Curriculum Anatomy

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BOARD OF STUDIES (BOS) – 1st MBBS, KNRUHS(Constituted in August 2023)


The paper-setter needs to keep in mind the following points while framing the question paper.

1. Each system has a specific weightage of marks. Eg: Questions from the “Upper limb” can be
having a weightage of 20 M in the question paper, questions from “Head & Neck” can have
weightage of 25 M etc… (Tables 1 & 2)
2. Bloom’s Taxonomy guidelines must be followed while designing the question paper. (Table 3)
3. Questions must be from the Curriculum for 1st MBBS students as prescribed by NMC & BOS,
KNRUHS (2019) – includes the competencies & objectives mentioned below. (Table 4)
4. Framing of essay questions, short answer type questions, very short answer type questions
and multiple-choice questions should be done as per the NMC CBME guidelines for medical
5. One essay question (15 M) needs to be of a clinical-case-based-scenario type.
6. Both Paper I & Paper II each should include One question related to AETCOM module in the
Short answer type questions (5 M).

AETCOM Modules division among all 3 departments – Prescribed by NMC. (Reference: pg

61, CBME 2023 Regulations, NMC). AETCOM modules (1.1 to 1.5 for 1st Professional Year) are
available on NMC site – AETCOM Competencies for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018.


Knowledge 20% Must know
Comprehension 20% – 70%
Application 20%
Analysis 24% Nice to
Synthesis 8% know – 20%
Evaluation 8% Desirable to
know – 10%
Total 20 M 25 M 20 M 5M 5M 10 M 10 M 5M 100 M
(20%) (25%) (20%) (5%) (5%) (10%) (10%) (5%) (100%)



Knowledge 20% Must know

Comprehension 20% – 70%
Application 20%
Analysis 24% Nice to
Synthesis 8% know – 20%
Evaluation 8% Desirable to
know – 10%
Total 20 M 20 M 25 M 10 M 10 M 5M 5M 5M 100 M
(20%) (20%) (25%) (10%) (10%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (100%)


Reference for Bloom’s Taxonomy:Medical Council of India. Assessment Module for

Undergraduate Medical Education Training Program, 2019: pp 1-29.
TABLE 4: Competencies with Specific learning objectives

Competency Hours Competency Objective

AN1.1 1 Demonstrate normal Lecture :1 –
anatomical position,  Definition of Anatomy
various planes, relation,  History of Antomy
comparison, laterality &  Subdivisions in Anatomy
movement in our body  Definition of anatomical position
and other positions
 Describe various planes of the
 Sagittal
 Transverse
 Coronal
 Anatomical terms related with
position and movements

 Positions
 Superior/cephalic
 Inferior/caudal
 Anterior/ventral
 Posterior/dorsal
 Palmar
 Plantar

 Movements
 Flexion
 Extension
 Adduction
 Abduction
 Supination
 Pronation
 Rotation
 Circumduction

 Terms used in relations of limbs

 Medial/Ulnar/Tibial
 Lateral/Radial/Fibular
 Proximal
 Distal

2 DOAP:1-
 Demonstration on the cadaver the
 Superior/cephalic
 Inferior/caudal
 Anterior/ventral
 Posterior/dorsal
 Palmar
 Plantar
AN1.2 1 Describe composition of Lecture :2 –
bone and bone  Composition of bone and bone
marrow marrow
AN2.1 Describe parts, blood  Cells
and nerve supply of a  Ground substance
long bone  Fibres
AN2.2 Enumerate laws of - Haversian System
ossification  Classification based on following
AN2.3 Enumerate special criteria
features of a sesamoid  Shape
bone  Structure
AN2.4 Describe various types of  Development
cartilage with its
structure & distribution  Ossification of bones
in body  Definition
PA 33.1 Classify and describe the  Types
etiology, pathogenesis, a. Membranous ossification
manifestations, b. Cartilaginous ossification
radiologic and c. Membrano-cartilaginous
morphologic features ossification
and complications of  Law of union
osteomyelitis  Parts of a developing long bone
 Epihysis
 Metaphysic
 Diaphysis
 Epiphysis:
 Pressure epiphysis
 Traction epiphysis
 Atavistic epiphysis
 Aberrant epiphysis
 Sesamoid bone features and
 Blood supply of long bones
 Nerve supply
 Applied aspects
 Bone Fractures
 Rickets
 Osteoporosis
 Bone Growth and Assessment
of Bone Age
 Osteomyelitis – Features,
 Types of cartilages and features
 Hyaline cartilage
 Elastic cartilage
 White fibrous cartilage
AN2.5 2 Describe various joints Lecture :3–
with subtypes and  Definition of joint
AN2.6 Explain the concept of  Classification of joints
nerve supply of joints &  Functional
Hilton’s law a. Synarthroses
b. Amphiarthroses
c. Diarthroses
 Structural
a. Fibrous
b. Cartilagenous
c. Synovial

 Fibrous joints: Features, classification

and examples.
 Cartilaginous joints: Features,
classification and examples

Lecture :4 –
 Synovial joints: Features,
classification and examples
 Classification Of Synovial Joints
 According to shape of the
articular surfaces
 According to plane/planes of
 According to the number of the
articulating bones
 Movements of synovial joints
 Gliding or slipping movements
 Angular movements
 Rotary or circular movements
 Blood supply
 Nerve supply
 Factors maintaining the stability
 Biomechanics of body movements
 Position of the joints
 Hilton’s law
AN3.1 1 Classify muscle tissue Lecture :5–
according to structure &  Types of Muscles
action  Skeletal muscle
AN3.2 Enumerate parts of  Smooth muscle
skeletal muscle and  Cardiac muscle
differentiate between  Basic properties of Muscles
tendons and  Skeletal muscles
aponeuroses with  Fascicular architecture
examples  Nomenclature of muscles
AN3.3 Explain Shunt and spurt  Gross features of a typical skeletal
muscles muscle
 Lubricating mechanisms
 Blood supply
 Nerve supply
 Muscle receptors
 Segmental innervation of muscles
 Action of muscles
 Applied anatomy
AN4.1 1 Describe different types Lecture :6–
of skin & dermatomes in  Structure , types of skin
body  Function of skin
AN4.2 Describe structure &  Appendages of skin – structure &
function of skin with its function
appendages  Glands (types and applied
AN4.3 Describe superficial aspects)
fascia along with fat  Hair (types, structure and
distribution in body applied aspects)
AN4.4 Describe modifications  Nails(parts and applied
of deep fascia with its aspects)
functions  Structure Of Skin
 Epidermis
 Dermis
 Layers and cells Of Epidermis and
their clinical importance
(psoriasis, warts, vitiligo,
albinism, freckles)
 Surface Patterns
 Tension lines
 Flexor lines
 Wrinkles
 Papillary lines
 Dermatomes – definition
 Superficial fascia – structure,
modifications and clinical
 Deep fascia – structure,
modifications and clinical
 Blood supply, nerve supply

AN4.5 2 Explain principles of skin DOAP:2-

incisions  Anatomical basis of Skin incisions
 Structures encountered during
routine dissection
2 Differentiate between Lecture :7–
AN5.1 blood vascular and  Components of cardiovascular
lymphatic system system.
AN5.2 Differentiate between a. Heart
pulmonary and systemic b. Blood vessels
circulation c. Blood
AN5.3 List general differences  Blood Vessels
between arteries  Arteries
& veins  Veins
AN5.4 Explain functional  Capillaries
difference between
elastic, muscular arteries  Basic structure of blood vessels
and  Arteries-Features, functions and
arterioles structure
AN5.5 Describe portal system  Classification & relevanceof arteries
giving examples  Elastic (Conducting) artery
AN5.6 Describe the concept of  Muscular (Distributing) artery
anastomoses and  Arterioles (Resistance vessels)
collateral circulation with Veins: Features, functions and
significance of end- structure
arteries  Classification & relevance of veins
AN5.7 Explain function of meta-  Large sized
arterioles, precapillary  Medium sized
sphincters, arterio-  Small (venules)
venous anastomoses  Postcapillary
AN5.8 Define thrombosis,  Muscular
infarction & aneurysm  Portal system – formation ,function
AN6.1 List the components and  Definition of terms: Capillaries,
functions of the anastomosis (types and clinical
lymphatic system importance), collateral circulation,
precapillary sphincter, metaarterioles
AV anastomosis and end arteries.
 Infraction – definition,features,
Describe structure of Lecture :8–
lymph capillaries &  Components of lymphatic tissue
AN6.2 mechanism of lymph  Functions
circulation  Cells of lymphatic tissue
AN6.3 Explain the concept of  Lymphatics : Features, functions and
lymphoedema and structure
spread of tumors via  Lymph nodes: Features, functions and
lymphatics structure
and venous system  Lymphoedema
 Malignancy spread -pathways
AN7.1 1 Describe general plan of Lecture :9–
nervous system with  Subdivisions of nervous system
components of central,  Anatomical
peripheral & autonomic a. Central nervous system
nervous systems b. Peripheral nervous system
AN7.2 List components of  Functional
nervous tissue and their a. Somatic division
functions b. Autonomic division
AN7.3 Describe parts of a  Central nervous system
neuron and classify them  Brain
based on number of  Spinal cord
neurites, size  Peripheral nervous system
& function  Cranial and Spinal nerves
AN7.4 Describe structure of a  Associated Ganglia
typical spinal nerve  Peripheral autonomic nervous
AN7.5 Describe principles of system
sensory and motor  Special senses (taste,
innervation of muscles olfaction, vision, hearing and
AN7.6 Describe concept of loss balance)
of innervation of a  Functions
muscle with its applied  Cells of nervous system
anatomy  Neurons
AN7.7 Describe various type of  Neuroglial cells
synapse  Neurons- Classification and
AN7.8 Describe differences structure
between sympathetic  Neuroglia: Classification, structure
and spinal ganglia and function
 Nerves: Classification ( sensory
nerves, motor nerves, spinal
nerves, cranial nerves, formation
and branches of a typical spinal
 Myelination
 Synapse – definition, types
 Ganglia – definition, types,

Topic : Upper limb

Competency Hours Competency Objective

AN8.1 10 Identify the given bone, Osteology(1 - 5)
AN8.2 hrs its side, important Explain Clavicle, Scapula, Humerus,
AN8.3 features & keep it in Radius, Ulna and Carpals under the
AN8.4 anatomical following headings
AN8.5 position  Determine the side of bone and
AN8.6 Identify & describe joints identify peculiarities.
OR2.5 formed by the given  Anatomical position of bone and
bone its attachments-ligaments,
Enumerate peculiarities muscles
of clavicle  Clinical correlations (fracture)
Demonstrate important  Ossification centers and its
muscle attachment on importance
the given bone
Describe and discuss the
clinical features,
mechanism of injury,
investigation &
principles of
management of
fractures of both bones
forearm and Galeazzi
and Monteggia injury
Identify and name
various bones in
articulated hand, Specify
the parts of
metacarpals and
phalanges and
enumerate the
peculiarities of pisiform
Describe scaphoid
fracture and explain the
anatomical basis of
avascular necrosis
AN9.1 1hr Describe attachment, Lecture(1) , Practical (1)
AN10.11 nerve supply & action of Attachments, nerve supply and actions
pectoralis major and of muscles and fascia of Pectoral region.
pectoralis minor. Pectoralis major
Describe and Pectoralis minor
demonstrate attachment Subclavius
of serratus anterior with Serratus anterior
its action - Anatomical basis of winging of scapula
AN9.2 1 hr Breast: Describe the Lecture (2), Practical (2)
AN9.3 location, extent, deep Position, extent, shape, support,
PA 31.1 relations, structure, age structure, blood supply, nerve supply,
changes, blood supply, lymphatic drainage, development and
lymphatic drainage, applied aspects of mammary gland
microanatomy and (congenital and acquired).
applied anatomy of Anatomical basis of spread of carcinoma
breast,Describe of the breast and various signs of
development of breast carcinoma of the breast.
Classify and describe the
types, etiology,
pathogenesis and
hormonal dependency of
benign breast disease
AN10.1 1 hr Identify & describe Lecture (3), Practical (3,4)
AN10.3 boundaries and contents Boundaries and contents of Axilla.
AN10.5 of Axilla. Brachial plexus:
AN10.6 Describe, identify and Introduction
AN11.4 demonstrate formation, Formation
branches, relations, area Location
of supply of branches, Relations
course and relations of Parts
terminal branches of Roots, trunks, divisions, cords and
brachial plexus. branches
Explain variations in Appliedanatomy
formation of brachial Anatomical basis of clinical features of
plexus. Erb’s palsy and Klumpke’s paralysis and
Explain the anatomical Saturday night paralysis
basis of clinical features
of Erb’s palsy and
Klumpke’s paralysis.
Describe the anatomical
basis of Saturday night
AN10.2 1 hr Identify, describe and Lecture (4), Practical (5)
AN10.4 demonstrate the origin, Axillary artery: Extent, parts, relations
AN10.7 extent, course, parts, and branches and applied anatomy
relations and branches Axillary vein: Formation, course and
of axillary artery & tributaries and applied anatomy
tributaries of vein Axillary lymph nodes: Groups, Location
Describe the anatomical and their areas of drainage and also
groups of axillary lymph clinical importance
nodes and specify their
areas of drainage.
Explain anatomical basis
of enlarged axillary
lymph nodes
AN10.8 1 hr Describe, identify and Lecture (5), Practical (6)
AN10.9 demonstrate the Superficial muscles of Back and Scapular
position, attachment, region, attachments & actions.
nerve supply and actions Trapezius
of Trapezius and Latissimus dorsi
Latissimus dorsi. Scapular muscles
Describe the arterial Arterial anastomosis around the scapula
anastomosis around the Triangle of auscultation ,lumbar triangle
scapula and mention the –Boundaries & contents
boundaries of triangle Clinical importance of scapular
of auscultation anastomosis
AN10.10 1 hr Describe and identify the Practical(7)
AN10.13 deltoid and rotator cuff Deltoid: Attachments, nerve supply and
muscles. actions
Explain anatomical basis Structures under cover of deltoid –
of Injury to axillary nerve
Muscles, bones, Nerves and vessels.
during I.M. injections Quadrangular space; Boundaries and
structures passing through
Triangular spaces: Boundaries and
structures passing through.
Anatomical basis of Injury to axillary
nerve during I.M. injections
AN13.4 1 hr Describe Sternoclavicular Lecture (6), Practical (8)
joint, Acromioclavicular Describe joint of pectoral girdle and
joint, Carpometacarpal explain Sternoclavicular joint,
joints & Acromioclavicular joint - Type of joint,
Metacarpophalangeal articular surfaces, ligaments, relations,
joint nerve supply, movements, muscles
responsible for movements and applied
Describe and Lecture (7), Practical (9)
AN10.12 1 hr demonstrate shoulder Type of joint, articular surfaces,
joint for– type, articular ligaments, relations, bursae, blood
surfaces, supply, nerve supply, movements,
capsule, synovial muscles responsible for movements and
membrane, ligaments, applied anatomy
relations, movements,
involved, blood supply,
nerve supply and applied
AN11.1 1 hr Describe and Lecture (8), Practical (10)
AN11.2 demonstrate muscle Compartments of arm and muscles in
groups of upper arm them.
with emphasis on biceps Biceps brachii,
and triceps brachii Brachialis:
Identify & describe Coracobrachialis:
origin, course, relations, Triceps brachii: Attachments,
branches (or tributaries), nerve supply
termination of important and actions
nerves and vessels in applied anatomy
arm Brachial artery: origin, course and
termination, relations, branches and
applied anatomy
Musculo cutaneous nerve & Radial
root value,
applied anatomy
Profundabrachii artery:
origin, course and termination,
relations, branches and applied
Cutaneous nerve supply of arm and
related applied aspects.
AN11.5 1 hr Identify & describe Lecture (9), Practical (11)
AN11.3 boundaries and contents Describe boundaries and contents of
of Cubital fossa. Cubital fossa along with applied aspects.
Describe the anatomical
basis of Venepuncture of
Cubital veins
AN12.1 1 hr Describe and Lecture (10), Practical (12,13)
AN12.3 demonstrate important Describe compartments of forearm.
AN12.4 muscle groups of ventral Explain front of forearm.
forearm Superficial muscles: Attachments, nerve
With attachments, nerve supply and actions
supply and actions. Deep muscles: Attachments, nerve
Identify & describe flexor supply and actions
retinaculum with its Radial and ulnar artery:
attachments. Extent, course and branches.
Explain anatomical basis Flexor retinaculum: Attachments and
of carpal tunnel structures passing underneath it.
syndrome. Carpal tunnel: Boundaries and contents
and applied aspects.
Anatomical basis of compartment
AN12.2 1hr Identify & describe Lecture (11), Practical (14,15)
origin, course, relations, Median and Ulnar nerve:
branches (or tributaries), Origin, root value, course, relations,
termination of important termination, branches, distribution and
nerves and vessels of applied aspects.
forearm Anatomical basis of compartment
Radial and ulnar arteries
origin, course and termination,
relations, branches and applied
Anatomical basis of examining radial
pulse for calculation of heart rate and
blood volume.
AN12.5 Identify & describe small Lecture (12), Practical (16)
AN12.6 muscles of hand. Also Intrinsic muscles of hand.
AN12.8 describe movements of Origin, Insertion, Action, Nerve supply
Thumb. and Applied aspects.
Describe anatomical Anatomical basis of Claw hand (partial
basis of Claw hand. and complete), Dupyutren’s contracture
Various tests performed to evaluate
power of intrinsic muscles of hand
AN12.7 1 hr Identify & describe Lecture (13), Practical (17)
course and branches of Describe superficial and deep palmar
important blood vessels archesunder following headings
andnerves in hand Formation, course, relations, branches
and applied anatomy
Identify & describe Lecture (14), Practical (18)
AN12.9 1 hr fibrous flexor sheaths, Formation and extent of fibrous flexor
AN12.10 ulnar bursa, radial bursa sheaths and digital synovial sheaths
and digital synovial Applied aspects (tenosynovitis, bursitis).
sheaths Fascial spaces of hand:
Explain infection of Palmar, dorsal spaces and space of
Fascial spaces of palm Parona.
Applied aspects (Felon)
Anatomical basis of surgical incisions of
AN12.11 1hr Identify, describe and Lecture (15), Practical ( 19)
AN12.14 demonstrate important Muscles of posterior compartment of
AN12.15 muscle groups of dorsal forearm
forearm with Origin, insertion,
attachments, nerve Nerve supply,
supply and actions. Action.
Identify & describe Applied aspects
compartments deep to Attachments and structures passing
extensor retinaculum. beneath the extensor retinaculum.
Identify & describe
extensor expansion
AN12.12 1hr Identify & describe Lecture (16), Practical (20)
AN12.13 origin, course, relations, Explain Posterior interosseous artery
branches (or tributaries), and
termination of important Radial nerve –
nerves and vessels of origin, course, relations, branches and
back of forearm. Effect of injury at various levels.
Describe the anatomical
basis of Wrist drop
AN13.1 1 hr Describe and explain Lecture (17), Practical (21)
AN13.2 Fascia of upper limb and Explain dermatomes of upper limb
compartments, veins of Dorsal venous arch,
upper limb and its Cephalic and Basilic vein- course,
lymphatic drainage relations, tributaries and termination
Describe dermatomes of Deep veins of upper limb
upper limb Lymphatic drainage
Lymhatics (course)
Lymph nodes (area of drainage and
applied aspects)
AN13.3 2 hr Identify & describe the Lecture (18), Practical (22)
AN11.6 type, articular surfaces, Elbow joint, Proximal and distal
capsule, synovial radioulnar joints– Type, Articular
membrane, ligaments, surfaces, ligaments, relations, Blood
relations, movements, supply (anastomosis around elbow
blood and nerve supply joint)movements,Applied aspects.
of elbow joint, proximal Lecture (19), Practical (22)
and distal radio-ulnar Wrist joint - Type, Articular surfaces,
joints, wrist joint & first ligaments, relations, movements,
carpometacarpal joint Applied aspects.
carpometacarpal joint- Type, Articular
surfaces, ligaments, relations,
movements,Applied aspects.
AN13.5 1 hr Identify the bones and Radiology
joints of upper limb seen Describe & identify features of plain X
in anteroposterior and rays of upper limb in AP and Lateral
lateral view radiographs views.
of shoulder region, arm, a. How to read an X-ray
elbow, forearm and b. Indications
hand c. Contraindications
d. Preparations
e. Bones seen
f. Soft tissues encountered
g. Joints
h. Uses

AN13.6 1 hr Identify & demonstrate Practical (23)

AN 13.7 important bony Surface landmarks of following points in
landmarks of upper limb: upper limb.
Jugular notch, sternal Jugular notch
angle, acromial angle, Sternal angle
spine of the scapula, Acromial angle
vertebral level of the Spine of the scapula
medial end, Inferior Vertebral level of the medial end and
angle of the scapula. Inferior angle of the scapula
Identify & demonstrate
surface projection of : Surface markings of following vessels
Cephalic, Basilic vein, Cephalic, Basilic vein, Palpation of
Palpation of brachial brachial artery, Radial artery.
artery, Radial artery.
Testing of muscles: Demonstrate the action of the following
Trapezius, Pectoralis muscles:
major, Serratus anterior, Trapezius, Pectoralis major, Serratus
Latissimus dorsi, deltoid, anterior,Latissimus dorsi, deltoid, Biceps
Biceps brachii, brachii, Brachioradialis
Topic : Lower limb

Competenc Hours Competency Objective

AN14.1 10 Identify the given bone Osteology
AN14.2 Identify the joints formed Describe Hip bone, femur, patella, tibia,
AN14.3 by given bone fibula, tarsals and articulated foot under
AN14.4 Importance of ossification the following headings.
OR2.9 of lower end of femur.  Side determination,
OR2.11 Describe and discuss the  features ,
mechanism of injury,  muscle attachments ,
Clinical features,  joints formed,
investigations and  ossification centers
principle of management  Applied aspects.
of acetabular fracture
Describe and discuss the
mechanism of injury,
clinical features,
investigations and
principles of management
of (a) Fracture patella (b)
Fracture distal femur ©
Fracture proximal tibia
with special focus on
neurovascular injury and
compartment syndrome
AN15.3 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 1:
boundaries, floor, roof Describe the boundaries, Roof, Floor,
and contents of femoral and contents of Femoral triangle.
triangle Femoral sheath – formation, extent and
AN15.4 Explain anatomical basis contents.
of Psoas abscess & Explain the anatomical basis of psoas
Femoral abscess and Femoral hernia.
4 Practical 1:
Dissect and Demonstrate the
boundaries, roof, floor and contents of
Femoral Triangle.
AN15.1 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 2: Describe the origin, course,
origin, course, relations, relations, branches, termination of
branches (or Femoral nerve
1 tributaries), termination Lecture 3: Describe the origin, course,
of important nerves and relations, branches, termination of
vessels of anterior thigh. Femoral vessels.
2 Practical 2: Dissect and Identify the
course, branches, relations and
termination of Femoral nerve and
Femoral vessels
AN15.2 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 4: Describe the attachments,
major muscles with their nerve supply and action of major
attachment, nerve muscles of anterior compartment of the
supply and actions thigh.
2 Practical 3: Dissect and Demonstrate the
attachments and nerve supply of major
muscles of muscles of anterior
compartment of thigh.
AN15.5 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 5: Describe the boundaries and
adductor canal with its contents of Adductor canal.
2 Practical 4: Dissect and demonstrate the
boundaries and contents of Adductor

AN16.1 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture6:

origin, course, relations,  Describe the boundaries and
branches (or cutaneous nerve supply of gluteal
tributaries), termination region.
of important nerves and  Explain attachments, nerve
vessels of gluteal region supply and actions of Gluteal
AN16.2 Describe anatomical basis muscles.
1 of sciatic nerve injury  Describe the anatomical basis of
during gluteal sciatic nerve injury during gluteal
intramuscular injections intramuscular injections and
Explain the anatomical Trendelenburg’s test.
AN16.3 basis of Trendelenburg
sign. Lecture 7:
 Enumerate the structures i.e.
muscles, bones, vessels, nerves,
6 joints, ligaments and bursae
under cover of Gluteal region
 Describe the origin, course,
branches and distribution of
various nerves and vessels.
 Explain the formation of cruciate
and trochanteric anastomoses.

Practical 5: Dissect and demonstrate

Gluteal region. ( Gluteus maximus
muscle and structures under cover of
this muscle)
AN16.4 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 8:
the hamstrings group of  Describe the attachments, nerve
muscles with their supply and actions of Hamstring
attachment, nerve supply group of muscles.
and actions  Describe the sciatic nerve under
AN16.5 Describe and demonstrate the following headings.
the origin, course,  Root value,
2 relations, branches (or  Course,
tributaries), termination  Termination,
of important nerves and  Branches and distribution.
vessels on the back of 1. Arterial anastomoses on the back
thigh of the thigh

Practical 6: Dissect and identify the

hamstring group of muscles and also
demonstrate the course, branches and
distribution of sciatic nerve, profunda
femoris artery and vertical anastomosis
of the arteries of back of the thigh.
AN16.6 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture9:
the boundaries, roof, Describe Popliteal Fossa –
floor, contents and  boundaries,
relations of popliteal fossa  contents
 Relations of Popliteal artery,
Tibial and common peroneal
nerves within the fossa.

Practical 7: Dissect and demonstrate the

boundaries, roof, floor, relations and
contents of Popliteal fossa.
AN17.1 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 10:
AN17.2 the type, articular Describe the type, articular surfaces,
surfaces, capsule, synovial capsule, synovial membrane, ligaments,
membrane, ligaments, relations, blood and nerve supply and
relations, movements and bursae around the Hip joint.
muscles involved, blood  Describe the anatomical basis of
and nerve supply, bursae avascular necrosis of head of
around the hip joint femur, limb posture following
Describe anatomical basis fracture neck of femur,
2 of complications of dislocation of Hip joint.
fracture neck of femur  Arthroplasty.
AN17.3 Describe dislocation of hip
joint and surgical hip Practical 8: Dissect and demonstrate the
replacement. ligaments, articular surfaces, synovial
membrane, relations, blood and nerve
supply and bursae around the hip joint

AN18.1 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 11:

major muscles of anterior Describe the attachments, nerve supply
compartment of leg and functions of muscles of anterior
with their attachment, compartment of Leg.
nerve supply and actions  Explain the anatomical basis of
AN18.2 Describe and demonstrate Foot drop.
1 origin, course, relations,
branches (or Lecture 12:
tributaries), termination Describe the Anterior Tibial artery and
of important nerves and Deep peroneal nerve-
vessels of anterior Origin, course, relations, branches and
compartment of leg termination.
AN18.3 4 Explain the anatomical
basis of foot drop. Practical9: Dissect and Identify all the
muscles of anterior compartment of Leg.
And also identify the course and
branches of Anterior Tibial artery and
Deep peroneal nerve.
1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 13:
the type, articular Describe the type, articular surfaces,
surfaces, capsule, synovial capsule, synovial membrane, ligaments,
AN18.4 membrane, ligaments, relations, movements &muscles
relations, movements and involved, blood and nerve supply and
muscles involved, blood bursae around the knee joint.
and nerve supply, bursae  Explain the mechanism of locking
around the knee joint and unlocking of knee joint and
AN18.5 Explain the anatomical its importance in posture and
basis of locking and locomotion.
unlocking of the knee joint  Describe the knee joint injuries
AN18.6 Describe knee joint like Cruciate, medial and lateral
injuries with its applied collateral ligament injuries,
anatomy. Meniscal tears and bursitis.
AN18.7 2 Explain anatomical basis  Explain the role of cartilage loss/
of Osteoarthritis anatomical basis of osteoarthritis
Practical10: Dissect and identify the
Capsule, ligaments, articular surfaces,
relations, blood and nerve supply and
bursae around the knee joint
AN19.1 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 14:
the major muscles of back Describe the attachments, nerve supply
of leg with their and actions of muscles of back of the
attachment, nerve supply Leg.
and actions Explain the concept of peripheral heart
AN19.2 1 Describe and demonstrate and also explain the anatomical basis of
the origin, course, rupture of calcaneal tendon
relations, branches (or
tributaries), termination Lecture 15: Describe Tibial nerve and
of important nerves and Deep peroneal artery –
vessels of back of leg  Origin,
AN19.3 2 Explain the concept of  course,
“Peripheral heart”  branches,
 termination and distribution.
AN19.4 Explain the anatomical
basis of rupture of Practical 11: Dissect and identify the
2 calcaneal tendon muscles of back of leg.

Practical 12:
Dissect and identify the course, branches
and distribution of tibial nerve and
posterior tibial artery.
1 Describe factors Lecture 16:
maintaining importance Describe the arches of Foot under the
AN19.5 arches of the foot with its following headings
importance  Types and functional importance,
AN19.6 Explain the anatomical  Components of each arch,
basis of Flat foot & Club  Factors maintaining the arches
foot Bones,
AN19.7 Explain the anatomical Muscles and aponeurosis,
basis of Metatarsalgia & Joints.
Plantar fasciitis Explain the anatomical basis of
 Flat foot,
 Club foot.
 Metatarsalgia,
 plantar fasciitis
AN20.1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 17:
1 the type, articular Describe Tibio-fibular , Ankle joint and
surfaces, capsule, synovial Subtalar joint –
membrane, ligaments, Type of joint,
relations, movements and articular surfaces,
muscles involved, blood Ligaments,
and nerve supply of relations,
tibiofibular and ankle joint movements &muscles involved,
AN20.2 Describe the subtalar and blood and nerve supply,
transverse tarsal joints Applied aspects.

4 Practical 13: Dissect and identify the

articular surfaces, capsule, ligaments,
relations, muscles involved, blood and
nerve supply of Ankle joint, Subtalar
AN20.3 1 Describe and demonstrate Lecture 18:
Fascia lata, Venous Describe the venous drainage of the
drainage, Lymphatic Lower limb –
drainage, Retinacula &  Formation, course, relations,
Dermatomes of lower limb tributaries and termination of
Superficial veins and deep veins
AN20.4 1 Explain anatomical basis of lower limb,
of enlarged inguinal lymph Perforators – Number, location and
nodes function.
AN20.5 Explain anatomical basis Explain the anatomical basis of varicose
of varicose veins and deep veins and deep vein thrombosis.
2 vein thrombosis
Lecture 19:
Describe the Lymphatic drainage of the
entire Lower limb –
 Lymphatics – course, relations
and termination.
 Lymph nodes – Groups, location
and area of drainage.
 Explain the anatomical basis of
enlarged superficial and deep
group of inguinal lymph nodes
basis drainage, in case of
syphilitic lesion of prepuce and
glans penis, perineal infection
and lower limb infections etc.

DOAP: Modifications of Facia Lata,

Retinacula around ankle joint and
Dermatomes of the Lower limb
AN20.6 1 Identify the bones and Radio- Identify the bones and joints of
joints of lower limb seen Lower limb in AP and Lateral views of X
in anteroposterior and Rays of various regions of lower limb.
lateral view radiographs of
various regions of lower
AN20.7 2 Identify & demonstrate Practical 14:
important bony landmarks Identify and demonstrate the imp bony
of lower limb: -Vertebral land marks of Lower limbs:
levels of highest point of Vertebral levels of highest point of iliac
iliac crest, posterior crest, post. Sup. Iliac spine, iliac tubercle,
superior iliac spines, iliac Adductor tubercle, Tibial tuberosity,
tubercle, pubic tubercle, head of fibula, medial and lateral
ischial tuberosity, malleoli, sustentaculum tali, tuberosity
adductor tubercle, of 5th metatarsal, tuberosity of navicular
-Tibial tuberosity, head of bone.
-Medial and lateral
malleoli, Condyles of
femur and tibia,
sustentaculum tali,
tuberosity of fifth
metatarsal, tuberosity of
the navicular bone.
AN20.8 2 Identify & demonstrate Practical 15,DOAP/ SGD
palpation of femoral, Early clinical exposure
popliteal, post tibial, anti Identify & demonstrate palpation of
tibial Femoral, Popliteal, Post.tibial, Anterior
& dorsalis pedis blood tibial and Dorsalis pedis arteries.
vessels in a simulated
2 Identify & demonstrate Practical 16, DOAP
Palpation of vessels Identify and demonstrate palpation of
(femoral, vessels of lower limb. Mid inguinal point.
AN20.9 popliteal,dorsalis Surface projection of : Femoral nerve,
pedis,post tibial), Mid saphenous opening, sciatic, tibial,
inguinal point, Surface common peroneal and deep peroneal
projection of: femoral nerves. Great and small saphenous veins
Saphenous opening,
Sciatic, tibial, common
peroneal & deep peroneal
nerve, Great and small
saphenous veins
Topic : Head and neck

Competenc Time Competency Objectives

y no
AN 26.1 1 Hour Demonstrate Osteology 1 - List and identify the bones of
anatomical position the skull and face
of skull, Identify and Locate the major suture lines of the skull and
locate individual name the bones associated with each
skull bones in skull
Define the paranasal sinuses and identify the
location of each
Name the bones that make up the walls of
the orbit and identify the openings
associated with the orbit
Identify the bones and structures that form
the nasal septum and nasal conchae, and
locate the hyoid bone
Identify the bony openings of the skull
AN 26.2 3 Hours Describe the Osteology 2,3,4 - List and identify the bones
features of norma of the skull and face
frontalis, verticalis, Name the bones that make up the walls of
occipitalis, lateralis the orbit and identify the openings
and associated with the orbit
Locate the major suture lines of the skull and
name the bones associated with each
AN 26.3 1 Hour Describe cranial Osteology 5 - Locate and define the
cavity, its boundaries of the anterior, middle, and
subdivisions, posterior cranial fossae, the temporal fossa,
foramina and and infratemporal fossa
structures passing
through them
AN 26.4 1 Hour Describe Osteology 6 – Describethe bony features of
morphological mandible
features of mandible It’s muscle attachments and structures
Age changes
Applied anatomy
AN 26.5 1 Hour Describe features of Osteology 7 – Describethe bony features of
typical and atypical mandible
cervical vertebrae It’s muscle attachments and structures
(atlas and axis) related
AN 26.6 Explain the concept Applied anatomy
of bones that ossify
in membrane
AN 26.7 Describe the
features of the 7th
cervical vertebra
AN 27.1 1 Hour Describe the layers Lecture 1 Scalp: Layers, blood supply, nerve
(L) of Scalp, its blood supply, lymphatic drainage and applied
supply, its nerve anatomy - Black Eye
2 Hours supply and surgical Practical: 1,2
(P) importance
AN 27.2 Describe emissary
veins with its role in
spread of infection
extracranial route to
intracranial venous
AN 28.1 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 2Face:
(L) demonstrate a. Muscles of facial expression: Names,
muscles of facial actions and nerve supply.
2 Hours expression and their b.Orbicularis oculi: Parts, attachments, nerve
(P) nerve supply and actions.
supply c.Orbicularis oris : Parts, attachments, nerve
supply and actions.
d.Buccinator: Attachments, nerve supply and
Practical: 1,2
AN 28.2 1 Hour Describe sensory Lecture 3: Nerve supply to face.
(L) innervation of face
2 Hours Practical: 1
AN 28.3 Describe & Lecture 3: Blood supply to face.
demonstrate origin Practical: 2
/formation, course,
/tributaries of
facial vessels
AN 28.4 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 4: Facial nerve Nuclei, surface
(L) demonstrate attachment to brain stem, course, branches,
branches of facial distribution and applied anatomy – Bell’s
2 Hours nerve with Palsy.
(P) distribution Practical: 1,2

AN 28.5 1 Hour Describe cervical Lecture 5: Lymph nodes of head and neck,
(L) lymph nodes and Lymphatic drainage,
2 Hours lymphatic drainage Applied Anatomy
(P) of head, face and Practical: 1,2
AN 28.6 Identify superficial Lecture 2: Remaining Muscles of facial
1 Hour muscles of face, expression: Names, actions and nerve supply.
(P) their nerve supply Practical: 1
and actions
AN 28.7 Explain the Lecture 4:
anatomical basis of Applied anatomy of Facial Nerve – Bell’s
facial nerve palsy Palsy.
AN 28.8 Explain surgical Lecture 3: Pterygoid plexus of veins and
importance of deep infection of Cavernous sinus
facial vein
AN 28.9 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 6:Parotid region - Parotid gland:
(L) demonstrate the Surfaces, relations, nerve supply, blood
parts, borders, supply, lymphatic drainage, intraparotid
2 Hours surfaces, contents, structures, parotid duct and applied aspects.
(P) relations Practical: 1,2
and nerve supply of
parotid gland with
course of its duct
and surgical
AN 28.10 Explain the
anatomical basis of
Frey’s syndrome
AN 29.1 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 7:Posterior triangle: Subdivisions,
(L) demonstrate boundaries, contents, XI cranial nerve and
attachments, nerve clinical anatomy.
2 Hours supply, relations and Practical: 1,2
(P) actions
AN 29.2 Explain anatomical
basis of Erb’s &
Klumpke’s palsy
AN 29.3 Explain anatomical
basis of wry neck
AN 29.4 Describe &
attachments of 1)
inferior belly of
2)scalenus anterior,
3) scalenus medius
& 4) levator
AN 30.1 Describe the cranial Practical: 1,2
2 Hours fossae & identify Osteology 8
(P) related structures Identify the anterior, middle, and posterior
cranial fossae. What are the pertinent
foramina/fossae/canals in each, and what do
they transmit?
AN 30.2 Describe & identify Practical: 1
1 Hours major foramina with Osteology 9 -
(P) structures passing Identify the three cranial fossa and openings
through them for the spinal cord, cranial nerves, arteries
(carotid, vertebral, and middle meningeal),
and the internal jugular vein.
Identify each of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves,
both on the brain and in the anterior, middle
and posterior cranial fossae.
AN 30.3 Describe & identify Lecture 8: Dural venous sinuses: Definition,
dural folds & dural classifications and their positions and
1 Hour venous sinuses communications
(L) Cavernous sinus: Position, extent,
1 Hour boundaries, structures in the lateral wall and
(P) structures running through it, relations,
tributaries, communications and applied
Practical: 1
AN 30.4 1 Hour Describe clinical Practical: 1
(P) importance of dural
venous sinuses
AN 30.5 Explain effect of
1 Hour pituitary tumours on
(P) visual pathway Practical: 1
AN 31.1 1 Hour Describe & identify Lecture 9:Describe extra ocular muscles of
(L) extra ocular muscles eyeball under the following headings
2 Hours of eyeball a. Origin
(P) b. Insertion
c. Nerve supply
d. Action
Applied anatomy
Practical: 1,2
AN 31.2 1 Hour Describe & Osteology 10. – Describe Bony Orbit Lecture
(L) demonstrate nerves 10:
2 Hours and vessels in the Ophthalmic artery: Origin, course,
(P) orbit termination and branches.
Ophthalmic veins: Origin, course and
termination of superior and inferior
ophthalmic veins
Nerves of orbit: Origin, course, termination,
branches and distribution of oculomotor,
trochlear, ophthalmic division of trigeminal
and abducent nerves.
Practical: 1,2
AN 31.3 Describe anatomical Lecture 10:
basis of Horner’s Lesions of the sympathetic trunk
AN 31.4 1 Hour Enumerate Lecture 11:
(L) components of Describe the anatomical aspects of various
lacrimal apparatus components of the lacrimal apparatus
- Nerve supply, Blood supply
- Applied aspects
AN 31.5 Explain the Lecture 10:
anatomical basis of Nerves described under
oculomotor, - Functional components
trochlear and - Nucleus
abducent nerve - Origin
palsies along with - Course
strabismus - Relations
- Branches
- Connections
- Applied aspects
AN 32.1 1 Hour Describe boundaries Lecture 12:
(L) and subdivisions of Anterior triangle:
2 Hours anterior triangle a.Boundaries and subdivisions.
(P) b.Carotid triangle: Boundaries and contents.
c.Digastric triangle: Boundaries and contents.
Digastric muscle: attachments, nerve supply
and actions
d.Muscular triangle: Boundaries and
e.Submental triangle: Boundaries and
Applied anatomy.
Practical: 1,2
AN 32.2 2 Hours Describe &
(P) demonstrate
boundaries and Practical: 1,2
contents of
muscular, carotid,
digastric and
submental triangles
AN 33.1 1 Hour Describe & Osteology 5 - Locate and define the
(L) demonstrate extent, boundaries of the temporal fossa, and
4 Hours boundaries and infratemporal fossa Lecture 13:
(P) contents of Boundaries of temporal and infratemporal
temporal and fossae
infratemporal fossae Contents of temporal and infratemporal
Mandibular nerve: Origin, course,
termination, branches and distribution.
Otic ganglion: Location, relations, connection
and branches.
Maxillary artery – course, branches, relations
Applied anatomy
Surgical approaches
Practical: 1,2,3,4
AN 33.2 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 14:
(L) demonstrate Muscles of mastication: Names, attachments,
2 Hours attachments, nerve supply and actions
(P) direction of fibres, Practical: 1,2
nerve supply
andactions of
muscles of
AN 33.3 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 15:
(L) demonstrate Temporomandibular joint: Classification,
2 Hours articulating surface, articular surfaces, ligaments, nerve supply,
(P) type & movements movements, muscles responsible for
of movements and applied anatomy.
temporomandibular Practical: 1,2
AN 33.4 Explain the clinical
significance of
pterygoid venous
AN 33.5 Describe the Lecture 15:
features of Applied anatomy of temporomandibular joint
dislocation of .
AN 34.1 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 16:
(L) demonstrate the a. Submandibular gland: Parts, surfaces,
2 Hours morphology, relations, nerve supply, blood supply,
(P) relations and nerve lymphatic drainage and submandibular duct.
supply of b.Hyoglossus muscle: Superficial and deep
submandibular relations.
salivary gland & c.Submandibular ganglion: Location,
submandibular relations, connection and branches
ganglion Practical: 1,2
AN 34.2 Describe the basis of
formation of
AN 35.1 1 Hour Describe the parts, Lecture 17:
(L) extent, attachments, Deep cervical fascia: Different layers,
modifications of attachments and clinical anatomy.
deep cervical fascia
AN 35.2 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 18:
(L) demonstrate Thyroid gland
2 Hours location, parts, Position; Parts, borders, surfaces and
(P) borders, surfaces, relations; Capsules: True and false capsules
relations & and their origin ;Blood supply, nerve supply
blood supply of and lymphatic drainage ; Applied anatomy.
thyroid gland Practical: 1,2
PA 32.1 Enumerate classify
and describe the
pathology and
iodine dependency
and thyroid
AN 35.3 1 Hour Demonstrate & Lecture 19:
(L) describe the origin, Subclavian artery: Origin, course, parts,
2 Hours parts, course & relations, termination and branches,
(P) branches of Applied anatomy.
subclavian Practical: 1,2
AN 35.4 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 20:
(L) demonstrate origin, Internal jugular vein & brachiocephalic veins
2 Hours course, relations, Origin, course, relations, termination and
(P) tributaries and tributaries, Applied anatomy.
termination of Practical: 1,2
internal jugular &
AN 35.5 Describe and Lecture 5: Lymph nodes of head and neck,
2 Hours demonstrate extent, Lymphatic drainage,
(P) drainage & applied Applied Anatomy
anatomy of cervical Practical: 1,2
lymph nodes
AN 35.6 1 Hour Describe and Lecture 21:
(L) demonstrate the a.Sympathetic system : Components and
2 Hours extent, formation, function cervical Sympathetic chain
(P) relation & branches b. Cervical Sympathetic chain : extent
of c. Cervical Sympathetic ganglia : Connections
cervical sympathetic Practical: 1,2
AN 35.7 4 Hours Describe the course Lecture 22,23,24,25:
(L) and branches of IX, a.Glossopharyngeal nerve:
X, XI & XII nerve in Nuclei, surface attachment to brain stem,
the neck course, branches, distribution and applied
b.Vagus nerve:
Nuclei, surface attachment to brain stem,
course, branches, distribution and applied
c.Accessory nerve:
Parts, nuclei, surface attachment to brain
stem and spinal cord, course, termination,
distribution and applied anatomy.
d.Hypoglossal nerve: Nuclear origin, surface
attachment to brain stem, course,
termination, branches, distribution and
applied anatomy.
AN 35.8 Describe the Lecture 18:
anatomically Applied anatomy of Thyroid gland.
relevant clinical
features of Thyroid
Describe the clinical Lecture 19:
features of Applied anatomy
AN 35.9 compression of
subclavian artery
lower trunk of
brachial plexus by
cervical rib
AN 35.10 Describe the fascial
spaces of neck
AN 36.1 1 Hour Describe the 1) Lecture 26:
(L) morphology, Palatine tonsil : Position, relations, blood
relations, blood supply, nerve supply and applied anatomy
supply and applied Tooth – Parts , features
anatomy Gums- structure
of palatine tonsil 2)
composition of soft
AN 36.2 Describe the
components and
functions of
lymphatic ring
AN 36.3 Describe the
boundaries and
clinical significance
of pyriform fossa
AN 36.4 Describe the
anatomical basis of
adenoids and
peri-tonsillar abscess
AN 36.5 Describe the clinical
significance of
Killian’s dehiscence
DE1.1 Enumerate the parts
of the tooth
DE5.1 Enumerate the parts
of the tooth and
AN 37.1 1 Hour Describe & Osteology 12 - Locate and define the bones
(L) demonstrate forming nasal septum,lateral wall of nose and
2 Hours features of nasal applied anatomy
(P) septum, lateral wall Lecture 27:
of nose, a.BoundariesofNasal cavity
their blood supply b.Nasal septum : Formation, features, blood
and nerve supply supply and nerve supply
c.Lateral wall : Formation, features,
structures opening, blood supply and nerve
Practical: 1,2
AN 37.2 1 Hour Describe location Lecture 28:
(L) and functional Paranasal air sinuses: Functions, names,
anatomy of location, opening, blood supply and nerve
paranasal sinuses supply and applied anatomy
AN 37.3 Describe anatomical Applied anatomy of paranasal sinuses
basis of sinusitis &
maxillary sinus
1 Hour Lecture 29: Larynx
AN 38.1 (L) Describe the Position
2 Hours morphology, identify Cartilages ; Names and features
(P) structure of the wall, Ligaments; Names and attachments
nerve supply, Joints ; Names
blood supply and Cavity of larynx : Interior, folds, ventricle and
actions of intrinsic saccule
and extrinsic Intrinsic muscles : Names, attachments,
muscles of the nerve supply and actions
larynx Extrinsic muscles: Names and actions
Interior: Parts, features, epithelial lining,
blood supply and nerve supply
Practical: 1,2
AN 38.2 Describe the Applied anatomy of larynx
anatomical aspects
of laryngitis
AN 38.3 Describe anatomical Applied anatomy of larynx
basis of recurrent
laryngeal nerve
AN 39.1 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 30:
(L) demonstrate the Tongue:
2 Hours morphology, nerve a.Parts, surfaces, nerve supply, blood supply
(P) supply, and lymphatic drainage.
embryological b.Muscles: Names, attachments, nerve
basis of nerve supply and actions.
supply, blood Practical: 1,2
supply, lymphatic
drainage and actions
extrinsic and
intrinsic muscles of
AN 39.2 Explain the
anatomical basis of
hypoglossal nerve
AN 40.1 1 Hour Describe & identify Lecture 31:
(L) the parts, blood External ear:
4 Hours supply and nerve a.Auricle: parts and nerve supply.
(P) supply of external b.External acoustic meatus: Parts, blood
ear supply and nerve supply.
Practical: 1,2
AN 40.2 Describe & Lecture 31:
demonstrate the Middle ear:
boundaries, a.Boundaries and contents
contents, relations b.Blood supply, nerve supply and applied
and anatomy
functional anatomy c.Tympanic membrane: Position,
of middle ear and attachments, surfaces, relations, parts,
auditory tube layers, blood supply, nerve supply and
applied anatomy
Mastoid antrum : Position, boundaries and
Practical: 1,2
AN 40.3 1 Hour Describe the Lecture 32:
(L) features of internal Internal ear:
ear a.Parts of bony labyrinth
b.Parts of membranous labyrinth
c.Microscopic anatomy of cochlea
d.Receptors of ganglia of auditory and
vestibular pathway
Applied anatomy
AN 40.4 Explain anatomical
basis of otitis
externa and otitis
AN 40.5 Explain anatomical
basis of
AN 41.1 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 33: Eyeball:
(L) demonstrate parts a.Position, poles, equator, coats (layers),
2 Hours and layers of eyeball segments and refractive media
(P) b.Sclera : Surfaces, structures piercing it
c.Cornea : Position and structure
OP2.1 Enumerate the d.Choroid : Position and structure
causes, describe and e.Ciliary body : Position, parts and ciliaris
discuss the muscle
aetiology, clinical f.Iris : Position, margins, surfaces, pupil,
presentations and arterial circles, muscles
diagnostic features g.Retina: Pars, layers, optic cup and macula
of common lutea.
conditions of the lid h.Nerve supply, blood supply
and Practical: 1
adnexa including
Hordeolum - Conditions of the lid and
externum/ adnexa including Hordeolum externum/
internum, internum, blepharitis, preseptal
blepharitis, cellulitis, dacryocystitis, hemangioma,
preseptal dermoid, ptosis, entropion, lid lag,
cellulitis, lagopthalmos
dermoid, ptosis,
entropion, lid lag,
OP4.1 Enumerate describe
and discuss the
types and causes of
OP7.1 Describe the surgical
anatomy and the
metabolism of the
OP8.1 Discuss the
aetiology, pathology,
clinical features and
management of
vascular occlusions
of the retina
AN 41.2 Describe the applied anatomy of eye ball
anatomical aspects Practical: 1,2
of cataract,
glaucoma & central
artery occlusion
AN 41.3 Describe the
position, nerve
supply and actions
of intraocular
AN 42.1 1 Hour Describe the Lecture 34:Identify the components of a
(L) contents of the typical vertebra and a typical intervertebral
2 Hours vertebral canal articulation and specific differences in the
(P) cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions.

Identify the course and location of the major

ligaments connecting the vertebrae.

Identify the components of a typical spinal


Identify the major coverings (meninges) of

the spinal cord and indicate the relationship
of each to the vertebral canal, nerve roots
and spinal cord.

Identify the spinal cord dorsal and ventral

rootlets, dorsal root ganglion.

Practical: 1,2
AN 42.2 1 Hour Describe & Lecture 35: Suboccipital triangle;
(L) demonstrate the Boundaries, contents and clinical anatomy.
1 Hour boundaries and Practical: 1
(P) contents of
AN 42.3 Describe the
position, direction of
fibres, relations,
nerve supply,
actions of
semispinalis capitis
and splenius capitis
AN 43.1 Describe & Practical: 1
1 Hour demonstrate the
(P) movements
with muscles
producing the
movements of
atlantooccipital joint
atlantoaxial joint
AN 43.5 1 Hour Demonstrate- 1) Practical: 1
(P) Testing of muscles of
facial expression,
muscles, muscles of
mastication, 2)
Palpation of carotid
arteries, facial
artery, superficial
temporal artery, 3)
Location of internal
and external
jugular veins, 4)
Location of hyoid
bone, thyroid
cartilage and cricoid
cartilage with their
vertebral levels
AN 43.6 1 Hour Demonstrate surface Practical: 1
(P) projection of-
Thyroid gland,
Parotid gland and
Pterion, Common
carotid artery,
Internal jugular vein,
Subclavian vein,
External jugular
vein, Facial artery in
the face & accessory
AN 43.7 2 Hours Identify the Radiology
(R) anatomical a.View
structures in 1) Plain b.Plain/contrast
x-ray skull, 2) AP c.Identification of parts of bones of head and
view and neck, paranasal air sinuses etc. in
lateral view 3) Plain radiographs.
x-ray cervical spine- Practical: 1,2
AP and lateral view
4) Plain xray
of paranasal sinuses
AN 43.8 Describe the
anatomical route
used for carotid
angiogram and
AN 43.9 Identify anatomical
structures in carotid
angiogram and

Topic : Neuroanatomy

Competenc Hours Competency Objective

AN56.1 1 hr Describe & identify various Lecture (1), Practical (1)
layers of meninges with its  Introduction to CNS,
extent & modifications  Various parts and functions.
 Identify layers of meninges
and their extent.
 Spaces related to them.
AN56.2 1 hr Describe circulation of CSF Lecture (1), Practical (1)
with its applied anatomy  Formation and circulation of
IM17.1 Define and classify headache CSF,
and describe the presenting  Sub arachnoid space,
features,  Cistern and Lumbar
precipitating factors, puncture.
aggravating and relieving
factors of various kinds of
AN57.1 1 hr Identify external features of Lecture (2),
AN57.2 spinal cord  Describe length, extent of
Describe extent of spinal cord spinal cord in fetus, child
in child & adult with its clinical and adult.
implication  Explain external features of
spinal cord.
-Coverings their modifications
-Grooves/ fissures.
-Blood supply.
AN57.3 2 hrs Draw & label transverse Lecture (3)
AN57.4 section of spinal cord at mid-  Explain the arrangement of
AN57.5 cervical & midthoracic level white matter and grey
Enumerate ascending & matter at various levels of
descending tracts at mid spinal cord.
thoracic level of spinal  Enumerate ascending
cord (motor) tracts and their
Describe anatomical basis of somatotopic arrangement.
syringomyelia Lecture (4)
AS 8.1 Describe the anatomical  Enumerate descending
correlates and physiologic (sensory) tracts and their
principles of pain somatotopic arrangement.
 Diagram of cross section of
spinal cord at cervical,
thoracic and lumbar levels.
 Effect of injury at various
Practical (2,3)
 Identify external features,
extent, coverings of spinal
 Identify modifications of pia
mater of spinal cord
AN58.1 2 hr Identify external features of Lecture (5),
AN58.2 medulla oblongata  Describe ventral and dorsal
AN58.4 aspects of medulla -
AN58.3 Describe transverse section of  Fissures, sulci, cranial nerves
medulla oblongata at the level emerging from them.
of 1)pyramidal decussation,  Explain arrangement of
2) sensory decussation 3) ION. white and grey matter at the
Describe anatomical basis & level of pyramidal
effects of medial & lateral decussation
medullary Lecture (6)
syndrome  Explain arrangement of
Enumerate cranial nerve nuclei white and grey matter at the
in medulla oblongata with level of sensory decussation
their functional group and at the level of inferior
olivary nucleus (Transverse
 Functional components of
cranial nerve nuclei located
in medulla.
 Blood supply of medulla.
 Effects of loss of blood
supply / injury.
Practical (4)
 Identify external and internal
features of medulla
oblongata at pyramidal,
sensory and inferior olivary
nucleus levels.
Identify external features of Lecture (7),
AN59.1 1 hr pons Draw & label transverse
AN59.2 section of pons at the upper  Enumerate the external
AN59.3 and lower level. features on dorsal and
Enumerate cranial nerve nuclei ventral aspects of Pons.
in pons with their functional  Describe the arrangement of
group gray and white matter at its
upper and lower level
(Transverse section)
Practical (5)
 Identify external and internal
features of pons at upper
and lower levels.
AN60.1 1 hr Describe & demonstrate Lecture (8),
external & internal features of  Explain external features of
cerebellum cerebellum – Lobes/
divisions, fissures, surfaces,
functions, blood supply
AN60.2 1 hr Describe connections of Lecture (9),
AN60.3 cerebellar cortex and Arrangement of grey and white
intracerebellar nuclei matter in the cerebellum –
Describe anatomical basis of  Cortex – neurons, fibres.
cerebellar dysfunction  Intra Cerebellar nuclei and
 Peduncles and fibres passing
 Effect of lesions.
Practical (6)
 Identify external & internal
features of cerebellum –
fissures, surfaces, lobes,
vermis, arbour vitae, intra
Cerebellar nuclei.
AN61.1 1 hr Identify external & internal Lecture (10),
features of midbrain  Enumerate the blood supply,
AN61.2 Describe internal features of external features on dorsal
midbrain at the level of and ventral aspects of mid
superior & inferior colliculus brain.
AN61.3 Describe anatomical basis &  Explain tectum and
effects of Benedikt’s and tegmentum of midbrain.
Weber’s syndrome  Describe the arrangement of
gray and white matter with
in the midbrain at the level
of superior and inferior
colliculus and effects of
Benedikt’s and Weber’s
syndrome on its basis.
Practical (7)
 Identify external & internal
features of midbrain
AN62.1 1 hr Enumerate cranial nerve nuclei Lecture (11)
with its functional component Explain the functional components
of cranial nerve nuclei in the brain
AN62.2 2 hrs Describe & demonstrate Lecture (12),
surfaces, sulci, gyri, poles, &  Enumerate borders, poles,
functional areas of cerebral surfaces of cerebral
hemisphere hemisphere.
 Explain sulci, gyri and
functional areas on
Superolateral surface,
Practical (8)
 Demonstrate surfaces, sulci,
gyri, poles, & functional
areas of Superolateral

Lecture (13),
 Explain sulci, gyri and
functional areas on Medial
and inferior surfaces of
Practical (9)
 Demonstrate surfaces, sulci,
gyri, poles, & functional
areas of medial and inferiorl

AN62.3 1 hr Describe the white matter of Lecture (14),

cerebrum  Classify white matter of
Explain in detail about
 Corpus callosum,
 Internal capsule -
Location, extent, relations, fibres
passing through, Blood supply and
applied aspects.
Practical (10)
 Identify association,
commissural fibres (Corpus
callosum) and internal
capsule – parts, relations.
AN62.4 1 hr Enumerate parts & major Lecture (15),
connections of basal ganglia & Basal ganglia, Limbic system.
limbic lobe -Components,
IM19.1 Describe the functional -Connection,
anatomy of the locomotor - Functions,
system of the brain -Applied aspects.
Practical (11)
 Identify basal ganglia &
components of limbic
AN62.5 1 hr Describe boundaries, parts, Lecture (16),
gross relations, major nuclei  Parts of Diencephalon.
and connections of dorsal  Structure, nuclei,
thalamus, hypothalamus, connections and functions of
epithalamus, metathalamus thalamus, hypothalamus,
and epithalamus, metathalamus
subthalamus and subthalamus.
Practical (12)
 Identify boundaries, parts,
gross relations of dorsal
thalamus, hypothalamus,
epithalamus, metathalamus
AN62.6 1 hr Describe & identify formation, Lecture (17),
branches & major areas of  Location, formations,
distribution of circle of Willis branches, area of supply of
circle of Willis.
 Applied aspects.
Practical (13)
 identify location, formation,
branches of circle of Willis.
IM18.1 Describe the functional and
the vascular anatomy of the

AN63.1 2 hrs Describe & demonstrate parts, Lecture (18),

AN63.2 boundaries & features of IIIrd,  Location, Extent, Relations,
IVth & lateral ventricle Features and choroid plexus
Describe anatomical basis of and communications of
congenital hydrocephalus lateral ventricle.
Lecture (19)
 Location, Extent, Relations,
Features and choroid plexus
and communications of IIIrd
Lecture (20)
 Location, Extent, Relations,
Features and choroid plexus
and communications of IV th
Anatomical basis of congenital and
acquired Hydrocephalus.
Practical (14)
 Demonstrate parts,
boundaries & features of
IIIrd, IVth & lateral ventricle

Topic : Thorax

S.No Topic Competency. Competency Objectives

AN 21.3 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate the 1. Describe boundaries of
boundaries of thoracic thoracic inlet, cavity and
inlet, cavity and outlet outlet

1. Identify and
demonstrate boundaries
of thoracic inlet, cavity
and outlet
01 Intercostal AN 21.4 Describe & Theory:
spaces demonstrate extent, 1. Describe Intercostal
attachments, direction space under the
of fibres, nerve supply following headings
and actions of a. Definition
intercostal muscles b. Boundaries
AN 21.5 Describe & c. Contents
demonstrate origin, d. Applied anatomy
course, relations and
branches of a typical 2. Describe Intercostal
intercostal nerve muscles under the
AN 21.6 Mention origin, course following headings
and branches/ a. Attachments
tributaries of: b. Nerve supply
1) anterior & posterior c. Actions
intercostal vessels d. Applied anatomy
2) internal thoracic
vessels 3. Describe intercostal
AN 21.7 Mention the origin, nerves under the
course, relations and following headings
branches of a. Origin
1) atypical intercostal b. Course
nerve c. Relations
2) superior intercostal d. Branches
artery, subcostal artery e. Applied anatomy
AN 21.9 Describe &
demonstrate mechanics 4. Describe intercostal
and types of respiration arteries under the
following headings
a. Origin
b. Course
c. Relations
d. Branches
e. Applied anatomy

1. Identify and
demonstrate Intercostal
space under the
following headings
a. Definition
b. Boundaries
c. Contents

2. Identify and
demonstrate Intercostal
muscles under the
following headings
a. Attachments
b. Nerve supply
c. Actions

3. Identify and
demonstrate intercostal
nerves under the
following headings
a. Origin
b. Course
c. Relations
d. Branches

4. Identify and
demonstrate intercostal
arteries under the
following headings
a. Origin
b. Course
c. Relations
d. Branches
02 AN 21.8 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate type, 1. Describe
articular surfaces & manubriosternal,
movements of costovertebral,
manubriosternal, costotransverse,
costovertebral, xiphisternal,
costotransverse and costochondral and
xiphisternal joints interchondral joints
AN 21.10 Describe costochondral under the following
and interchondral joints headings
a. Type
b. Articular
c. Movements
d. Applied anatomy
1. Identify and
costochondral and
interchondral joints
under the following
a. Articular surfaces
b. Movements
Mediastinum AN 21.11 Mention boundaries Theory:
and contents of the 2. Describe Mediastinum
superior, anterior, under the following
middle and headings
posterior mediastinum a. Definition
b. Boundaries
c. Subdivisions
d. Contents
e. Applied anatomy

3. Identify and
Mediastinum under the
following headings
a. Definition
b. Boundaries
c. Subdivisions
d. Contents
03 Pleura AN 24.1 Mention the blood Theory:
supply, lymphatic 2. Describe Pleura under
drainage and nerve the following headings
supply of pleura, extent a. Definition
of pleura and describe b. Layers of the pleura
the pleural recesses and c. Pulmonary ligament
their applied anatomy d. Surface marking of
AN 25.9 Demonstrate surface pleura
marking of lines of e. Recesses of the
pleural reflection pleura
f. Nerve supply of the
g. Blood supply of the
h. Applied anatomy
2. Identify and
demonstrate Pleura
under the following
a. Layers of the pleura
b. Pulmonary ligament
c. Surface marking of
d. Recesses of the
04 Lungs AN 24.2 Identify side, external Theory:
features and relations 1. Describe lung under the
of structures which following headings
form root of lung & a. Introduction &
bronchial tree and their Situation
clinical correlate b. External features
AN 24.3 Describe a c. Lobes and fissures
bronchopulmonary d. surface marking of
segment lung borders and
AN 24.5 Mention the blood fissures
supply, lymphatic e. Root of the lung
drainage and nerve f. Internal structure
supply of lungs g. Blood supply of the
AN 25.9 Demonstrate surface lungs
marking of lung h. Lymphatic drainage
borders and fissures i. Nerve supply
j. Applied aspects

1. Demonstrate lung under
the following headings
a. Introduction &
b. External features
c. Lobes and fissures
d. surface marking of
lung borders and
e. Root of the lung
f. Blood supply of the
g. Lymphatic drainage
h. Nerve supply
05 Pericardium AN 22.1 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate 1. Describe pericardium
subdivisions, sinuses in under the following
pericardium, blood headings
supply a. Introduction
and nerve supply of b. Subdivisions
pericardium c. Pericardial cavity
d. Contents
e. Pericardial sinuses
f. Blood supply
g. Nerve supply
h. Applied anatomy

1. Identify and
pericardium under the
following headings
a. Introduction
b. Subdivisions
c. Pericardial cavity
d. Contents
e. Pericardial sinuses
f. Blood supply
g. Nerve supply
06 Atria & AN 22.2 Describe & Theory:
Ventricles demonstrate external 1. Describe Atria &
and internal features Ventricles under the
of each chamber of following headings
heart a. Situation
AN 25.9 Demonstrate surface b. Extent
marking of heart c. External features
borders, apex beat & d. Surface marking
surface projection of e. Relations
valves of heart f. Interior
g. Applied aspects
i. Dissection:
1. Demonstrate Atria &
Ventricles under the
following headings
a. Situation
b. Extent
c. External features
d. Surface marking
e. Relations
f. Interior

08 Coronary AN 22.3 Describe & Theory:

circulation demonstrate origin, 1. Describe coronary
course and branches of arteries under the
coronary arteries following headings
AN 22.4 Describe anatomical a. Origin
basis of ischaemic heart b. Course
disease c. Branches
d. Distribution
e. Applied anatomy

1. Identify and
demonstrate coronary
arteries under the
following headings
a. Origin
b. Course
c. Branches
d. Distribution

09 Coronary AN 22.5 Describe & Theory:

sinus demonstrate the 1. Describe Coronary sinus
formation, course, under the following
tributaries and headings
termination of coronary a. Situation
sinus b. Length
c. Course
d. Tributaries
1. Identify and
demonstrate Coronary
sinus under the
following headings
a. Situation
b. Length
c. Course
d. Tributaries

Fibrous AN 22.6 Describe the fibrous Theory:

skeleton of skeleton of heart 1. Describe fibrous
heart skeleton of heart under
the following headings
a. Introduction
b. Position
c. Components
d. Applied aspects
Conducting AN 22.7 Mention the parts, Theory:
system of position and arterial 1. Describe conducting
heart supply of the system of heart under
conducting system of the following headings
heart e. Introduction
f. Position
g. Components
h. Arterial Supply of the
Conducting System
i. Applied aspects

10 Aorta AN 23.4 Mention the extent, Theory:

branches and relations 1. Describe arch of aorta &
of arch of aorta & descending thoracic
descending thoracic aorta under the
aorta following headings
a. Introduction
b. Course
c. Relations
d. Branches
e. Applied anatomy

1. Identify and
demonstrate arch of
aorta & descending
thoracic aorta under the
following headings
a. Introduction
b. Course
c. Relations
d. Branches

Phrenic AN 24.4 Identify phrenic nerve Theory:

nerve & describe its formation 1. Describe phrenic nerve
& distribution under the following
a. Formation
b. Course
c. Termination
d. Distribution
e. Applied anatomy

1. Identify and
demonstrate phrenic
nerve under the
following headings
a. Formation
b. Course
c. Termination

11 Thoracic AN 23.2 Describe & Theory:

duct & demonstrate the 1. Describe Thoracic duct &
lymphatic extent, relations lymphatic duct under
duct tributaries of thoracic the following headings
duct and enumerate its a. Introduction
applied anatomy b. Formation
AN 23.7 Mention the extent, c. Course &
relations and applied termination
anatomy of lymphatic d. Relations
duct e. Tributaries
f. Applied anatomy

1. Identify and
demonstrate Thoracic
duct & lymphatic duct
under the following
a. Introduction
b. Formation
c. Course &
d. Relations
e. Tributaries

Azygos AN 23.3 Describe & Theory:

system of demonstrate origin, 1. Describe Azygos system
veins & course, relations, of veins under the
superior tributaries and following headings
venacava termination of superior a. Introduction
venacava, azygos, a. Formation
hemiazygos and b. Course and
accessory hemiazygos termination
veins c. Relations
d. Tributaries
e. Applied aspects

2. Describe superior
venacava under the
following headings
a. Introduction
b. Formation
c. Course and
d. Relations
e. Tributaries
f. Applied aspects

f. Dissection:
1. Identify and
demonstrate Azygos
system of veins under
the following headings
a. Formation
b. Course and
c. Relations
d. Tributaries

2. Identify and
demonstrate superior
venacava under the
following headings
a. Formation
b. Course and
c. Relations
d. Tributaries

12 Esophagus AN 23.1 Describe & Theory:

demonstrate the 1. Describe esophagus
external appearance, under the following
relations, blood supply, headings
nerve supply, lymphatic a. Introduction
drainage and applied b. Dimensions
anatomy of esophagus c. Course
d. Curvatures
e. Constrictions
f. Relations
g. Blood supply
h. Lymphatic drainage
i. Nerve supply
j. Applied aspects
g. Dissection:
1. Identify and
demonstrate esophagus
under the following
a. Dimensions
b. Course
c. Curvatures
d. Constrictions
e. Relations
f. Blood supply
g. Lymphatic drainage
h. Nerve supply

Thoracic AN 23.5 Identify & Mention the Theory:

sympathetic location and extent of 1. Describe thoracic
chain thoracic sympathetic sympathetic chain under
chain the following headings
a. Formation
b. Course
c. Termination
d. Distribution
e. Applied anatomy

1. Identify and
demonstrate thoracic
sympathetic chain under
the following headings
a. Formation
b. Course
c. Termination
d. Distribution
Splanchnic AN 23.6 Describe the splanchnic Theory:
nerves nerves 1. Describe splanchnic
nerves under the
following headings
a. Formation
b. Course
c. Termination
d. Distribution
e. Applied anatomy

1. Identify and
demonstrate splanchnic
nerves under the
following headings
a. Formation
b. Course
c. Termination
d. Distribution
Trachea AN 24.6 Describe the extent, Theory:
length, relations, blood 1. Describe trachea under
supply, lymphatic the following headings
drainage and nerve a. Introduction
supply of trachea b. Location
AN 25.9 Demonstrate surface c. Dimensions
marking of trachea d. Course
e. Relations
f. Blood supply
g. Lymphatic drainage
h. Nerve supply
i. Applied aspects
k. Dissection:
1. Demonstrate trachea
under the following
a. Introduction
b. Location
c. Dimensions
d. Course
e. Relations
f. Blood supply
g. Lymphatic drainage
h. Nerve supply

Sternum AN 21.2 Identify and describe Osteology:

the salient features of Describe and demonstrate
sternum sternum under following
a. Anatomical position
b. Parts
c. Salient features
d. Articulations
e. Attachments
f. Applied aspects

Ribs AN 21.2 Identify and describe Osteology:

the salient features of Describe and demonstrate
typical rib, 1st rib typical rib, 1st rib under
following headings
a. Anatomical position
b. Parts
c. Salient features
d. Articulations
e. Attachments
f. Applied aspects
Thoracic AN 21.1 Identify & describe the Osteology:
vertebrae features 1st, 11th and Describe and demonstrate
12th thoracic vertebrae 1st, 11th and 12th thoracic
vertebrae under following
a. Anatomical position
b. Parts
c. Salient features
d. Articulations
e. Attachments
f. Applied aspects
AN 25.7 Identify structures seen Radiology:
on a plain x-ray chest 1. Describe & identify
(PA view) features of plain X ray
AN 25.8 Identify and describe in thorax under following
brief a barium swallow headings
i. How to read an X-ray
j. Indications
k. Contraindications
l. Preparations
m. Bones seen
n. Soft tissues
o. Joints
p. Uses

2. Describe & identify

features of barium
swallow under following
a. How to read an X-ray
b. Indications
c. Contraindications
d. Preparations
e. Contrast used
f. Timing of X-ray
g. Soft tissues
h. Uses
Topic : Abdomen

S.No Topic Competency. Competency Objectives

01 Anterior AN 44.1 Describe & Theory:
abdominal wall demonstrate the 1. Describe the anterior
, Rectus sheath Planes abdominal wall under the
(transpyloric, following headings
transtubercular, a. Layers
subcostal, lateral b. Blood supply
vertical, linea alba, c. Lymphatic drainage
linea semilunaris), d. Nerve supply
regions & e. Applied anatomy
Quadrants of
abdomen 2. Describe rectus sheath under
AN 44.2 Describe & identify the following headings
the Fascia, nerves a. Formation
& blood vessels of b. Contents
anterior abdominal c. Applied anatomy
AN 44.3 Describe the 3. Describe the muscles of
formation of rectus anterior abdominal wall
sheath and its under the following headings
contents a. Names
AN 44.7 Enumerate b. Attachments
common c. Nerve supply
Abdominal d. Actions
AN 44.6 Describe & Dissection:
demonstrate 1. Surface marking of
attachments of a. Transpyloric,
muscles of anterior transtubercular planes
abdominal wall and mid-clavicular lines
b. Quadrants of abdomen
2. Identify the layers of anterior
abdominal wall and also the
vessels and nerves supplying
3. Identify the muscles of
anterior abdominal and
demonstrate their
4. Demonstrate the formation of
rectus sheath and also
identify its contents
02 Inguinal canal AN 44.4 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate Describe inguinal canal under
extent, the following headings
boundaries, a. Extent
contents of b. Boundaries
Inguinal canal c. Contents
including d. Applied anatomy
Hesselbach’s  Inguinal hernia: Types-
triangle. direct and indirect,
AN 44.5 Explain the coverings of the hernia,
anatomical basis of differences between the
inguinal hernia. two herniae
AN 55.1 Demonstrate the  Differentiation between
surface marking of inguinal hernia and
Superficial inguinal femoral hernia
ring, Deep inguinal Dissection:
ring Identify and demonstrate
inguinal canal under the
following headings
a. Extent
b. Boundaries,Contents
c. Applied anatomy
 Inguinal hernia: Types-
direct and indirect,
coverings of the hernia,
differences between the
two herniae
 Differentiation between
inguinal hernia and
femoral hernia
03 Testis AN 46.1 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate 1. Describe testis under the
coverings, internal following headings
structure, side a. Coverings
determination, b. Presenting parts
blood supply, c. Internal (macroscopic)
nerve supply, structure
lymphatic drainage d. Side determination
& descent of testis e. Blood supply
with its applied f. Nerve supply
anatomy g. Lymphatic drainage
AN 46.2 Describe parts of h. Descent
Epididymis i. Applied anatomy
AN 46.4 Explain the
anatomical basis of 2. Enumerate and describe
Varicocoele parts of Epididymis

1. Demonstrate testis under the
following headings
a. Coverings
b. Presenting parts
c. Internal (macroscopic)
d. Side determination

2. Demonstrate the parts of

04 Thoracolumbar AN 45.1 Describe Theory:
fascia Thoracolumbar Describe thoracolumbar fascia
fascia under the following headings
a. Layers
b. Attachments
c. Muscles attached

Identify the layers of
thoracolumbar fascia and
demonstrate its attachments
and also muscles attached to it.
05 Abdominal AN 47.9 Describe & identify Theory:
aorta the origin, course, Describe Abdominal aorta,
important relations Coeliac trunk, Superior
and branches of mesenteric, Inferior mesenteric
Abdominal aorta, & Common iliac artery under
Coeliac trunk, the following headings
Superior a. Origin
mesenteric, b. Course
Inferior mesenteric c. Relations
& Common iliac d. Termination
artery e. Branches
f. Applied anatomy

Identify and demonstrate
Abdominal aorta, Coeliac trunk,
Superior mesenteric, Inferior
mesenteric & Common iliac
artery under the following
a. Origin
b. Course
c. Relations
d. Termination
e. Branches
06 Greater and AN 47.1 Describe & identify Theory:
lesser sacs boundaries and 1. Describe lesser and greater
recesses of Lesser sacs under the following
& Greater sac headings
AN 47.2 Name & identify a. Boundaries
various peritoneal b. Contents & features
folds & pouches c. Applied anatomy
with its
explanation 2. Describe lesser omentum,
AN 47.3 Explain anatomical greater omentum,
basis of Ascites & gastrosplenic, lienorenal
Peritonitis ligaments, mesentery,
AN 47.4 Explain anatomical transverse mesocolon and
basis of Subphrenic sigmoid mesocolon
abscess a. Features
AN 55.2 Demonstrate the b. Contents
surface projection c. Attachments
of Root of d. Applied aspects
3. Describe the Subphrenic
spaces under the following
a. Boundaries
b. Contents & features
c. Applied anatomy

4. Describe the Recto-uterine

pouch under the following
a. Boundaries
b. Contents & features
c. Applied anatomy

1. Identify and demonstrate
lesser and greater sacs under
the following headings
a. Boundaries
b. Contents & features

2. Identify and demonstrate

lesser omentum, greater
omentum, gastrosplenic,
lienorenal ligaments,
mesentery, transverse
mesocolon and sigmoid
a. Features
b. Contents
c. Attachments

3. Identify and demonstrate

Subphrenic spaces under the
following headings
a. Boundaries
b. Contents & features

4. Identify and demonstrate

Recto-uterine pouch under
the following headings
a. Boundaries
b. Contents & features

5. Demonstrate the surface

projection of Root of
07 Spleen AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate major Describe spleen under following
viscera of headings
abdomen under a. External features
following headings b. Surface marking
(anatomical c. Relations
position, external d. Blood supply
and internal e. Nerve supply
features, f. Lymphatic drainage
important g. Applied aspects
peritoneal and
other relations, Dissection:
blood supply, Demonstrate spleen under
nerve supply, following headings
lymphatic drainage a. Anatomical position
and applied b. Surface marking
aspects) c. External features
AN 47.6 Explain the d. Relations
anatomical basis of e. Blood supply
Splenic notch, f. Nerve supply
Accessory spleens, g. Lymphatic drainage
Kehr’s sign
AN 55.2 Demonstrate the
surface projection
of Spleen
08 Stomach AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate major Describe stomach under
viscera of following headings
abdomen under a. External and internal
following headings features
(anatomical b. Surface marking
position, external c. Parts
and internal d. Relations
features, e. Blood supply
important f. Nerve supply
peritoneal and g. Lymphatic drainage
other relations, h. Applied aspects
blood supply,
nerve supply, Dissection:
lymphatic drainage Demonstrate stomach under
and applied following headings
aspects) a. Anatomical position
AN 47.6 Explain the b. Surface marking
anatomical basis of c. Parts
Different types of d. External and internal
vagotomy & features
Lymphatic spread e. Relations
in carcinoma f. Blood supply
stomach g. Nerve supply
AN 55.2 Demonstrate the h. Lymphatic drainage
surface projection
of Stomach
09 Caecum, AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:
appendix demonstrate major 1. Describe Caecum under
viscera of following headings
abdomen under a. Position
following headings b. Surface marking
(anatomical c. Types
position, external d. Relations
and internal e. Interior
features, f. Blood supply
important g. Nerve supply
peritoneal and h. Lymphatic drainage
other relations, i. Applied aspects
blood supply,
nerve supply, 2. Describe Vermiform
lymphatic drainage appendix under following
and applied headings
aspects) a. Position
AN 47.6 Explain the b. Types
anatomical basis of c. Relations
Referred pain d. Blood supply
around umbilicus e. Nerve supply
AN 55.1 Demonstrate the f. Lymphatic drainage
surface marking of g. Applied aspects
McBurney’s point
AN 55.2 Demonstrate the Dissection:
surface projections 1. Describe Caecum under
of Ileocaecal following headings
junction a. Position
b. Surface marking
c. Relations
d. Interior
e. Blood supply
f. Nerve supply
g. Lymphatic drainage

2. Describe Vermiform
appendix under following
a. Position
b. Types
c. Relations
d. Blood supply
e. Nerve supply
f. Lymphatic drainage
10 Duodenum AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate major Describe duodenum under
viscera of following headings
abdomen under a. Surface marking
following headings b. Parts
(anatomical c. External and internal
position, external features
and internal d. Relations
features, e. Blood supply
important f. Nerve supply
peritoneal and g. Lymphatic drainage
other relations, h. Applied aspects
blood supply,
nerve supply, Dissection:
lymphatic drainage Demonstrate duodenum under
and applied following headings
aspects) a. Surface marking
AN 55.2 Demonstrate the b. Anatomical position
surface projections c. Parts
of Duodenum d. External and internal
e. Relations
f. Blood supply
g. Nerve supply
h. Lymphatic drainage
11 Portal vein AN 47.10 Enumerate the Theory:
sites of 1. Describe portal vein under
portosystemic following headings
anastomosis a. Origin
AN 47.11 Explain the b. Course
anatomic basis of c. Relations
hematemesis & d. Termination
caput medusae in e. Tributaries
hypertension 2. Enumerate the various sites
AN 47.8 Describe & identify of Porta- caval anastomosis
the formation, and mention their clinical
course relations importance
and tributaries of
Portal vein Dissection:
Demonstrate portal vein under
following headings
a. Origin
b. Course
c. Relations
d. Termination
e. Tributaries
12 Inferior vena AN 47.8 Describe & identify Theory:
cava & Renal the formation, Describe Inferior vena cava &
vein course relations Renal vein under following
and tributaries of headings
Inferior vena cava a. Origin
& Renal vein b. Course
c. Relations
d. Termination
e. Tributaries

Demonstrate Inferior vena cava
& Renal vein under following
a. Origin
b. Course
c. Relations
d. Termination
e. Tributaries
13 Liver AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate major Describe liver under following
viscera of headings
abdomen under a. Position
following headings b. Surface marking
(anatomical c. External features
position, external d. Relations
and internal e. Lobes
features, f. Bare areas
important g. Ligaments
peritoneal and h. Porta hepatis
other relations, i. Blood supply
blood supply, j. Nerve supply
nerve supply, k. Lymphatic drainage
lymphatic drainage l. Applied aspects
and applied
aspects) Dissection:
Demonstrate liver under
following headings
a. Anatomical position
b. Surface marking
c. External features
d. Relations
e. Impressions on visceral
f. Lobes
AN 47.6 Explain the g. Bare areas
anatomical basis of h. Ligaments
Liver biopsy (site of i. Porta hepatis
needle puncture j. Factors keeping in position
AN 55.2 Demonstrate the k. Blood supply
surface projection l. Nerve supply
of Liver m. Lymphatic drainage

14 Extra hepatic AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:

biliary demonstrate major Enumerate the various parts of
apparatus viscera of Extra-hepatic biliary apparatus
abdomen under and describe in detail:
following headings a. Gall bladder: Parts, relations,
(anatomical blood supply, nerve supply,
position, external lymphatic drainage and
and internal applied anatomy
features, b. Bile duct: Formation, course,
important termination, relations and
peritoneal and blood supply
other relations, Dissection:
blood supply, 1. Identify the parts of Extra-
nerve supply, hepatic biliary apparatus and
lymphatic drainage demonstrate gall bladder
and applied under following headings:
aspects) a. Parts
AN 47.6 Explain the b. Relations
anatomical basis of c. Blood supply
Referred pain in d. Lymphatic drainage
cholecystitis, 2. Demonstrate bile duct under
Obstructive following headings:
jaundice a. Formation
AN 47.7 Mention the b. Course
clinical importance c. Termination
of Calot’s triangle d. Relations
15 Pancreas AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate major Describe pancreas under
viscera of following headings
abdomen under a. Situation
following headings b. Parts
(anatomical c. Relations
position, external d. Duct system
and internal e. Blood supply
features, f. Nerve supply
important g. Lymphatic drainage
peritoneal and h. Applied aspects
other relations,
blood supply, Dissection:
nerve supply, Demonstrate pancreas under
lymphatic drainage following headings
and applied a. Parts
aspects) b. Relations
c. Blood supply
d. Nerve supply
e. Lymphatic drainage
16 Kidney AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate major Describe kidneys under following
viscera of headings
abdomen under a. Situation & surface marking
following headings b. External features
(anatomical c. Relations
position, external d. Coverings
and internal e. Factors keeping position
features, f. Blood supply
important g. Nerve supply
peritoneal and h. Lymphatic drainage
other relations, i. Applied aspects
blood supply,
nerve supply, Dissection:
lymphatic drainage Demonstrate kidneys under
and applied following headings
aspects) a. Situation & surface marking
AN 47.6 Explain the b. External features
anatomical basis of c. Relations
Radiating pain of d. Coverings
kidney to groin e. Factors keeping position
AN 55.1 Demonstrate the f. Blood supply
surface marking of g. Nerve supply
Renal Angle h. Lymphatic drainage
AN 55.2 Demonstrate the
surface projections
of Kidneys
17 Diaphragm AN 47.13 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate the Describe thoracoabdominal
attachments, diaphragm under following
openings, nerve headings
supply & action of a. Attachments
the b. Nerve supply
thoracoabdominal c. Actions
diaphragm d. Openings
AN 47.14 Describe the e. Applied anatomy
abnormal openings Dissection:
of Demonstrate thoracoabdominal
thoracoabdominal diaphragm under following
diaphragm and headings
diaphragmatic a. Attachments
hernia b. Nerve supply
c. Actions
d. Openings
18 Vessels, nerves AN 48.3 Describe & Theory:
of pelvis demonstrate the Describe internal iliac artery
origin, course, under following headings
important relations a. Origin
and branches of b. Course
internal iliac artery c. Termination
AN 51.2 Describe & identify d. Branches
the midsagittal e. Applied aspects
section of male
and female pelvis Dissection:
Demonstrate internal iliac artery
under following headings
a. Origin
b. Course
c. Termination
d. Branches
19 Ureter AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate major Describe Ureter under following
viscera of headings
abdomen under a. Origin
following headings b. Course
(anatomical c. Termination
position, external d. Constrictions
and internal e. Relations
features, f. Blood supply
important g. Nerve supply
peritoneal and h. Lymphatic drainage
other relations, i. Surface marking
blood supply, j. Applied anatomy
nerve supply,
lymphatic drainage Dissection:
and applied Demonstrate Ureter under
aspects) following headings
AN 51.2 Describe & identify a. Origin
the midsagittal b. Course
section of male c. Termination
and female pelvis d. Constrictions
e. Relations
f. Blood supply
g. Nerve supply
h. Lymphatic drainage
i. Surface marking

20 Perineum- AN 49.1 Describe & Theory:

Ischio-rectal demonstrate the 1. Describe superficial & deep
fossa superficial & deep perineal pouches under
perineal pouch following headings
(boundaries and a. Boundaries
contents) b. Contents
AN 49.2 Describe & identify c. Applied aspects
Perineal body
AN 49.3 Describe & 2. Describe Ischiorectal fossa
demonstrate under following headings
Perineal a. Boundaries
membrane in male b. Contents
& female c. Applied aspects
AN 49.4 Describe & 3. Perineal membrane
demonstrate a. Formation
boundaries, b. Differences in male and
content & applied female
anatomy of c. Structures forming
Ischiorectal fossa perineal body
AN 49.5 Explain the d. Tears in perineal body,
anatomical basis of causes , features,
Perineal tear, complications.
Episiotomy, Dissection:
Perianal abscess 1. Describe superficial & deep
and Anal fissure perineal pouches under
following headings
a. Boundaries
b. Contents

2. Describe Ischiorectal fossa

under following headings
a. Boundaries
b. Contents
21 Ovary,Fallopian AN 48.2 Describe & Theory:
tube demonstrate the 1. Describe ovary under
(position, features, following headings
important a. Location
peritoneal and b. Surface features
other relations, c. Relations
blood supply, d. Blood supply
nerve supply, e. Nerve supply
lymphatic drainage f. Lymphatic drainage
and clinical aspects g. Applied aspects
of) important male
& female pelvic 2. Describe Uterine tubes under
viscera following headings
AN 48.5 Explain the a. Location
anatomical basis of b. Surface features
Tubal pregnancy & c. Relations
Tubal ligation d. Blood supply
e. Nerve supply
AN 51.2 Describe & identify
f. Lymphatic drainage
the midsagittal
g. Applied aspects
section of male
and female pelvis
1. Describe ovary under
following headings
a. Location
b. Surface features
c. Relations
d. Blood supply
e. Nerve supply
f. Lymphatic drainage

2. Describe Uterine tubes under

following headings
a. Surface features
b. Relations
c. Blood supply
d. Nerve supply
e. Lymphatic drainage
22 Urinary bladder AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate major 1. Describe urinary bladder
viscera of under following headings
abdomen under a. Location
following headings b. External &internal
(anatomical features
position, external c. Capacity
and internal d. Relations
features, e. Interior
important f. Ligaments
peritoneal and g. Supports
other relations, h. Blood supply
blood supply, i. Nerve supply
nerve supply, j. Lymphatic drainage
lymphatic drainage k. Applied aspects
and applied Dissection:
aspects) 1. Demonstrate urinary bladder
under following headings
a. Location
b. External &internal
c. Relations
d. Ligaments
e. Supports
f. Blood supply
AN 48.5 Explain the
g. Nerve supply
anatomical basis of
h. Lymphatic drainage
AN 48.6 Describe the
neurological basis
of Automatic
AN 51.2 Describe & identify
the midsagittal
section of male
and female pelvis
23 Prostate Gland AN 48.7 Mention the lobes Theory:
involved in benign 1. Describe prostate gland
prostatic under following headings
hypertrophy & a. Location
prostatic cancer b. Surface features
AN 48.5 Explain the c. Relations
anatomical basis of d. Lobes
Urinary e. Supports
obstruction in f. Blood supply
benign prostatic g. Nerve supply
hypertrophy h. Lymphatic drainage
AN 51.2 Describe & identify i. Applied aspects
the midsagittal
section of male Dissection:
and female pelvis 1. Demonstrate prostate gland
under following headings
a. Location
b. Surface features
c. Relations
d. Lobes
e. Supports
f. Blood supply
g. Nerve supply
h. Lymphatic drainage
24 Uterus AN 48.2 Describe & Theory:
demonstrate the 1. Describe uterus under
(position, features, following headings
important a. Location
peritoneal and b. External &internal
other relations, features
blood supply, c. Anteversion and
nerve supply, anteflexion
lymphatic drainage d. Relations
and clinical aspects e. Ligaments
of) important male f. Supports
& female pelvic g. Blood supply
viscera h. Nerve supply
AN 48.5 Explain the i. Lymphatic drainage
anatomical basis of j. Applied aspects
Retroverted uterus Dissection:
and Prolapse 1. Demonstrate uterus under
uterus following headings
AN 51.2 Describe & identify a. Location
the midsagittal b. External &internal
section of male features
and female pelvis c. Anteversion and
AN 48.8 Mention the anteflexion
structures palpable d. Relations
during vaginal e. Ligaments
examination f. Supports
g. Blood supply
h. Nerve supply
i. Lymphatic drainage

2. Identify and list the

structures encountered
during vaginal examination
25 Urethra AN 46.5 Explain the Theory:
anatomical basis of 1. Describe male urethra under
Phimosis & following headings
Circumcision a. Parts and features
AN 51.2 Describe & identify b. Blood supply
the midsagittal c. Nerve supply
section of male d. Lymphatic drainage
and female pelvis e. Applied anatomy
26 Male external AN 46.3 Describe Penis Theory:
genitalia under following 1. Describe Penis under
headings: (parts, following headings
components, blood a. Parts
supply and b. Location
lymphatic c. Structure
drainage) d. Blood supply
AN 48.5 Explain the e. Nerve supply
anatomical basis of f. Lymphatic drainage
2. Describe Spermatic cord
under following headings
a. Location
b. Extent
c. Coverings
d. Constituents

27 Rectum and AN 47.5 Describe & Theory:

anal canal demonstrate major 1. Describe Rectum under
viscera of following headings
abdomen under a. Location
following headings b. Measurements
(anatomical c. Extent and course
position, external d. Curvatures (flexures)
and internal e. Relations
features, f. Interior
important g. Blood supply
peritoneal and h. Lymphatic drainage
other relations, i. Nerve supply
blood supply, j. Applied anatomy
nerve supply,
lymphatic drainage 2. Describe anal canal under
and applied following headings
aspects) a. Location
b. Measurements
AN 49.5 Explain the c. Extent and course
anatomical basis of d. Relations
Perianal abscess e. Interior
and Anal fissure f. Anal sphincters
AN 48.5 Explain the g. Blood supply
anatomical basis of h. Lymphatic drainage
Internal and i. Nerve supply
external j. Applied anatomy
haemorrhoids and Dissection:
anal fistula 1. Demonstrate Rectum under
following headings
AN 48.8 Mention the Introduction
structures palpable a. Location
during rectal b. Extent and course
examination c. Curvatures (flexures)
AN 51.2 Describe & identify d. Relations
the midsagittal e. Interior
section of male f. Blood supply
and female pelvis g. Lymphatic drainage
h. Nerve supply

2. Demonstrate anal canal

under following headings
a. Location
b. Extent and course
c. Curvatures (flexures)
d. Relations
e. Interior
f. Blood supply
g. Lymphatic drainage
h. Nerve supply

28 Pelvic AN 48.1 Describe & identify Theory:

diaphragm the muscles of Describe muscles of Pelvic
Pelvic diaphragm diaphragm under following
a. Attachments
b. Nerve supply
c. Actions
d. Applied aspects
Demonstrate muscles of Pelvic
diaphragm under following
a. Attachments
b. Nerve supply
c. Actions

29 Lumbar plexus AN 45.2 Describe & Theory:

demonstrate Describe muscles of Lumbar
Lumbar plexus for plexus under following headings
its root value, a. Situation
formation & b. Root value & Formation
branches c. Branches
AN 47.12 Describe important d. Distribution
nerve plexuses of e. Applied aspects
abdominal wall
30 Muscles of the AN 45.3 Mention the major Theory:
back subgroups of back Describe Muscles of the back
muscles, nerve under following headings
supply and action a. Attachments
b. Nerve supply
c. Actions
d. Applied aspects
Demonstrate Muscles of the
back under following headings
a. Attachments
b. Nerve supply
c. Actions
31 Nerve plexuses AN 47.12 Describe important Theory:
of posterior nerve plexuses of Describe nerve plexuses of
abdominal wall posterior posterior abdominal wall under
abdominal wall following headings
a. Situation
b. Root value & Formation
c. Branches ,Distribution
d. Applied aspects
32 Sacral plexus AN 48.4 Describe the Theory:
branches of sacral Describe sacral plexus under
plexus following headings
e. Situation
f. Root value & Formation
g. Branches
h. Distribution
i. Applied aspects
33 Intervertebral AN 50.2 Describe & Theory:
joints, demonstrate the 1. Describe Intervertebral joints
Sacroiliac joints type, articular under following headings
& Pubic ends, ligaments a. Type
symphysis and movements of b. Articular surfaces
Intervertebral c. Ligaments
joints, Sacroiliac d. Blood supply
joints & Pubic e. Nerve supply
symphysis f. Factors stabilizing the
AN 50.4 Explain the g. Movements
anatomical basis h. Applied anatomy
Prolapsed disc,
Spondylolisthesis & 2. Describe Sacroiliac joint
Spina bifida under following headings
a. Type
b. Articular surfaces
c. Ligaments
d. Blood supply
e. Nerve supply
f. Factors stabilizing the
g. Movements
h. Applied anatomy

3. Describe Pubic symphysis

under following headings
a. Type
b. Articular surfaces
c. Ligaments
d. Blood supply
e. Nerve supply
f. Factors stabilizing the
g. Movements
h. Applied anatomy
34 Lumbar AN 50.3 Describe lumbar Theory:
puncture puncture (site, Describe lumbar puncture under
direction of the following headings
needle, structures a. Position of the patient
pierced during the b. Site
lumbar puncture) c. Structures pierced &
d. Indications
e. Contraindications
35 Curvatures of AN 50.1 Describe the Theory:
the vertebral curvatures of the Describe curvatures of the
column vertebral column vertebral column under
AN 50.4 Explain the following headings
anatomical basis of a. Classification
Scoliosis, Lordosis b. Time & reason of appearance
c. Attitude
d. Applied aspects
36 Advanced AN 54.3 Describe role of Theory:
radiodiagnosis ERCP, CT Describe ERCP, CT abdomen,
of abdomen abdomen, MRI, MRI, Arteriography in
Arteriography in radiodiagnosis of abdomen
radiodiagnosis of under following headings
abdomen a. Principle
b. Indications
c. Contraindications
d. Procedure
e. Uses
37 AN 51.1 Describe & identify Dissection:
the cross-section Identify and list the various
at the level of T8, structures seen at the level of
T10 and L1 T8, T10 and L1 (transpyloric
(transpyloric plane) plane) and also demonstrate
their relations and importance

Topic: General Histology

Competency Hours Competency Objectives

1 Identify epithelium under Lecture :1 –
the microscope & a. Simple epithelia : Simple
describe the various types squamous, cuboidal, columnar
that – types , pseudostratified
correlate to its function epithelia.
b. Compound epithelia: Stratified
AN65.1 squamous (keratinized and
non keratinized), cuboidal,
columnar and transitional
Epithelium- structure &
2 modifications
Practical 1:
Microscope – parts, staining
procedure, artifacts
2 Practical 2: simple epithelium –
types, examples
Practical 3: compound epithelium –
2 types, examples
AN65.2 Describe the ultrastructure
of epithelium
1 Describe & identify various Lecture :2 –
types of connective Componenets of connective tissue
AN66.1 tissue with functional -Fibers: Collagen , reticular and
correlation elastic fibers
Describe the ultrastructure Cells- types, function, structure
2 of connective tissue Types , structure of Loose
connective tissue, dense, areolar
AN66.2 Practical 4:
Microscopic identification of loose
connective tissue, dense, areolar

1 Identify cartilage under the Lecture :3 –

microscope & describe Cartilages: composition, types,
various types and structure- structure of Hyaline, elastic and
AN71.2 2 function correlation of the white fibrocartilage.
same Practical 5:
Microscopy – cartilages -Hyaline,
elastic and white fibro
2 Identify bone under the Lecture :4 ,5–
microscope; classify various Bones: periosteum , cells,
types and describe the Transverse and longitudinal
structure-function sections ;
AN71.1 2 correlation of the same Hversian system,osteon
Practical 6:
Microscopy – Bone –
1 Describe the ultrastructure Lecture :6 –
of muscular tissue Skeletal muscle:features , structure
Cardiac muscle: features , structure
AN67.3 Smoothmuscles:features, structure
2 Practical 7:
Microscopy – skeletal,smooth
,cardiac muscle
1 Identify elastic & muscular Lecture :7–
blood vessels, Artery, vein – structure,functional
capillaries under the aspects .
microscope Large artery
Describe the various types Medium artery
AN69.2 and structure-function Vein
correlation of blood
2 vessel Practical 8:
Describe the ultrastructure Microscopy – artery,vein
of blood vessels
1 Describe & Identify Lecture :8 –
multipolar & unipolar Cells & unipolar neuron of a DRG
neuron, Multipolar neuron, surrounding
ganglia, peripheral nerve cells of & nerve fibres of
AN68.1 sympathetic ganglion
Nerves: Classification ( sensory
nerves, motor nerves, spinal
nerves, cranial nerves, formation
and branches of a typical spinal
2 Describe the structure-
AN68.2 function correlation of Practical 9:
neuron Microscopy - Nerve
Describe the ultrastructure fibre,sympathetic and
AN68.3 of nervous tissue parasympathetic ganglia
Identify the lymphoid tissueLecture :9 –
under the microscope & a. Lymph node – structure,
describe cortex & medulla.
microanatomy of lymph b. Palatine tonsil- structure
AN70.2 node, spleen, thymus, tonsilc. Thymus- sectional view
and correlate the d. Spleen- red pulp & white pulp
structure with function Practical 10:
Identify the skin and its Lecture :10 –
appendages under the Skin- epidermis, dermis &
microscope and correlate hypodermis
the structure with function b. Thin skin- hair follicle
AN72.1 c. Thick skin- epidermis, dermis &
Practical 11:
Microscopy – thick and thin skin

Topic : Systemic Histology

Competency Hours Competency Objectives

AN25.1 1 Identify,draw and label Lecture :1 –
slide of trachea and lung Microscopic features of trachea- layers
Microscopic features of lung – alveoli,
AN43.2 5 Identify, describe and Lecture :2 –
draw the microanatomy Microscopic features of pituitary gland,
of pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid gland
thyroid, Suprarenal gland,pineal gland
parathyroid gland, Lecture :3 –
tongue, salivary glands, Microscopic features of Circum vallate
tonsil, epiglottis, cornea, papillae ,tongue
retina Lecture :4 –
Microscopic features of salivary glands-
serous, mucous, mixed
Lecture :5 –
Microscopic features of cornea, retina,
AN43.3 1 Identify, describe and Lecture :6 –
draw microanatomy of Microanatomy of olfactory epithelium,
olfactory epithelium, eyelid,lip, sclero-corneal junction,
eyelid, olfactory epithelium
lip, sclero-corneal
junction, optic nerve,
cochlea- organ of corti,
AN52.1 5 Describe & identify the Lecture :7 –
microanatomical Microscopy of esophagus ,
features of Cardiooesophageal junction
Gastro-intestinal system: Lecture :8–stomach
Oesophagus, Fundus of Lecture :9 –Microscopy of small
stomach, Pylorus of intestine
stomach, Duodenum, Lecture :10–Microscopy of large
Jejunum, Ileum, Large intestine
intestine, Appendix, Lecture :11 –Microscopy of
Liver, Gall bladder, liver,pancreas , gall bladder
AN52.2 6 Describe & identify the Lecture :12– Microscopy of Kidney,
microanatomical Ureter & Urinary bladder
features of: Lecture :13– Male Reproductive
Urinary system: Kidney, System: Testis, Epididymis,Vas deferens
Ureter & Urinary bladder Lecture :14– Prostate & penis
Male Reproductive Lecture :15– Ovary, Uterus,corpus
System: Testis, luteum
Epididymis,Vas deferens, Lecture :16– Uterine tube, Cervix, Breast
Prostate & Lecture :17 – Placenta ,Umbilical cord
Female reproductive
system: Ovary, Uterus,
Uterine tube, Cervix,
& Umbilical cord
AN52.3 Describe & identify the
features of
junction, Corpus luteum
AN52.3 2 Describe & identify the Lecture :18 –Microscopy of Spinal cord,
microanatomical Cerebellum & Cerebrum
features of Spinal cord,
Cerebellum & Cerebrum

General Embryology

Competency Hours Competency Objective

AN 76.1 1 Describe the stages of Lecture :1 –
human life Cell division – definition ,types
a. Mitosis: Stages
AN 76.2 Explain the terms- b. Meiosis: Stages
phylogeny, ontogeny, Terms – definition phylogeny,
trimester, viability ontogeny, trimester, viability
AN77.1 1 Describe the uterine Lecture :2 –
changes occurring during Oogenesis- stages
the menstrual cycle Graafian follicle: Development and
AN77.2 Describe the synchrony structure
between the ovarian and Ovulation
menstrual cycles Corpus luteum: Development,
function and fate.
Menstrual cycle: Ovarian cycle and
uterine cycle ,changes in uterus,
hormones acting on wall of uterus
AN77.3 1 Describe Lecture :3 –
spermatogenesis and Spermatogenesis , spermiogenesis –
oogenesis along with stages, factors affecting
diagrams Spermatozoon – structure
Seminal fluid – composition
AN77.4 1 Describe the stages and Lecture :4 –
consequences of Fertilization: site, stages ,Capacitation,
fertilisation acrosome reaction, penetration of
corona radiata, zona pellucid and
vitelline membrane, fusion of
spermatozoon and ovum and effects
of fertilization
Invitro fertilization
Alternates of IVF
Artificial insemination (AI)
AN77.5 1 Enumerate and describe Lecture :5 –
the anatomical principles Contraception – Definition, types,
underlying contraception effects .
AN77.6 Describe teratogenic Infertility – definition,causes
influences; fertility and Surrogate motherhood
sterility, surrogate Cryopreservation of Embryos
motherhood, social Sex determination – methods,
significance of “sex- indications, implications.
PY 9.1 Describe and discuss sex
determination; sex
differentiation and their
abnormalities and
outline psychiatry and
practical implication of
sex determination.
AN78.1 1 Describe cleavage and Lecture :6 –
formation of blastocyst Gestation period
AN78.2 Describe the Cleavage
development of Morula
trophoblast Blastocyst – formation , steps
AN78.3 Describe the process of Hydatid mole – clinical application
implantation & common Implanation – sites, effects
abnormal sites of Abnormal implantation
implantation Pregnancy test – types
AN78.5 Describe in brief
abortion; decidual
reaction, pregnancy test
AN78.4 1 Describe the formation Lecture :7 –
of extra-embryonic Prochordal plate – formation, changes
mesoderm and coelom, Primitive streak
bilaminar disc and Neurulation – Process, changes
prochordal plate
AN79.1 Describe the formation
& fate of the primitive
AN79.2 Describe formation &
fate of notochord
AN79.3 Describe the process of
AN79.4 1 Describe the Lecture :8–
development of somites somites- formation, fate
and intra-embryonic Extraembryonic mesoderm
coelom Yolk sac
AN79.5 Explain embryological Membranes formation
basis of congenital Decidual changes
malformations, nucleus
pulposus, sacrococcygeal
teratomas, neural tube
AN79.6 Describe the diagnosis of
pregnancy in first
trimester and role of
teratogens, alpha-
AN80.1 Describe formation,
functions & fate of-
chorion: amnion; yolk
sac; allantois
& decidua
AN80.2 1 Describe formation & Lecture :9–
structure of umbilical Placenta – formation, hormones
cord produced, barrier, types
AN80.3 Describe formation of Umbilicl cord- formation, features
placenta, its Twinning - types
physiological functions,
circulation & placental
AN80.4 Describe embryological
basis of twinning in
monozygotic & dizygotic
AN80.5 Describe role of
placental hormones in
uterine growth &
AN80.7 Describe various types of
umbilical cord
AN80.6 1 Explain embryological Lecture :10 –
basis of estimation of Prenatal diagnosis- types- invasive
fetal age. and noninvasive
AN81.1 Describe various Indications
methods of prenatal Contraindications
diagnosis Side effects /disadvantages
AN81.2 Describe indications, Estimation of fetal age- Methods used
process and , features
disadvantages of
AN81.3 Describe indications,
process and
disadvantages of chorion
villus biopsy
Topic : Systemic Embryology

Competency Hours Competency Objectives

AN13.8 1 Describe development of Lecture :1- Development of limb bud,
upper limb Apical ectodermal ridge, formation of
muscles and bones of upper limb and
AN20.10 Describe basic concept lower limb.
of development of lower Development of integumentary system
AN25.2 1 Development of Lecture :2-
pleura,lung & heart Formation of pleural cavities, lung
stages of developemnt
AN25.3 1 Describe fetal circulation Lecture :3-
Development of heart tubes,
foldings,fetal circulation
AN 25.4 2 Describe embryological Lecture :4-
basis of: Development of atrium,interatrial
1) atrial septal defect, 2) septum,defects in septum
ventricular septal defect, Lecture :5-
3) Fallot’s tetralogy & 4) Development of
tracheo-oesophageal ventricle,interventricular
fistula septum,defects in septum

AN 25.5 2 Describe developmental Lecture :6-

basis of congenital Development of arterial system
anomalies, transposition Lecture :7-
of Development of venous system
great vessels,
dextrocardia, patent
ductus arteriosus and
coarctation of
AN 25.6 Mention development of
aortic arch arteries, SVC,
IVC and coronary sinus
AN 43.4 3 Describe the Lecture :8-
development and Branchial apparatus – formation,
developmental basis of derivatives
congenital Lecture :9-
anomalies of face, Pituitary gland, thyroid galnd
palate, tongue, branchial Lecture :10-
apparatus, pituitary Tongue, face,palate development
thyroid gland & eye
AN 52.4 1 Describe the Lecture :11-
development of anterior Anterior abdominal wall, diaphragm
abdominal wall
AN 52.5 Describe the
development and
congenital anomalies of
AN 52.6 4 Describe the Lecture :12-
development and Development of digestive tract
congenital anomalies of: Lecture :13-
Foregut, Midgut & Midgut development and rotation
Hindgut Lecture :14-
Hindgut development, anomalies
Lecture :14-
Accessory glands development-
AN 52.7 2 Describe the Lecture :15-
development of Urinary Development of kidney –
system pronephros,mesonphros,metanephric
Lecture :16-
Development of bladder and urethra
AN 52.8 4 Describe the Lecture :17-
development of male & Development of male reproductive
female reproductive system
system Lecture :18-
Derivatives of mesonephric duct ,
Lecture :19,20-
Development of female reproductive
AN 64.2 2 Describe the Lecture :21,22-
development of neural Neurulation,foldings of neural
tube, spinal cord, tube,neural defects
medulla oblongata, Development of organs of special senses
pons, midbrain, cerebral
hemisphere &
AN 64.3 Describe various types of
open neural tube defects
with its embryological

Topic : Genetics

Competency Hours Competency Objectives

Describe the structure of Lecture1:
AN73.1 1 chromosomes with Chromosome-
classification Definition,Structure
Describe technique of Classification, Karyotyping-
AN73.2 karyotyping with its Procedure ,Epigenetics,
applications Cromatin remodelling,Histone
2 Describe the Lyon's coding
hypothesis Practical 1/ DOAP :
AN73.3 Normal male, female

1 Describe the various modes Lecture2: Classification of

AN74.1 of inheritance with inheritance with Mendel’s laws
examples Pedigree chart - interpretation
Draw pedigree charts for
the various types of
AN74.2 inheritance & give
examples of diseases of
each mode of inheritance
1 Describe multifactorial Lecture3:
inheritance with examples Inheritance- definition,types,
Describe the genetic basis various diseases.
& clinical features of
Achondroplasia, Cystic
Fibrosis, Vitamin D
resistant rickets,
Haemophilia, Duchene’s
dystrophy & Sickle cell
1 Describe the structural and Lecture 4:
numerical chromosomal Chromosomal aberrations –
aberrations types, structural aberrations
microdeletion,ring, examples
Lecture 5:
AN75.1 Chromosomal aberrations –
numerical aberrations types,

4 Practical 2/ DOAP :
Karyogram of Downs, Pataus,
Edwards , Ring chromosome,Cri
du chat syndrome
1 Explain the terms mosaics
AN75.2 Lecture 6:
and chimeras with example
Mosaics and Chimeras –
Describe the genetic basis
definition and features
& clinical features of Prader
Mutation – definition, types,
AN75.3 Willi syndrome,
causes, effects
Edward syndrome & Patau
Polymorphism – definition,
Syndromes related
Describe genetic basis of
AN75.4 variation: polymorphism
and mutation
1 Describe the principles of Lecture7:
genetic counselling Genetic counselling –
AN75.5 Definition, Indication,types,
effects, gene therapy .

Topic : Self directed learning

Competency Hours Competency Objectives

AN 82.1 2 Demonstrate respect and - Embalming –
follow the correct procedure techniques,METHODS
when handling - Waste disposal
cadavers and other biologic
FM 2.28 2 Describe and discuss signs of - Intrauterine death- signs
intrauterine death, signs of & symptoms
live birth, viability of foetus, - Viability of fetus
age and determination of - Sudden infant death
foetus, DOAP session of syndrome
ossification centres, - Ossification centers-
Hydrostatic test, Sudden laws,importance
infants death syndrome and - Munchausen’s
Munchausen’s syndrome by syndrome
FM 3.1 2 Identification - Age determination
Define and describe Corpus criteria,
delecti, establishment of indications,methods,
identity of living persons implications
including race, Sex, religion, - Corpus delecti –
complexion, stature, age definition, features
determination using
morphology, teeth-eruption,
decay, bite marks, bones
ossification centres, medico-
legal aspects of age.
PY 10.1 4 Describe and discuss the - Parts of nervous system
organization of nervous - Organization of various
system parts of nervous system
PY10.5 - ANS- components,
Describe and discuss functions,fibres, applied
structure and functions of aspects
reticular activating system,
autonomic nervous system
SU 19.2 2 Describe the Principles of - Development of palate
reconstruction of cleft lip and - Common congenital
palate anomalies seen
- Surgical treatment
SU 28.10 2 Describe the applied anatomy - Abcess –
of liver. Describe the Clinical definition,types,
features, causes,management
Investigations and principles - Liver abcess- causes,
of management of Liver manifestations,
abscess, hydatid management
disease, Injuries and Tumors
of the liver.
OR2.7 2 Describe and discuss the - Fracture pelvis-
etiopathogenesis, mechanism causes,types,manageme
of injury, clinical features, nt
investigations and principles - Haemodynamic
of management of pelvic instability – causes,
injuries with emphasis on management
hemodynamic instability
PA 28.10 2 Describe the types, etiology, - Nephritic syndrome-
pathogenesis, pathology, causes, features
laboratory findings, - Nephritic syndrome
distinguishing features - Pyelonephritis
progression and
complications of acute and
chronic pyelonephritis and
reflux nephropathy
PA 32.9 2 Describe the etiology, - Suprarenal gland- types
pathogenesis, manifestations, of
laboratory and morphologic tumors,causes,features
features of adrenal
IM13.9 2 Demonstrate in a mannequin - Steps in handling the
the correct technique for mannequin
performing breast exam,
rectal examination and
cervical examination and pap
OR2.8 2 Describe and discuss the - Types of spine injuries
etiopathogenesis, mechanism - Causes
of injury, clinical features, - Features
investigations and principles
of management of spine
injuries with emphasis on
mobilisation of the patient
AS 4.2 2 Describe the Anatomy of the - Types of anesthesia
airway and its implications in - Indications
general anaesthesia - Contraindications
PY 5.6 2 Describe abnormal ECG, - Ecg – leads,indications,
arrhythmias, heart block and procedure
myocardial infarction
IM3.1 2 Define discuss describe and - Pneumonia- definition,
distinguish community types,features
acquired pneumonia,
nosocomial pneumonia and
aspiration pneumonia

Topic : Integrated teaching – Physiology

Competency. Competency Objectives

PY3.1 Describe the structure - Describe the parts of nervous system
and functions of a - Name the cells forming the structure of
neuron and neuroglia; nervous system
Discuss Nerve Growth - Neuron : structure, types, function
Factor & other growth - Neuroglial cells : classification, structure
factors/cytokines ,
PY3.7 Describe the different - Muscle tissue : composition, structure
types of muscle fibres - Types of muscle
and their structure - Skeletal muscle : structure,
PY3.13 Describe muscular classification, example
dystrophy: myopathies - Tendon,aponeurosis,bursa
- Smooth muscle : structure,example
- Cardiac muscle : structure
- Applied anatomy
- Muscle dystrophies :
PY4.1 Describe the structure Theory:
and functions of Describe various parts of the digestive system
digestive system under following headings
i. External and internal features
j. Surface marking
k. Parts
l. Relations
m. Blood supply
n. Nerve supply
o. Lymphatic drainage
p. Microscopic structure
q. Applied aspects

Demonstrate various parts of the digestive
system under following headings under
following headings
i. Anatomical position
j. Surface marking
k. Parts
l. External and internal features
m. Relations
n. Blood supply
o. Nerve supply
p. Lymphatic drainage
PY5.1 Describe the functional Theory:
Anatomy of heart 2. Describe Atria & Ventricles under the
including chambers, following headings
sounds; and j. Situation
Pacemaker tissue and k. Extent
conducting system. l. External features
m. Surface marking
n. Relations
o. Interior
p. Applied aspects
r. Dissection:
2. Demonstrate Atria & Ventricles under the
following headings
g. Situation
h. Extent
i. External features
j. Surface marking
k. Relations
l. Interior

2. Describe conducting system of heart under
the following headings
j. Introduction
k. Position
l. Components
m. Arterial Supply of the Conducting
n. Applied aspects
PY5.6 Describe abnormal Theory:
ECG, arrythmias, heart 1. Describe conducting system of heart under
block and myocardial the following headings
Infarction a. Introduction
b. Position
c. Components
d. Arterial Supply of the Conducting
e. Applied aspects
PY9.1 Describe and discuss - Methods of sex determination
sex determination; sex - Indications
differentiation and - Contraindications
their abnormities and
outline psychiatry and
practical implication of
sex determination.
PY10.1 Describe and discuss Enumerate and describe the various parts of
the organization of nervous system under the following headings
nervous system - Central nervous system
- Peripheral nervous system
- Autonomic nervous system
Parts , functions, applied features
PY10.2 Describe and discuss Describe in detail the structure of synapse,
the functions and reflex arc
properties of synapse, - Formation of synapse
reflex, receptors - Types
- Function
PY10.3 Describe and discuss Describe the various sensory tracts under the
somatic sensations & following headings
sensory tracts - First order
- Second order
- Third order
- Functions
- Applied aspects
PY10.4 Describe and discuss Describe the various motor tracts under the
motor tracts, following headings
mechanism of - Upper motor neuron
maintenance of tone, - Lower motor neuron
control of body - Functions
movements, posture - Applied aspects
and equilibrium &
vestibular apparatus
PY10.5 Describe and discuss Describe and discuss functions of reticular
structure and activating system under following heading
functions of reticular - Gross anatomy
activating system, - Blood supply
autonomic nervous - Functions
system (ANS) - Applied anatomy
PY10.6 Describe and discuss Describe and discuss Spinal cord under
Spinal cord, its following heading
functions, lesion & - External features
sensory disturbances - Coverings
- Internal features
- Blood supply
- Functions
- Applied anatomy
PY10.7 Describe and discuss Describe and discuss functions of cerebral
functions of cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus,
cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum and limbic system under following
thalamus, heading
hypothalamus, - Gross anatomy
cerebellum and limbic - Blood supply
system and their - Functions
abnormalities - Applied anatomy
PY10.11 Demonstrate the Enlist the lesions of
correct clinical Brain
examination of the Spinal cord
nervous system: Cranial nerves
Higher functions, Spinal nerves
Sensory system, motor
system, reflexes,
Cranial Nerves in a
normal volunteer or

Topic : Integrated teaching – Biochemistry

Competency. Competency Objectives

BI6.13 Describe the functions Theory:
of the kidney, liver, Describe kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal glands
thyroid and adrenal under following headings
glands a. External and internal features
b. Surface marking
c. Parts
d. Relations
e. Blood supply
f. Nerve supply
g. Lymphatic drainage
r. Microscopic structure
h. Applied aspects
Demonstrate kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal
glands under following headings under following
a. Anatomical position
b. Surface marking
c. Parts
d. External and internal features
e. Relations
f. Blood supply
g. Nerve supply
h. Lymphatic drainage
BI6.14 Describe the tests that Theory:
are commonly done in Describe kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal glands
clinical practice to under following headings
assess the functions of a. External and internal features
these organs (kidney, b. Surface marking
liver, thyroid and c. Parts
adrenal glands). d. Relations
e. Blood supply
f. Nerve supply
g. Lymphatic drainage
s. Microscopic structure
h. Applied aspects

Demonstrate kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal
glands under following headings under following
a. Anatomical position
b. Surface marking
c. Parts
d. External and internal features
e. Relations
f. Blood supply
g. Nerve supply
h. Lymphatic drainage
BI6.15 Describe the Theory:
abnormalities of Describe kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal glands
kidney, liver, thyroid under following headings
and adrenal glands a. External and internal features
b. Surface marking
c. Parts
d. Relations
e. Blood supply
f. Nerve supply
g. Lymphatic drainage
t. Microscopic structure
h. Applied aspects

Demonstrate kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal
glands under following headings under following
a. Anatomical position
b. Surface marking
c. Parts
d. External and internal features
e. Relations
f. Blood supply
g. Nerve supply
h. Lymphatic drainage

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