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ANNUAL PLAN 2022-23 Lakh

Sr. Scheme BJT HEAD Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central
1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10
1 Direcorate of Agriculture Establishment.(Staff) 1004.92 1004.92
2 Direcorate of Agriculture Establishment.(Staff) T&V 450.00 450.00
1 2401/001/01 3 Account Officer Post (staff) 5.21 5.21
Assistant Director of Agriculture Post in Devbhoomi, Morbi &
4 27.87 27.87
Chhotaudepur District - New Item
2 AGR-1 2401/001/03 5 District Establishment(Staff) 1004.22 1004.22
Administration Extension and Infrastructure Facility for
Agriculture Development
Administration for Agri. Development (staff) 1559.47 1559.47
6 Outsorsing of 72 vehicle facilities 185.00 185.00
Sardar Patel Krushi Research Award 5.25 5.25
3 AGR-1 2401/001/06 7 Global Agri Summit cum Exhibition 0.01 0.01
8 Krushi Mahotsav 1000.00 1000.00

9 District Agriculture Officer Gandhinagar Post class-1 New Item 11.90 11.90

Deputy Director of Agriculture(Ext) , Navsari Post & DDA(Ext)

10 112.28 112.28
office Staff in Tapi and Dang (Ahwa) - New Item
Incentive for Registration under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman
11 0.01 0.01
Nidhi Yojana PM KISAAN
4 2401/001/08 12 Incentive for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana- PMKMY 0.01 0.01
Scheme to give Kisan Credit Card to the beneficiaries of the PM’s
13 0.01 0.01
Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme
14 Intensive Agricultural District Programme(Grain/Green fodder) 550.00 550.00
5 AGR-59 2401/102/01
15 Intensive Agricultural District Programme. (Staff ) 5.96 5.96
Promoting farmer for Post Harvesting & Management (value
6 2401/102/04 16 100.00 100.00
17 SRI Demonstration in Rice crop 333.75 333.75
7 2401/102/05
18 increase pulse production through pulses intercropping 375.00 375.00

8 2401/102/06 19 National Food Security Mission (NFSM)-General-Central 1440.00 1440.00

9 2401/102/07 20 National Food Security Mission (NFSM)-Normal-State 960.00 960.00

Sr. Scheme BJT HEAD Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central

Multiplication and Distribution of various type of cotton (Deshi

21 110.00 110.00
10 2401/103/01 22 Multiplication and Distribution of various type of cotton(Staff) 172.26 172.26
Scheme on distribution of Solar (energy) trap to farmers with
23 200.00 200.00
11 2401/103/02 24 Seed Testing Laboratory & Establishment of seed cell. (staff) 198.50 198.50

25 Adj Establishment of Seed cell ( Seed Valley Federation) 0.01 0.01

12 2401/103/04
26 Certified and Foundation Seed Production Subsidy- Beej Nigam 3000.00 3000.00
Strengthening of Gujarat State Seed Certification
13 AGR-52 2401/103/21 27 150.00 150.00
14 2401/103/22 28 Sub Mission for seed and planting material (SMSP)-Central-60% 259.05 259.05

15 2401/103/23 29 Sub Mission for seed and planting material (SMSP)-State-40% 172.70 172.70

16 2401/103/24 30 Sub Mission for seed and planting material (SMSP)-Central-100% 146.10 146.10

17 2401-105-01 31 Distribution of Ammonium Sulphate and other Fertilizers (staff) 169.15 169.15
Strengthening Establishment of Soil Testing Laboratory for
32 24.79 24.79
Analysis of Micronutrients in soil (staff) I.Q.
18 2401-105-02
Strengthening Establishment of Soil Testing Laboratory for
33 38.60 38.60
Analysis of Micronutrients in soil (staff)- FNC
34 Staff for Fertiliser Testing laboratory (staff) - F.N.C. 553.10 553.10
19 2401-105-03 35 Staff for Fertiliser Testing laboratory , Nadiad (staff) -I.Q. 49.95 49.95
36 Staff for Biofertiliser and Organic ferti quality control lab 18.25 18.25
AGR-2 Agriculture support programme for other than SC/ST
AGR-2 Agriculture support programme for other than SC/ST
37 4400.85 4400.85
38 Farm Mechanization - General 5700.25 5700.25
39 Rodent Control 200.00 200.00
40 Saral Krushi 0.01 0.01
Timely disease and pest control in endemic & accidentally
20 AGR-2 2401/105/29 41 5.00 5.00
42 On farm storage structure Scheme for the General farmers 10325.00 10325.00
Outsourcing service of vehicle and spray equipment set units for
43 8.00 8.00
locust control operation
20 Scheme
2401/105/29 Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central

44 Mobile Crop clinic 140.00 140.00

45 Drum and Tokar -General 4565.35 4565.35
46 Assistance to farmer on Smart Phone Purchase 1000.00 1000.00

21 2401-105-33 47 Financial Assistance to GAIC for storage of fertiliser in off season. 1700.00 1700.00

48 Gujarat Organic Product Certification Agency-GOPCA (staff) 170.35 170.35

22 2401/105/34
49 Promotion of Organic Farming under State Organic Policy 300.00 300.00
50 University for organic farming 108.00 108.00
51 construction of Gujarat Organic Agricultural University 1190.00 1190.00
23 2401/105/37
52 Establishment and Staff of Gujarat Organic Agricultural University 51.35 51.35

53 Establishment and Staff of Gujarat Organic Agricultural University 25.20 25.20

24 2401/105/41 54 Organic Farming Cell Staff 7.00 7.00

25 2401/105/42 55 Soil Health card Scheme(SHC) NMSA - General - central 774.00 774.00

26 2401/105/43 56 Soil Health card Scheme(SHC) NMSA - General - State 516.00 516.00

27 2401/105/44 57 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)-NMSA-General-Central 16.23 16.23

28 2401/105/45 58 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)-NMSA-General-State 10.82 10.82

29 2401/105/46 59 Soil Health Management (SHM) NMSA- General-Central 0.06 0.06

30 2401/105/47 60 Soil Health Management (SHM) NMSA- General-State 0.04 0.04
Implementation of Insecticides Act 1968 Pesticides Testing
61 440.11 440.11
62 Staff for Pesticides Testing Laboratory , Vadodara (staff) 7.20 7.20
31 2401/107/01 Scheme for opening of New Bio-Pesticide Testing Laboratory at
63 18.25 18.25
Financial assistance for study the impact of pesticides on human
64 0.01 0.01
Establishment of Plant quarantine Station.Expansion of
65 165.80 165.80
32 2401-107-05
Establishment of Plant quarantine Station.Expansion of
66 95.92 95.92
Sr. Scheme BJT HEAD Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central

Biological Control Laboratory at

67 24.35 24.35
Gandhinagar.(Gandhinagar+Nadiad staff)
Biological Control Laboratory at
68 28.13 28.13
Gandhinagar.(Gandhinagar+Nadiad staff)
33 2401/107/12
Financial Assistance to farmers ,to produce Pheromone trap to
69 control larval pest in agriculture & waste-decomposers to complete 21.00 21.00
decomposition of crop residue to make organic fertilizers

Financial assistance to farmers to installed barbed wire fencing

70 10000.00 10000.00
surrounding their farms to protect the crop from the wild animals
34 2401/107/14
Financial assistance to farmers for purchase of solar power unit /
71 kit for construction of solar fencing around the farm to prevent 2000.00 2000.00
damage to crops by wild animals.- New Item
35 2401/108/01 72 Cotton Production(Staff) 455.15 455.15

Trial Cum Demonstration and Irrigation Farms

Farmers Training and Education Programme.(Men & Women
73 200.00 200.00
Administration for Agri. Development Deputy Director of
74 79.40 79.40
Agriculture (Ext./ Training / Agro)
36 AGR-58 2401/109/ 01
75 Farmers Training and Education Programme.(Staff) 498.19 498.19
provide smart hand tool kit to the marginal farmers and farm
76 200.00 200.00
workers of the state
Scheme for the study of the Training Module of Agriculture
77 0.00 0.00
Organisation Setup for Agricultural development works

78 Agro service Provider 700.00 700.00

79 Post of Deputy Director of Agri (Ext) Bhuj (kachchh)-Staff 17.73 17.73

37 AGR-61 2401/109/04
80 Organisation Setup for Agricultural development works(Staff) 10405.99 10405.99
Scheme for need for Center of Excellence for Agricultural
81 200.00 200.00
82 FPO Facilitation Centre 29.15 29.15
Establishment of Information and Communication Technology at
38 AGR-44 2401/109/06 83 10.10 10.10
Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) - General -
39 AGR-8 2401/109/07 84 3282.00 3282.00
Sr. Scheme BJT HEAD Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central

Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) - General -

40 2401/109/08 85 2478.00 2478.00
A scheme to provide assistant to farmers family for Natural
41 2401/109/09 86 21357.07 21357.07
Farming to maintain indigenous cow
Formation of "Gujarat Natural Agriculture Development Board" -
42 2401/109/10 87 10000.00 10000.00
New Item - ATMA
Crop Insurance Scheme in Gujarat.(Estimation of Crop sown
88 2500.00 2500.00
area through Satellite image)
43 2401/110/01 89 Crop Insurance Scheme in Gujarat - (Staff) 23.42 23.42
90 Crop Insurance cell at Krishibhavan (Staff) 15.00 15.00
91 Staff for Farmer welfare scheme 40.00 40.00
Risk management in Agri. Sector (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima
33.00 33.00
Mukhyamantri Kisan sahay Yojana (MMKSY) 0.01 0.01
44 AGR-11 2401/110/04 0.01 0.01
Crop Cutting Experiments
Artificial Rainfall 0.01 0.01
93 Automatic weather Station 400.00 400.00
45 2401/110/06 94 Farmers Accident Insurance Scheme 6930.00 6930.00
46 2401/110/07 95 Gujarat state Agriculture Price Stabilization Scheme 0.01 0.01
Crop Input Subsidy to the Farmers for Crop Loss Due to Natural
47 2401/110/08 96 1.00 1.00
Surveys,Project evaluation and assessment (Improvement of
48 2401-111-01 97 Agricultural Statistics) & Agricultural Economics and statistic Input 546.37 546.37
data collection(Staff)
Crop Estimation Survey on fruits,vegetables and minor crops-FVM
49 2401/111/10 98 47.84 47.84
Improvement of crop statistics(ICS), Timely reporting of estimates
50 AGR-19 2401/111/12 99 235.56 235.56
of area & production of principal crops(ICS & TRS)-Staff
51 2401/111/14 100 National e-Governance plan in Agriculture ( NeGP-A)-Central 0.01 0.01
52 2401/111/15 101 National e-Governance plan in Agriculture ( NeGP-A)-State 0.01 0.01
53 2401/112/01 102 Production of Pulses crops-(Staff) 12.05 12.05
54 2401/113/01 103 Agricultural Engineer to Government and District staff (Staff) 202.67 202.67
55 2401/113/05 104 Sub mission on Agril. Mechenization - General- Central 1585.20 1585.20
56 2401/113/06 105 Sub mission on Agril. Mechenization - General- State 1056.80 1056.80
Assistance to farmers to purchasing heavy farm equipments
57 AGR-50 2401/113/07 106 15800.00 15800.00
Sr. Scheme BJT HEAD Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central

Purchase of Medium Size Goods Carriage Vehicles for Transport

58 2401/113/08 107 1500.00 1500.00
of Agricultural Products
Scheme to assist farmers in purchasing "Sanedo" (agricultural
59 2401/113/09 108 1000.00 1000.00
equipment) - New Item
109 Intercropping demonstration for Oilseed crops 236.25
60 2401/114/02 110 Staff for Oilseed Scheme 0.00
Use of advanced drone technology (agricultural aircraft) in the field
111 3500.00 3500.00
of agriculture - New Item
61 AGR-6 2401/114/03 112 National Mission on Oilseed & Oilpalm(NMOOP) - Normal-Central 1980.00 1980.00

62 2401/114/04 113 National Mission on Oilseed & Oilpalm(NMOOP) - Normal-State 1320.00 1320.00

63 2401-119-53 114 Pradhan Mantri Krushi Sinchayee Yojana - Normal 0.01 0.01

64 AGR-43 2401/131/01 115 Rastriy Krushi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) - General-Central 10800.00 10800.00

65 2401/131/02 116 Rastriy Krushi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) - General-State 7200.00 7200.00
National mission on sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) - RAD-
66 2401/131/03 117 711.00 711.00
National mission on sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) - RAD-
67 2401/131/04 118 474.00 474.00
119 Financial Assistance to Gujarat Agro industries Corpo. Ltd 10000.00 10000.00
120 Hanger for Fruit & Vegetables 0.01 0.01
68 2401/195/02 121 Agro Food Processing Cluster 0.00
122 Branding & Promotion (AIF,FPO) 500.00 500.00
123 Ethanol production promotion policy - New Item - GAIC 500.00 500.00
69 2401/195/05 124 PM formalization of Microfood precessing Enterprise-Central 4200.00 4200.00
70 2401/195/06 125 PM formalization of Microfood precessing Enterprise-State 2800.00 2800.00
71 AGR-45 2401/797/01 126 National Agri. Insurance Scheme - Corpus Fund 10000.00 10000.00
72 2401/797/02 127 Corpus Fund for Price Support Scheme 0.01 0.01
Soil testing Laboratory and Soil Survey (Gypsum) and Land
73 2401/800/01 128 361.65 361.65
Investigation of Agronomic condition and introduction of crop
74 2415-004-01 129 14.53 14.53
75 4401/103/01 130 Construction activity under RIDF scheme ( GSSC Godown) 3500.00 3500.00
Normal (Demand-2) 139534.66 25429.22 17152.05 0.00 16230.89 198346.82
Sr. Scheme BJT HEAD Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central

Soil Conservation and Survey Organisation in Dry farming

76 2402/101/01 131 208.64 208.64
watershed areas-Staff
132 Area Irrigation Programme. -Staff 166.69 166.69
77 2702/01/104/01 To assist the farmers for construction of community base
133 underground water tank/storage structure for efficient use of water 300.00 300.00
through drip irrigation
78 2702/03/103/01 134 Improvement of Irrigation of wells by blasting.-Staff 132.59 132.59
Normal TOTAL D-3 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 507.92 807.92
Works Demand No. 84
135 New pesticides Testing Laboratory at Vadodara 0.00 0.00
136 office of phytosanitory certificate issuing Authority at Surat 0.01 0.01
137 Repairs to Fertlizer Testing Laboratory at Bardoli 0.01 0.01
138 Renovation of Office of Deputy Director of Agri(S.C) Gandhinagar 0.01 0.01

139 Renovation of Third and fourth floor of Krishibhavan 90.00 90.00

140 Farmer Training Center, Khedabrahma Building Construction 1.00 1.00
141 Bio Control Laboratory,Nadiad Renovation 0.01 0.01
79 WORKS 4401/800/42
142 Sub Division Vadodara Building Construction 1.00 1.00
143 Sub Division Tharad Building Construction 1.00 1.00

144 Renovation of Ground floor,Podium and First floor of Krishibhavan 1.00 1.00
Construction of New Building of Sub Division Ankaleshwar - New
145 0.00 90.00 90.00
Joint Director of Agriculture(Ext) Surat office Renovation - New
146 84.77 84.77
Sub Division - Dholka, Vastrapur,Talaja,Nakhatrana, Kheralu New
147 499.45 499.45
Construction - New Item
Total Works (Demand-84) 94.04 0.00 674.22 0.00 0.00 768.26
Special Provision for Crop Husbandary under Tribal sub plan (D-
80 AGR-19 2401/800/01 148 40.00 40.00
Total (Demand-93) 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00
Scheduled castes sub plan for Distribution of seeds and fertilizers
149 1250.00 1250.00
input kits Subsidiesed rates to S.C. cultivators
150 Farm Mechanization - SCSP 305.00 305.00
81 AGR-4 2401/103/01 151 On farm storage structure Scheme for the SCSP farmers 1265.00 1265.00
152 Farmers Accident Insurance Scheme - SCSP 260.00 260.00
153 Drum and Tokar - SCSP 195.75 195.75
Sr. Scheme BJT HEAD Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central

82 2401/119/03 154 Pradhan Mantri Krushi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) - SCSP 0.01 0.01
Financial Assistance to SCSP Farmers for increasing Production
83 2401/789/01 155 50.00 50.00
and Productivity of Sugarcane
84 AGR-43 2401/789/02 156 Rastriy Krushi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) - SCSP - Central 1029.00 1029.00
85 2401/789/03 157 Rastriy Krushi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) - SCSP - State 686.00 686.00

86 2401/789/04 158 Strenghening of Seed Testing Lab- seed village-SCSP-Central 0.02 0.02

87 2401/789/05 159 Strenghening of Seed Testing Lab- seed village-SCSP-State 0.02 0.02

88 AGR-6 2401/789/06 160 National Mission on Oilseed & Oilpalm (NMOOP)-SCSP-Central 48.00 48.00

89 2401/789/07 161 National Mission on Oilseed & Oilpalm (NMOOP)-SCSP-State 32.00 32.00

90 2401/789/10 162 National food security mission (NFSM) - SCSP-Central 120.00 120.00

91 2401/789/11 163 National food security mission (NFSM) - SCSP-State 80.00 80.00
Rainfed area Development-National mission for sustainable
92 2401/789/12 164 63.00 63.00
Agriculture (RAD-NMSA) - SCSP-Central
Rainfed area Development-National mission for sustainable
93 2401/789/13 165 42.00 42.00
Agriculture (RAD-NMSA) - SCSP-State
Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) SCSP-
94 AGR-8 2401/789/14 166 163.20 163.20
95 2401/789/15 167 Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) SCSP-State 108.80 108.80

96 2401/789/16 168 Soil Health card Scheme(SHC) NMSA - SCSP-Central 36.00 36.00
97 2401/789/17 169 Soil Health card Scheme(SHC) NMSA - SCSP-State 24.00 24.00

98 2401/789/18 170 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) -NMSA-SCSP-Central 1.46 1.46

99 2401/789/19 171 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) -NMSA-SCSP-State 0.97 0.97

100 2401/789/20 172 Sub mission on Agril. Mechenization - SCSP-Central 154.80 154.80

101 2401/789/21 173 Sub mission on Agril. Mechenization - SCSP-State 103.20 103.20

102 2401/789/24 174 PM formalization of Microfood precessing Enterprise-SCSP-Central 300.00 300.00

103 2401/789/25 175 PM formalization of Microfood precessing Enterprise-SCSP-State 200.00 200.00

Total SCSP (Demand-95) 4602.74 1915.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 6518.23

Sr. Scheme BJT HEAD Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central

104 2401/796/02 176 Strengtheing of soil Testing Laboratoreies in Tribal Area. -Staff 126.83 126.83
Distribution of Seeds of more productions varieties / Hybrid
177 varieties Seeds and Fertilizer at Subsidies etc. to Adivasi farmers 2551.35 2551.35
in Tribal Area
178 Farm Mechanization - TASP 817.35 817.35

179 On farm storage structure Scheme for the TASP farmers 2650.00 2650.00
105 AGR-3 2401/796/03
180 Farmers Accident Insurance Scheme - TASP 910.00 910.00

181 Drum and Tokar - TASP 625.25 625.25

District Agriculture Officer class-1, Dang & Extension Officer
182 14.48 14.48
(Agri.) Garudeshwar Post - New Item
Education Programme in Sabarkantha, Bharuch and Panchmahal -
106 2401/796/06 183 140.05 140.05
107 2401/796/10 184 Organisational set up for Agricultural Devlopment -Staff 2147.76 2147.76

185 Fertiliser Testing Laboratory at Bardoli (Staff)-FNC 10.48 10.48

108 2401/796/21
186 Fertiliser Testing Laboratory at Bardoli (Staff)-T&V 20.64 20.64

109 AGR-14 2401/796/31 187 Special Provision of Crop Husbandry under Tribal Sub plan - D-96 3890.00 3890.00

110 2401-796-43 188 Pradhan Mantri Krushi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) TASP 0.01 0.01

111 2401-796-44 189 Declaration of Dang district under 100% organic farming. 222.00 222.00
Financial Assistance to TASP Farmers for increasing Production
112 2401/796/48 190 650.00 650.00
and Productivity of Sugarcane
113 2401/796/49 191 Dang Prkrutik Krishi 3151.00 3151.00

114 AGR-43 2401/796/50 192 Rastriy Krushi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) TASP-Central 2058.00 2058.00

115 2401/796/51 193 Rastriy Krushi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) TASP-state 1372.00 1372.00

116 2401/796/52 194 Strenghening of Seed Testing Lab- seed village-TASP-Central 0.01 0.01

117 2401/796/53 195 Strenghening of Seed Testing Lab- seed village-TASP-State 0.01 0.01

118 AGR-6 2401/796/54 196 National Mission on Oilseed & Oilpalm (NMOOP) - TASP-Central 60.00 60.00

119 2401/796/55 197 National Mission on Oilseed & Oilpalm (NMOOP) - TASP-State 40.00 40.00
Sr. Scheme BJT HEAD Sub Short Name of Scheme
No No. No. Continue 2022-23 New Item 2022-23
State Central State Central

120 2401/796/58 198 National food security mission - TASP-Central 300.00 300.00

121 2401/796/59 199 National food security mission - TASP-State 200.00 200.00
Rainfed area Development-National mission for sustainable
122 2401/796/60 200 126.00 126.00
Agriculture (RAD-NMSA) - TASP-Central
Rainfed area Development-National mission for sustainable
123 2401/796/61 201 84.00 84.00
Agriculture (RAD-NMSA) - TASP-State
Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) TASP-
124 AGR-8 2401/796/62 202 362.25 362.25
125 2401/796/63 203 Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) TASP-State 240.94 240.94

126 2401/796/66 204 Sub mission on Agril. Mechenization - TASP-Central 306.00 306.00
127 2401/796/67 205 Sub mission on Agril. Mechenization - TASP-State 204.00 204.00
128 2401/796/68 206 Soil Health card Scheme(SHC) NMSA - TASP-Central 72.00 72.00
129 2401/796/69 207 Soil Health card Scheme(SHC) NMSA - TASP-State 48.00 48.00
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) -NMSA - TASP -
130 2401/796/70 208 3.12 3.12
131 2401/796/71 209 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) -NMSA - TASP - State 2.08 2.08

132 2401/796/72 210 PM formalization of Microfood precessing Enterprise-TASP-Central 600.00 600.00

133 2401/796/73 211 PM formalization of Microfood precessing Enterprise-TASP-State 400.00 400.00

AGR-35 -Strengthening of Agricultural Extension Services (

134 2575/01/305/04 212 14.28 14.28
Extension Officer 3 post)
AGR-14 Adj Supply of seeds and fertilisers and pesticides to Dang
135 AGR-14 2575/01/305/05 213 65.00 65.00
Total TASP (Demand-96) 18157.90 3887.39 14.48 0.00 2425.12 24484.89
Grand Total 162729.34 31232.10 17840.75 0.00 19163.93 230966.12
Normal(Demand-2) 139534.66 25429.22 17152.05 0.00 16230.89 198346.82
Demand-3 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 507.92 807.92
Works(D-84) 94.04 0.00 674.22 0.00 0.00 768.26
Demand-93 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00
SCSP(D-95) 4602.74 1915.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 6518.23
TASP(D-96) 18157.90 3887.39 14.48 0.00 2425.12 24484.89
Total 162729.34 31232.10 17840.75 0.00 19163.93 230966.12

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