Management of Hip Fractures in The Elderly.9

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AAOS Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

Management of Hip Fractures in

the Elderly
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Karl C. Roberts, MD The purpose of this clinical practice guideline is to help improve
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W. Timothy Brox, MD treatment and management of hip fractures in the elderly based on
current best evidence. The guideline contains twenty-five
David S. Jevsevar, MD, MBA
recommendations, including both diagnosis and treatment. Of those
Kaitlyn Sevarino recommendations, strong evidence supports regional analgesia to
improve preoperative pain control, similar outcomes for general or
spinal anesthesia, arthroplasty for patients with unstable (displaced)
femoral neck fractures, the use of a cephalomedullary device for the
treatment of patients with subtrochanteric or reverse obliquity
fractures, a blood transfusion threshold of no higher than 8 g/dL in
asymptomatic postoperative patients, intensive physical therapy
postdischarge, use of an interdisciplinary care program in patients
From West Michigan Orthopaedics,
with mild to moderate dementia, and multimodal pain management
Grand Rapids, MI (Dr. Roberts), the after hip fracture surgery. In addition to the recommendations, the
University of San Francisco, Fresno, work group highlighted the need for better research in the treatment of
CA (Dr. Brox), Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH (Dr. Jevsevar), and the
hip fractures.
Department of Research and
Scientific Affairs, the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,
Rosemont, IL (Kaitlyn Sevarino). the AAOS Board of Directors in
Overview and Rationale September 2014 and has been offi-
None of the following authors or any
immediate family member has The American Academy of Orthopae- cially endorsed by the American
received anything of value from or has
dic Surgeons (AAOS), with input from Association of Clinical Endocrinolo-
stock or stock options held in
representatives from the US Bone and gists, American Geriatrics Society, the
a commercial company or institution
related directly or indirectly to the Joint Initiative, American College of Hip Society, the Orthopaedic Reha-
subject of this article: Dr. Roberts, Dr. Emergency Physicians, Endocrine bilitation Association, the Orthopae-
Brox, Dr. Jevsevar, and Ms. Sevarino. dic Trauma Association, and the US
Society, American Association of Hip
This Clinical Practice Guideline was and Knee Surgeons, Hip Society, Bone and Joint Initiative. The purpose
approved by the American Academy of this clinical practice guideline is to
of Orthopaedic Surgeons Board of
American Osteopathic Academy of
Directors on September 5, 2014. Orthopaedics/American Osteopathic help improve treatment and manage-
Association, American Academy of ment based on current best evidence.
The complete document,
Management of Hip Fractures in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Treatment of hip fractures in the
Elderly: Evidence-Based Clinical American Academy of Family Physi- elderly has a major impact on the
Practice Guideline, includes all tables, cians, American Geriatrics Society, healthcare system in the United
figures, and appendices, and is
American Society for Bone and Min- States, with an estimated 258,000
available at
guidelines eral Research, American Association fractures in 2010.2,3 The annual
of Clinical Endocrinologists, Ortho- United States economic burden for
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2015;23:
131-137 paedic Rehabilitation Association, and managing hip fractures was esti-
Orthopaedic Trauma Association, mated at $17 to $20 billion in 2010;
JAAOS-D-14-00432 recently published the clinical practice hip fracture treatment was ranked
guideline (CPG), Management of Hip 13th of the top 20 most expensive
Copyright 2015 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Fractures in the Elderly.1 This clinical diagnoses for Medicare in 2011. Hip
practice guideline was approved by fractures are projected to become

February 2015, Vol 23, No 2 131

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Clinical Practice Guideline Summary: Management of Hip Fractures in the Elderly

more common as life expectancies patient outcomes, and graded by protocol reduces the adverse or
increase. It is estimated that by the strength of methodology represent- favorable effect of poorly designed
year 2030, the annual number of hip ing the best available evidence to studies on the final recommendation.
fractures in the United States will be be used by the work group to for- A consensus recommendation can be
289,000.4 mulate final evidence-based recom- formulated only by the work group if
Despite recent studies indicating mendations. The recommendations there is no supporting evidence and
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a downward trend in hip fracture underwent a rigorous internal and when not establishing a recommen-
incidence and associated mortality external peer review process result- dation could have catastrophic con-
rates, significant concerns remain. ing in the final approved CPG. sequences, such as loss of life or limb.
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The population is aging, and thus The entire process adhered to the There are no consensus recom-
there are indications of rising costs of strict evidence-based CPG method- mendations in the AAOS Manage-
care and increasing volumes of sur- ology developed by the AAOS under ment of Hip Fractures in the Elderly
geries. In addition to the direct the guidance of an oversight chair. CPG.
economic impact of hip fracture The scientific nature of this process is In summary, the hip fracture
treatment, there is a considerable often misunderstood because it in- guideline involved reviewing more
societal impact because elderly hip cludes only primary research articles than 16,000 abstracts and more than
fracture patients are at risk for (1) published in peer-reviewed journals, 1,700 full-text articles to develop 25
increased rate of mortality, (2) which excludes all secondary recommendations supported by 169
inability to return to prior living cir- research, including systematic and research articles that meet stringent
cumstances, (3) the need for an narrative reviews. However, research inclusion criteria. Each recommen-
increased level of care and supervi- analysts comb through the bibliog- dation is based on a systematic review
sion, (4) decreased quality of life, (5) raphies of relevant secondary of the research literature related to its
decreased level of mobility and research, and any citations that meet topic, which resulted in 8 recom-
ambulation, and (6) secondary oste- the inclusion criteria are evaluated. mendations classified as strong, 15 as
oporotic fractures, including a sec- Additionally, registry data reports moderate, and 2 as limited. Strength
ond or contralateral side hip fracture. and conference abstracts do not meet of recommendation is assigned based
To address this healthcare concern, the standard of articles published in on the quality of the supporting
in 2011 the AAOS leadership allo- a peer-reviewed journal; however, if evidence.
cated resources to formulate an articles based on the registry data or Collectively, from these recom-
evidence-based CPG evaluating the conference proceedings are pub- mendations, a theme emerges. The
management of hip fractures in the lished, they are then evaluated for optimal care of the geriatric hip
elderly.1 The work group formulated inclusion as support for particular fracture patient occurs in the setting
preliminary recommendations that recommendations. Sometimes, ret- of a multidisciplinary team of pro-
were designed to be important and rospective series, small case series, viders with a patient-centered focus.
actionable interventions to create and case reports are excluded either This is demonstrated by the fact that
a clinically relevant document ad- because of the inherent risk of bias or the guideline has recommendations
dressing the management of hip because higher quality of evidence is regarding treatments throughout the
fractures across the episode of care. available to address the same ques- continuum of care involving multiple
An extensive literature search was tion. A “best evidence synthesis” is specialties, including regional anal-
done to investigate these preliminary used whereby only the best available gesia in the emergency room with
topics, based on strict inclusion cri- evidence for any given outcome is multimodal pain control, anesthesia,
teria designed to identify the best applied to create the recommenda- postoperative physical and occupa-
available evidence. The many cita- tion ratings as strong, moderate, or tional therapy, interdisciplinary care,
tions were summarized, classified by limited. The use of this best-evidence nutritional supplementation, and

Management of Hip Fractures in the Elderly Work Group: W. Timothy Brox, MD (Chair), Karl C. Roberts, MD (Vice-chair), Sudeep Taksali,
MD, Douglas G. Wright, MD, John J. Wixted, MD, Creighton C. Tubb, MD, Josuah C. Patt, MD, Kimberly J. Templeton, MD, Eitan Dickman,
MD, Robert A. Adler, MD, William B. Macaulay, MD, James M. Jackman, DO, Thiru Annaswamy, MD, Alad M. Adelman, MD, MS, Catherine
G. Hawthorne, MD, Steven A. Olson, MD, Daniel Ari Mendelson, MD, Meryl S. LeBoff, MD, Pauline A. Camacho, David S. Jevsevar, MD,
MBA (Chair, Committee on Evidence Based Quality and Value, Oversight Chair), Kevin G. Shea, MD (Guidelines Oversight Section
Leader), and Kevin J. Bozic, MD, MBA (Chair, Council on Research and Quality). Additional contributing members: C. Conrad Johnston,
MD, and Frederick E. Sieber, MD. Staff of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: William O. Shaffer, MD, Deborah S. Cummins,
PhD, Jayson N. Murray, MS, Patrick Donnelly, MA, Peter Shores, MPH, Anne Woznica, MLS, Yasseline Martinez, and Kaitlyn Sevarino.
Former AAOS Staff: Leeaht Gross, MPH, and Catherine Boone

132 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Karl C. Roberts, MD, et al

osteoporosis evaluation, in addition reducing subsequent fragility frac- hemoglobin no greater than 8 g/dL in
to the surgical recommendations. tures is also addressed with a moder- asymptomatic postoperative hip frac-
This CPG provides orthopaedic ate recommendation that patients ture patients, which has the potential
surgeons and other physicians with who have sustained a hip fracture be to reduce the incidence of blood
evidence-based principles that should referred for an osteoporosis evalua- transfusions. Hip fracture patients
be used to develop programs and to tion, as well as implementation of historically have significant trans-
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advocate for improving the standard vitamin D and calcium supplemen- fusion rates (.30%), which leaves
of care for hip fracture patients. tation. Concern was expressed dur- considerable room for improvement
These recommendations will form ing public commentary because these to decrease transfusions, thus reduc-
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the basis of developing appropriate recommendations were rated mod- ing associated complications and
use criteria and quality measures to erate, whereas other respected clini- hospital costs.5,6 In a randomized
improve the care of elderly hip frac- cal guidelines focusing on the controlled trail, Gruber-Baldini et al7
ture patients in the future. treatment of osteoporosis and fragil- investigated the incidence of delirium
This summary overview describes ity fracture prevention seem to be associated with transfusion triggers of
the pertinent highlights and limi- stronger. However, the moderate- 8 g/dL and 10 g/dL; they reported no
tations of the guideline, which will strength recommendation is a reflec- significant difference between these
contribute to understanding the nu- tion of a smaller evidence base two groups.
ances associated with these recom- specific to hip fractures compared The CPG also has a moderate-
mendations so that they may be used with a larger pool of evidence relating strength recommendation support-
in the appropriate context of the to the treatment of primary osteopo- ing early surgery within 48 hours,
supporting evidence to best affect rosis and fragility fracture prevention. which may reduce mortality. This
patient care. This moderate recommendation is not recommendation was challenging in
First and foremost, minimizing meant to de-emphasize the impor- that much of the evidence is con-
delirium is critical to achieving good tance of diagnosis and treatment of founded because the sickest patients
outcomes and is a common goal of osteoporosis for prevention of sec- often have the longest delays. Patients
many of the recommendations. Rec- ondary fractures; rather, it specifically delayed because of medical reasons
ommendations that may reduce the supports that patients be evaluated had the highest mortality rate, and it
incidence of delirium include pre- and treated for osteoporosis after is this subset of patients that could
operative regional analgesia and sustaining a hip fracture. potentially benefit the most from
multimodal pain control designed Venous thromboembolism (VTE) earlier surgery.
to minimize narcotic use; minimizing prophylaxis and transfusion is also Some of the recommendations of
delay to surgery to allow early addressed in the CPG recom- interest to the peer reviewers involved
mobility; nutritional support; and an mendations with moderate evidence surgical technique, particularly with
interdisciplinary approach that in- to support use of VTE prophylaxis in regard to cemented stems and partial
cludes intensive physical therapy. hip fracture patients. Concerns were versus total hip arthroplasty (THA)
The practice of regional blocks is not again expressed in peer review for the treatment of displaced femoral
standard in many hospital settings that this recommendation did not neck fractures. Regarding surgical
and represents an opportunity for merit a “strong” rating, but this is treatment of displaced femoral neck
improvement in patient care. a reflection of the moderate evidence fractures, a moderate recommenda-
Another key goal to improve the available specific to hip fracture pa- tion supports both the preferential
care of patients with hip fractures tients, rather than the probable use of cemented femoral stems in
addressed in the guideline is the pre- effectiveness and benefit of such patients undergoing arthroplasty and
vention of secondary fractures and therapy. The work group empha- reports similar outcomes with the use
the identification and treatment of sized the significant risk factors of unipolar and bipolar implants. The
osteoporosis. A strong recommen- associated with VTE complications recommendation supporting the
dation reflecting interdisciplinary and recommended that VTE pro- utility of cemented stems was ad-
care involves intensive physical ther- phylaxis be used to prevent the dressed during public commentary
apy throughout the continuum of significant consequences of deep and, although supported by evidence
care focused on improving balance, venous thrombosis or pulmonary suggesting lower complications, par-
mobility, functional activities of daily embolism as a complication in this ticularly with regard to fracture, the
living, strength, and fall prevention to high-risk population. work group acknowledges that re-
reduce the risk of further fragility A strong recommendation supports sults may be affected by implant
fractures. The important goal of a lower transfusion threshold of design and the experience of the

February 2015, Vol 23, No 2 133

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Clinical Practice Guideline Summary: Management of Hip Fractures in the Elderly

surgeon. This is also a topic that may accuracy and does not have the time The recommendations in this guide-
be better addressed by further constraints of a bone scan, although line are not intended to be a fixed
research involving larger randomized the work group acknowledges that protocol and, as with all evidence-
comparative trials or registry data. CT is often more accessible. Limited based recommendations, practitioners
The recommendation addressing studies with small sample sizes have must also rely on their clinical judg-
hemiarthroplasty versus THA cites examined the use of CT in the diag- ment and experience, as well as their
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moderate evidence in support of THA nosis of occult hip fractures, but these patients’ and their families’ prefer-
in properly selected patients with did not meet inclusion criteria. ences and values, when making
unstable femoral neck fractures and Additionally, there is concern that treatment decisions.
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was also addressed during peer review. a negative CT scan is not sufficient to
The important part of this recom- exclude the possibility of fracture.
mendation involves not only appro- Although the work group acknowl- Recommendations
priate patient selection but also the edges with this recommendation that
fact that it is critical that treatment be the type of secondary imaging used This summary of recommendations
predicated on surgeon experience. may be limited by considerations of of the AAOS Management of Hip
Although THA may offer improved access and availability, the current Fractures in the Elderly: Evidence-
function and long-term results in best evidence supports the use of MRI Based Guideline contains a list of
select patients, surgeon experience and in this regard. Future research should the evidence-based treatment recom-
patient factors need to be considered to include more comparative studies to mendations. Discussion of how each
outweigh the inherent risks of a more better delineate the role of advanced recommendation was developed and
complicated and expensive procedure. imaging. This recommendation does the complete evidence report are con-
The CPG also contained a moderate not advocate transfer of a patient if tained in the full guideline, available at
recommendation supporting higher MRI is unavailable, only that MRI is Readers are
dislocation rates with the posterior preferred if available. urged to consult the full guideline for
approach compared with the antero- Regarding anesthesia consid- the comprehensive evaluation of the
lateral approach when treating dis- erations, the guideline has a strong available scientific studies. The rec-
placed femoral neck fractures with recommendation supporting the ommendations were established using
hip arthroplasty. Reviewers identified equivalency of either general or spi- methods of evidence-based medi-
that some surgeons may not be nal anesthesia. Some of the data cine that rigorously control for bias,
experienced with the anterolateral supporting spinal anesthesia date to enhance transparency, and promote
approach. The evidence available the 1980s, challenging the medical reproducibility.
supports this recommendation, but community to address this issue with This summary of recommendations
the authors agree with the caveat that better-quality research in the future. is not intended to stand alone. Med-
surgeons need to make treatment de- In summary, this guideline is not ical care should be based on evidence,
cisions for their patients commensu- meant to discourage innovative care a physician’s expert judgment, and
rate with their experience and level of of patients with hip fractures. Rather, the patient’s circumstances, values,
training. The recommendation does it is meant to elevate and possibly preferences, and rights. For treat-
not advocate an anterior approach, help standardize the current level ment procedures to provide benefit,
stating only that the literature sup- of care and stimulate additional mutual collaboration with shared
ports a higher dislocation rate with research where experience and evi- decision-making between patient
a posterior approach. As stated in the dence are not in agreement. It is and physician/allied healthcare pro-
CPG, “input based on . . . the clini- a document that captures hip fracture vider is essential.
cian’s surgical experience and skills treatment evidence as published A Strong recommendation means
increases the probability of identify- before mid-2013. As part of a con- that the quality of the supporting evi-
ing patients who will benefit from tinuous improvement cycle, new data dence is high. A Moderate recom-
specific treatment options.”1 will emerge that clinicians will need mendation means that the benefits
An additional recommendation to evaluate and then use to adjust and exceed the potential harm (or that
found moderate support for the use of optimize care for their patients. It is the potential harm clearly exceeds
MRI as the advanced imaging also important that, as clinicians, we the benefits, in the case of a negative
method of choice for the diagnosis of close the quality cycle by evaluating recommendation), but the quality/
presumed hip fracture not apparent the outcomes of these recom- applicability of the supporting evi-
on initial radiographs. MRI is the mendations in patient care to validate dence is not as strong. A Limited
literature standard with regard to the clinical utility of the guideline. recommendation means that there is

134 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Karl C. Roberts, MD, et al

a lack of compelling evidence that has admission is associated with better Displaced Femoral Neck
resulted in an unclear balance between outcomes. Fractures
benefits and potential harm. A Con- Strength of recommendation:
Strong evidence supports arthro-
sensus recommendation means that Moderate.
plasty for patients with unstable
expert opinion supports the guideline Implication: Practitioners should
(displaced) femoral neck fractures.
recommendation even though there is generally follow a Moderate recom-
Strength of recommendation:
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no available empirical evidence that mendation but remain alert to new

meets the inclusion criteria of the information and be sensitive to patient
Implication: Practitioners should
guideline’s systematic review. preferences.
follow a Strong recommendation
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unless a clear and compelling ratio-

Advanced Imaging Aspirin and Clopidogrel nale for an alternative approach is
Moderate evidence supports MRI as the Limited evidence supports not de- present.
advanced imaging modality of choice laying hip fracture surgery for pa-
for diagnosis of presumed hip fracture tients on aspirin and/or clopidogrel. Unipolar Versus Bipolar
not apparent on initial radiographs. Strength of recommendation: Moderate evidence supports that the
Strength of recommendation: Limited. outcomes of unipolar and bipolar
Moderate. Implication: Practitioners should hemiarthroplasty for unstable (dis-
Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint in following placed) femoral neck fractures are
generally follow a Moderate recom- a recommendation labeled as Lim- similar.
mendation but remain alert to new ited, exercise clinical judgment, and Strength of recommendation:
information and be sensitive to be alert for emerging evidence that Moderate.
patient preferences. clarifies or helps to determine the Implication: Practitioners should
balance between benefits and poten- generally follow a Moderate recom-
Preoperative Regional tial harm. Patient preference should mendation but remain alert to new
Analgesia have a substantial influencing role. information and be sensitive to
Strong evidence supports regional patient preferences.
analgesia to improve preoperative pain Anesthesia
control in patients with hip fracture. Strong evidence supports similar Hemiarthroplasty Versus
Strength of recommendation: outcomes for general or spinal anes- Total Hip Arthroplasty
Strong. thesia for patients undergoing hip Moderate evidence supports a benefit
Implication: Practitioners should fracture surgery. to total hip arthroplasty in properly
follow a Strong recommendation Strength of recommendation: selected patients with unstable (dis-
unless a clear and compelling ratio- Strong. placed) femoral neck fractures.
nale for an alternative approach is Implication: Practitioners should Strength of recommendation:
present. follow a Strong recommendation Moderate.
unless a clear and compelling rationale Implication: Practitioners should
Preoperative Traction for an alternative approach is present. generally follow a Moderate recom-
Moderate evidence does not support mendation but remain alert to new
routine use of preoperative traction Stable Femoral Neck information and be sensitive to
for patients with a hip fracture. Fractures patient preferences.
Strength of recommendation:
Moderate evidence supports opera-
Moderate. Cemented Femoral Stems
tive fixation for patients with stable
Implication: Practitioners should
(nondisplaced) femoral neck Moderate evidence supports the
generally follow a Moderate recom-
fractures. preferential use of cemented femoral
mendation but remain alert to new
Strength of recommendation: stems in patients undergoing arthro-
information and be sensitive to
Moderate. plasty for femoral neck fractures.
patient preferences.
Implication: Practitioners should Strength of recommendation:
generally follow a Moderate recom- Moderate.
Surgical Timing mendation but remain alert to new Implication: Practitioners should
Moderate evidence supports that hip information and be sensitive to patient generally follow a Moderate recom-
fracture surgery within 48 hours of preferences. mendation but remain alert to new

February 2015, Vol 23, No 2 135

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Clinical Practice Guideline Summary: Management of Hip Fractures in the Elderly

information and be sensitive to Strength of recommendation: improve functional outcomes in hip

patient preferences. Moderate. fracture patients.
Implication: Practitioners should Strength of recommendation:
Surgical Approach generally follow a Moderate recom- Strong.
mendation but remain alert to new Implication: Practitioners should
Moderate evidence supports higher
information and be sensitive to patient follow a Strong recommendation
dislocation rates with a posterior
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preferences. unless a clear and compelling ratio-

approach in the treatment of dis-
nale for an alternative approach is
placed femoral neck fractures with
Venous Thromboembolism present.
hip arthroplasty.
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Strength of recommendation:
Moderate. Moderate evidence supports use of Nutrition
Implication: Practitioners should venous thromboembolism prophylaxis Moderate evidence supports that
generally follow a Moderate recom- in hip fracture patients. postoperative nutritional supplemen-
mendation but remain alert to new Strength of recommendation: tation reduces mortality and improves
information and be sensitive to Moderate. nutritional status in hip fracture
patient preferences. Implication: Practitioners should patients.
generally follow a Moderate recom- Strength of Recommendation:
Stable Intertrochanteric mendation but remain alert to new Moderate.
Fractures information and be sensitive to patient Implication: Practitioners should
preferences. generally follow a Moderate recom-
Moderate evidence supports the use of
either a sliding hip screw or a cepha- mendation but remain alert to new
Transfusion Threshold information and be sensitive to
lomedullary device in patients with
Strong evidence supports a blood patient preferences.
stable intertrochanteric fractures.
transfusion threshold of no higher
Strength of recommendation:
than 8 g/dL in asymptomatic post-
Moderate. Interdisciplinary Care
operative hip fracture patients.
Implication: Practitioners should Program
Strength of recommendation:
generally follow a Moderate recom- Strong evidence supports use of an
mendation but remain alert to new interdisciplinary care program in
Implication: Practitioners should
information and be sensitive to those patients with mild to moderate
follow a Strong recommendation
patient preferences. dementia who have sustained a hip
unless a clear and compelling ratio-
nale for an alternative approach is fracture to improve functional
Subtrochanteric or Reverse present. outcomes.
Obliquity Fractures Strength of recommendation:
Strong evidence supports using a ceph- Occupational and Physical Strong.
alomedullary device for the treatment Therapy Implication: Practitioners should
of patients with subtrochanteric or follow a Strong recommendation
Moderate evidence supports that
reverse obliquity fractures. unless a clear and compelling ratio-
supervised occupational and physical
Strength of recommendation: nale for an alternative approach is
therapy across the continuum of care,
Strong. present.
including home, improves functional
Implication: Practitioners should outcomes and fall prevention.
follow a Strong recommendation Strength of Recommendation: Postoperative Multimodal
unless a clear and compelling ratio- Moderate. Analgesia
nale for an alternative approach is Implication: Practitioners should Strong evidence supports multimodal
present. generally follow a Moderate recom- pain management after hip fracture
mendation but remain alert to new surgery.
Unstable Intertrochanteric information and be sensitive to Strength of recommendation:
Fractures patient preferences. Strong.
Moderate evidence supports using Implication: Practitioners should
a cephalomedullary device for the Intensive Physical Therapy follow a Strong recommendation
treatment of patients with unstable Strong evidence supports intensive unless a clear and compelling rationale
intertrochanteric fractures. physical therapy post-discharge to for an alternative approach is present.

136 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Karl C. Roberts, MD, et al

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February 2015, Vol 23, No 2 137

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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