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Disusun oleh :
Glennata Apriatama (142012016008)
Siska (142012016015)
Selvianty Utami (142012016013)
Septiana Oktavia (142012016014)

Dosen Pembimbing
Arni Fitri,.M.Pd



Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah SWT who has bestowed His invaluable grace,
guidance and gifts to the author, and may peace and blessings be upon Rasulullah SAW, his
family and all his friends, until the end of time, Amen.

Many obstacles and obstacles faced by the author in the preparation of this scientific
paper. However, thanks to the help and support of various parties, both direct and indirect,
Alhamdulillah, the author was able to finish it.

The author would like to thank all those who have provided assistance,
encouragement and prayers, may Allah repay the good deeds that have been done by His
people for others. Amen


Palembang, 25 Mei 2022

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................4
1.1 Baground Of The Paper...........................................................................4
1.2 Problem Formulation...............................................................................4
CHAPTER II THEORY AND DISCUSION.......................................................5
2.1 The Meaning Of Communicatin..................................................................5
2.2 Therapeutc Communication Goals..............................................................5
2.3 Communication Process..............................................................................6
2.4 Interaction Stage In Communication...........................................................7
CHAPTER III CHECK UP COMMUNCATION................................................9
CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION..........................................................................15

1.1 Baground Of The Paper

Medical checkup is a health check that aims to: to know the patient's health status, not to
diagnose symptoms or treat disease. Medical checkup includes a series of interviews and
health checks. Types and scope of inspection health in a medical checkup varies, depending
on the needs and his request. In general, medical checkups aim to: detect early if there are
hidden health problems that have not been showing symptoms, especially cardiovascular
diseases, kidney, liver disease and diabetes mellitus. In addition to early detection of disease,
Medical checkups also determine your level of fitness and general health. Pre medical
checkup system, will be used to perform supporting examination, which is usually after an
interview between doctor with the person being examined. Inspection includes measurement
of height, weight, body temperature, and heart rate. Until now, the pre-medical checkup has
been done manually. This means that the object of the person being examined is measured by
weight and height manually with a scale and meter. Next The data is recorded and submitted
to the doctor. Check body temperature and heart rate is done separately, after being weighed
and measured height his body.

The development of information technology today is very rapid pre medical checkup
which is currently still being done manually, at this time allows it to be done online and
integrated. Data measurement of height and weight can be combined with measurement of
body temperature and heart rate. Data is digitized and monitored by doctors online, from the
doctor's communication device gadget which is based on Android, with no cable (wireless).
With the app additional data can be synced, stored and integrated into in the medical record

1.2 Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem in this study is what factors related to willingness to pay
Medical Check-Up fees

2.1 The Meaning Of Communicatin

Communication in the field of nursing is a process to create a relationship between
health workers and patients to recognize patient needs and determine action plans and
cooperation in meeting these needs.

Therefore, therapeutic communication plays an important role in solving the

problems faced. Basically therapeutic communication is a proportional communication that
leads to the goal of healing patients in therapeutic communication, there are two important
components, namely the communication process and the effect of the communication.

Therapeutic communication includes personal communication with the starting point

of providing mutual understanding between health workers and patients.

According to Purwanto, therapeutic communication is a form of basic skills for

conducting interviews and counseling in the sense that interviews are used when health
workers conduct assessments, provide health education and care planning.

2.2 Therapeutc Communication Goals

According to Purwanto the purpose of therapeutic communication:

a. help the patient clarify and reduce the burden of feelings and thoughts maintain the
strength of his ego.

b. Help take effective action to change the existing situation

c. Repetition of doubts helps in taking effective action and influencing others' physical
environment and self.

In achieving this goal, nurses often meet communication barriers, namely:

a. Nurse behavior

In both public and private hospitals, nurses play an important role; behavior;
Nurses' movements are always judged by the community. Even the newspapers
often carry news about hospital nurses. Acting untrue. Viewed by nursing clients
bitchy, evil and so on.
b. Hospital-oriented care

 The implementation of treatment is focused on the disease suffered by the

client alone, while psychosocial attention has received less attention. The
purpose of implementing the actual treatment is a complete human being
which includes bio, psycho and social.

 Bio: Basic needs, food and drink, oxygen and development of offspring.

 Psycho: Soul, nurses to help solve problems that have to do with the soul

 Social: Nurses also know the habits, customs of clients in society.

c. Nurses are less responsive to needs, complaints, and pay less attention to what the
client feels so that it hinders good relations.

I have been a nurse at this hospital for almost 20 years, although my salary is small, I
am required to work hard to serve the patients. I often receive insults from patients because I
am late in providing services. This often happens when I pick up at night because of the
limited number of nurses who are on duty and so many requests for services from patients
that we are overwhelmed to serve them and have an impact on service delays, said the nurse.

So that often because we are late we receive insults from patients and when we
explain the reason why we are late we continue to ask for understanding from patients to be
patient, instead patients often misinterpret our words so that we sometimes get the nickname
fussy nurse or bitchy nurse," she added.

This is what often happens so that it can hinder the establishment of harmonious
therapeutic communication between nurses and patients

2.3 Communication Process

This process consists of elements of communication principles of communication and
stages of communication. Communication elements consist of:

The source of communication is the sender of the message or often called the
communicator, namely the person who delivers or prepares the message. The communicators
in this paper are nurses whose main task is to assist patients in overcoming the problem of
acute pain, chronic pain, and provide first aid to patients in an emergency situation.
Communicators have an important role to determine success in forming a common
perception with other parties in this paper, namely the patient. The ability of communicators,
including expertise or credibility, attractiveness and trustworthiness, is a very influential
factor and determines the success of communicating (TAN, 1981: 104).

Elements of therapeutic communication other than the communicator, namely the

message is one of the important elements that must exist in the communication process.
Without the presence of the message, the communication process does not occur.
Communication will be successful if the message conveyed is correct, understandable, and
can be received by the communicant.

Moore in Grace (1993:297) suggests that the success of communication is largely

determined by the attractiveness of the message. Effendy (2000:41) says that communication
will be successful if the message conveyed meets the following requirements:

1. Messages must be planned

2. Message using language that both parties can understand

3. The message must appeal to the personal interests and needs of the recipient

4. Messages should contain things that are easy to understand

5. The message conveyed is not vague.

Principles of therapeutic communication

Therapeutic interpersonal communication has some of the same principles as De

Vito's interpersonal communication, namely openness, empathy, supporting positive attitudes
and equality.

2.4 Interaction Stage In Communication

Wood said in general interpersonal relationships develop through the following

1. The initial stage or the orientation stage at this stage between the officer and the
patient there is contact and at this stage the physical appearance is so important
because the physical dimension is most open to observation. Other qualities such as
friendly nature, warmth, openness and dynamism are also revealed. What can be
done in this therapy according to Purwanto is to identify, identify problems and
measure the patient's level of anxiety.

2. The advanced stage is the further introduction stage, according to Purwanto (1994:
25) it is carried out to increase the attitude of acceptance of each other to overcome
anxiety, continue the assessment and evaluation of existing problems, according to De
Vito (1997: 24) communication at this stage binds oneself us to get to know others
better and also express ourselves. This stage includes the stage of friendship which
requires that both parties must feel that they have the same position, in the sense that
there is a balance and alignment of positions.

Argyle and Henderson in Liliweri (1997: 55) argue that friendship has several functions,

1. share experiences so that both parties feel equally satisfied and successful

2. show emotional connection

3. make the other party happy

4. help others if he is unable to do something

Purwanto (1994:26) says that at this stage of therapeutic communication, one must

a. continue the assessment and evaluation of existing problems

b. improve communication

c. maintain agreed objectives and take action based on existing problems.

Psychologically, therapeutic communication will make the patient calmer and less

3. Termination stage according to Purwanto (1994:26) at this stage there is a further

interpersonal bonding, is a mental preparation phase to make plans about treatment
conclusions obtained and maintain the determined relationship limits, which are
measured, among others, anticipating problems that will arise. because at this stage is
the stage of mental preparation for treatment plans, improve communication to reduce
patient dependence on officers. Termination is the end of every meeting between the
officer and the client. According to Uripni (1993: 61) that the termination stage is
divided into two, namely temporary termination and final termination. Temporary
termination is the end of each meeting, at this termination the client will meet again
on a predetermined time, while the final termination occurs when the client has
finished treatment.

Septi : Good morning, I had an appointment with Dr. Clark at 8:30.

Tom: Let me take your notes. Meanwhile, please register and please sit down.

Nurse: Septiana oktavia

Septi : Yes, I am here.

Nurse: Follow me to Room A, let’s. Okay What are your reasons for Doctor Clark met today?

Septi : So, lately I often feel tired, and sometimes I hit a very bad headache and abdominal pain. In
addition, I also have a persistent cough for two weeks.

Nurse: When did you start experiencing these symptoms?

Septi: I’m getting tired about two months ago; then, a little after that headache coming. I suffered
stomach disorders long before feeling exhausted.

Nurse: Are you taking medication?

Septi: Just vitamins.

Nurse: What vitamins do you consume?

Septi: I consume multi-vitamin tablets and extra Vitamin C every day.

Nurse: OK, let me check your vital signs.

Septi: What should I do?

Nurse: Everything is nice normal blood pressure and no high temperatures. Please wait here a minute.
Clark doctor will be with you shortly.

Septi: Thank you.

Septi: Good morning, Doctor.

Doctor: I see here that you begin to feel tired two months ago, and then you start having bad
headaches. You also have abdominal pain and persistent cough. Do you have a fever, too?

Septi: No, doctor.

Doctor: Let me do a physical check. Please pull a deep breath, hold your breath, and exhale. Do it
again please.
Is there a change in your diet or your weight lately?

Septi: I eat as usual, but I lost 5 pounds recently.

Doctor: Do you suffer from insomnia?

Septi: Well, it was very difficult for me to fall asleep when I went to bed. I also wake up many times
during the night.

Doctor: Do you drink (alcohol)? Do you smoke?

Septi: No

Doctor: How are things at work?

Septi: There is a change of ownership three months ago, and I had to work a lot of overtime, even
during the weekend.

Doctor: It looks like you have pneumonia. Besides, I do not see any other problems. You may be
under pressure from changes in the workplace, and stress causes headaches, stomach disorders, and
difficulty sleeping. For now, try to relax and exercise. This may solve your problem. Come back to
see me again if symptoms persist, and I will conduct further tests. I will give you a prescription for
pneumonia. Are you allergic to any medications?

Septi: Not to my knowledge.

Doctor: OK, take this medicine three times a day after meals. Also, I want you to do some blood tests.
Popped into the lab on your way out and the nurse will take your blood.

Septi: I’m anxious to know my cholesterol level. When will I get the results of a blood test?

Doctor: Results will be available within two weeks. Do not stress yourself. I think everything will be

Septi: Thank you, Doctor.

Doctor: You are welcome..

Septi: Selamat pagi, saya punya janji dengan Dokter Clark pada pukul 8:30.
Tom: Biarkan saya mengambil catatan Anda. Sementara itu, silahkan daftar dan silakan duduk.

Perawat: Laura Nicholson.

Septi: Ya saya disini.

Perawat: Ikuti aku ke Kamar A, mari. Baiklah Apa alasan Anda untuk bertemu Doctor Clark hari ini?

Septi: Jadi, akhir-akhir ini saya sering merasa lelah, dan kadang-kadang saya terkena sakit kepala
yang sangat buruk dan sakit perut. Selain itu, saya juga batuk terus-menerus ini selama dua minggu

Perawat: Kapan Anda mulai mengalami gejala-gejala ini?

Septi : Aku mulai merasa lelah sekitar dua bulan yang lalu; kemudian, sedikit setelah itu sakit kepala
datang. Aku mengalami gangguan perut jauh sebelum merasakan kelelahan.

Perawat: Apakah Anda mengkonsumsi obat?

Septi : Hanya vitamin.

Perawat: Apa vitamin yang Anda konsumsi?

Septi: Saya konsumsi tablet multi-vitamin dan Vitamin C ekstra setiap hari.

Perawat: OK, biarkan aku mengecek tanda-tanda vital Anda.

Septi: Apa yang harus saya lakukan?

Perawat: Semuanya bagus tekanan darah normal dan tidak ada suhu tinggi. Silakan tunggu di sini
sebentar. Dokter Clark akan bersama Anda sebentar lagi.

Septi: Terima kasih.

Dokter: Selamat pagi, Laura.

Septi: Selamat pagi, Dokter.

Dokter: Saya lihat di sini bahwa Anda mulai merasa lelah dua bulan lalu, dan kemudian Anda mulai
mengalami sakit kepala yang buruk. Anda juga memiliki sakit perut dan batuk terus-menerus. Apakah
Anda mengalami demam juga?

Septi: Tidak, dokter.

Dokter: Biarkan aku melakukan cek fisik. Silakan tarik napas dalam-dalam, tahan napas, dan buang
napas. Lakukan lagi silahkan.
Apakah ada perubahan dalam diet Anda atau berat badan Anda belakangan ini?

Septi: Aku makan seperti biasa, tapi aku kehilangan 5 pound baru-baru ini.

Dokter: Apakah Anda menderita insomnia?

Septi: Yah, itu sangat sulit bagi saya untuk tertidur ketika saya pergi tidur. Saya juga bangun berkali-
kali pada malam hari.
Dokter: Apakah Anda minum (alkohol)? Apakah Anda merokok?

Septi: Tidak

Dokter: Bagaimana hal-hal di tempat kerja?

Septi: Ada perubahan kepemilikan tiga bulan yang lalu, dan saya harus bekerja banyak lembur,
bahkan selama akhir pekan.

Dokter: Sepertinya Anda memiliki radang paru-paru. Selain itu, saya tidak melihat ada masalah lain.
Anda mungkin di bawah tekanan dari perubahan di tempat kerja, dan stres menyebabkan sakit kepala,
gangguan perut, dan sulit tidur. Untuk saat ini, cobalah untuk bersantai dan olahraga. Ini dapat
memecahkan masalah Anda. Datang kembali untuk bertemu saya lagi jika gejala terus berlangsung,
dan saya akan melakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut. Saya akan memberikan resep untuk pneumonia
Anda. Apakah Anda alergi terhadap obat apapun?
Septi: Setahuku tidak.

Dokter: OK, minum obat ini tiga kali sehari setelah makan. Juga, saya ingin Anda untuk melakukan
beberapa tes darah. Mampir ke laboratorium dalam perjalanan Anda keluar dan perawat
akan mengambil darah Anda.

Septi: Aku sudah tidak sabar untuk mengetahui tingkat kolesterol ku. Kapan saya akan mendapatkan
hasil dari tes darah?

Dokter: Hasil akan tersedia dalam dua minggu. Jangan stres sendiri. Saya pikir semuanya akan beres.

Septi: Terima kasih, Dokter.

Dokter: sama-sama.

In fact, nurses, in addition to their nature as individual beings and social beings, also
as professional beings require skilled workers in their fields, especially in the field of nursing.
Nurses must be able to carry out all stages of therapeutic communication which include the
initial, advanced and termination stages. Considering that medical technology is currently
growing rapidly, it always influences the development of the nursing profession itself.

Nurses are required to prioritize complete service to patients, especially in meeting

patient needs. This good relationship will be even better if nurses can increase their
knowledge in communication, especially therapeutic communication in accordance with the
demands of the times

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