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11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

Curriculum of Competency Unit 




NOSS CODE BC-070-2:2014



CU CODE BC-070-2:2014-C01


CU DESCRIPTOR Building finishes maintenance provides a diverse range of services, which include r
outine maintenance, and upgrading of facilities. Services provided include: building
or demolishing walls; installing or removing windows and doors; repairing floors, wal
ls, ceilings, windows, and doors; forming, pouring, and refinishing concrete walks, st
eps, and retaining walls; laying blocks, brick, and stone; and repairing roofs/ installin
g shingle roofs.

The person who is competent in building finishes maintenance and shall be able to i
dentify building finishes maintenance requirement, prepare building finishes mainten
ance tools, equipment and material, repair building finishes and report building finis
hes maintenance work

The outcome of this competency is to ensure acceptable quality and within specific t
ime frame of building finishes maintenance work according to work order and regula
tory body requirement

The personnel who is competent in this competency must in prior have the following
competencies: -
Not applicable 1/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

LEARNING The person who is competent in this competency unit shall be able to ensure accept
OBJECTIVE able quality and within specific time frame of building finishes maintenance work acc
ording to work order and regulatory body requirement. Upon completion of this com
petency unit, trainees will be able to:-
• Identify building finishes maintenance requirement
• Prepare building finishes maintenance tools, equipment and material
• Repair building finishes
• Report building finishes maintenance work

WORK ACTIVITIES Identify building finishes maintenance requirement

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type of building such as

• Residential
• Commercial
• Industrial
• Special purpose
• Public building
2. Purpose of building finishes maintenance work order
3. Function of building finishes
4. Type of building finishes such as
• Doors
• Windows
• Ceiling
• Floor
• Wall
5. Work order format method of checking building finishes
6. Type of building finishes maintenance work such as
• Service
• Repair
• Replace
7. Specification of building finishes such as
• Purpose
• Size
• Quantity
• Brand
• Condition
• Colour

RELATED SKILLS 1. Interpret building finishes maintenance work order

2. Check building finishes maintenance condition
3. Determine type of building finishes maintenance work
4. Study specification of building finishes
5. Check building finishes maintenance area/location according to work
6. Recognize building finishes maintenance duration work 2/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Detail in identifying building finishes maintenance requirement


ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Building finishes maintenance work order detail listed and explained
2. Specification of building finishes maintenance work detail out according
to work order
3. Building finishes maintenance area/location confirmed according to work
4. Building finishes maintenance duration work confirmed according to work

WORK ACTIVITIES Prepare building finishes maintenance tools, equipment and material

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type and function of building finishes maintenance tools such as
• Hand tools
- Screw driver
- Hammer
- Spanner
• Power tools
- Hand drill
- Cutting drill
- Grinder
- Hammer drill
2. Type and function of building finishes maintenance equipment such as
• Buffing machine
• Scrubbing machine
• Water pickup machine
• Vacuum cleaner
• Sky lift
- Scaffolding
- Gondola
3. Type and function of building finishes maintenance material such as
• Tiles
• Mortar
• Wall paper
4. Type and function of building finishes maintenance PPE such as
• Hand glove
• Goggle
• Safety helmet
• Safety shoe
• Mask
• Harness
5. Requisition procedure
6. Building finishes maintenance tools equipment and material arrangement
7. Building finishes maintenance tools, equipment functionality and
condition 3/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type and function of building finishes maintenance tools
2. Determine type and function of building finishes maintenance equipment
3. Determine type and function of building finishes maintenance material
4. Determine type and function of building finishes maintenance PPE
5. Follow requisition procedure
6. Arrange building finishes maintenance tools equipment and material
7. Check building finishes maintenance tools, equipment functionality and

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Systematic in preparing building finishes maintenance tools, equipment

ENVIRONMENT and material

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type and function of building finishes maintenance tools listed and
2. Type and function of building finishes maintenance equipment listed and
3. Type and function of building finishes maintenance material listed and
4. Type and function of building finishes maintenance PPE listed and
5. Building finishes maintenance tools equipment and material sorted and
prepared according to maintenance requirement

WORK ACTIVITIES Repair building finishes 4/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type of building finishes such as

• Wall
• Ceiling
• Windows
• Door
• Floor
2. Building as built plan
• Architectural
• Mechanical
• Civil structure
• Electrical
3. Site preparation such as
• Signage
• Announcement/ memo
• Safety and security
• Scaffolding
4. Method of building finishes repair work
5. Building finishes repair work procedure
6. Building finishes repair work technique
7. Maintenance quality
8. Building repairing finishes repair work safety and regulation
9. Authority body rules and regulation
10. Housekeeping work requirement

RELATED SKILLS 1. Confirm type of building finishes

2. Interpret building as built plan
3. Carry out site preparation
4. Confirm method of building finishes repair work
5. Follow building finishes repair work procedure
6. Carry out repair work
7. Apply building finishes repair work technique
8. Comply to building finishes repairing time duration
9. Adhere to building repairing finishes repair work safety and regulation
10. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
11. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Accurate, systematic, meticulousin repairing of building finishes

ENVIRONMENT 2. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in repairing building finishes
3. Adhere to DOE standards and guidelines in repairing building finishes

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type of building finishes listed and explained

2. Building as built plan interpreted and detailed out
3. Site prepared and arranged according to building maintenance standard
4. Building finishes repaired according to work order specification and
maintenance quality
5. Building finishes repair work safety and regulation adhered
6. Work area tidied up 5/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

WORK ACTIVITIES Report building finishes maintenance work

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Organisation structure

2. Building finishes maintenance work status
3. Closing work order

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine organisation structure

2. Update building finishes maintenance work status
3. Close work order
4. Submit close work order to supervisor

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in updating building finishes maintenance work status report
ENVIRONMENT 2. Adhere to report submission dateline

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Building finishes maintenance work status updated

2. Work order completed and submitted

CU CODE BC-070-2:2014-C02


CU DESCRIPTOR The building electrical system maintenance provides preventative and correctiv
e maintenance on all electrical equipment in the building, which include all interi
or lighting and building electrical systems to ensure maximum reliability.

The person who is competent in building electrical maintenance shall be able to

identify building finishes maintenance requirement, prepare building finishes ma
intenance tools, equipment and material, repair building finishes and report buil
ding finishes maintenance work

The outcome of this competency is to ensure acceptable quality and within spec
ific time frame of building electrical maintenance work according to work order a
nd regulatory body requirement

The personnel who is competent in this competency must in prior have the follo
wing competencies: -

LEARNING The person who is competent in this competency unit shall be able to ensure ac
OBJECTIVE ceptable quality and within specific time frame of building electrical maintenance
work according to work order and regulatory body requirement. Upon completio
n of this competency unit, trainees will be able to:-
• Identify building electrical maintenance requirement
• Prepare building electrical maintenance tools, equipment and material
• Service building electrical component
• Repair building electrical component
• Replace building electrical component
• Report building electrical maintenance work 6/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

WORK ACTIVITIES Identify building electrical maintenance requirement

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type of building such as

• Residential
• Commercial
• Industrial
• Special purpose
2. Public building
3. Work order format
4. Building electrical system condition
• Building electrical system such as
- Low voltage
- Extra low voltage
• Type of building electrical equipment/ device such as
- Distribution board
- Sub distribution board
- Electrical fittings and accessorie
5. Type of maintenance work
• Service
• Repair
• Replace
6. Building electrical maintenance specification
• Current
• Voltage
• Ampere
• Wire size
7. Building as built plan
• Architectural
• Mechanical
• Civil structure
• Electrical

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type of building

2. Interpret work order
3. Check building electrical system condition
4. Determine type of maintenance work
5. Studybuilding electrical maintenance specification
6. Confirm building electrical maintenance location
7. Confirm building electrical maintenance duration work

11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Electrical maintenance work order detail listed and explained
2. Type of maintenance work confirmed according to work order
3. Specification of building electrical maintenance detail out according to
work order
4. Building electrical maintenance area/location confirmed according to
work order
5. Building electrical maintenance duration work confirmed according to
work order

WORK ACTIVITIES Prepare building electrical maintenance tools, equipment and material

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type and function of building electrical maintenance tools such as
• Hand tools
• Power tools
• Testing tools
• Measuring tools
2. Type and function of calibration equipment
3. Type and function of building electrical maintenance material/parts such
• Cable
• Breakers
- Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
- Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
- Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB)
• Trunking
• Conduit
• Cable tray
4. Type and function of building electrical maintenance PPE
• Helmet
• Goggle
• Protective glove
• Safety boot
• Safety apron
5. Requisition procedure
6. Building electrical maintenance tools equipment and material
7. Building electrical maintenance tools, equipment functionality and
condition 8/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type and function of building electrical maintenance tools
2. Determine type and function of calibration equipment
3. Determine type and function of building electrical maintenance material
4. Determine type and function of building electrical maintenance PPE
5. Follow requisition procedure
6. Arrange building electrical maintenance tools equipment and material
7. Check building electrical maintenance tools, equipment functionality and

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Systematic in preparing building electrical maintenance tools, equipment

ENVIRONMENT and material

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type and function of building electrical maintenance tools listed and
2. Type and function of calibration equipment listed and explained
3. Type and function of building electrical maintenance material/parts listed
and explained
4. Type and function of building electrical maintenance PPE listed and
5. Building electrical maintenance tools equipment and material sorted and
prepared according to maintenance requirement

WORK ACTIVITIES Service building electrical component 9/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type and function of building electrical component such as

• Switch socket outlet
• Lightning arrestor
• Light fitting
• Electrical sensor
• Electrical protection devices
• Electrical motor
2. Electrical drawing
• Single line diagram
• Wiring diagram
• Schematic diagram
3. Site preparation such as
• Signage
• Announcement/ Memo
• Safety and security
• Scaffolding
4. Building electrical component servicing method
5. Building electrical component servicing procedure
6. Building electrical component servicing technique
7. Authority body rules and regulation on electrical works
• Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST)
• CIDB (Green card)
8. Building electrical component functionality test
9. Housekeeping work requirement

RELATED SKILLS 1. Interpret electrical drawing

2. Carry out site preparation
3. Confirm building electrical component servicing method
4. Follow building electrical component servicing procedure
5. Carry out building electrical component servicing work
6. Comply to electrical component servicing time duration
7. Apply building electrical component servicing technique
8. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
9. Carry out building electrical component functionality test
10. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in servicing building electrical component

ENVIRONMENT 2. Systematic in servicing building electrical component
3. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in servicing building electrical
4. Wear proper PPE 10/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type of building electrical component explained

2. Electrical drawing explained
3. Site preparation implemented
4. Building electrical component servicing procedure followed
5. Building electrical component servicing work executed
6. Building electrical component servicing technique applied
7. Building electrical component servicing time duration followed
8. Authority body rules and regulation complied
9. Building electrical component functionality test executed
10. Work area tidied up

WORK ACTIVITIES Repair building electrical component

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Operation of building electrical system component such as

• Lightning arrestor
• Electrical sensor
• Electrical motor
2. Suruhanjaya Tenaga Electrical Act
3. Ohm law
4. Building electrical component repairing work method
• Self repair
• Out source
5. Building electrical component repairing work procedure
6. Building electrical component repairing work technique
7. Maintenance quality
8. Authority body rules and regulation
9. Building electrical component functionality test
10. Safety and regulation
11. Housekeeping work requirement

RELATED SKILLS 1. Confirm type and function of building electrical system component
2. Interpret electrical drawing
3. Carry out site preparation
4. Confirm building electrical component repairing work method
5. Follow building electrical component repairing work procedure
6. Carry out building electrical component repairing work
7. Apply building electrical component repairing time duration
8. Apply building electrical component repairing work technique
9. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
10. Carry out building electrical component functionality test
11. Adhere to safety and regulation
12. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Systematic, meticulous and timely in repairing building electrical

2. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in repairing building electrical
component 11/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type and function of building electrical system component listed and
2. Electrical drawing interpreted and detailed out
3. Site prepared and arranged according to building maintenance standard
4. Building electrical component repaired according to work order
specification and maintenance quality
5. Work area tidied up

WORK ACTIVITIES Replace building electrical component

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Purpose of building electrical component replacement work

2. Building electrical component specification
3. Building electrical component replacement procedure
4. Building electrical component replacement technique
5. New parts/component standard

RELATED SKILLS 1. Confirm type of building electrical component for replacement

2. Interpret electrical drawing
3. Carry out site preparation
4. Confirm building electrical component replacement method
5. Follow building electrical component replacement procedure
6. Carry out building electrical component replacement work
7. Apply building electrical component replacement technique
8. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
9. Carry out building electrical component functionality test
10. Confirm building electrical component as per specification
11. Adhere to building electrical component safety and regulation
12. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Systematic, meticulous and timely in replacing building electrical

2. Adhere to all safety and regulation and SOP in replacing building
electrical component
3. Adhere to DOE standards and guidelines in replacing building electrical

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Specification of building electrical component checked and confirmed as

per required
2. Site prepared for replacement work
3. Building electrical component replaced according to work order
specification and maintenance quality
4. Authority body rules and regulation complied
5. Building electrical component functionality test carried out according to
maintenance standard practice 12/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

WORK ACTIVITIES Report building electrical maintenance work

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Organisation structure

2. Building finishes maintenance work status
3. Close work order submission method

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine organisation structure

2. Update building electrical maintenance work status
3. Close work order
4. Submit close work order to supervisor

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in updating building electrical maintenance work status report
ENVIRONMENT 2. Adhere to report submission dateline

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Building electrical maintenance work status updated

2. Work order completed and submitted

CU CODE BC-070-2:2014-C03



CU DESCRIPTOR Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance provides p
reventative and corrective maintenance on air conditioning and mechanical ventilati
on equipment and system in the building, which include air filtration, cooling and hu
midification or heat recovery.

The person who is competent in building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance shall be able to Identify building air conditioning and mechanical ventil
ation maintenance requirement, prepare building air conditioning and mechanical ve
ntilation maintenance tools, equipment and material, service building air conditionin
g and mechanical ventilation maintenance, repair building air conditioning and mech
anical ventilation component, replace building air conditioning and mechanical ventil
ation maintenance and report building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation m
aintenance work

The outcome of this competency is to ensure quality of building air conditioning and
mechanical ventilation maintenance works are according to work order and regulato
ry body requirement

The personnel who is competent in this competency must in prior have the following
competencies: -
Not applicable 13/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

LEARNING The person who is competent in this competency unit shall be able to ensure quality
OBJECTIVE of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance works are accor
ding to work order and regulatory body requirement. Upon completion of this compe
tency unit, trainees will be able to:-
• Identify building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance r
• Prepare building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance tools, eq
uipment and material
• Service building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and componen
• Repair building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and component
• Replace building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and compone
• Report building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance w

WORK ACTIVITIES Identify building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance
work order
2. Type of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
• Centralise
- Air cooled
- Water cooled
- Variable refrigerant volume
• Split unit
• Package unit
3. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system operation
4. Type of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
maintenance work such as
• Service
• Repair
• Replace
5. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation specification 14/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED SKILLS 1. Air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance work
2. Determine type of air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
3. Check building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
4. Determine type of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance work
5. Determine building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
6. Determine building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance location
7. Determine building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance duration work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Detail in identifying building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
ENVIRONMENT maintenance requirement

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance
work order detail listed and explained
2. Type of maintenance work confirmed according to work order
3. Specification of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
system maintenance detail out according to work order
4. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance
area/location confirmed according to work order
5. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance
duration work confirmed according to work order

WORK ACTIVITIES Prepare building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance
tools, equipment and material 15/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
system maintenance tools such as
• Hand tools
• Power tools
• Manifold gauge
• Airflow meter
• Humidity meter
2. Type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance system equipment such as
• Vacuum pump
• Recovery machine
• Water pressure jet
3. Type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
system maintenance material such as
• Refrigerant
- R22
- R134a
- R410A
- R506
• Copper tube
- Hard drawn
• Insulation material
- PU foam
- Armaflex
• Chemical/ detergent
4. Type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance PPE such as
• Helmet
• Goggle
• Glove
• Safety boot
• Face mask
5. Requisition procedure
6. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance tools
equipment and material
7. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance tools,
equipment functionality and condition 16/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical
ventilation system maintenance tools
2. Determine type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical
ventilation maintenance system equipment
3. Determine type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical
ventilation system maintenance material
4. Determine type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical
ventilation system maintenance PPE
5. Follow requisition procedure
6. Arrange building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance
tools equipment and material
7. Check building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance
tools, equipment functionality and condition


ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance tools listed and explained
2. Type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance equipment listed and explained
3. Type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance material listed and explained
4. Type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance PPE listed and explained
5. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance
tools equipment and material sorted and prepared according to
maintenance requiremen

WORK ACTIVITIES Service building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system 17/45
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RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Mechanical ventilation maintenance such as

• Indoor fan motor
• Outdoor condenser fan motor
• Diffuser
• Air filter
• Cooling tower
• Air conditioning drive unit
• Air conditioning starter
2. Air conditioning electrical drawing
• Single line diagram
• Wiring diagram
• Schematic diagram
3. Site preparation such as
• Signage
• Announcement/ memo
• Safety and security
• Scaffolding
4. Method of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
5. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system servicing
6. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance
servicing work
• Refill split unit air conditioning refrigerant
• Refill air conditioning lubrication
• Clean air conditioning filter and coil
• Check air conditioning electrical comp
7. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system servicing
8. Authority body rules and regulation
9. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system functionality
10. Housekeeping work requirement 18/45
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RELATED SKILLS 1. Confirm type of mechanical ventilation maintenance

2. Interpret electrical drawing
3. Carry out site preparation
4. Follow building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
servicing procedure
5. Carry out building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance servicing work
6. Apply building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
servicing technique
7. Comply to building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
servicing time duration
8. Adhere to building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
servicing work safety and regulation
9. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
10. Carry out building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
functionality test
11. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Accurate, systematic, meticulous in servicing building air conditioning and
ENVIRONMENT mechanical ventilation maintenance
2. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in servicing building air
conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance
3. Adhere to DOE standards and guidelines in servicing building air
conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Electrical drawing listed and detailed out

2. Site prepared and arranged according to building maintenance standard
3. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component serviced according to work order and maintenance quality
4. Building finishes repair work safety and regulation adhered
5. Work area tidied up

WORK ACTIVITIES Repair building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component 19/45
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RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Operation of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation

component such as
• Blower fan motor
• Condenser fan motor
• Remote control (wired/wireless)
• Indoor fan motor
• Outdoor condenser fan motor
• Cooling tower
• Air conditioning driv
2. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component repair method
3. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component repair procedure
4. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component repair work such as
• Motor jammed
• Piping leak
• Faulty electrical wiring
5. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component repair technique

RELATED SKILLS 1. Confirm type of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
system and component
2. Interpret air conditioning electrical drawing
3. Carry out site preparation
4. Follow building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component repair procedure
5. Carry out building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component repair work
6. Comply to building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
and component repairing time duration
7. Apply building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component repair technique
8. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
9. Carry out building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
maintenance functionality test
10. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Systematic, meticulous and timely in repairing building air conditioning
ENVIRONMENT and mechanical ventilation system and component
2. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in repairing building air
conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and component
3. Adhere to DOE standards and guidelines in repairing building air
conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and component 20/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type and function of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
system and component listed and explained
2. Air conditioning electrical drawing interpreted and detailed out
3. Site prepared and arranged according to building maintenance standard
4. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component repaired according to work order specification and maintenance
5. Work area tidied up

WORK ACTIVITIES Replace building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Cooling capacity calculation

2. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component replacement method
3. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component replacement procedure
4. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component replacement work
5. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component replacement technique

RELATED SKILLS 1. Confirm type of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation
system and component
2. Carry out site preparation
3. Calculate cooling capacity
4. Confirm building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component replacement method
5. Follow building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component replacement procedure
6. Carry out building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component replacement work
7. Comply to building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
and component replacement time duration
8. Apply building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component replacement technique
9. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
10. Carry out building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
and component functionality test
11. Carry out housekeeping work 21/45
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ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Systematic, meticulous and timely in replacing building air conditioning
ENVIRONMENT and mechanical ventilation system and component
2. Adhere to all safety and regulation and SOP in replacing building air
conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and component
3. Adhere to DOE standards and guidelines in replacing building air
conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and component

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Specification of building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation

system and component checked and confirmed as per required
2. Site prepared for replacement work
3. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component replaced according to work order specification and maintenance
4. Authority body rules and regulation complied
5. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and
component functionality test carried out according to maintenance standard

WORK ACTIVITIES Report building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
maintenance work

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Organisation structure

2. Building finishes maintenance work status
3. Building electrical maintenance reporting method
• Updating checklist
• Updating logbook
• Verbal report
• Writing report

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine Organisation structure

2. Update air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system maintenance
work status
3. Close work order
4. Submit close work order to supervisor

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in updating air conditioning and mechanical ventilation

ENVIRONMENT maintenance work status report
2. Adhere to report submission dateline

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Building air conditioning and mechanical ventilation maintenance work
status updated
2. Work order completed and submitted

CU CODE BC-070-2:2014-C04

11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

CU DESCRIPTOR Plumbing system maintenance provides installing or repairing piping systems, plum
bing fixtures and equipment for water heaters, backflow preventers, clean water sys
tem and sanitary works in the building.

The person who is competent in plumbing maintenance shall be able to identify buil
ding finishes maintenance requirement, prepare building finishes maintenance tool
s, equipment and material, repair building finishes and report building finishes maint
enance work

The outcome of this competency is to ensure quality of plumbing maintenance work

s are according to work order and regulatory body requirement

The personnel who is competent in this competency must in prior have the following
competencies: -
Not applicable

LEARNING The person who is competent in this competency unit shall be able to ensure quality
OBJECTIVE of plumbing maintenance works are according to work order and regulatory body re
quirement. Upon completion of this competency unit, trainees will be able to:-
• Identify plumbing system maintenance requirement
• Prepare plumbing system maintenance tools, equipment and material
• Service plumbing system and component
• Repair plumbing system and component
• Report plumbing system maintenance work

WORK ACTIVITIES Identify plumbing system maintenance requirement


• Preventive maintenance
• Corrective maintenance
• Schedule maintenance
2. Plumbing system condition
3. Type of plumbing system maintenance work
4. Plumbing system maintenance specification
5. Plumbing system maintenance location
6. Plumbing system maintenance duration work

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine work order

2. Check plumbing system condition
3. Determine type of plumbing system maintenance work
4. Determine plumbing system maintenance specification
5. Determine plumbing system maintenance location
6. Determine plumbing system maintenance duration work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Accurate in identifying plumbing system maintenance requirement

11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Plumbing system maintenance work order detail listed and explained
2. Type of maintenance work confirmed according to work order
3. Specification of plumbing system maintenance detail out according to
work order
4. Plumbing system maintenance area/location confirmed according to work
5. Plumbing system maintenance duration work confirmed according to
work order

WORK ACTIVITIES Prepare plumbing system maintenance tools, equipment and material

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type and function of plumbing system maintenance tools such as
• Hand tools
• Power tools
• Special tools
- Ratchet
- Die
- Choking rod
2. Type and function of plumbing system maintenance equipment such as
• Welding set
• Water jet
• Water pickup
• Portable submersible pump
3. Type and function of plumbing system maintenance material such as
• White tape
• Plumbing glue
• Pipes and accessories
• Tali guni
4. Type and function of plumbing system maintenance PPE
• Helmet
• Goggle
• Glove
• Safety boot
• Face mask
5. Requisition procedure
6. Plumbing maintenance tools and equipment
7. Plumbing maintenance tools, equipment functionality and condition

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type and function of plumbing system maintenance tools
2. Determine type and function of plumbing system maintenance equipment
3. Determine type and function of plumbing system maintenance material
4. Determine type and function of plumbing system maintenance PPE
5. Follow requisition procedure
6. Arrange plumbing maintenance tools and equipment
7. Check plumbing maintenance tools, equipment functionality and
condition 24/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Systematic in preparing plumbing system maintenance tools, equipment

ENVIRONMENT and material
2. Meticulous in preparing plumbing system maintenance tools, equipment
and material
3. Timely in preparing plumbing system maintenance tools, equipment and

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type and function of plumbing system maintenance tools listed and
2. Type and function of plumbing system maintenance equipment explained
3. Type and function of plumbing system maintenance material/parts listed
and explained
4. Type and function of plumbing system maintenance PPE listed and
5. Plumbing system maintenance tools equipment and material sorted and
prepared according to maintenance requirement

WORK ACTIVITIES Service plumbing system and component 25/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type of plumbing system and component such as

• Sanitary fitting/accessories
- Gauge
- Meter
• Water filter
• Grease trap
• Floor trap
• Water tank
• Water pump
• Swimming pool /fountain water retention structure
• Plumbing valve
• Water hea
2. Plumbing system drawing
• Single line drawing
• Layout piping drawing
• Water reticulation plan
3. Site preparation such as
• Signage
• Announcement/ memo
• Safety and security
• Temporary structure (Scaffolding/ladder)
4. Plumbing system and component servicing method
5. Plumbing system and component servicing procedure
6. Plumbing system maintenance servicing work such as
• Cleaning
• Greasing
• Alignment
• Water treatment
7. Plumbing system and component servicing time duration
8. Plumbing system and component servicing technique
9. Authority body rules and regulation
10. Plumbing system and component servicing safety and regulation
11. Plumbing system and component functionality test
• Pressure
• Leak
12. Housekeeping work 26/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type of plumbing system and component

2. Interpret plumbing system drawing
3. Carry out site preparation
4. Confirm plumbing system and component servicing method
5. Follow plumbing system and component servicing procedure
6. Carry out plumbing system maintenance servicing work
7. Apply plumbing system and component servicing time duration
8. Apply plumbing system and component servicing technique
9. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
10. Adhere to plumbing system and component servicing safety and
11. Carry out plumbing system and component functionality test
12. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in servicing plumbing system and component

ENVIRONMENT 2. Systematic in servicing plumbing system and component
3. Timely in servicing plumbing system and component
4. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in servicing plumbing system and
5. Adhere to DOE standards and guidelines in servicing plumbing system
and component

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type of plumbing system and component explained

2. Plumbing system drawing explained
3. Site preparation implemented
4. Plumbing system and component servicing procedure followed
5. Plumbing system and component servicing work executed
6. Plumbing system and component servicing technique applied
7. Plumbing system and component servicing time duration followed
8. Authority body rules and regulation complied
9. Plumbing system and component functionality test executed
10. Work area tidied up

WORK ACTIVITIES Repair plumbing system and component 27/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type of plumbing system and component such as

• Cold water
- Piping
- Fitting
- Accessories
• Sanitary
- Piping
- Fitting
- Accessories
• Sewerage
- Piping
- Main hole
• Water tank
• Water pump
• Fountain system
• Swimming pool system
• Drin
2. Plumbing system drawing
• Single line drawing
• Layout piping drawing
• Water reticulation plan
• Sewerage layout drawing
3. Site preparation such as
• Signage
• Announcement/ memo
• Safety and security
• Temporary structure (scaffolding/ladder)
4. Plumbing system and component repair/replace method
5. Plumbing system and component repair/replace procedure
6. Plumbing system and component repair/replace time duration
7. Repair/replace work
• Choked/clogged/ pipe
• Fix
• Remove and install part and component
• Repair part and component
• Seal
8. Plumbing system and component functionality test such as
• Pressure
• Leaking
• Flow
9. Plumbing system and component repairing/replacing technique
10. Authority body rules and regulation
11. Safety and regulation
12. Housekeeping work 28/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type of plumbing system and component

2. Interpret plumbing system drawing
3. Carry out site preparation
4. Confirm plumbing system and component repair/replace method
5. Follow plumbing system and component repair/replace procedure
6. Apply plumbing system and component repair/replace time duration
7. Carry out repair/replace work
8. Carry out plumbing system and component functionality test
9. Apply plumbing system and component repairing/replacing technique
10. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
11. Adhere to safety and regulation
12. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in repairing plumbing system and component

ENVIRONMENT 2. Systematic in repairing plumbing system and component
3. Timely in repairing plumbing system and component
4. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in repairing plumbing system and
5. Adhere to DOE standards and guidelines in repairing plumbing system
and component

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type and function of plumbing system and component listed and
2. Plumbing system drawing interpreted and detailed out
3. Site prepared and arranged according to building maintenance standard
4. Plumbing system and component repaired according to work order
specification and maintenance quality
5. Work area tidied up

WORK ACTIVITIES Report plumbing system maintenance work

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Organisation structure

2. Building plumbing system maintenance work status
3. Close work order submission method

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine Organisation structure

2. Update plumbing system maintenance work status
3. Close work order
4. Submit close work order to supervisor

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in updating plumbing system maintenance work status report
ENVIRONMENT 2. Adhere to report submission dateline

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Plumbing system maintenance work status updated

2. Work order completed and submitted 29/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

CU CODE BC-070-2:2014-C05


CU DESCRIPTOR Fire protection systems maintenance provides schedule and corrective maintenanc
e and inspection on sprinkler system, fire alarm system, emergency lights, exit sign
s, fire extinguishers etc so that building occupants are assured that the systems will
function properly in the event or an emergency

The person who is competent in fire protection system maintenance shall be able to
Identify fire protection system maintenance requirement, prepare fire protection syst
em maintenance tools, equipment and material, carry out fire protection system func
tionality check, test fire protection system and report fire protection system mainten
ance work

The outcome of this competency is to ensure quality of fire protection system maint
enance works are according to work order and regulatory body requirement

The personnel who is competent in this competency must in prior have the following
competencies: -
Not applicable

LEARNING The person who is competent in this competency unit shall be able to ensure quality
OBJECTIVE of fire protection system maintenance works are according to work order and regula
tory body requirement. Upon completion of this competency unit, trainees will be abl
e to:-
• Identify fire protection system maintenance requirement
• Prepare fire protection system maintenance tools, equipment and material
• Carry out fire protection system functionality check
• Test fire protection system
• Report fire protection system maintenance work

WORK ACTIVITIES Identify fire protection system maintenance requirement 30/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Fire protection system maintenance work order

• Preventive maintenance
• Corrective maintenance
• Schedule maintenance
2. Fire protection system condition
3. Type of fire protection system such as
• Hose reel
• Sprinkler
• Wet riser
• Dry riser
• Fixed fire extinguisher
• Portable fire extinguisher
• Alarm panel
• Manual call point
- Alarm bell
- Break glass
• Central Monitoring System (CMS)
4. Fire protection system maintenance Specification
5. Fire protection system maintenance Location
6. Fire protection system maintenance Duration work

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine fire protection system maintenance Work order

2. Check fire protection system condition
3. Determine Type of fire protection system
4. Determine fire protection system maintenance Specification
5. Determine fire protection system maintenance Location
6. Determine fire protection system maintenance Duration work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Accurate in identifying fire protection system maintenance requirement


ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Fire protection system maintenance work order detail listed and
2. Type of maintenance work confirmed according to work order
3. Specification of fire protection system maintenance detail out according
to work order
4. Fire protection system maintenance area/location confirmed according to
work order
5. Fire protection system maintenance duration work confirmed according to
work order

WORK ACTIVITIES Prepare fire protection system maintenance tools, equipment and material 31/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type and function of fire protection system maintenance tools such as
• Hand tools
• Power tools
2. Type and function of fire protection system maintenance equipment such
• Powder recovery machine
• Co2 refilling machine
3. Type and function of fire protection system maintenance material such as
• Consumable material
• Type of foam
- Dry powder
- Co2
• Type of fire
4. Type and function of fire protection system maintenance PPE
• Helmet
• Goggle
• Glove
• Safety boot
• Face mask
• Fire jacket
5. Requisition procedure
6. Fire protection system maintenance tools, equipment and material
7. Fire protection system tools, equipment functionality and condition

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type and function of fire protection system maintenance tools
2. Determine type and function of fire protection system maintenance
3. Determine type and function of fire protection system maintenance
4. Determine Type and function of fire protection system maintenance PPE
5. Follow requisition procedure condition
6. Arrange fire protection system maintenance tools, equipment and
7. Check fire protection system tools, equipment functionality and

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Systematic in preparing fire protection system maintenance tools,

ENVIRONMENT equipment and material
2. Accurate in preparing fire protection system n maintenance tools,
equipment and material
3. Timely in preparing fire protection system maintenance tools, equipment
and material 32/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type and function of fire protection system maintenance tools listed and
2. Type and function of fire protection system maintenance listed and
3. Type and function of fire protection system maintenance material/parts
listed and explained
4. Type and function of fire protection system maintenance PPE listed and
5. Fire protection system maintenance tools equipment and material sorted
and prepared according to maintenance requirement

WORK ACTIVITIES Carry out fire protection system functionality check 33/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type of fire protection system such as

• Fire extinguisher
- Portable
- Fixed
• Hose reel
• Detector
- Smoke
- Heat
• Manual call point
- Break glass
- Alarm bell
• Sprinkler
• Fire alarm panel
• Fire tank
• Fire pumping system
• Fire curtain
2. Fire protection system drawing
• Electrical diagram
• Piping diagram
• Mimic diagram
3. Fire protection system functionality checking method
4. Fire protection system functionality checking procedure
5. Fire protection system functionality checking time duration
6. Fire protection functionality
• Physical appearance
• Validity period/expiry date
• Pressure
• Leak
• Operational
• Life span
7. Fire protection system functionality checking technique
8. Authority body rules and regulation
9. Safety and regulation
10. Housekeeping work regulation

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type of fire protection system

2. Confirm fire protection system functionality checking method
3. Follow fire protection system functionality checking procedure
4. Apply fire protection system functionality checking time duration
5. Check fire protection functionality
6. Apply fire protection system functionality checking technique
7. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
8. Adhere to safety and regulation
9. Carry out housekeeping work 34/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous and patient in checking fire protection system functionality
ENVIRONMENT 2. Timely in checking fire protection system functionality
3. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in checking fire protection
system functionality
4. Adhere to JABATAN BOMBA DAN PENYELAMAT standards and
guidelines in checking fire protection system functionality

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type of fire protection system explained

2. Fire protection system functionality checking procedure followed
3. Fire protection functionality checked
4. Fire protection system functionality checking technique applied
5. Fire protection system functionality checking time duration followed
6. Authority body rules and regulation complied
7. Safety and regulation adhered to
8. Work area tidied up

WORK ACTIVITIES Test fire protection system

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Fire protection system testing method

2. Fire protection system testing procedure
3. Hose reel test
• Functionality
• Pressure
• Fire pump test
4. Sprinkler test
• Functionality
• Pressure
• Fire pump test
5. Fire detector functionality test
• Smoke test
• Heat test
6. Fire alarm panel test
• Central Monitoring System (CMS)
• fireman intercom
• Manual call point
7. Fire protection system testing technique
8. Safety and regulation
9. Housekeeping work 35/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED SKILLS 1. Confirm fire protection system testing method

2. Follow fire protection system testing procedure
3. Carry out Hose reel test
4. Carry out sprinkler test
5. Carry out Fire detector functionality test
6. Carry out Fire alarm panel test
7. Apply fire protection system testing technique
8. Adhere to safety and regulation
9. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous and patient in testing fire protection system

ENVIRONMENT 2. Timely in checking fire protection system
3. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in checking fire protection
4. Adhere to JABATAN BOMBA DAN PENYELAMAT standards and
guidelines in checking fire protection system

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Fire protection system testing procedure explained

2. Hose reel test executed according to building maintenance standard
3. Sprinkler test executed according to building maintenance standard
4. Fire detector functionality test executed according to building
maintenance standard practices
5. Fire alarm panel test executed according to building maintenance
standard practices
6. Fire protection system functionality checked according to work order
specification and maintenance quality
7. Work area tidied up

WORK ACTIVITIES Report fire protection system maintenance work

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Organisation structure

2. Building fire protection system maintenance work status
3. Close work order submission method

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine Organisation structure

2. Update fire protection system maintenance work status
3. Close work order
4. Submit close work order to supervisor

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in updating fire protection system maintenance work status
2. Adhere to report submission dateline

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Fire protection system maintenance work status updated

2. Work order completed and submitted 36/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

CU CODE BC-070-2:2014-C06


CU DESCRIPTOR Building telecommunication system maintenance describes the competency in prev

entive and corrective maintenance and inspection on communication and audio visu
al system in the building so that building telecommunication systems will function pr
operly at all time.

The person who is competent in building telecommunication system maintenance s

hall be able to Identify building telecommunication system maintenance requiremen
t, prepare building telecommunication system maintenance tools, equipment and m
aterial, carry out telecommunication system maintenance and report telecommunica
tion system maintenance

Building telecommunication system maintenance describes the competency in prev

entive and corrective maintenance and inspection on communication and audio visu
al system in the building so that building telecommunication systems will function pr
operly at all time.

The person who is competent in building telecommunication system maintenance s

hall be able to Identify building telecommunication system maintenance requiremen
t, prepare building telecommunication system maintenance tools, equipment and m
aterial, carry out telecommunication system maintenance and report telecommunica
tion system maintenance

The outcome of this competency is to ensure quality of building telecommunication

system maintenance works are according to work order and regulatory body require

The personnel who is competent in this competency must in prior have the following
competencies: -
Not applicable

LEARNING The person who is competent in this competency unit shall be able to ensure quality
OBJECTIVE of building telecommunication system maintenance works are according to work ord
er and regulatory body requirement. Upon completion of this competency unit, train
ees will be able to:-
• Identify building telecommunication system maintenance requirement
• Prepare building telecommunication system maintenance tools and material
• Carry out telecommunication system maintenance
• Report telecommunication system maintenance

WORK ACTIVITIES Identify building telecommunication system maintenance requirement 37/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Building telecommunication system maintenance

• Preventive maintenance
• Corrective maintenance
• Schedule maintenance
2. Building telecommunication system condition
3. Type of building telecommunication system maintenance work
• Check
• Service
• Repair/ replace
4. Building telecommunication system maintenance specification
5. Building telecommunication system maintenance location
6. Building telecommunication system maintenance duration of work

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine building telecommunication system maintenance

2. Check building telecommunication system condition
3. Determine type of building telecommunication system maintenance work
4. Determine building telecommunication system maintenance specification
5. Determine building telecommunication system maintenance location
6. Determine building telecommunication system maintenance duration of

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Accurate in identifying building telecommunication system maintenance

ENVIRONMENT requirement

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Building telecommunication system maintenance work order detail listed
and explained
2. Type of maintenance work confirmed according to work order
3. Specification of building telecommunication system maintenance detail
out according to work order
4. Building telecommunication system maintenance area/location confirmed
according to work order
5. Building telecommunication system maintenance duration work
confirmed according to work order

WORK ACTIVITIES Prepare building telecommunication system maintenance tools and material 38/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type and function of building telecommunication system maintenance

tools such as
• Hand tools
• Power tools
• Communication tools
• Cable detector
• Soldering iron
• Cable jointer
• Testing tools
2. Type and function of building telecommunication system maintenance
material such as
• Consumable material
• Cable
• Cable tray
• Trunking
• Conduit
3. Type and function of building telecommunication system maintenance
• Helmet
• Goggle
• Glove
• Safety boot
4. Requisition procedure
5. Building telecommunication system maintenance tools and material
6. Building telecommunication system maintenance tools, functionality and

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type and function of building telecommunication system

maintenance tools
2. Determine type and function of building telecommunication system
maintenance material
3. Determine type and function of building telecommunication system
maintenance PPE
4. Follow requisition procedure
5. Arrange building telecommunication system maintenance tools and
6. Check building telecommunication system maintenance tools,
functionality and condition

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Systematic in preparing building telecommunication system maintenance

ENVIRONMENT tools, equipment and material
2. Accurate in preparing building telecommunication system maintenance
tools, equipment and material
3. Timely in preparing building telecommunication system maintenance
tools, equipment and material 39/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type and function of building telecommunication system maintenance

tools listed and explained
2. Type and function of building telecommunication system maintenance
listed and explained
3. Type and function of building telecommunication system maintenance
material/parts listed and explained
4. Type and function of building telecommunication system maintenance
PPE listed and explained
5. Building telecommunication system maintenance tools equipment and
material sorted and prepared according to maintenance requirement

WORK ACTIVITIES Carry out telecommunication system maintenance

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type of building telecommunication components such as

• Socket
• Service box
• Junction box
• Cabling -
• Telephone set
• Antenna/ satellite disc
• Arrestor
• Audio visual system
- Public address system (PA)
- teleconferencing
- Projector
2. Building telecommunication system drawing
• Single line diagram
• Wiring diagram
• Schematic diagram
3. Site preparation such as
• Signage
• Announcement/ memo
• Safety and security
• Temporary structure (Scaffolding/ladder)
4. Telecommunication system maintenance method
5. Telecommunication system maintenance procedure
6. Telecommunication system maintenance technique
7. Building telecommunication system maintenance work time duration
8. Building telecommunication system
• Check
• Service
• Repair/replace
9. Authority body rules and regulation
• Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM)
10. Building telecommunication system functionality test
11. Safety and regulation
12. Housekeeping work requirement 40/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type of building telecommunication components

2. Interpret building telecommunication system drawing
3. Carry out site preparation
4. Confirm telecommunication system maintenance method
5. Follow telecommunication system maintenance procedure
6. Apply telecommunication system maintenance technique
7. Apply building telecommunication system maintenance work time
8. Maintain building telecommunication system
9. Comply to authority body rules and regulation
10. Carry out building telecommunication system functionality test
11. Adhere to safety and regulation
12. Carry out housekeeping work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in executing telecommunication system maintenance

ENVIRONMENT 2. Systematic in executing telecommunication system maintenance
3. Timely in executing telecommunication system maintenance
4. Adhere to all safety regulation and SOP in servicing telecommunication
system maintenance
5. Adhere to SKMM rules and regulation in telecommunication system

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type of building telecommunication components listed and explained

2. Building telecommunication components drawing interpreted and detailed
3. Site prepared and arranged according to building maintenance standard
4. Building telecommunication components maintenance executed
according to work order specification and maintenance quality
5. Building telecommunication components maintenance work safety and
regulation adhered

WORK ACTIVITIES Report telecommunication system maintenance

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Organisation structure

2. Telecommunication system maintenance work status
3. Close work order submission method

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine Organisation structure

2. Update telecommunication system maintenance work status
3. Close work order
4. Submit close work order to supervisor

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in telecommunication system maintenance work status

2. Adhere to report submission dateline 41/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Telecommunication system maintenance work status updated

2. Work order completed and submitted

CU CODE BC-070-2:2014-C07


CU DESCRIPTOR Building services contract describes the competency in building services contract

He or She is the person responsible to carry out building services contract

He or She is the person who is competent in building finishes maintenance and shal
l be able to identify building finishes maintenance requirement, prepare building finis
hes maintenance tools, equipment and material, repair building finishes and report b
uilding finishes maintenance work

The outcome of this competency is to ensure quality of building services contract w

orks are according to work order and regulatory body requirement

The personnel who is competent in this competency must in prior have the following
competencies: -
Not applicable

LEARNING The person who is competent in this competency unit shall be able to ensure quality
OBJECTIVE of building services contract works are according to work order and regulatory body
requirement. Upon completion of this competency unit, trainees will be able to:-
• Identify building services contract requirement
• Interpret building services contract schedule
• Monitor building services contract
• Report building services contract work

WORK ACTIVITIES Identify building services contract requirement 42/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Building services contract work order

2. Type of building services contract
• Hygiene services
• Pest control
• Cleaning work
• Landscape work
• Waste disposal
• Vertical transportation
- Lift
- Escalator
• Gondola services
3. Type of building services contract work schedule
4. Building services contract specification
5. Building services contract location
6. Building services contract duration work

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine building services contract work order

2. Determine type of building services contract
3. Determine type of building services contract work schedule
4. Determine building services contract specification
5. Determine building services contract location
6. Determine building services contract duration work

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in identifying building services contract requirement


ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Building services contract work order explained

2. Specification of building services contract work detail out according to
work order
3. Building services contract area/location confirmed according to work
4. Building services contract duration work confirmed according to work

WORK ACTIVITIES Interpret building services contract schedule

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type of building services contract

2. Building services contract frequency
3. Scope of building services contract work
4. Building services contract work permit

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type of building services contract

2. Determine building services contract frequency
3. Determine scope of building services contract work
4. Determine building services contract work permit

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in interpreting building services contract schedule

11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type of building services contract explained

2. Building services contract frequency elaborated
3. Scope of building services contract work identified
4. Building services contract work permit identified

WORK ACTIVITIES Monitor building services contract

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Type of services contractor such as

• Hygiene services
• Pest control
• Cleaning work
• Landscape work
• Waste disposal
• Vertical transportation
2. Numbers of contractors’ manpower
3. Building services contract tools, equipment, PPE and material
4. Quality of building services contract work
5. Safety and environmental, local authority rules and regulation compliance
6. Building services contract agreement compliances

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine type of services contractor

2. Determine numbers of contractors’ manpower
3. Determine building services contract tools, equipment, PPE and material
4. Check quality of building services contract work
5. Check safety and environmental, local authority rules and regulation
6. Check building services contract agreement compliances

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous and patient in monitoring building services


ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Type of service contractor explained

2. Building services contract tools, equipment, PPE and material explained
3. Quality of building services contract work checked
4. Safety and environmental, local authority rules and regulation compliance
5. Building services contract agreement compliances checked

WORK ACTIVITIES Report building services contract work

RELATED KNOWLEDGE 1. Organisation structure

2. Building services contract work status
3. Close work order submission method 44/45
11/16/23, 9:30 AM MySPIKE - Sistem Pengurusan Integrasi Kemahiran Malaysia

RELATED SKILLS 1. Determine Organisation structure

2. Update building services contract work status
3. Close job sheet
4. Submit completed job sheet to supervisor

ATTITUDE/ SAFETY/ 1. Meticulous in updating building services contract report

ENVIRONMENT 2. Adhere to report submission dateline

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Building services contract work status update

2. Job sheet completed and submitted

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