Activity 5 (Group Activity) Reaction Paper

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Allan T. Jumuad, Jr.


The Most Amazing Cultures around the World

In a beautiful world adorned with enchanting cultures, ours is not a mere sum of a bigger
picture. Different alluring cultures are showcased, which adds color to our world. Although
diversification is prominent amongst us, it is timely to say that we all shimmer equally. In the
following, we will attempt to enumerate the Philippines' cultural similarities and differences
amongst the aforementioned.

Some of the cultures displayed have a somewhat keen similarity in contrast to ours.
Residing in the Hindu Kush mountain valleys in the northwest of Pakistan, near the Afghan
frontier, live the people of Kalash, an isolated South Asian population of Indo-European people.
People in Kalash are famous for their beautiful scenery, colorful clothes, and belief in animism.
Just like in our country, the Philippines is also famous for its abundance of scenery, colorful
clothes, and undying reverence for our beliefs. To expound on the subject of religion. We can
also picture ourselves among the Thai people. Offering blood sacrifices and facing the retribution
of it as modernity coerced, some of our indigenous tribes had these sacrificial traditions before
but witnessed as they were altered to fit the current era.

The Umoja village, also known as "A No-Man Village," is located in the country of
Kenya, where matriarchy is exalted. Although picture perfect, feminism is rarely observed in our
culture as we still uphold gender-focused standards that are detrimental to societal balance. In
addition to the information, the village is ruled by and composed of survivors of sexual abuse.
One more existing difference is that between the Scots and ours. The narrator did not lie when
they said wearing skirts is a social execution, as we still possess internalized sexist notions here
in the Philippines.

Undoubtedly, the Black Hmong tribe’s culture in Northern Vietnam is one of the most
fascinating on the list. This minority employs gender equality, which preserves the idea of
utopia. With the equality issues our world currently faces in the current times, it is hard not to
find the Black Hmong tribe’s notions commendable; therefore, they earn the title as one of the
most amazing cultures in our opinion. With all of these cultures adorning the globe like gleaming
ornaments, it is safe to say that the ones that stand out the most are those that emphasize equality.
Equality has been needed throughout history, and it is one of the most desired. To think that a
small Vietnamese tribe can understand and appreciate the principle of equality without
discrimination speaks volumes. The Black Hmong Culture is truly fascinating and ahead of its

The Most AMAZING Cultures Around The World REVEALED...

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