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Imperial College of Engineering (Affiliated by Rajshahi University)

Department of Mechanical Engineering (Year: 3rd ; Term: 1st)

Course Name: Fluid Machinery; Course code: ME 3131
CT-01 || Time: 30 min || Full Marks: 20
1. Write down short notes on – (3)
(a) Vapor Pressure, (b) Specific Gravity, (c) Specific Weight
2. What is shear stress? Write down the classification of Fluid. (3)
3. Derive the expression for fundamental equation for fluids at rest. (6)
Prove that, =−γ
4. A U-tube differential manometer connecting two pressure pipes at A and B. The pipe A
contains A liquid of specific gravity 1.6 under a pressure of 110 kN/m 2. The pipe B contains oil of
specific gravity 0.8 under a pressure of 200 kN/m 2. Find the difference of pressure measured by
mercury as fluid filling U-tube.

Imperial College of Engineering (Affiliated by Rajshahi University)

Department of Mechanical Engineering (Year: 3rd ; Term: 1st)
Course Name: Fluid Machinery; Course code: ME 3131
CT-01 || Time: 30 min || Full Marks: 20
1. Write down short notes on – (3)
(a) Vapor Pressure, (b) Specific Gravity, (c) Specific Weight
2. What is shear stress? Write down the classification of Fluid. (3)
3. Derive the expression for fundamental equation for fluids at rest. (6)
Prove that, =−γ
4. A U-tube differential manometer connecting two pressure pipes at A and B. The pipe A
contains A liquid of specific gravity 1.6 under a pressure of 110 kN/m 2. The pipe B contains oil of
specific gravity 0.8 under a pressure of 200 kN/m 2. Find the difference of pressure measured by
mercury as fluid filling U-tube.

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