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12/09/2023, 11:38 Moonseed (Bei Dou Gen) | White Rabbit Institute of Healing

Moonseed (Bei Dou Gen)

Botanical Name: Western – Menispermum canadense. Eastern – M.
dauricum, Sinomenium acutum.

A highly toxic and poisonous plant, moonseed is rarely used anymore.

It is best known for its antisyphilitic and antiscrofulitic properties. It
works primarily on the gastric and salivary glands working to relieve
adhesive inflammation by disintegrating unwanted tissue buildup. Its
roots are believed to be better than Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier
used for treating scrofula, gout, rheumatism, and cutaneous skin
diseases in general.

Remember to check with your doctor before trying new medicines or

herbal remedies, especially if you are taking other medication where drug
interactions are possible.

Below is an overview of moonseed, combining and interpreting the best of

Western Science, Oriental Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),
Shamanism, Folklore, and a wide range of healing modalities. Gain a
balanced and thorough understanding of the healing properties of

How to use Moonseed and take FULL

advantage of it's healing powers!

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12/09/2023, 11:38 Moonseed (Bei Dou Gen) | White Rabbit Institute of Healing

Western Name: Moonseed

Also Known As: Texas Sarsaparilla, Canadian Moonseed,

Yellow Parilla, Moonseed Vine, Riverbank Grape

Organs/Systems: Skin, Digestive System

Key Actions: Antisyphilitic, Antiscrofulitic, Anti-inflammatory,

Nervine, Tonic, Laxative, Diuretic, Purgative, Stomachic

Medicinal Uses: Gout, rheumatism, syphilis, scrofula,

cutaneous skin diseases, chronic arthritis, constipation, easily
startled and anxious, venereal aid, indigestion, arthritis, blood
cleanser, bowel disorders.

Pin Yin: Bei Dou Gen (Asiatic Moonseed Rhizome)

Also Known As: Northern Bean Root, Bian Fu Ge

Meridians: Lung, Stomach, Intestines

Key Actions: Clears Heat, Removes Toxicity, Resolves

Swellings, Promotes Urination, Wind-Damp Bi, Relieves Pain

Medicinal Uses: Sore throat, cough with Lung Heat, diarrhea,

mumps, jaundice, rheumatoid arthritis, hemorrhoids, snake
and insect bites. 3/14
12/09/2023, 11:38 Moonseed (Bei Dou Gen) | White Rabbit Institute of Healing

Basic Habitat/Botany:
Moonseed is a small genus of deciduous climbing
woody vines in the moonseed family Menispermaceae.
They have small dioecious yellow flowers that bloom in
July followed by one-seeded fruit that grow in small
clusters of grape-like drupes and resemble grapes. It’s
stem is round and climbing about 1 foot in length. Its
leaves are rounded and paler green underneath.

The western varietal, M. canadense, is native to Canada

and northeastern North America. The eastern varietal,
M. dauricum, is native to Northeast Asia. It tends to
thrive in moist woods, hedges, and near streams. 4/14
12/09/2023, 11:38 Moonseed (Bei Dou Gen) | White Rabbit Institute of Healing

Parts Most Frequently Used: Root, Rhizomes

Flavors/Temps: Toxic, Bitter, Nearly Odorless, Cold

Caution: All parts of the plant are known to be poisonous.

Key Constituents: Berberine, Menispine, Dauricine, Acutumine, Tannin,

Gum, Resin.

History/Folklore: A highly toxic and poisonous plant, the Eastern variety,

M. dauicum, has been used to treat skin disorders, rheumatism, and
cervical cancer. M. canadense, has been used externally as a tonic, laxative,
dermatological aid, and treatment for venereal disease.

The name moonseed comes from the shape of the seed, which resembles
the shape of a crescent moon. The word Menispermum derives from th
Greek words mene, meaning “crescent” moon and sperma, meaning seed.

The eastern varietal, M. dauricum is named after the Daur, a Mongolian

people of Northeast Asia.

Its active principle is menispine, an alkaloid. Moonseed is sometimes used

as a substitute for sarsaparilla. A tea made from the roots has been used
to treat indigestion, bowel disorders, arthritis, and as a blood cleanser. It is
considered a good laxative and useful for treating chronically inflamed
arthritis, especially when digestion is weak and lymph nodes are swollen.

The Native American Cherokee people used a tea made from the roots as
a laxative. The roots were also used as a blood cleanser and “female tonic”.
Moonseed was also used as an ingredient in curare, a muscle relaxant
used on the tips of poison arrows.

Moonseed is used in homeopathic medicine to treat back aches,

headaches, itching all over, and swollen tongue with much saliva. It is used
to treat pain in the spine and dry mouth and throat. Moonseed is also
used homeopathically to treat an insecure, scared, and uncertain mental
state that startles easily, even from sleep.

Externally, the roots are used as an ointment on chronic sores and to treat
chronically inflamed skin diseases.

In Oriental medicine, the rhizomes are used to treat a wide variety of Heat-
toxin related problems, especially when swelling is present. It has been
used to treat upper tract cancers, irregular heartbeat, and during surgical
anesthesia to prevent swelling. It can be found in formulas for treating 5/14
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swollen, sore throats, mumps, jaundice, dysentery, and coughs due to

Lung Heat. As it has cumulative toxicity it is never used continuously for
long periods of time and it is often used in tandem with herbs that can
help counter the herbs unwanted toxicity. Typical dosing is 3-12g for
decoctions or 1-3ml for tinctures.

The compound acutumine, found in moonseed, is being studied for its

anticancer properties. The compound has been shown to kill T-cells, and
important quality for leukemia and lymphoma treatments.

All parts of the plant are known to be poisonous, containing dauricine and
related isoquinoline alkaloids. Children have died from eating the fruits.
Dauricine inhibits cardiac K+ channels causing arrhythmia. Other
symptoms associated with overeating the fruits include seizures and
neuromuscular arrest. First aid includes the induction of vomiting,
followed by the medicinal application of charcoal and sodium sulphate. In
the case of spasms, intravenous administration of diazepam is included.
Respiratory arrest, paralysis and kidney function can all be implicated in
the eating of this fruit.

Do not confuse moonseed (Menispermum canadense or M. dauricum), for

Tinospora cordifolia, also sometimes commonly called moonseed.
Tinospora cordifolia is native to India and its roots, stems, and leaves are
used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of ailments including
diabetes, arthritis, hepatitis, and upset stomachs. It is an entirely different

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