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1. The benevolent despots had two ideas, which were almost opposite.

Write what
these ideas were.

Ans: They wanted absolute power like Louis XIV and to make their state more powerful,
but they could also see that philosophers were right in saying that the ordinary people
should have more justice, more freedom and more rights.

2. Write what the benevolent despots tried to do in governing their countries.

• Make themselves absolute monarchs in complete control of people, state, and


• Make their state rich, powerful and as large as possible.

• Give rights and justice to the people- as long as this did not interfere with the other
two aims.

3. Write four ways in which the benevolent despots broke the power of the old
feudal nobles.

• By breaking the power of the nobles. They often made new nobles from humble birth
who were completely dependent on them.

• By imposing central rule through officials who were entirely under the control of the
ruler. Some states were broken up into regions which were under the monarch's
officials, judges, and tax collectors. This also helped to break the nobles’ power.

• By having a strong and well-trained with skilled full-time officers. This could deal with
any revolutions, and also reduced the power of nobles.

• By abolishing the feudal system and serfdom. The old way of farming was very
inefficient and more food could be grown when the farmers were allowed to farm as
they liked. This increased state power and decreased that of the nobles.

4. White down four ways the benevolent despots helped the ordinary people

• By changing their tax system so that nobles as well as ordinary people paid a fair
share: This gained the support of the citizens, brought a lot of money to the state and
also reduced nobles power.

• By making justice fairer. The old privileges of the nobles were often abolished, and
state courts dealt out the king's justice. This not only made things fairer, for
everyone, but also increased the power of the government.

• By improving education. Rulers could see that more educated people were needed if
the state was to get more richer and powerful. Some countries made primary education
compulsory, but often there was no money left after the army and officials had been
• By abolishing the feudal system and serfdom. The old way of farming was very
inefficient and more food could be grown when the farmers were allowed to farm as
they liked. This increased state power and decreased that of the nobles.

5. Write the reforms of Fredrick the Great.

• He abolished serfdom and released his own serfs.

• He strengthened the army.

• He developed farming by allowing farmers to grow crops as they wished.

• He made everyone equal under the law.

6. Write the reforms Maria Theresa.

• She reformed the taxes so that nobles had to pay las well as the peasants.

• She allowed religious freedom.

• She closed down many rich monasteries and used their wealth to build schools.

• She set up a fair central authority for justice and government.

7. Write the reforms Tsarina Catherine.

• She was interested in education and set up universities.

• She strengthened her army.

• She reduced the power of the church by taking away Church lands.

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