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is located in Somogy County, Hungary. It is not far from

Kaposvár, the county town. The village lies by the foot of Zselic
Kaposmérő is enclosed by Zselic Hills from the south. The River
Kapos flows between the village and Zselic Hills (the vineyards
can be reached by crossing the river). The northern part of
Kaposmérő is flat.
The means of subsistence of inhabitants are provided by the
favourable conditions of the village. Kaposmérő welcomes the
visitors with a variety of programmes, so the village can be a
destination for tourists. The valley of the River Kapos, the peace
of the fishing lakes, the beautiful Kassai-Valley, the buffalo
farm, the wine cellars, the variety of cycling and walking paths
are all waiting for the tourists.
The landscape is coloured by beech and oak forests and
beautiful flowers along the river bank. There Catholic church,
which was built in 1785 in late Baroque style, has been declared
a historic monument. Visitors can find other old houses,
farm-buildings and wine -press houses of great importance in
the village. They are under the protection of the local
community. The aim is to protect and preserve our heritage
from the past and to show the tourists the value and the beauty
of Kaposmérő.

The Kassai-Valley
This fifteen-hectare estate, owned by Lajos Kassai is next to
Kaposmérő. It is the centre of the horseback archery of the
world. Horses and other animals are reared free-range there.
In the end of the 1980s the owner started to build the indoor
and outdoor competition tracks and he has brought them to
perfection since then.
The competitors and visitors are welcome from all over the
world. There are international horseback archery competitions,
and training camps. Kassai Horseback Archery Open World Cup
is held in the Kassai-Valley every year.

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