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Principles of Poromechanics

Lecture Note, 18-20 November 2015, Ferdowsi university, Mashhad, Iran

Siavash Ghabezloo

Laboratoire Navier/CERMES, Ecole Nationales des Ponts et Chaussées, Marne-la-Vallée, France
Principles of Poromechanics Siavash Ghabezloo

1 Introduction

The theory of poromechanics is an extension of the theory of mechanics of solids, for studying the
porous materials for which the mechanical behavior is influenced by the presence of one or several
pore fluids. Terzaghi [1] (1936) is most likely the first who identified the important role of the pore
pressure in the deformation of the soils. Terzaghi observed that the total stress and the pore pressure
have equivalent, but inverse roles on the soils deformation. Consequently, he attributed the
variations of the volume and the limit state of failure of the material to an “effective” stress σ ij' ,

defined as the difference between the total stress σ ij and the pore pressure p f : σ ij' = σ ij − p f δ ij . This

Terzaghi’s assumption is in fact correct only in certain cases and is not a general rule applicable to
all porous materials. The first theory of the mechanical behavior of porous materials has been
developed by Biot [2] for a general case for which the solid grains are deformable and are not
necessarily homogeneous or isotropic. Biot presented an extension of the equations of the theory of
elasticity for the case of a saturated porous material by introducing two additional parameters, H
and R. The parameter H describes the variations of the volume of the material due to a variation of
the pore pressure while R describes the variations of the pore fluid content due to a pore pressure
variation. Consequently the volumetric strain ε is expressed as a function of the mean stress σ and
the pore pressure p f : ε = σ Kd + p f H where K d is the bulk modulus of the drained solid. The

variation of the fluid content θ is expressed as a function of σ and p f : θ = σ H + p f R . Gassman

[3] established the relations between the properties of solid and fluid constituents and the
coefficients of Biot’s equations for the case of a porous material with a single solid constituent. Biot
and Willis [4] presented the expression of an effective stress, more general than the one of Terzaghi,
for the variations of the volume of porous materials. Geertsma [5] re-wrote Biot’s equations for a
homogeneous and isotropic solid matrix in terms of parameters which are directly measurable in the
laboratory such as confining pressure, pore pressure, total volume and pore volume. He defined, for
a homogeneous and isotropic material, the effective stress for the variations of the total volume
(equivalent to Biot’s effective stress) and the effective stress for the variations of the pore volume.
Brown and Korringa [6] completed the formulation of Geertsma [5] by an additional parameter for
the materials similar to the ones of Biot [2], which do not satisfy necessarily the conditions of
micro-homogeneity and micro-isotropy. The definition of poroelastic parameters in Brown and
Korringa [6] is based on the choice of two independent variables: the differential pressure and the
pore pressure. The differential pressure is defined as the difference between the total mean stress
and the pore pressure (in other words, Terzaghi effective stress). Rice and Cleary [7] used a

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formulation quite similar to the one of Brown and Korringa [6] for solving several boundary value
problems by considering constant moduli for the material. The effect of temperature in the theory of
porous media has been considered first probably by Palciauskas and Domenico [8] who presented
an extension of Biot’s formulation. McTigue [9] is then presented an extension of Rice and Cleary
[7] approach by taking into account the temperature effect. Zimmerman et al. [17] presented a
formulation for the volumetric poroelastic behavior of a porous material constituted by a single
homogeneous solid. In this formulation the compressibility coefficients vary with stress state and
their definitions are based on the choice of confining pressure and pore pressure as independent
variables. These authors also presented the expressions of effective stress coefficients for the
variations of various physical properties of the material and also some limits and inequalities for the
compressibilities and effective stress coefficients. A similar approach has been presented by
Berryman [14] based on Brown and Korringa [6] formulation for a general case of a porous material
without micro-homogeneity or micro-isotropy assumptions. Coussy [13] presented a rigorous
framework for the poromechanics theory, which takes into account various aspects of the thermo-
poro-elasticity of saturated and unsaturated porous materials, poroplasticity, poro-visco-elasticity
and chemo-elasticity.
The theoretical framework used in this document is a combination of the formulations of Brown
and Korringa [6] and Rice and Cleary [7] for the isothermal part and the works of Palciauskas and
Domenico [8] and McTigue [9] for thermal aspects. This formulation is developed for a material
which does not necessarily satisfy the micro-homogeneity and micro-isotropy conditions. In the
first step it is assumed that the porous material and its solid phase are in elastic domain. After
developing the thermo-poro-elasticity framework, an extension of this formulation is presented to
take into account the effects of non-elastic strains.

2 Volumetric thermo-poro-elastic behavior

We present here the framework used to describe the thermo-elastic volumetric behavior of a porous
material which can be heterogeneous and anisotropic at the micro-scale. The theoretical basis of the
formulation has been presented in many earlier studies. Among them, one can refer to the milestone
papers and textbooks of Biot and Willis [1], Brown and Korringa [6], Rice and Cleary [7],
Palciauskas and Domenico [8], McTigue [9], Zimmerman [10], Detournay and Cheng [11],
Vardoulakis and Sulem [12], Coussy [13]. This framework is recalled here in a comprehensive
manner in order to clarify the mathematical and physical significance of the different parameters.
A fluid saturated porous material can be seen as a mixture of two phases: a solid phase and a fluid
phase. The solid phase may be itself made up of several constituents. The Lagrangian porosity φ is

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defined as the ratio of the volume of the porous space Vφ to the total volume V0 in the reference

(undeformed) state.

φ= (1)

For a saturated material, the volume of the pore space is equal to the volume of the fluid phase. We
consider a saturated sample under an isotropic state of stress σ (positive in compression). We
choose three independent variables for characterizing the volumetric response of a porous material:
the pore pressure p f , the differential pressure σ d as defined below and the temperature T .

σd = σ − pf (2)

The expression of the variations of the total volume V and of the pore volume Vφ introduces six


dV 1 ⎛ ∂V ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂V ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂V ⎞
= dσ d + dp f + dT
V0 V0 ⎜⎝ ∂σ d ⎟⎠ p V0 ⎜⎝ ∂ p f ⎟⎠ V0 ⎜⎝ ∂T ⎟⎠ p
,T σ f ,σ d
f d ,T

dVφ 1 ⎛ ∂Vφ ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂Vφ ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂Vφ ⎞
= dσ d + dp f + dT
Vφ 0 Vφ 0 ⎜⎝ ∂σ d ⎟⎠ Vφ 0 ⎜⎝ ∂ p f ⎟⎠ Vφ 0 ⎜⎝ ∂T ⎟⎠
p f ,T σ d ,T
p f ,σ d

1 1 ⎛ ∂V ⎞ 1 1 ⎛ ∂Vφ ⎞
=− ⎜ , =− (4)
Kd V0 ⎝ ∂σ d ⎟⎠ p ,T
Kp Vφ 0 ⎜⎝ ∂σ d ⎟⎠
f p f ,T

1 1 ⎛ ∂V ⎞ 1 1 ⎛ ∂Vφ ⎞
=− ⎜ , =− (5)
Ks V0 ⎝ ∂ p f ⎟⎠ Kφ Vφ 0 ⎜⎝ ∂ p f ⎟⎠
σ d ,T σ d ,T

1 ⎛ ∂V ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂Vφ ⎞
αd = , αφ = (6)
V0 ⎜⎝ ∂T ⎟⎠ p Vφ 0 ⎜⎝ ∂T ⎟⎠
f ,σ d p f ,σ d

Equation (4) corresponds to an isotropic and isothermal drained compression test in which the pore
pressure is controlled to remain constant in the sample. The variations of the total volume of the
sample V and of the volume of the pore space Vφ with respect to the applied confining pressure

give the (isothermal) drained bulk modulus K d and the modulus K p . Equation (5) corresponds to

the so-called unjacketed isothermal compression test, in which equal increments of confining
pressure and pore pressure are simultaneously applied to the sample, as if the sample is submerged,

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without a jacket, into a fluid under the pressure p f . The differential pressure σ d in this condition

remains constant. Neglecting the deformation of the jacket, the measured volumetric strain with the
applied pressure gives the unjacketed modulus K s . The variation of the pore volume of the sample
in this test, evaluated from the quantity of fluid exchanged between the sample and the pore
pressure generator when applying equal increments of confining pressure and pore pressure could in
principle give the modulus K φ . However experimental evaluation of this parameter is very difficult

as the volume of the exchanged fluid has to be corrected for the effect of fluid compressibility and
also for the effect of the deformations of the pore pressure generator and drainage system in order to
access to the variation of the pore volume of the sample. In the case of a porous material which is
homogeneous and isotropic at the micro-scale, the sample would deform in an unjacketed test as if
all the pores were filled with the solid component. The skeleton and the solid component experience
a uniform volumetric strain with no change of the porosity [11]. For such a material K s = Kφ = K m ,

where K m is the bulk modulus of the single solid constituent of the porous material. In the case of a

porous material which is composed of two or more solids and therefore is heterogeneous at the
micro-scale, the unjacketed modulus K s is some weighted average of the bulk moduli of solid

constituents [14]. The modulus K φ for such a material has a complicated dependence on material

properties. Generally it is not bounded by the elastic moduli of the solid components and can even
have a negative sign if the bulk moduli of the individual solid components are greatly different one
from another [15][16].
Equation (6) corresponds to a drained heating test in which the pore pressure is controlled to remain
constant in the sample while the thermal loading is applied. The variations of the total volume of the
sample V and of the volume of the pore space Vφ with respect to the applied thermal loading give

the volumetric drained thermal expansion coefficient α d and pore volume thermal expansion

coefficient α φ . Like for K φ , the experimental evaluation of α φ is very difficult as the volume of

the exchanged fluid has to be corrected for the effect of thermal expansion of the fluid and also for
the effect of the thermal deformations of the pore pressure generator and of the drainage system in
order to access to the variation of the pore volume of the sample. In the case of a micro-
homogeneous and micro-isotropic porous material, α d = αφ = α m , where α m is the thermal

expansion coefficient of the single solid constituent of the porous material. For such a material,
there is no change of porosity during a drained thermal loading because an isotropic thermal
expansion would cause a proportional change in every linear dimension of the body. In the general

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case, the difference between the expansion coefficients α d and α m reflects the difference between

the thermal response of the bulk porous medium and that of the solid phase alone [9].
Using the definitions of six parameters in equations (4) to (6), the expressions of volumetric strains
corresponding to the total volume and pore volume, presented in equation (3) can be re-written as :

dV dσ dp
= − d − f + α d dT
V0 Kd Ks
dVφ dσ dp
= − d − f + α φ dT
Vφ 0 Kp Kφ

The incremental volumetric strain d ε = − dV V0 is thus expressed as:

dV dσ d dp f
dε = − = + − α d dT (8)
V0 Kd Ks

Using Betti’s reciprocal theorem, one can find a relation between the compression moduli K p , K d
and K s (Brown and Korringa [6]; Zimmerman et al., [17]). According to this theorem, if an elastic
body is submitted to two loading sets F1 and F2 , the work w12 of F1 in the displacement field due to
F2 is equal to the work w21 of F2 in the displacement field due to F1 . We choose F1 = ( dσ ,0 ) and

F2 = ( 0, dp f ) . Using equations (2) and (7) the work of confining pressure on the total volume

variations due to the pore pressure and conversely, the work of pore pressure in the pore volume
variation due to confining pressure can be written as:

⎡ ⎛ 1 1⎞ ⎤
( )
w12 = −dσ ⎡⎣ dV 0,dp f ⎤⎦ = −dσ ⎢V0 ⎜ − ⎟ dp f ⎥ (9)
⎣ ⎝ Kd Ks ⎠ ⎦

⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎤
w21 = dp f ⎡⎣ dVφ ( dσ ,0 ) ⎤⎦ = dp f ⎢Vφ 0 ⎜ − ⎟ dσ ⎥ (10)
⎢⎣ ⎝ K p ⎠ ⎥⎦

The negative sign in equation (9) is to take into account the fact that a positive variation of the
confining pressure (compression) results in a negative variation of the total volume, while in
equation (10) a positive pore pressure variation results in a positive variation of the pore volume.
According to Betti’s reciprocal theorem we should have w12 = w21 . Replacing equations (9) and (10)
in this equality and using equation (1) the following relation is found between the bulk moduli K p ,

K d and K s :

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1 1⎛ 1 1⎞
= ⎜ − ⎟ (11)
K p φ0 ⎝ K d K s ⎠

Using equation (11), the number of the required parameters to characterize the volumetric thermo-
elastic behavior of a porous material is reduced to five.

2.1 Porosity variation

A clear distinction must be made between the Lagrangian and the Eulerian porosity [7][13]. The
Lagrangian porosity φ is defined as the pore volume per unit volume of porous material in the
reference state (also called pore volume fraction), while the Eulerian porosity ϕ is defined as the
pore volume per unit volume of porous material in actual (deformed) state. Both quantities are
identical in the reference state but differ in the actual (deformed) state. The following relations hold
for Lagrangian and Eulerian porosity change:

dφ = φ − φ0 =
dϕ = ϕ − ϕ 0 = φ − φ 0 (12)
V V0
dφ = dϕ − ϕ dε

The variation of the Lagrangian porosity can be written as:

dVφ dV ⎛ dσ dp ⎞
dφ = = φ0 φ = φ0 ⎜ − d − f + α φ dT ⎟ (13)
V0 Vφ 0 ⎝ Kp Kφ ⎠

Inserting the term dσ d from equation (8) and equation (11) in the above relation, after some re-
arrangements, the following expression is obtained for the variations of the Lagrangian porosity:

dp f
dφ = −bdε + − QdT (14)

where the parameters b (Biot effective stress coefficient), N (Biot skeleton modulus) and Q are
defined below:

b = 1− (15)

1 b φ0
= − (16)
N K s Kφ

Q = bα d − φ0α φ (17)

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The following equation can be written for the variation of the Eulerian porosity:

dϕ dVφ dV
= − (18)
ϕ Vφ V

Replacing equations (7) and (11) in equation (18), the expression of the variation of porosity, for
small strain conditions, is obtained:

1 ⎛ 1− φ0 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞

=− ⎜
φ0 ⎝ K d
− ⎟ dσ d + ⎜
Ks ⎠
− ⎟ dp f − α d − α φ dT
⎝ K s Kφ ⎠
( ) (19)

Equation (19) clearly shows that in the case of an ideal porous material ( α d = α φ , K s = Kφ ) there

would be no change of Eulerian porosity during an isotropic thermal loading or during an

unjacketed loading ( dσ d = 0 ).

2.2 Undrained conditions

The undrained condition is defined as a condition in which the mass of the fluid phase in the
medium is constant ( dm f = 0 ). Under this condition we choose three different independent

variables: the total stress σ , the fluid mass m f , and the temperature T . The measured quantities

are the total volume V and the pore pressure p f . Writing the expression of the variation of these

quantities, we can define four new parameters to describe the response of the porous material in
undrained condition:

⎛ ∂p f ⎞ 1 1 ⎛ ∂V ⎞
B=⎜ ⎟ , =− ⎜ ⎟ (20)
⎝ ∂σ ⎠m f ,T Ku V ⎝ ∂σ ⎠m f ,T

⎛ ∂p f ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂V ⎞
Λ=⎜ ⎟ , αu = ⎜ ⎟ (21)
⎝ ∂T ⎠m f ,σ V ⎝ ∂T ⎠m f ,σ

The parameter K u is the undrained bulk modulus and B is the so-called Skempton coefficient [19].

α u is the undrained volumetric thermal expansion coefficient and Λ is the thermal pressurization
coefficient. The variations of the fluid mass per unit volume ( m f = ρ f φ0 ) is given by:

dm f = ρ f dφ + φ0 d ρ f (22)

The undrained condition ( dm f = 0 ) implies that φ0 d ρ f ρ f + dφ = 0 . The variation of the fluid

density is given by the following relation:

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dρ f dp f
= − α f dT (23)
ρf Kf

where K f and α f are respectively the fluid compression modulus and thermal expansion

coefficient. Variations of the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient and of the compression
modulus of pure water with temperature and pressure are given in Figure 1.

5.5 2.5


Compression modulus (GPa)

Thermal exp. coeff. (1E-4/°C)



pf=1 MPa 2.2
3.0 pf=20 MPa
pf=1 MPa 2.1
2.5 Kf
pf=20 MPa

2.0 2.0
20 30 40 50 60

Temperature (°C)

Figure 1- Variations of the thermal expansion coefficient and of the compression modulus of pure water with
temperature and pressure

Replacing equations (23) and (14) in the expression φ0 d ρ f ρ f + dφ = 0 and then using equations (8),

(15), (16) and (17), after some re-arrangements the following expression is found for the variation
of pore pressure with the confining pressure and temperature in undrained conditions:

dp f =
(1 K − 1 K ) d s
dσ +
φ0 α f − α φ ) dT (24)
(1 K d
− 1 K ) + φ (1 K s 0 f
− 1 Kφ ) (1 K d (
− 1 K s ) + φ0 1 K f − 1 K φ )
Comparing equation (24) with the definitions of the Skempton coefficient B [19] and of the
thermal pressurization coefficient Λ [26] (equations (20) and (21)), we obtain:

(1 K − 1 K )
d s
(1 K d
− 1 K ) + φ (1 K
s 0 f
− 1 Kφ )

φ0 α f − α φ ) (26)
(1 K d (
− 1 K s ) + φ0 1 K f − 1 K φ )

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Equation (26) clearly highlights that the thermal pressurization of porous materials is caused by the
discrepancy between the thermal expansion of the pore fluid and the one of the pore volume.
The variation of the total volume in undrained condition is given by the undrained bulk modulus
K u and the undrained thermal expansion coefficient α u as presented in equations (20) and (21).
Replacing dV V = −dσ Ku + αu dT , dσ d = dσ − dp f and dp f = Bdσ + ΛdT in equation (8), the

following relationships are found between the various coefficients:

Ku = (27)
1 − B (1 − K d K s )

αu = α d + Λ (1 Kd − 1 Ks ) (28)

Using equations (25) and (26) in equation (28) the following expression for the undrained thermal
expansion coefficient is retrieved:

α u = α d + φ0 B α f − α φ ) (29)

As mentioned earlier, the modulus K φ is very difficult to measure experimentally. On the other

hand, the experimental evaluation of the poroelastic parameters K d , K s , K u and B is more

common, so that using these moduli that can be measured independently and equations (25) and
(27) one can find four different expressions for indirect evaluation of the parameter K φ [27].

1 (1 K d − 1 K s ) (1 K u − 1 K s )

⎪ Kf

φ0 (1 K d − 1 K u )
(a )

⎪ 1 (1− B ) (1 K d − 1 K s )
⎪ Kf

φ0 B
( b)
1 ⎪
=⎨ (30)
Kφ ⎪ 1 1 Ku − 1 K s
⎪ Kf

φ0 B
(c )

⎪ 1 (1− B ) (1 K d − 1 K u )


φ0 B 2
(d )

In a similar way one can find various expression for an indirect evaluation of the parameter α φ as a

function of other thermo-poro-elastic parameters which are easier to evaluate [28].

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⎧ αu − α d
⎪ αf −
φ0 B
(a )

Λ (1 K d − 1 K s )

⎪⎪ αf −
φ0 (1 K d − 1 K u )
( b)
αφ = ⎨ (31)

αf −
(α u − α d ) (1 K d − 1 K s )
(c )

⎪ φ0 (1 K d − 1 K u )
⎪ Λ (1 K d − 1 K s )

αf −
(d )

3 Deviatoric thermo-poro-elastic behavior

The expression of volumetric strain presented in the previous section can be generalized to tale into
account the deviatoric behavior: (Palciauskas and Domenico [8] ; McTigue [9] ; Coussy [13]) :

dσ ij
⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 1⎛ 1 1⎞ α
d ε ij = −⎜ − ⎟ δ ij dσ kk − ⎜ − ⎟ δ ij dp f − d δ ij dT (32)
2G ⎝ 6G 9K d ⎠ 3 ⎝ Kd Ks ⎠ 3

⎛ 2G ⎞ ⎛ Kd ⎞
dσ ij = 2Gd ε ij + ⎜ K d − δ d ε + 1− δ dp + K dα dδ ij dT (33)
⎝ 3 ⎟⎠ ij kk ⎜⎝ K s ⎟⎠ ij f

where G is the shear modulus. In an equivalent manner, equations (32) and (33) can be written as a
function of the invariants of stress and strain tensors. We define the mean stress σ = σ kk / 3 and the

second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor τ = sij sij / 2 , where sij = σ ij − σδ ij is the deviatoric

stress as well as the volumetric strain ε = ε kk deviatoric strain intensity γ = 2eij eij , where

eij = ε ij − ε kkδ ij / 3 is the deviatoric strain. In the previous expressions, the repetition of the indices

indicates the summation. Equations (32) and (33) can be written in an equivalent manner as follows:

1 ⎛ 1 1⎞
dε = dσ − ⎜ − ⎟ dp f − α d dT
Kd ⎝ Kd Ks ⎠
dγ = dτ

⎛ K ⎞
dσ = K d d ε + ⎜ 1− d ⎟ dp f + K dα d dT
⎝ Ks ⎠ (35)
dτ = Gdγ

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4 Effective stress concept

The concept of effective stress was first introduced by Terzaghi [20] who defined it as the
difference between the total stress and the pore pressure, and attributed all measurable effects of a
change in stress exclusively to changes in the effective stress.

More generally, the effective stress σ ′ = σ ′ σ , p f ) can be defined as a stress quantity which can be
used as a single variable to express the stress dependency of a property Q of a porous material.
Reducing the number of independent variables from two to one using the concept of effective stress
greatly simplifies the analysis of total stress and pore pressure dependency of porous material

Q = Q (σ , p f ) = Q (σ ′) (36)

If the total stress and the pore pressure vary in such a way that the effective stress remains constant,
then no variation in the corresponding property Q is expected. Thus the expression of the effective

stress can be obtained from the evaluation of the isolines of Q(σ , p f ) .

Since different material properties may depend on total stress and pore pressure in different ways,
there is not a unique effective stress which would be appropriate for all properties of the material,
and consequently different effective stress expressions should be defined for the different
Let us now consider Q as a physical property of the porous material which is a function of the

( )
differential pressure and of the pore pressure Q = Q σ d , p f . Assuming that this function is smooth

enough so that its derivatives can be defined, the incremental variation of Q can be written in the
following form:

∂Q ∂Q
dQ = dσ d + dp f (37)
∂σ d ∂p f

Introducing the definition of σ d (equation (2)) in equation (37) we obtain:

∂Q ⎡ ⎛ ∂Q ∂p f ⎞ ⎤
dQ = ⎢dσ − ⎜1 − ⎟ dp f ⎥ (38)
∂σ d ⎣⎢ ⎝ ∂Q ∂σ d ⎠ ⎥⎦

The above expression shows that the variation of the property Q can be written as a function of a
single incremental quantity dσ ′ :

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dQ = dσ ′ (39)
∂σ d

where dσ ′ is defined by

dσ ′ = dσ − nQ dp f (40)


∂Q ∂p f
nQ (σ d , p f ) = 1 − (41)
∂Q ∂σ d

The isolines of Q are obtained by the integration of the following differential equation:

dσ ' = 0 (42)

( )
In the close vicinity of a given state of stress σ d , p f , the isolines are generally approximated with

parallel straight lines (e.g. [21][29]) which is equivalent to the assumption that nQ is a constant.

Under this assumption, equation (40) can be easily integrated and a linear expression for the
effective stress is obtained:

σ ′ = σ − nQ p f (43)

The above expression is the most common form of the effective stress as used in the mechanics of
porous media. The effective stress coefficient nQ is equal to one in Terzaghi’s definition which

means that the total stress and the pore pressure have similar, but inverse, effects on the variation of
the property Q . While a value of the coefficient nQ smaller (respectively greater) than unity means

that the effect of pore pressure change on the variation of the property Q is less (respectively more)
important than the effect of a change in total stress. The expression of the effective stress coefficient
presented in equation (41) was first presented by Todd and Simmons [22].
Zimmerman [10] and Berryman [14] have derived general effective stress rules for various physical
properties of rocks and presented the expressions of the effective stress coefficients nQ

corresponding to different physical properties together with some bounds and general relations
among these coefficients.
If we replace the quantity Q in equation (41) by the incremental volumetric strain d ε = − dV V0

and using the definitions of bulk moduli presented in equations (4) and (5), the expression of the
Biot [1] effective stress coefficient b for the total volume change of a porous material is retrieved:

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b = 1− (44)

Similarly, replacing Q by − dVφ Vφ 0 and using equations (4) and (5), the effective stress coefficient

β corresponding to the variation of pore volume Vφ is found:

Kp φ0
β = 1− = 1− (45)
Kφ Kφ (1 K d − 1 K s )

The effective stress coefficient χ for the variation of porosity ϕ can be obtained by re-writing
equation (19) using equation (2):

⎛ 1− φ0 1 ⎞
dϕ = − ⎜
⎝ Kd
− ⎟ dσ − χ dp f
Ks ⎠
) (46)


χ = 1−
φ0 1 K φ − 1 K s ) (47)
(1− φ )0
Kd − 1 Ks

The effective stress coefficient for the variation of Lagrangian porosity is the same as the one of the
pore volume β. Using equation (1) the following expression can be obtained for the variations of the
volume of the solid phase Vs = V − Vφ :

dVs 1 ⎛ dV dV ⎞
= ⎜ − φ0 φ ⎟ (48)
Vs0 1− φ0 ⎝ V0 Vφ 0 ⎠

Introducing equation (7) in equation (48) and after some mathematical re-arrangements, the
following expression is obtained for the effective stress coefficient κ for the variations of the
volume of solid phase:

φ0 K s
κ= (49)

Berryman [14] has shown that the above set of effective stress coefficients for the variations of
different physical properties of porous materials verifies the following inequality:

κ ≤b≤β ≤ χ (50)

Berryman underlines that the inequality b ≤ χ is obtained by considering the empirical inequality
φ ≤ b.

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Principles of Poromechanics Siavash Ghabezloo

4.1.1 Effective stress for the drained bulk modulus

Using equation (2), equation (8) can be re-written in the following form:

dσ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
dε = +⎜ − ⎟ dp f (51)
Kd ⎝ Ks Kd ⎠

For hyperelastic materials, the existence of an elastic potential guaranties that the volumetric strain
ε is independent of the loading path. This condition is fulfilled when the Euler condition of
integrability in equation (51) is verified:

∂ (1 K d ) ∂ (1 K s − 1 K d )
= (52)
∂p f ∂σ

Considering now the drained compressibility cd = 1 K d as a function of σ and p f , the variation of

cd can be written in the following form:

∂cd ∂c
dcd = dσ + d dp f (53)
∂σ ∂p f

This equation can be re-written in the following form:

∂cd ⎛ ∂cd ∂p f ⎞
dcd = ⎜ dσ + dp f ⎟ (54)
∂σ ⎝ ∂cd ∂σ ⎠

The effective stress coefficient θ corresponding to the variations of the drained bulk modulus can
be defined as:

∂cd ∂p f
θ =− (55)
∂cd ∂σ

Inserting equation (52) in equation (55) and replacing cd with 1 K d , the following expression is


∂ (1 K s ) ∂σ
θ = 1− (56)
∂ (1 K d ) ∂σ

We can see that for a material with a constant unjacketed modulus K s , the effective stress

coefficient θ is equal to one and the drained bulk modulus is a function of Terzaghi effective stress
Kd = f (σ d ) . Various theoretical demonstrations of this statement can be found in Zimmerman

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Principles of Poromechanics Siavash Ghabezloo

[10], Berryman [14], Coussy [13] and Gurevich [23]. Experimental verification is presented by
Boutéca et al. [24] for two sandstones.
Coyner [25] has performed experimental measurements of the variations of the unjacketed and of
the drained bulk moduli of different rocks (sandstones, limestones and granites), with a range of
pressures up to 100MPa. The results showed that the maximum variation of the unjacketed modulus
for the range of applied pressures is about 10%. We can evaluate the effective stress coefficients θ
using the experimental data of Coyner [25] and we find numerical values very close to one, between
0.95 and 1.0. These experimental results confirm that, even for a porous material which is
heterogeneous at the micro-scale and for which a small variation of the unjacketed compression
modulus with applied stress is expected, this variation is insignificant regarding the effective stress
coefficients θ . Thus, for most practical applications, the dependence of the bulk modulus with
Terzaghi effective stress is an acceptable assumption.

5 Tangent and secant moduli

The variations of the volume of a porous material can be expressed in terms of either tangent or
secant moduli. The definitions are presented in Figure (1) and equations (4) and (5). From Figure
(1) we can write the following relationships between the secant and tangent moduli:

Figure 2- Definitions of the tangent and secant moduli

1 1 dσ d
σd ∫ Kd (57)

1 1 dp f
pf ∫ Ks

The secant modulus can be interpreted as an average value of the tangent modulus over a range of
pressure. If the drained bulk modulus is a function of the Terzaghi effective stress and the

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Principles of Poromechanics Siavash Ghabezloo

unjacketed modulus is constant, which is the case for most geomaterials as mentioned in section
4.1.1, then equation (8) can be integrated and the volumetric strain can be written using the secant

σd pf
ε= sec
+ (59)
K d K ssec

We can re-write this equation, using equation (2), to find the expression of the secant Biot effective
stress coefficient:

K dsec
σ − bsec p f ) (60)


K dsec
bsec = 1− (61)
K ssec

The expression of Biot effective stress σ b′ is obtained from equation (60):

σ b′ = σ − bsec p f (62)

6 Influence of non-elastic strains

The above framework can be extended to account for the effect of non-elastic strains. These strains
can be plastic, viscoelastic or viscoplastic and induce non-elastic porosity changes. The non-elastic
changes of the total volume, pore volume and solid volume are defined by:

dV ne = dV − dV e ; dVφne = dVφ − dVφe ; dVsne = dVs − dVse (63)

The non-elastic increment of pore volume dVφne can be calculated from the definition of the

porosity (equation (1)) and knowing that Vφ = V − Vs .

dVφne = dVφ − dVφe = V0 ⎡⎣ −d ε ne + (1− φ0 )d ε sne ⎤⎦ (64)

From (64) we obtain:

dVφne −1
= ⎡⎣ d ε ne − (1− φ0 )d ε sne ⎤⎦ (65)
Vφ 0 φ0

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Using equation (65), equation (7) is re-written with the additional contribution of the non-elastic
volume changes:

dV dσ d dp f
− = + − α d dT + d ε ne
V0 Kd Ks
dVφ dσ d dp f d ε ne 1− φ0 ne
− = + − α φ dT + − dε s
Vφ 0 Kp Kφ φ0 φ0

The variations of Lagrangian porosity can be written as:

dp f
dφ = −bdε e + − QdT − dε ne + (1− φ0 )dε sne (67)

Using equations (18) and (66) the following relation is obtained for the variations of Eulerian

1 ⎛ 1− φ0 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 1− φ0

=− ⎜
φ0 ⎝ K d
− ⎟ dσ d + ⎜
Ks ⎠
− ⎟
⎝ K s Kφ ⎠
dp f − α d − α φ dT − (
d ε ne − d ε sne ( ) (68)

Similar to equation (24), the following expression can found for the variation of pore pressure with
the confining pressure and temperature in undrained condition, in presence of non-elastic volume

d ε ne − (1− φ0 ) d ε sne
dp f = Bdσ + ΛdT + (69)
(1 K d (
− 1 K s ) + φ0 1 K f − 1 K φ )
Equation (69) shows that non-elastic volume changes add an additional term in the generated pore
pressure. In the case of a material for which the solid phase is elastic ( d ε sne = 0 ), equation (69) can

be rewritten as:

d ε ne
dp f = Bdσ + ΛdT + (70)
(1 K d (
− 1 K s ) + φ0 1 K f − 1 K φ )
7 Transient coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical formulation

Consider a REV (Representative Elementary Volume) of a porous material submitted to fluid flow
as presented in the figure below. The fluid mass conservation implies that:

dm f ⎛ ∂q ∂q ∂q ⎞
+ ∇⋅q= 0 ⎜∇⋅q = x + y + z ⎟ (71)
dt ⎝ ∂x ∂ y ∂z ⎠

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Principles of Poromechanics Siavash Ghabezloo

where m f is the fluid mass per unit volume of the porous material, m f = ρ f φ0 and q is the fluid

mass flux per surface area (orthogonal

!! to flow direction).
qy + dy

qx qx + dx


Figure 3- REV of a porous material submitted to fluid flow

( )
Knowing that dm f = φ0 d ρ f + ρ f dφ , d ρ f = ρ f dp f K f − α f dT and equation (14) one obtains:

⎛ dp dp ⎞
dm f = ρ f ⎜ φ0 f − φ0α f dT − bd ε + f − QdT ⎟ (72)
⎝ Kf N ⎠

The fluid mass flux q in equation (71) is given by Darcy’s law:

ρf ⎛ ∂ pf ∂ pf ∂ pf ⎞
q = −k ∇p f ∇p = ˆ+
i ĵ + k̂ ⎟ (73)
µf ⎜ f ∂x ∂y ∂z
⎝ ⎠

where k is the intrinsic permeability and µ f is the fluid viscosity. Inserting equations (72) and (73)

in equation (71) one obtains:

d ε ⎛ φ0 1 ⎞ dp ⎛ ρ ⎞
b −⎜ + ⎟ f + φ0α f + Q
dt ⎝ K f N ⎠ dt
dT 1
dt ρ f
∇ ⋅ ⎜ k f ∇p f ⎟ = 0
⎝ µf ⎠

Inserting equations (8), (15), (16) and (17) in the above relation and knowing equations (25) and
(26) the following alternative form can be found for equation (74):

dp f dσ dT βu ∂ ⎛ ρ f ⎞
=B +Λ + k ∇p (75)
dt dt dt ρ f ∂z ⎜⎝ µ f f ⎟


βu = (76)
φ (1 K f − 1 Kφ ) + (1 K d − 1 K s )

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Equation (75) can be extended to take into account the effect of non-elastic strains as presented in
section 4. By doing so, in the case of a material for which the solid phase is elastic ( d ε sne = 0 ), one


dp f d ε ne dσ dT βu ∂ ⎛ ρ f ⎞
− βu =B +Λ + k ∇p (77)
dt dt dt dt ρ f ∂z ⎜⎝ µ f f ⎟

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