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<title>The seven wonders of the world</title>



<h1>Great wall of China-Wonder of the world</h1>

<b>Great wall of China</b><br>

<u>Great wall of China needs no introduction.This monument is on the list of the Seven wonders of
the world</u></br>

<i>This Is Located in China's Huairou district</i><br>

<img src="https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?
id=OIP.6NKA5RqwKgNgBIyGHQDOyAHaFj&pid=Api&P=0&h=180" Height="350px" Width="350px"
alt="no image">

<a href="https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?
id=OIP._OW7YwflEoyyfUBrB7L7NwHaE0&pid=Api&P=0&h=180">Great wall of China</a>


<h1>this is an unordered list</h1>

<li>Great wall of China</li>

<li>Great wall of China</li>

<li>Great wall of China</li>


<li>Great wall of China</li>

<li>Great wall of China</li>

<li>Great wall of China</li>




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