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Name : Manda Nashwa Ningtyas

Novelis Kalina Yustine

Aveliadira s.
M.shaufi Akbar Al Munawar
Riswina Ghina zolina

In the town of Hangleton, there was a cockroaches infestation problem. The

cockroaches were everywhere, spreading a lot of range of diseases, unpleasant
odor in most of the houses in the town. The mayor decided to hire a guitarist,
he is not a regular guitarist. The guitar he used is a magic guitar, the sound of
the guitar can make a beautiful sound. The guitarist started playing his magic
guitar, and then the guitarist lead the cockroaches with the magic sound of his
guitar. He leads the coackroaches to an incinerator, where they all get burned
and die.
When the guitarist finished his job to destroying the cockroaches he came to
collect his payment, but the mayor refused to pay him the full amount they had
agreed on. The guitarist felt really disappointed and angry, then he vowed to
get his revenge. The next week, he returned to the hangleton, and this time the
guitarist played his guitar to make all the children in the town follow him. The
children followed the beautiful sound from the magic guitar, and got lead into a
mountain cave, where they disappeared forever.
All the parents of the children were devastated and begged the mayor to
negotiate with the guitarist so the children could go back to the town. The
guitarist said to the mayor that he would only return the children if the mayor
paid him the full amount he was owed. The mayor finally agreed and the
guitarist returned the children to the town.
After that day on, the people of Hangleton made sure to always keep their
promises. The guitarist never seen in the town anymore, but the people in
Hangleton still remember the memories when all the child is loss because the
revenge of the guitarist.

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