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[Scene: The interaction between the Crows and the Ombuda lady regarding search of Bernard

Taverner’s son]

Marjuk- Mr Low, Nasif- Mr Trapwood, Rooksath- Ombuda Lady.

Marjuk- Look at me! Do you see all these insect bites? (Show your hands to Nasif) This MUST be the
place where the Taverner boy is, or else I did not just suffer this infernal experience for nothing.

Rooksath- (Searches for something) No gifts! How rude and impolite!

Nasif- (Whisper to Marjuk) This woman is ancient. No teeth in her head. I think she managed to
outlive all of us.

Marjuk- (Ask Rooksath) Do you know by any chance where the Taverner boy is?

Rooksath- Ah! Yes, yes. I remember him very well. His eyes were as blue as the blossom of the
jacaranda tree, and his hair glistened like the belly of the golden toad that squats on the lily leaves of
the Mamari river. And his skin was as white as the moon in the season of-

Marjuk and Nasif- Yes, but when? When? When was he here?

Rooksath- (Counting some pebbles) It was fifty years ago.

Nasif- What?! Fifty years!

Rooksath- (Nods) Yes, I so surely remember because I was a very small young lady who had all her
milk teeth in her head.

Nasif and Marjuk- (Keep your eyes and mouth wide open).

Rooksath- I had often told my fellow Indians of the lost boy who came here when I was no higher
than the tail of a swamp deer.

Marjuk- Well, at least we now know that he was here fifty years ago. (Tell this facing Nasif).

Nasif- (Impertinent but calm, sarcastic voice) Okay, so why don’t you go back in time and bring the
Taverner boy here.

Marjuk- Uh...

Rooksath- Well, I think you both gentlemen have come a very, very long way. I know you both are
starving. Let me bring you something to eat. (Brings out some nuts).

Marjuk- (Scream) Eh! What is this?

Nasif- (Wave your hands saying no).

Rooksath- What. This is very healthy. It will help you find the Taverner boy quickly. And-

Nasif- (Reluctantly) Okay! (Eats the nut, makes a horrible face expression and gives it to Marjuk).

Marjuk- (Eats it and shows disgust) What is your problem man!

Nasif- (Gives a small giggle).

Rooksath- I think you like it. Let me bring some mo-

Marjuk- We’re already full.

Rooksath- (Walks away momentarily).

Nasif- (Exasperatedly) These savage Indians are driving me insane.

Marjuk- (Show frustration, disappointment) I agree. I have come all this way for what?

Nasif- These Indians will forever remain unchanged.

Marjuk- True.

Nasif- I think we ought to increase the reward.

Marjuk- Yeah. At least none of our pocket money is being put out there.

Nasif- The only way to find that Taverner boy is to thoroughly search each and every corner of all the
buildings outside the city.

Marjuk- If Taverner was a naturalist, he probably wouldn’t live in the city.

Nasif- Our mission to find that boy still remains.

Marjuk- (Nod your head and hold it with two fingers from each hand) This is going to be a headache.

Nasif- It’s time for us to go.

Marjuk and Nasif- (Stand up, start walking away).

Rooksath- Wait! Take something with you in case you get hungry!

Marjuk and Nasif- No, no!

Marjuk and Nasif- (Walk away).

Rooksath- Well, all I tried to do was to help them. Not my fault they didn’t want my help.

Marjuk and Nasif- (Come back again).

Nasif- What was she even thinking? WE and take HER food? Not a chance.

Marjuk- I wouldn’t be surprised if it was poisoned.

Nasif- Well, our search for the Taverner boy continues.

Marjuk, Nasif, Rooksath- (Come altogether in the middle) Thank you.

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