Prehistory Ignacio Villalón

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The history have different parts, the first one starts with the Prehistory.
This stage is the larger one in our history and iclude a lot of evolution
changes in the humans, our habits and ways of life. It is composed by
Paleolithic, Neolithic and the Age of the metals.
-Paleolithic: Goes from 5.000.00 to 11.000 BC, this period spotlight is the
development of the hominids, intelligence and culture. That development
come with innovation in agriculture, hunt, tools, fire and lenguage etc in
order to improve their survival.
-Neolithic: Goes from 11.000 to 6.000 BC, in this phase of Prehistory the
main important issue is the agriculture, which appeared at the Paleolithic
and starts it´s development in Neolithic. The agriculture raise thanks to
the end of the ice ages, people start to grow crops and stay with them,
thats how the sedentarism emerge in the world. The sendentarism had a
very importat change in our lives, since then people starts trading
improving the economy, eating better, generating work, creating new
tools, less life risk and living in communities.
-Age of the metals: Goes from 5.000 to the first century BC. This age its
divided in three parts, cooper age, bronze age and iron age. The discover
of using metal supossed a big development in terms of technology. Some
examples are: The Wheel, better tools for the crops and better weapons
to hunt and defend their selves.
Another advances were the megalitism, sailing and art.

Ignacio Villalón Valle

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