Module 2 - Strategies For Effective Communication

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What is Communication?
This refers to the process of transferring
meaning from sender to receiver such as:
- Needs/feelings
- Intentions/expectations
- Dreams/desire
- Goals/objectives

Assertive Communication
- Is the ability ot express positive and
negative ideas and feelings in an
open, honest and direct way
- It recognizes your rights whilst still
respecting the rights of others
- It allows you to take responsibility for
yourself and your actions without
judging or blaming
- When conflict exists, it allows you to
constrictively confront and find
The following illustrates the patterns of mutually satisfying solutions
communication based on evidence. Take note
how effective communication happens, the FOUR BASIC STYLES OF COMMUNICATION
same as how dysfunctional communication 1. Passive
occurs. - Fail to assert for themselves
- Inability to say “no”
- Allow others to infringe on their rights
- Fail to express their feelings, needs, or
- Tend to speak softly or apologetically
- Exhibit poor eye contact
- Slumped body posture

2. Aggressive
- Try to dominate others
- Use humiliation to control others
- Criticize, blame, or attack others
- Have low frustration tolerance
- Speak in a loud, demanding voice
- Act threateningly and rudely
- Do not listen well; interrupt
- Use “you” statements
- Have piercing eye contact

3. Passive-Aggressive
- Mutter to themselves rather than
- Have difficulty acknowledging their
- Use facial expressions that do not
match how they feel (ex. Smiling
when angry)
- Use sarcasm
- Deny there is a problem
- Appear cooperative while purposely
doing things to annoy and disrupt
- Use subtle sabotage to get even

4. Assertive
- State needs and wants clearly and
- Express feelings appropriately
- Use “I” statements
- Communicate respect for others
- Listen well without interrupting
- Feel in control of self
- Feel connected to others
- Stand up for their rights

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