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The given chart depicts energy consumption in the USA from 1980 and its

projections until 2030.

It can be seen that coal, petrol and oil used witnessed a rapid increase from
1980 until now and they will continue rising over the surveyed period. In
addition, the consumption of natural gas, nuclear and renewable fluctuated
over years and is predicted to climb slowly or remain stable.
According to the chart, petrol and oil had the largest proportion of total
energy consumed in 1980, which is at 35 quadrillion units. The consumption
of these resources increased quickly, so it is projected to reach its peak at
approximately 50 quadrillion units in 2030. The total amount of coal
consumed also rose dramatically and it may continue climbing to over 30
quadrillion in the future.
Meanwhile, natural gas, which is consumed the most in comparison with the
other three resources, fluctuated between 20 quadrillion units from 1980 to
2010. Its consumption in the future is predicted to rise slowly until 2015 then
remain unchanged at about 25 quadrillion units. Nuclear energy increased
gradually since 1980, while renewable energy resources fluctuated under 5
quadrillion units. The consumption of hydropower is expected to be stable
until 2030, and that of solar, wind and nuclear power may have a little rise at
about 5 and 6 quadrillion units, respectively.
(222 words)

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