Biochemistry Assig

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BE613 Biochemistry 2023-24, Sem-I Assignment-6

Total marks (10x10=100)

1. Carefully study the following Figure. If we shut off the sodium-potassium ATPase
pump, what will be the effect on the flow
of various ions (Chloride, Calcium,
Potassium, and Sodium) (a) immediately
and (b) after 1 second? (10)

2. In neurons as action potential

travels through axon which of the ion
channels (Sodium / Potassium) are locally
open or closed during the following

a. Depolarization
a. Repolarization
a. Hyperpolarization

What about the Chloride and Calcium? (10)

3. Can you make a flow chart for the

visual-transduction process like the one
shown on page 444, FIGURE 12–7, "Epinephrine cascade". (10)

4. What does the following figure represent? Carefully study and explain at least 4
distinct comparative observations. (10)

5. How does the potassium ion channel provide maximum flow rate while maintaining
high specificity? write a short note in your own words. Why is the same arrangement not
possible with calcium ions? (10)
BE613 Biochemistry 2023-24, Sem-I Assignment-6

6. Adults engaged in strenuous physical activity require an intake of about 160 g of carbohydrates
daily but only about 20 mg of niacin for optimal nutrition. Given the role of niacin in glycolysis, how
do you explain the observation? (5)

7. In 1906 Harden and Young, in a series of classic studies on the fermentation of glucose to ethanol
and CO2 by extracts of brewer’s yeast, made the following observations. (1) Inorganic phosphate was
essential to fermentation; when the supply of phosphate was exhausted, fermentation ceased before all
the glucose was used.(2) During fermentation under these conditions, ethanol, CO2, and a hexose
bisphosphate accumulated. (5+10 = 15)

(a) Why did fermentation cease when the supply of phosphate was exhausted?

(b) Why did ethanol and CO2 accumulate? Was the conversion of pyruvate to ethanol and CO2
essential? Why? Identify the hexose bisphosphate that accumulated. Why did it accumulate?

8. Carefully study the following two tables and highlight four major observations. (10)

9. In step 8 of glycolysis, the phosphate group shifts from C3 to C2 which is anyway lost in step 10.
What is the logical need of such a shift? (5+5)
BE613 Biochemistry 2023-24, Sem-I Assignment-6

10. Please see the following solved example from Lehninger:

Here, apparently, we have taken a log of a quantity that is not dimensionless (in this case it appears to
be a concentration expressed in Molar). How do you make sense of it? If needed, please demonstrate
with the help of a simple derivation. (5)
BE613 Biochemistry 2023-24, Sem-I Assignment-6

11. The following Diagram describes the Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in the liver. Please
choose any one enzyme (Can’t choose Glucose or Insulin) and write a brief note about it’s role in
carbohydrate metabolism. The note shall clearly explain the various interactions with other
enzymes/components of the carbohydrate metabolism. (10)

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