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Chapter One: Introduction

Chapter 1
1.1 Overview of Computer Science

Computer science is the science that is devoted to representation, storage, manipulation and
presentation of information.

Key terms:
 Data (singular: datum) is a collection of raw facts or figures that describe something.
 Information is a processed data.
 Representation: is the process of putting data in a machine readable form.
 Storage: the process putting data in memory for future use
 Manipulation: processing data in the way desired
 Presentation: putting the data in human readable and desirable format

1.2 Subfields of Computer Science

Computer science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and
their implementation and application in computer systems. Computer science has many sub-fields;
some emphasize the computation of specific results (such as computer graphics), while others (such
as complexity theory) relate to properties of computational problems. Still others focus on the
challenges in implementing computations. For example, software engineering studies approaches to
describe computational problems, while computer programming applies specific programming
languages to solve specific computational problems.

Since computer science is an ever growing science, it has been and is being divided into many sub
disciplines. Few among them are the following:
1. Software Engineering: is concerned with the establishment and use of sound engineering
principles and good management practices to come up with software of high quality. Or in
short it is one of the sub disciplines of computer science that is devoted to producing
2. Computer Engineering: is concerned with study, analysis and design of computer
architecture. It is the creative application of engineering principles and methods to the design and
development of hardware and software systems.
3. Complexity Theory: is the study and analysis of algorithms. Algorithms are steps we
should follow to come up with a desired output. Almost all algorithms are effective but not
all of them are efficient.
NB. Effectiveness is to succeed in producing an output
Efficiency is to become effective at low cost (time, financial, etc.)

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Chapter One: Introduction

4. Automata Theory: The mathematical study of machines and their capabilities for solving
problems by means of algorithms. It is the study of machines/devices, which accept input such
that the outputs are determined by the inputs.
5. Database Architecture: is the study and design of efficient methods of information storage
and retrieval. Database is a logically coherent collection of related information with some
inherent meaning.
6. Artificial Intelligence: is concerned with means by which computers may perform tasks
(example: theorem proving, recognition of visual and other patterns) which would be
characterized as intelligent if performed by human beings. That is AI is concerned with the
integration of human intelligence into computer systems.

1.3 Computerization:

Business systems or organizations are computerized because of many reasons. Some of the
problems (push factors) that lead to computerization of organizations are the following:
Problem of capacity or volume: Companies face problems of handling huge volume of
data manually. Since computers are able to hold quite a lot of data electronically, companies tend to
use computers to relieve themselves of this problem.

Problem of accuracy: Human beings are inaccurate beings. Particularly when they get
tired, humans usually make mistakes. But computers do not make mistakes. The degree of accuracy
of computer is very high and every calculation is performed with the same accuracy. The accuracy
level is determined on the basis of design of computer. The errors in computer are due to human and
inaccurate data. So, to get rid of the problem of accuracy, computerization is made by companies.

Problem of Repetitiveness: There are a lot of repetitive tasks these days that are performed
in many organizations. Human is bored of doing repetitive tasks. But computers do not know
boredom and hence they do repetitive tasks tirelessly.
Problem of Complexity: These days, companies are working with a lot of complex data,
i.e., data and data processing of undetermined pattern. It is difficult (if not impossible) to handle this
data for human beings. But computers can totally or partially handle this complexity.

Problem of Speed: You will be surprised to know that computer can perform millions
(1,000,000) of instructions and even more per second. Therefore, we determine the speed of
computer in terms of microsecond (10-6 part of a second) or nano-second (10 -9 part of a second).
From this you can imagine how fast your computer performs work.

Even if you are pushed by these factors, ask yourself the following questions before you
computerize a company:

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Chapter One: Introduction

1.4 Application of computers

Main Application Areas:

 Commercial application
The emphasis is on date processing: it covers the use of computers for
clerical, administrative and business uses
 Scientific, engineering and research application
The emphasis is on scientific processing: it covers the use of computers for
complex calculations, design, analysis and control of physical system and
analysis of experimental data or results
Particular application areas:
 Computer in Education
The use of computers in education ranges from assisting teaching and
learning process to managing it. Hence the terms CAL (Computer Aided
Learning) and CAI ( Computer Aided Instruction).
Multiple choice questions can be processed.
 Computer in Medicine: In medicine, computers are used
o for analyzing medical research
o to aid in diagnosis
o to hold details of patients
 Computers in Manufacturing
 stock and production control (CAM-Computer Aided Manufacturing)
 engineering design (CAD -Computer Aided Design e.g. Auto CAD)

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