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Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education INTRODUCTION Role : ‘The concept of physical education for the people of the earth is not new. It is believed that the roots of phy were present even in the ancient times. In the olden times physical also necessary for the survival of human beings. At that Lime it was used for various purposes. For example, to get food and to protect themselves from wild animals and at that time there were no vehicles and no machines to travel. Bach person did his work with his own hands. All these activities were included in physical education, due to which the physical and mental development of the person took place. ‘al education education w: ‘The great educationists Aristotle, Plato and Socrates also thought that physical training was very important for the youth. Physical education was introduced in Greece. With the change in civilization, the meaning of physical education also changed, but no one could understand its true meaning. Some called it physical training, some called it sports, some considered it culture, some considered health education and entertainment. But in reality physical education is much more than this. In the present time¢@fforts to provide education through physical activities are called Physical Education, In fact, physical education is an integral part of education. The word physical’ refers to the body, while ‘education’ means to acquire knowledge. Therefore, physical education is the process ofeducation given through physical exercises and games, which is focused on the development of physical fitness of the person, Through physical education, students are taught the basie activities e.g catching, running, throwing, climbing, etc, Alongwith the skills of playing sports like Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Cricket, Hockey, Football, Athleties, ete. Different physical education teachers have also explained the meaning of physical education differently. Some consider physical education only as physical education and some consider physical education as military training, discipline, stamina/eapacity and physical fitness. In fact, the meaning of physical education is very wide. At present, physical education includes competitive sports, rhythmic tctivities, recreational sports, camping, bealth and fitness activities, vemedial exercises and other physical activities. 11 12 13 14 15 Concept, Aims and Objectives of Physical Education Development Of Physical Educa- tion In India—Post Independence Changing Trends In Sports-Playing Surface, Wearable Gears, Sports Equipment, Technological Advan- cement Career Options in Physical Educa- tion Khelo India and FIT-India Pro- gram aie lie i Phyelval Heaton , sara qwovonne seboebe soe Tobey Hath amined and by vente a alt gna cook 8 i gat ai 8 a igen ot ly Wht lth ht yh Wohl gaa yi saa AL SE Anta I A a toadtoyobrap He spt joss usin, lio atone ie panto Tat vinged Und Waly a ene Ea AN \ site pow anf Hear ey Hay sanel Mund Master play ateat edgeation opany ae Gera 4 the Lath eentiny Banghant, Ameren and Hyeden fe aera ae srear onsoiited ren olsun nt ot Ue ath] care Ahn te Regge Hots wae an tT Cok tly Ate, Hey Aioatyle, physnual wet vite eaarcieat aywoets, neteTh aos tnnent ety eve TNE HeUe MIAME Taam hall, ote neh nun weve aneluded an thee shoal LL CONCERT, AIMS AND ODI ECTIVES OF PHYSICAL BDUC ire wont phase tun os tention fer avn ay vt phys co today ation ant sageaionn aot hn Woe ah banty and wand TION seal mene physial netiatie ‘Hheretoye, physica educate anette aetrvaties that devel The wont phy nacal! ws potateat (a tly boy wel Woofer to the plyysuert quuabitien tebe Govahty qwed, endurance bvenygtty anit esartanation af the per voay anal (he wund education’ tre reapantses whet a fe develop he per sonality ab (lhe perien tod to these edueationsl Thovetore, piv ste Aextueation hols an the physteat, mented unliy lit vial and emotiamal development of the Detinitions af Physical Kdueation Dhysteat edueation not part ot edneation which maker phyaest aetivitic Vee median of anpitraction Vinvssactiv ty vette reslt al ata y ott Was tvnne this alt that children stiavt thea growth amd ds Pihvsieat ediweatvon have hoon defined an different warn by sehotansaavl watitations af thay Be Md whinh anv ais tallow Clavk W. Hatheigton, “Physten edmeation ov that aspect of edueation that a concerned! wth the upganveation and Waulordnpral clvkdven tn extablishinyg an inate ayneny betwen the devetopment of the first maqor muscle aetiv tion and aefiy ies ack aeeordtang, fa aaein warms jolopmnen andy, aL nc etaneerniedd were he contrat ot hoaltlh and slevolopmental eotutitions that are viberent ly soinocuatedd with leadership achvitl Acconling to Cowell, “Phy swat edueation ey the change in the saetal heh waves estas ny tly stnatationy of yee mnie se CAcoondang to Ronatind Vintvlely. the eluanges, (hat game tn human her theatyghy experience focused cour piv seaal te tian atte eae Physgeat Rabies ion Acconhiyg to Datbort Obertupfor, Vhyneal eduention in the which a porsan aeqanires (hough phystent tetione view ofa particular mdivadut! wand velated wetivitie Neetive effect of thawe expenenee ae sical Kelucation 5 { Changing Trends and Career in P Accorting to 4.P.F, Williams, “Physiratl education is such achievement resulting from the physical of han jected and made for « particulaggoal \ conn tod. B. Nash, *Physical education i that part ofthe larger area of education, which is concerned with the hire actions of muscles and ther related reactions, According to Charles A. Butcher, “Physical education is an important part of the entire educational proves and aims at the physical, mental, social and emotional development of citizens through phy: processes wtivit uaygs, whieh are ical According to Brownwell, “Physical education is the sum total of those whole and balanced experiences rating, in multi-purpose processes, enhancing his growth and development thata person receives from partic to the maximum extent According’ to the Indian Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation, “Physical education is the education which is imparted to the child for the complete development of his body, mind and soul through his physteal processes, On the basis of these definitions, we ean say that “PI education and is very necessary for all. It is not only exercise but also knowledge of body by body. Now it has boon proved that the people who take part in physical activities continuously, are successful in achieving their goal of higher level of life. So, we ean say that physical education is helpful in growth anddevelopment ~o that may one be able to lead a happy life and acheive have physical, mental and emotional development | Education is an integral part of general Aims and Objectives of Physical Education The goal of physical education is the all-round development of the individual, In other words, the goal of physical education is to develop the full potential of the individual, so that he can do good for himself and the society. ‘The goal of physical education is to live in perfect health, However, achieving this goal of physical ecucation is not easy. It is achieved step-by-step, but the goal is one which is the last stop of the person. without which a person cannot be successful in any of his work. That's why it is important to have a goal and Definitions According to the Ministry of Education, The goal of physical education is to make every child physically ally and emotionally fit and must develop personal and social qualities so that he can live happily with people and become a good citizen, 4.P-F, Williams has said, “The goal of physical education is to provide efficient and capable leadership and to provide such facilities which give opportunity to an individual or community to act and to make all sctivities physically and mentally stimulating and satisfying and be socially proficient. \ccording to Thomas Wood, “The aim of physical education should be hife hike education.” men the best and inspiring of human According to J.R. Sherman, “The goal of physical education should be to influence the e individuals to such an extent that by striving to the extent of their ability, they can succe with society. Increase your needs and improve yourself and fulfill your desires.” Objectives of Physical Education. sxperiences of fully harmonize The purpose of physical education is to make a healthy development of the person, the objective many. Objectives are the stairs with the help of which we achieve the goal. Objectives are the little steps lead us to the goal are hat Different educationists from time to time have expressed different views about the al education, which are as follows purpose of phys H. Clark has divided the objectives of physical education into three parts |. Inerease in physical health HL Culture book Walter has also divided these into three p IL. Increase in social qualities 1. Bodily development IL. Emotional development some up during the course of the necessary for good adinstinent come closer fo each other, which gives these qualities a good and Football, Hockey, Bask: of the individual. There are many: feelin Anger, Sadnes, he cannot make his place in the develop these emotions and the person whi eneou with museular-museu coordination climinates & Note: In the multiple = Muvateat tg cate ; 5 Wo Tatotloc tat abovetaponnne Hivation | VA box lon Mother ingtan tin ave valerian erty We Loans (on Objective yao Wo Dovotopmentl Onjectiven . ses tives vent by various vue abutits weve da Leeann Masta thet rh Holla are any 1 Phystoal Dovelopmenc Myo meu abe Hye oF phy teal sabtontion nthe playin WL development sin Bhvoss sl etiweation e yohitod to yantins baby Hanetisins aul when vas We phy sil actieae Ny stalagieal piysossos Mae geal UNpAEE ON vaArietti tteRE af sit bay Whe 11 eHeutaton Fae eta twee sy ateus gual digests oontemts ote Chore male iivelopanee 1 form sand vA Pelptal ay making a good and heathy beds Haus Yatomc are heutthy, thy Whe Dith lose presi Ue heart rate anid allows Hcy We obovity and "throught © huahete SNAMIPLOS TAME eR ese 2 Mental Development: Phis objective i related tothe ment Al develope 4 be vetted in the programs: af physical eaten HCot the nidividiial Many ons whieh anak the bes Hn wate and Se ee ee Unaleal tucal tonnes Beton aloe tee annie whieh SR AR. RA comrestton, balanced diet, health and vox, pessanal hyyaenecete tee Sisswal acta ies make the beam sharp The concentration af the brain ¢ tenentinl for the se learns to draw conehiions, A var same uw hich the plays performance of re Ay of sutuationss hain according by vad the stress level of children deere Gone Ry parhetpaning i these various activities makes hiscown mndepondent de Ie mental development takes place use happy mind stars healthy mind 8. Social Development: This abjective is cones death the development of social quualitien whieh are players from different fields jget apportunitien te thent a sense of friendship, leadership, he wspeet, good play. restraint, working Logother, enjoyin Uhroush physical vetiviti “Lion, al skills, By yams: stich as Hpi others, co-op lonethor, ete, Opportunity to k healthy environment is ereaied in the ot Ball roqutires a collective effort emotional Development : The m1 weiety. Kor example, te main objective of physical education is the emotional development Ser emotions ina person, x. Happiness, Hope, Jealousy, Fear, Surprise and Loneliness, ete, I'the person does not have control over these eautingg thea society, which ean be harmful for him. Phy: way to control then 5. Spiritual Development sical education programs also Wis believed that physical edu h helps in developing a person's qualities s his progr 6. Neuro-Mus. ‘ation inculeates high moral values ina like positive mindset, sportsmanship ete. which cular Coordination : Image Activiti efficiency. Physical education tigue and te. develop. tion. Good. jes such as running, squeezing, punching, activities improve neuro-muscula also improves reaction time pordin PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1, 1 1. Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark) 1. In the year 1800, physical educat (@) Physical culture mn was known as : (6) Physical training ey Gymnastics (d) Hygiene choice questions, the bold (dark) option is the correct answer 2. 10. 1 12, 13. | Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education q iam, “Physical e selected in a form ‘Activities’ refers In the definition of physical education as defined by Jesse Pfetting education is the sum total of the physical activities of man which ar’ of type and conducted asa result.” (“Selected for the phrase “of type to those activities which are : (a) On the basis of desired results (b) On the basis of expected results (©) On the basis of planned results (d) On the basis of physical activities Physical education uses the body as a means of displaying our feelings, which leads to the development of .. (@) Expression (b) Creativity (c) Emotional state (d) Intelligence . Which one of the following is the main trend of physical education? (a) Evaluation performance (b) Aptitude test (0) Efforts (2) Development of skills . Which of the following is not an objective of social development in physical education? (a) Following the rules (b) Showing sportsmanship (©) Co-operation with peers (d) Playing for oneself . “Physical education is such an achievement arising out of the physical activities of human beings, which have been selected and made for a particular goal.” Whose statement is this? (a) J.B, Nash (b) C.C. Cowell () J.B. Williams and Brownell () CA, Butcher . Sports management is based on? (a) A clever and clever officer (b) A skillful and Intelligent officer (0) The weak and greedy officer (d) The officer with money . How many objectives are there for Physical Education. (a) Four () Six (©) Three (d) Five The main goal of physical education is to ensure which of the following? (a) Program of activities and sports for all (b) Holistic development of the individual (c) Complete elimination of boredom due to classroom activity (d) Optimum physical development of the child Which of the following is an event of several sports? (a) L.C.C, World Cup (6) FIFA World Cup (@) Ranji Trophy ()-Olympies Which of the following is helpful in bringing about a change in behaviour towards development? (a) Technology (b) Science () Education (d) Social Development ‘The changes which come in human by the experiences focused on the physical processes, they are called Physical Education. Which educationist gave this statement? (a) Dalbert Obertuffer°(b) Rosalind Waifsidy (c) C.C. Cowell (@) Charles Butcher The goal of physical education is to make every child physically, mentally and emotionally strong and personal and social qualities must be developed in him so that he can live happily with people and become a good citizen. Who said the given statement? (a) HClaroft (b) Leslie (ef Ministry of Education @ Book Walter Note : fn the multiple choiee questions, the bold (dark) option is the eorreet answer? 6 Physical Baan J 14, Below are given two statements Assertion (A) and Reason (R). _——= Assertion (A): Reason (R) : [t develops physical ability and efficiency With reference to the above statements, which of the follow ing statements is correct? (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (6) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R). (©) (A) is true but (R) is false. (d) False (R) But true - Given below are two statements. Assertion (A) and (R) Reason. | Assertion (A) : The main aim of physical edueation is physical development Reason (R) : Physical education is related to many physical activities which of the following statements is {a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation. (b) Both (A) and (R). (©) (A) is true but (R) is false (d) False (A) But true. With reference to the above statements correct? Il. Short Answer Type Questions (3 Marks) 1. Give two definitions of physical education? 2. State the goal of physical education and give a definition? 3. State two objectives of physical education? | III. Long Answer Type Questions (5 Marks) 1. Describe the meaning and definition of physical education? 2. Describe in detail the main objectives of physical education? 1.2 DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN INDIA—POST INDEPENDENCE With the achievement of Independence in 1947, India made scheme of things, education was categorized as a state subject but union government retained overall vantrel over it. Physical Education and Sports were tagged with education. After the Independence, there were two events which were significant in the history of physical education in India. Firstly, India participated in the 1948 London Olympics as a free nation and secondly first Asian Games were organised in New Delhi in 1951 ‘The following Committees were the main reason for the rapid progress in all aspects. In the new development of Physical Education: S.No. | Name of the Committee Year of Establi: | 1 ‘Tara Chand Commitee 1948 | 2. Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation 1950 | 3, All India Council of Sports 1954 | 4 National Discipline Scheme 1954 | 5. National Coaching Scheme (Rajkumari Coaching Scheme) | 6. National Institute of Physical Education | 7. National Fitness Corps =| + In the multiple choice questions, the bold (dark) option is the correct answer, —_ Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education S.No. | Name of the Committee Year of Extablishment 6. Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports 1961 8 National Sports Organization 1968, 10. Sports Authority of India 19K? u National Sports Talent Contest 1985 12 Special Area Games Scheme 1985, 13, Sports Project Development Area 1987 Tara Chand Committee The central government constituted the Tarachand Committee and Dr. Radhakrishnan's Commission training to improve the status of Physical Education in schools and colleges in 1918. This cammittee wars set up to make several recommend: r the development of Physical Education and recreation in the country which included the establishment of central institute of Physical Education and recreation. This commitee gave emphasi f Physical Education. The introduction of Post Graduate level course in Physical Education was done on the recommendation of this committee. In addition to this committee suggested to establish Gymnasia, Sports Clubs and Akhadas The Tara Chand Committee 1 © Secondary schools should be made multilateral teachers in the field ade the following two important recommendations: © Appointment of a commission to examine the entire s ndary education structure. The committee in view of the local conditions and time also recommended that indifference should not be shown towards unilaters =chool= Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation In order to boost up the development of Physical Education and Sports, the Government of India set up a Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation (1950) with the fi © To suggest ways and means by which Physical Education could be made colleges following objectives compulsory in schools and To formulate and recommend curricula of Physical Educ primary, secondary and univer: * To lay down norms for selection and qualifications of Physical Edu in educational instit © To introduce Physical Education at elementary middle, high school and university level and Prepare course—conent accordingly Provision of training for le ation for different levels of education. tion teachers for appointment e ders © Introduction of scholarship for © Giving financial © It also suggested the ways and mi in the Colleges rch in Phy colleges of Phy is of improving the quality of training and Physical Education ‘al Education. stance to the | Education. Most important contribution of the board was inclusion of two syllabi of Phy ical Education for boys and girls separately up to the highe secondary stage. All India Council of Sports In August. 1954. a conference of the NSF's under the chairmanship of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the then Minister for Education, resolved to recommended to central government to create a body which would Streamline working of the NSF's, and coordinate their effort towards development of competitive sports. Ax * follow-up action to the resalution, the Govt. of India constituted all India Council of Sports in November. i = Physeal Hiducation © Union Territories o likewise constitate the LOST and anprossed upon the Stites and the Union 7 HHT pay sottnetls. the following specitic objectives of the ALCS. were enumerated 1 the vol tiention ite # To serve asa link between the NSE's and Central Governnient To suggest Co che government ways: and means (o raise the standard of game and py, * To oncounage International exposure for National teams and coneenbrate on POF Exec, # To recommend conforment of Arjuna Award’ (he highest national honour for sport PX Ney | sports persons un each sport every year National Discipline Scheme The National Discipline Scheme was a brnin-child of J.K, Bhonsle who nimed at dovoloning gy, wal framing, discipline, dedication and devotion, He formed NDS on 24th duly 1954 to build Ysa youth oy the nation who can serve the country in the times of emergency ‘ The main features of NDS ave followin ¢ NDS emphased on mass participation. Everyone bas to learn all the Activities without ANY exeEHLing, © The activities include different Drills, Marching, Lezium, Folkdance Singing, Gymanutie Thin all ean be performed in large numbers with perfection & There were a lot of efforts made to promote on mdincous activities ke Kho-tdhe, Kataelds Matkhamb, Lezium, ete. in-service he inservice tuning and refresher courses were a compulsory for all he instructors of Physi Education National Coaching Scheme The Government of India introduced many schemes for the development of the performance of tudian sports person, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur Sports Cc of sports in India. It was formed in 1955 ching Scheme played a significant role in the development by the Government of India. The salient features of NCS are following © The main aim of the NCS was to assist the StatewUT to spot the talent # NCS was very supportive for the NSF/Universities to take teams at the Nal Level onal and International * The Annual Coaching Camps were nducied for the preparation of ther state team To organise coaching elinies on regular basis, * To develop the game at the rural level by organising tournament for the refresher courses to conduct clinic: 0 provide foreign coache: for the in-service eonehe National Institute of Physical Education The Government of India set up a Ni as Lal ional Institute of Physical Hducation in 1957 which was named ‘hmibai College of Physical Education. A three year degree course was intorduced for the purpose of producing more and more Physical Education ‘Teachers. [t was renamed as Lakshmibnt National College of Physical Education (LNCPE). The college was given a status of Autonomous College in 1982 and. 19, it was conferred as deemed university and was renamed as Lakshmibai N- tonal Insitute of Physical Education (LNIPE). It was renamed as Lakshmibai National University of Physical Bducation (4NUPE) in the ¥ 2009 National Fitness Corps The Government of India appointed ination committee in 1959 under the chaininansbip of Dr H. Nath Kunzru with a view to examine the existing schemes of Physical Fitnew., Physical bducatio? ion, Discipline ete. student was encouraged to take up atleast one musie, ec. optional item such as seout drame to exist as separate entities: ey must work for the success of the e Nees the college level anty ee 4 Girls Gundes should be oneottraged as extra curricular activites on voluntary basis. ae . pac on smart school amutoray during school hours. et Wo Cake part in singing of emotional and National integration work shold begin with the singing of the National Anthem followed by other community ts should learn how to honour and hoist the National Flag ports must be compulsory and house-systom should be strengthened. Inter-university must be encouraged National Institute of Sports 1 at Patiala, The objective of this institute was to develop sports s Netaji Subhash National Institute as formed in the year fie manner, The institute was renamed .¢ this mstitute was to enhance the standard of coaches in various sports. The x Centre of Information on Sports. literature. proved in producing and popularizing sports to prepate the National teams to participate at the International Level he sports talent in the country Sports Authority of India Introduction of India, was founded by the Government of India on 16th March, 1984 as a imarily to look after the sports infrastructure created for the Asiad. With the onal Policy on Sports in August, 1984, which stressed upon the need for specialized and nurturing of young talent and broadbasing sports in country, the SAI received ageney to accomplish the task. Objectives The two activities of the Sports Authority of India have been cited as undet © major objectives for spreading sport consciousness 2. To stress on competitive activities in collaboration with the NSFs and other allied agencies. Organizational Structure The General Body of the SAI society. chaired by the Prime Minister of India, has 45 members omprising Union Ministers. Ministers Incharge of Sports in States (five at a time by rotation), Sports Promoters, Eminent Sport Persons and Experts in Physical Education, The Governing Body of the SAI is l » Minister of Human Resource Development. with the Union Minister of State/Deputy an of the Governing Body. All members of the society are closely connected with ration of sports and Physical Education Functionaly the SAI has Four Wings 1. Academic Wing I; Comprising of NIS and its Regional Centers engaged in training of coaches and research development in sports. Academic Wing I] : Comprising of LNCPE. Trivandrum engaged in producing Physical Education achers and research development in Physical Education,

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