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VOID EATER COMBAT: 80% (Bite 1D10) INSTINCT: 30% HITS: 8 (200)

The Void Eater, if you encounter it, will try and eat you. An embodiment SPECIAL ABILITIES
of hunger given form by a crew trapped in hyperspace that had to result to
cannibalism to survive. They didn’t. But what came out of the veil had an
»» Bing and Purge: Once
insatiable hunger, one that’s never been sated. per day the Void Eater can
spew a noxious vomit in a
cone ahead of it. Those hit
1 1d10 infants. Fear save or immediately flee. are stunned for a round and
must make Body saves or
2 Tangle of arms and legs all partially digested. take 1d10[-] acidic damage.
3 A tarp sized slough of fetid skin. Roll on the Vomit table.

4 An entire Galley’s worth of food and rations. »» Eat You: After a successful
hit, the Void Eater is going
5 An empty Pulse Rifle, Combat Shotgun, and fire extinguisher. to try and eat you whole.
A small creature of unknown origin. Scientists who escape with the You must make an Opposed
6 check (Strength vs. Combat)
creature and bring it on a ship gain 1 XP.
to escape. Failure means
7 2d10 stomachs, each of them full. that it continues to eat you.
8 Blood. »» Sludge Bowels: The Void
Eater is not hard to find. Just
1d10 smaller Void Eaters, who will immediately begin eating any follow the trail. Body save
other vomit or sludge in the vicinity. for every round spent in the
An entire living person, they are unconscious with 1 Health. You sludge, or lose one action to
10 retching.
decide whether it is worth saving them.

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