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CIVILIZATION ● Introduced a form of writing making

use of symbols (3100 BC)
● Sumerian

● Egyptian
● Babylonian
● Introduced the procedure for
● Greek
preservation of human corpses of
● Roman the pharaohs (2600 BC)
● Chinese
- Fertile Crescent (2300 BC)
SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION - Emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates
- First Builders (before 4000 BC) River
- First people to use BRONZE (Cu & Sn) as - Great builders, engineers, and architect
ornaments and tools. Hanging Garden of Babylon?
Cunieform ● One of the traditional lists of Seven
● First writing system using clay Ancient Wonders
tablet (3500 – 3000 BC) ● No conclusive archaeological
Plow, irrigation, and dikes
evidence has ever been discovered
● Introduced farming technology to to provide an indication as to their
increase food production location or appearance.
Sailboat Maps
● First mode of transportation (1300 ● Use sketches on clay as maps. It
BC) was discovered in Mesopotamia
Wheel & Road which illustrates Akkadian region
(2600 BC)
● Facilitate faster and easier travel

- Sophisticated Sculpture (2300 BC)
- Pyramid Building (3150 BC)
- Greece is an archipelago in southern
- Build palaces, obelisks, temples of granite,
and stone
- Birthplace of Western Philosophy
- First people to develop GEOMETRY
- Contributed much to the world, especially
in the fields of Science, Mathematics, and
● Invented purposely for health and Technology
aesthetics Pythagorean Theorem
Paper ● Introduced by Phytogoras (800 –
● Invented the first paper from 400 BC)
papyrus (3000 BC) – abundant ● Conclude that the earth is a sphere
plant in the Nile River
revolving around the sun
Atomic Theory
● Proposed by Democritus (460 – Silk

370 BC) ● Produced by silk worm and

● The matter is made up of atoms processed to form paper and textile

(2696 BC)
Scientific study of medicine
● Silk Trade
● Father of medicine – Hippocrates
(460 BC)
● Developed by the Chinese
Alarm clock alchemists who aimed to achieve
● A system of dropping pebbles on a immortality (900 BC)

gong to make a sound which is the ● Use to propel bullets and to

first alarm clock produce fireworks
● Ctesibius (285 – 222 BC) Paper
● (100 BC)
ROMAN CIVILIZATION ● Invented by Cai Lun during Hans
- (625 BC)
- Implemented the use of concrete in the
majority of their construction (200 BC) ● Used of wood fibers, fishnette, and
Roman Empire old rages
● Strongest political and social entity Great wall of China

in the west. ● (771 – 476 BC)

Roman Numerals ● World attraction due to its
● Introduced by romans by making historical significance and grandeur
use of letters (800 BC)
Roman Architecture
● Visual contributions of Roman
empire (509 BC)
● Invented as gazettes, contained
announcements of the Roman
empire, and engraved in metal (59

- Traditional medicine (5000 BCE)
- Made substantial contributions in the field
of medicine, astronomy, mathematics, arts,
music and philosophy
Tea production
● Started when the Chinese emperor
drunk the first tea (2737 BC)
Chinese green tea
● Beverage extracted from tea leaves

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