3
Din Pos4
Din Poss
Din Pos6
Din Pos7
c-4.1 2FF10210 Din - Position - M Refer to d3.42 0
c-4.2 2FF10310 Din - Position - N The position of internal position 0
set in Din - Position - Select- L
Din Pos =
Din - Position - M*10000+Din - Positi
on N
c-4.3 20200F10 Din - Control - Wor Absolute positioning/Relative 2F
d positionin gsetting
2F:Absolute positioning
4F:Relative positioning
Note:This parameter needs to
save and reboot driver after
c-4.4 20201810 Din_Speed4_RP Multi-speed control: 4 [rpm] 0
c-4.5 20201910 Din_Speed5_RP Multi-speed control: 5 [rpm] 0
c-4.6 20201A10 Din_Speed6_RP Multi-speed control: 6 [rpm] 0
c-4.7 20201B10 Din_Speed7_RP Multi-speed control: 7 [rpm] 0

Parameter List: Group H (To Set Motor Parameters)

Numeric Internal Variable Name Meaning

display Address
H-0.0 2FF00308 Store- Motor- Data 1: Stores the set motor parameters
H-0.1 64100110 Motor Num
H-0.2 64100208 Feedback_Type Type of encoders
001.1: Differential ABZ and differential UVW
001.0: Differential ABZ and UVW signals of TTL
000.1: ABZ of TTL and differential UVW signals
000.0: ABZ of TTL and UVW signals of TTI
H-0.3 64100508 Motor Poles Number of motor poles pairs
H-0.4 64100608 Commu Mode Searching excitation mode
H-0.5 64100710 Commu Curr Searching excitation current
H-0.6 64100810 Commu_Delay Delay in searching excitation
H-0.7 64100910 Motor- lit- I Indicates current settings on overheat
protection of motors
Ir[ Arms]* 1.414 * 10
H-0.8 64100A 10 Motor- lit- Filter Indicates time settings on overheat protection
of motors
Time: N*256/1000 Unit: S
H-0.9 64100B10 lmax Motor Indicates max peak current of motors
H-1.0 64100C10 L Motor Indicates phase inductance of motors
H-1.1 641 00D08 R Motor Indicates phase resistance of motors
H-1.2 64100E10 Ke Motor Indicates the reverse electromotive force of
Ke[Vp/krpm]* 10
H-1.3 64100F10 Kt Motor Indicates the torque coefficient of motors
H-1.4 64101010 Jr Motor Indicates the rotor inertia of motors
Jr[kgmA2]*1 000 000
H-1.5 64101110 Brake_Duty_Cycle Indicates the duty cycle of contracting brakes
0~2500[0 ... 100%]
H-1.6 64101210 Brake_Delay Indicates the delay time of contracting brakes
Default value: 150 ms
H-1.7 64101308 Invert Dir Motor Indicates the rotation direction of motors

Numeric Internal Variable Name Meaning
display Address
H-1.8 64101610 Motor_Using Current using motor type.

Parameter List: Group S (To Set Driver Parameters)

Numeric Internal Variable Name Meaning Default

Display Address Value
S-0.0 2FF00108 Store_Loop_Data 1: Stores all control parameters 0
except motor parameters
10: Initializes all control parameters
except motor parameters
S-0.1 100B0008 ID Com Station No. of Drivers 1
Note: To change this parameter, you
need to save it with the address
"d5.00", and restart it later.
S-0.2 2FE00010 RS232 Bandrate Set the baud rate of RS232 port 270
540 19200
270 38400
90 115200
Note: To change this parameter, you
need to save it with the address
"d5.00", and restarts it later.
S-0.3 2FE10010 U2BRG Sets the baud rate of RS232 port 270
540 19200
270 38400
90 115200
You need not restart it,but it can't be
S-0.4 60F70110 Chop_Resistor Indicates the values of braking 0
S-0.5 60F70210 Chop_Power_Rated Indicates the nominal power of a 0
braking resistor
S-0.6 60F70310 Chop_Filter Indicates the time constant of a 60
braking resistor
Time: N*256/1000 Unit: S
S-0.6 25010110 ADC- Shift- U Indicates data configuration of u I
phase shift.
Note:Factory parameters
S-0.7 25010210 ADC- Shift- V Indicates data configuration of V I

phase shift
Note :Factory parameters
S-0.8 30000110 Voltage_200 ADC original data when DC bus I
voltage is 200 V
Note :Factory parameters
S-0 .9 30000210 Voltage_360 ADC original data when DC bus I
voltage is 360 V
Note :Factory parameters
S-1.0 60F60610 Comm- Shift- UVW Indicates the excitation pointer of a I
Note:Factory parameters
S-1.1 26000010 Error Mask Indicates error masks FFF.F
Note:Factory parameters
S-1.2 60F70510 RELAY Time Indicates the relay operating time of 150
capacitor short-circuits
Unit: ms
Note:Factory parameters
S-1.3 2FF00408 Key_Address_F001 Sets numeric display data I
S-1.4 65100B08 RS232_Loop_Enabl O: 1 to 1 0
e 1: 1 to N
S-1.5 2FFD0010 User Secret User password.16bits. o~

Polarity Control on Digital Input Signals

Note:all the digital inputs are normally open by default.
Table 7-1 Simplified 10 polarity setting variables
Numeric Display Variable Name Meaning
c-0.8 Dio_Polarity Sets 10 polarity

Table 7-2 Polarity setting methods for digital input signals


CD ® ® ®
InpuUoutput port Channel Reserved 0: The inputs are normally close
selection selection 1: The inputs are normally open
0: Output port Input: 1-8 Others:Check the current status
1: Input port Output: 1-7

NPN Wiring Diagram ( OUT1-0UT5 all support this )

P · UI

PNP wiring diagram (Only OUT1 ,OUT2 support this wiring)

Dirver --- 11 - - - - J

+24 PLC , ur

Alarm Causes & Troubleshooting

Alarm Alarm Information Alarm Cause Troubleshooting
FFF.F No motor configured There is no motor type set in senro Set the motor type in d4.0l.
/800.0 driver
000.1 Internal Internal problem Please contact manufacturer
000.2 Encoder ABZ The ABZ signal cable lS Check the cable.
000.4 EncoderUVW The uvw signal cable lS Check the cable.
000.8 Encoder Counting Interferences are suppressed. Check encoder cable.
Encoder cable problem Remove interference(Such as connect
the motor cable to SHIELD terminal
000.6 Encoder Error ABZ and uvw signals of the Check the cable.
encoders mcur error
001.0 Over Temperature The driver temperature exceeds Check whether the selected driver

8]°C has enough pm\ er.
002.0 O, er Volta :=,0 c The bus \ oltagc or the dri \ er Check the input \ oltagc.or determine
C:'\Cccds the allm\ able range. \\ hcthcr a braking resistor IS

00--1-.0 Llm Voltage The , oltagc or the dri, er bus IS Check the input pm\ er.
bclm\ the al km able range. Plmcr on AC l'irst.thcn plmcr DC
Reduce deceleration.
008.0 0\ er Current The pm\ er tube 111 the dri \ er IS Check motor \\ ires. II' the motor
fault,. or short circuit occurs on the \\orks proper!:,.. it can be judged that
phase line ol'thc motor. foul ts occur on the plm er tube in the
dri\ er.
0 IOJI Chop Resistor The actual pm\ er of' brake resistor Change brake resistor.
is larger than rated pm\ er
020.0 Folio,\ ino:=, Error Control loop parameters setting Set VFF (d2 08 l as I 00° o.incrcasc
problem kpp( d2 07) and k, p( d2 OI).
O, crload or block. Choose bigger plrn er motor or check
Encoder signal problem \\hcthcr the load is blocked.
Check the encoder cable.
0--1-0.0 Lonie
0 Volta 00 c The lo :=,0 ic \ oltagc IS Im\ er than Check the logic po,\cr suppl:,. 2--1-V
080.0 lit Error Control loop parameters setting Increase k\p(d2.0I ).
problem Choose bigger p0\\Cr motor or check
O,crload or block. \\hcthcr the load is blocked.
100.0 O, er Frcqucnc:,. The input pulse l'rcqucnc:,. C:'\CCcds Check the input pulse frequency and
the allo,\ able ma:'\imum \ aluc. the permissible \ aluc of
111 cl:'\ 1111 U 111

the frequency (c[:-;]8)

200.0 STO Error STO Error Check the \\Inllg accordino:=, to
Chapter_-; -I-
--1-00.0 Commutation UV\V signal of encoder cable Check encoder cable.
800.0 EEPROl\1 Error Because of updating firnm arc. lnitiali/c all control parameters and
Dri\cr internal problem. sa,c.thcn restart clri ,er
Contact manufacturer.
888.8 Dri,cr abnormal \\ orking Logic pm\cr supply problem Check 2--1-VDC po,\ er supply
stat cs Dri,cr internal problem. Contact manufacturer.


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