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Intermediate Algebra 12th Edition Lial

Test Bank
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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Find all numbers not in the domain of the function.

1) f(x) =
A) 5 B) -5 C) None D) 0
Answer: A

2) f(x) =
A) None B) -8 C) 8 D) 0
Answer: B

3) f(x) =
A) None B) -3 C) 3 D) 0
Answer: A

4) f(x) =
A) 6 B) -6 C) None D) 6, 4
Answer: A

x2 - 4
5) f(x) =
x2 + 3x - 28
A) 2, -2 B) -7, 4 C) 7, -4 D) 0
Answer: B

x2 - 64
6) f(x) =
x2 + 3x - 28
A) 8, -8 B) 0 C) -4, 7 D) 4, -7
Answer: D

Find all numbers that are not in the domain of the function. Then give the domain using set notation.
7) f(x) =
A) -1; {x|x ≠ -1} B) -7, 7; {x|x ≠ -7, 7} C) none; (-∞, ∞) D) -7; {x|x ≠ -7}
Answer: D

8) f(x) =
2x + 5
5 5 5 5
A) - , -1; x|x ≠ - , -1 B) ; x|x ≠
2 2 2 2
5 5
C) - ; x|x ≠ - D) none; (-∞, ∞)
2 2
Answer: C

x2 + 25x
9) f(x) =
1 1
A) ; x|x ≠ B) 5; {x|x ≠ 5}
5 5

C) 0, -25; {x|x ≠ 0, -25} D) 0; {x|x ≠ 0}

Answer: D

10) f(x) =
x + 11x + 24
A) 0, -8; {x|x ≠ 0, -8} B) 0; {x|x ≠ 0}
C) 3, 8; {x|x ≠ 3, 8} D) -8, -3; {x|x ≠ -8, -3}
Answer: D

2x + 18
11) f(x) =
2x2 - 4x - 6
1 1
A) - 3, 1; x x ≠ - 3, 1 B) , -1; x x ≠ , -1
3 3

C) -9,-1, 3; x x ≠ -9,-1, 3 D) 3, -1; x x ≠ 3, -1

Answer: D

x2 + x - 6
12) f(x) =
8x2 - 47x - 6

A) -3, 2; {x x ≠ -3, 2} B) -8, 6; {x x ≠ -8, 6}

1 1 1 1
C) , -6; x x ≠ , -6 D) - , 6; x x ≠ - , 6
8 8 8 8
Answer: D

2x + 22
13) f(x) =
x2 - 9
A) -11, -3, 3; {x x ≠ -11, -3, 3} B) none; (-∞, ∞)
C) 3; {x x ≠ 3} D) -3, 3; {x x ≠ -3, 3}
Answer: D

13x2 - 2x + 1
14) f(x) =
169x2 - 144
12 12 12 12 12 12
A) ; xx≠ B) , ; x x≠ ,-
13 13 13 13 13 13
144 144 144 144 13 13 13 13
C) , ; x x≠ ,- D) , ; x x≠ ,-
169 169 169 169 12 12 12 12
Answer: B

15) f(x) =
A) 4; {x x ≠ 4} B) 0; {x x ≠ 0} C) none; (- ∞, ∞) D) 5; {x x ≠ 5}
Answer: C

16) f(x) =
x2 + 3
A) 1; {x x ≠ 1} B) -3; {x x ≠ -3} C) none; (- ∞, ∞) D) -3, 3; {x x ≠ -3, 3}
Answer: C

Tell whether or not the rational expressions are equivalent.

a-b 1
17) ,
a -b 2 a +b
A) No B) Yes
Answer: B

x2 (x + 1) x(x + 1)
18) ,
x(x - 1) x-1
A) No B) Yes
Answer: B

a 2 - b2 + c2 a2 - b2 + c2
19) ,
b- c c+b
A) Yes B) No
Answer: B

25x2 y4 5y2
20) ,
40x3 y2 8x
A) No B) Yes
Answer: B

-2x3 + 7x2 + 15x (-x)(2x + 3)

21) ,
x2 - 8x + 15 x+3
A) Yes B) No
Answer: B

6m 5 m 5
22) ,
12 6
A) No B) Yes
Answer: A

2m + 2 2
23) ,
m2 - 1 m - 1
A) Yes B) No
Answer: A

x-2 1
24) ,
2-x x-2
A) No B) Yes
Answer: A

ac + ad - bc - bd c + d
25) ,
ab + ac - b2 - bc b + c
A) Yes B) No
Answer: A

(5 - m)(8 - n) 5 - m
26) ,
(m - 5)(8 + n) m + 5
A) No B) Yes
Answer: A

Express the rational expression in lowest terms.

22m 4p2
2m 10p
11m 6 11p
A) B) C) 11m 6p2 D) 11mp
p m6
Answer: B

(y + 7)(y - 3)
(y - 3)(y + 9)
y+ 7 2y - 3 y- 7 y+ 3
A) B) C) D)
y+ 9 2y + 6 y- 9 y+ 6
Answer: A

a 2 - 8a
(a + 7)(a - 8)
a-8 1 a2 a
A) B) C) D)
a+7 a+7 a+7 a+7
Answer: D

4x + 2
12x + 14x + 4
1 4x + 2 4x 4x + 3
A) B) C) D)
3x + 2 12x2 + 14x + 4 3x + 2 3x + 14

Answer: A

y2 + 5y + 6
y2 + 8y + 12
5y + 1 y+3 y2 + 5y + 6 5y + 6
A) B) C) - D)
8y + 2 y+6 y2 + 8y + 12 8y + 12

Answer: B

y2 - 5y - 14
y2 - 4y - 21
y+ 2 y2 - 5y - 14 -5y - 2 -5y - 14
A) B) - C) D)
y+ 3 y2 - 4y - 21 -4y - 3 -4y - 21

Answer: A

y2 + 6y - 27
y2 + 18y + 81
y- 3 y2 + 6y - 27 6y + 27 6y - 27
A) B) - C) D)
y+ 9 y2 + 18y + 81 18y - 18 18y + 81

Answer: A

y2 - 3y - 10
y2 - 4y - 12
-3y - 10 y-5 -3y - 5 y2 - 3y - 10
A) B) C) D) -
-4y - 12 y-6 -4y - 6 y2 - 4y - 12
Answer: B

5x - 5y - bx + by
5x - 5y + bx - by

A) -1 B) 1

C) D) Already in lowest terms
Answer: C

Write the rational expression in lowest terms.

A) 1 B) Already in lowest terms
C) -m D) -1
Answer: D

7k - 63
54 - 6k
7 7
A) - B) C) 1 D) -1
6 6
Answer: A

(y - 6)(y - 4)
(4 - y)(6 + y)
-(6 + y) (-y - 6) 6-y
A) B) C) D) -1
(6 + y) (6 + y) 6+y
Answer: C

m 2 - 36m
36 - m
A) -(m + 6) B) m + 6 C) m D) -m
Answer: D

Perform the indicated operation and express in lowest terms.

4p - 4 8p2
40) ∙
p 6p - 6
32p3 - 32p2 24p2 + 48p + 24 3 16p
A) B) C) D)
6p2 - 6p 8p3 16p 3

Answer: D

k2 + 13k + 42 k2 + 8k
41) ∙
2 2
k + 15k + 56 k + 13k + 42
1 k k k2 + 8k
A) B) C) D)
k+ 7 k2 + 15k + 56 k+ 7 k+ 7

Answer: C

k2 + 5k + 6 k2 + 5k
42) ∙
k2 + 7k + 10 k2 - 5k - 24
k k k2 + 5k 1
A) B) C) D)
k- 8 2
k + 7k + 10 k- 8 k- 8

Answer: A

4p - 4 5p - 5
43) ÷
p 4p2
5 16p3 - 16p2 20p2 + 40p + 20 16p
A) B) C) D)
16p 5p2 - 5p 4p3 5

Answer: D

z2 + 6z + 9 z 2 + 3z
44) ÷
z 2 + 7z + 12 z 2 + 11z + 28
z z+7 z+7
A) B) C) z + 7 D)
z + 7z + 12 z 2 + 4z z

Answer: D

z 2 + 13z + 36 z 2 + 4z
45) ÷
z 2 + 16z + 63 z 2 - 2z - 63
z z-9 z-9
A) z - 9 B) C) D)
z 2 + 16z + 63 z 2 + 7z z

Answer: D

(x - 1) (x + 3) (x - 10) (x + 8)
46) ∙
(x + 8) (x - 1) (x + 3) (x + 6)
x - 10 x + 10 x+3 x - 10
A) B) C) D) -
x+6 x-6 x-1 x+6
Answer: A

(2x - 5) (x + 1) (x + 1) (3x + 5)
47) ÷
(x + 8) (x - 3) (x + 8) (x - 3)
2 2x - 5 x-8 2x - 5
A) B) - C) D)
3 3x + 5 x+2 3x + 5
Answer: D

3x2 - 8xy - 3y2 y2 + 4xy - 5x2 5x2 - 14xy - 3y2

48) ∙ ÷
y2 + 3xy - 4x2 6x2 + 5xy + y2 8x2 + 2xy - y2
(y + 5x)2 4x - y x - 3y
A) B) C) 1 D)
2x - y 4x + y y + 4x
Answer: B

12s2 + 7st + t2 5s2 - 16st + 3t2 15s2 + 2st - t2

49) ∙ ÷
3s2 - 8st - 3t2 t2 + 3st - 4s2 3s2 + 4st + t2
t+ s (t + 3x)2 (5x - t)2 (t + 3s)
A) B) 1 C) D)
t- s (4s + t)2 (t2 - s2 ) (t + s)(t - s)

Answer: A

2k2 + 19kp + 24p2 6k2 + 17kp + 12p2

50) ÷
9k2 - 27kp + 20p2 9k2 - 16p2
k + 8p k + 9p k+ p
A) B) -1 C) D)
3k - 5p 2k - 3p 3k + 5p
Answer: A

3x2 (x - 2y) - 14x(x - 2y) + 15(x - 2y) 5x - 1

51) ÷
3x2 (2y - x) - 8x(2y - x) - 3(2y - x) 3x + 1
3x - 5 3x + 1 3x + 5
A) - B) C) - D) 1
5x - 1 x-3 5x - 5
Answer: A

3 6
52) +
13x 13x
9 9 13x
A) 1 B) C) D)
26x 13x 9
Answer: C

12 2
53) -
17x 17x
10 17x 10
A) B) C) D) 10
34x 10 17x
Answer: C

15 12
54) -
8x 2 8x2
8 3 3
A) B) C) 3 D)
3x2 16x4 8x2
Answer: D

7 3
55) +
6x2 6x2
5 3 5
A) 5 B) C) D)
2x4 5x2 3x2
Answer: D

18 9
56) -
q- 8 q- 8
18(q - 8) 9 27 9
A) B) C) D)
9(q - 8) q-8 q- 8 q
Answer: B

m 2 - 11m 30
57) +
m-5 m-5
m 2 - 11m + 30
A) m - 5 B) m - 6 C) D) m + 6
Answer: B

2x + 6 x+3
58) -
x2 + 4x + 3 x2 + 4x + 3
x+9 1 7
A) B) x + 3 C) D)
x2 + 4x + 3 x+1 x2 + 4x + 3
Answer: C

3x + 10 x+6
59) -
2 2
x - 2x - 8 x - 2x - 8
2 1 2x + 16
A) B) C) 2x + 4 D)
x-4 x-2 2
x - 2x - 8
Answer: A

125x3 + 125x2 y 125xy2 + 125y3
60) -
25x2 + 50xy + 25y2 25x2 + 50xy + 25y2
A) 5x - 5y B)
25x + 25xy + 25y2

5x2 - 5y2
C) D) 5y - 5x
5x + 5y

Answer: A

Assume that the expressions given are denominators of fractions. Find the least common denominator.
61) t, t - 4
A) t - 4 B) -4 C) t(t - 4) D) 4
Answer: C

62) 7a + 21, a2 + 3a
A) 7a2 + 21 B) 7a(a + 3) C) 7a + 3 D) 7a2 + 3
Answer: B

63) 20xy, 8x2

A) 40x2 y B) 40x3y C) 40xy3 D) 40xy2
Answer: A

64) r2 + 4r + 3, r2 + r
A) r(r + 3)(r + 1) B) r(r + 3) C) r(r + 1)2 D) r(r + 1)
Answer: A

65) m 2 + 3m, m2 + 9m + 18
A) (m - 3)2 B) m(m - 3)(m + 6) C) m(m - 3)2 D) m(m + 3)(m + 6)
Answer: D

66) x2 - 5x + 6, x2 - 8x + 12
A) (x - 2)(x - 6) B) (x + 3)(x + 2)(x - 6) C) (x - 3)(x - 2)(x - 6) D) (x - 3)(x - 2)
Answer: C

67) x2 + 4x - 12, 5x + 30
A) 5(x - 2)(x + 6) B) 5(x - 2)(x - 6) C) 5(x + 2)(x - 6) D) 5(x + 2)(x + 6)
Answer: A

68) 6y + 42, y2 - 49, y

A) 42y(y2 + 7)(y2 - 7) B) 42y(y + 7)2(y - 7) C) 6y(y + 7)(y - 7) D) y(y + 7)(y - 7)
Answer: C

69) e + f, e - f, e2 - f2
A) (e + f)(e - f) B) e(e - f) C) (e + f)2 (e - f)2 D) f(e + f)
Answer: A

70) 15a 3 b4 , 20a 2b5
A) 60a 2 b4 B) 300a3 b5 C) 300a 5 b9 D) 60a 3 b5
Answer: D

Add or subtract as indicated. Write the answer in lowest terms.

4 5
71) +
r r- 3
9r - 12 12r - 9 12r - 9 9r - 12
A) B) C) D)
r(3 - r) r(3 - r) r(r - 3) r(r - 3)
Answer: D

6 8
72) +
r r+ 9
14r + 54 -54r - 14 14r + 54 -54r - 14
A) B) C) D)
r(r + 9) r(-9 - r) r(-9 - r) r(r + 9)
Answer: A

3 7
73) +
y2 - 3y + 2 y2 - 1
11y - 10 42y - 11
A) B)
(y - 1)(y + 1)(y - 2) (y - 1)(y + 1)(y - 2)
10y - 11 10y - 11
C) D)
(y - 1)(y - 2) (y - 1)(y + 1)(y - 2)
Answer: D

x 3
74) -
x2 - 16 x2 + 5x + 4
x2 - 2x + 12 x2 + 2x + 12
A) B)
(x - 4)(x + 4)(x + 1) (x - 4)(x + 4)(x + 1)
x2 - 2 x2 - 2x + 12
C) D)
(x - 4)(x + 4)(x + 1) (x - 4)(x + 4)
Answer: A

3 9
75) +
10x 14x2
12 3(7x + 15) 12 108
A) B) C) D)
140x2 70x2 10x + 14x2 70x2
Answer: B

2 4
76) -
15x 21x2
-8 2 2(7x - 10) -2
A) B) - C) D)
105x2 315x2 105x2 15x + 21x2
Answer: C

6 7
77) +
x 4x
31 13 31 31x
A) - B) C) D)
x x2 4x 4

Answer: C

1 11
78) -
12x y2 3xy

7 - 44x4 y 5 - 44x5 1 - 44x3y 1 - 44xy

A) B) C) D)
12x5 y3 12x4y 12x4 y2 12x4 y2
Answer: C

2ab b
79) - +4
a -b 2 a -b
4a + 5b 2ab - b + 4 4a + 5b (a - b)(5a + 5b)
A) B) C) D)
a+b a+b+1 a 2 - b2 a 2 - b2
Answer: A

2 1
80) -
x-7 7-x
3 1 5
A) B) C) D) -1
x-7 x+7 x-7
Answer: A

7 4 336
81) + -
x+4 2
x - 4x+ 16 3
x + 64
1 7x - 52 9x - 56 7x - 52
A) - B) C) D)
x - 16 2
x - 4x + 16 x+4 x3 - 64
Answer: B

Find the requested expression for the function.

82) If x represents the size of the order to replenish an inventory of computers, then the annual inventory cost is
2,000,000 59
given by the function c(x) = + . Simplify the expression for c(x) by performing the indicated
x 10
20,000,000 + 59x 2,000,000 + 59x
A) c(x) = B) c(x) =
5x x
2,000,059 20,000,000 + 59x
C) c(x) = D) c(x) =
10x 10x
Answer: D

83) A cost-benefit model expresses the cost of an undertaking in terms of the benefits received. One cost-benefit
model gives the cost in thousands of dollars to clean up x percent of an oil spill as
7.3x 7.5x
c(x) = . Another model produces the relationship c(x) = . Find the cost function found by averaging
50 - x 52 - x
the two models. Simplify the expression for this function by performing the indicated operations.
754.6x - 14.8x2 739.6x - 15.8x2
A) c(x) = B) c(x) =
(50 - x)(52-x) (50 - x)(52-x)
1509.2x - 29.6x2 754.6x - 14.8x2
C) c(x) = D) c(x) =
(50 - x)(52-x) 2(50 - x)(52-x)
Answer: D

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Provide an appropriate response.

84) Use the example to give a step-by-step explanation of the method to add or subtract two fractions with a
common denominator.
18 3s
s+ 6 s+ 6
Answer: Answers will vary. One possibility: Add or subtract the numerators, as indicated, and place the result
over the common denominator. Factor the numerator, if possible, and reduce the fraction to lowest terms.
The end result, in this case, is 3.

85) Use the example to give a step-by-step explanation of the method to add or subtract two fractions with
different denominators.
1 1
2 2
n + 12n + 32 n + 4n
Answer: Answers will vary. One possibility: Find the least common denominator (LCD), write each fraction with
this LCD, and then add or subtract the numerators, as indicated. Place the result over the common
denominator. Finally, factor the numerator, if possible, and reduce the fraction to lowest terms. The end

result, in this case, is 2 .

n(n + 8)

86) Are the two fractions equivalent? Explain your answer.

5 -5
m-7 7-m
Answer: The two fractions are equivalent. One can be changed to the other by multiplying the numerator and
denominator by -1. (Explanations will vary.)

87) Are the two expressions equivalent? Explain your answer.

q 7q + 3 -6q + 3
- and
q+ 4 q+ 4 q+ 4
Answer: The two expressions are not equivalent. In simplifying the first expression, one must use the distributive
-6q - 3 -6q + 3
property when subtracting the second numerator from the first. The result is thus , not .
q+ 4 q+ 4
(Explanations will vary.)

88) Are the two expressions equivalent? If so, explain your answer. If not, choose values for q and p as a
1 1 1
- and
q p q-p
Answer: The expressions are not equivalent. Counter-examples will vary.

89) Use the example below to demonstrate how to add or subtract two fractions by finding the least common
denominator. Show why it is advantageous to use the least common denominator instead of another common
1 -4
4p2 + 25p + 25 5p2 + 29p + 20
Answer: Answers will vary. The answer should give the the lowest common denominator as
-11p - 16
(4p + 5)(p + 5)(5p + 4) and the final result as . If one simply multiplies the two
(4p + 5)(p + 5)(5p + 4)
denominators to find a common denominator, the work becomes more complicated, and the result needs
to be reduced to lowest terms.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Simplify the complex fraction.

x+4 x(x + 4) 8x
A) B) C) 56x(x + 4) D)
56x 56 7(x + 4)
Answer: B

y- 9
2y y-9 y(y - 9)
A) B) C) 6y(y - 9) D)
3(y - 9) 6y 6
Answer: D

y+ 4
y+ 4 7(y + 4) 3y
A) B) C) D) 21y(y + 4)
21y 3y 7(y + 4)
Answer: B

y- 6
y- 6 3y 2(y - 6)
A) B) C) 24y(y - 6) D)
24y 2(y - 6) 3y
Answer: D

a 1+a
A) B) 1 - a2 C) 1 D)
1 - a2 1-a

Answer: D

x 1
3 6
12 x
A) 12 B) C) 1 D)
x 12
Answer: B

16r2 - 25s2
4 5
s r
5r + 4s rs
A) 5r + 4s B) C) 4r + 5s D)
rs 4r + 5s
Answer: C

Simplify the expression, using only positive exponents in your answer.

m -1 + z-1
m -1 - z-1
z+m z+m z-m z+m
A) B) C) D)
z-m z z m
Answer: A

x-2 - y-2
y2 - x2 y2 y2 y
A) B) C) D)
y2 y - x2
2 y + x2
2 y - x2

Answer: B

x-3 + y-3
x-1 + y-1
1 y3 + x3 y3 + x3 1
A) B) C) D)
x+y x2 y3 + x3 y2 x2 + y2 x + y2

Answer: B

x-2 - 49y-2
4y - 28x
x + 7y y + 7x y2 + 7x
A) B) C) 4x - 28y2 D)
4x2y 4x2y2 4x2
Answer: B

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Answer the question.

101) Use two different methods to simplify the fraction. Explain each step of your work.
4 8
q x
8 6
q x

Answer: One method is to simplify the numerator and denominator separately, multiply the numerator by the
reciprocal of the denominator, and simplify the resulting fraction, if possible.
4 8 4x + 8q
q x qx 4x + 8q qx 2x + 4q
= = ∙ =
8 6 8x - 6q qx 8x - 6q 4x - 3q
q x qx
The second method is to multiply the numerator and denominator of the complex fraction by the least
common denominator of the fractions in the numerator and the fractions in the denominator of the
complex fraction, and then simplify the resulting fraction, if possible.
4 8 4 8
+ + ∙ xq
q x q x 4x + 8q 2x + 4q
= = =
8 6 8 6 8x - 6q 4x - 3q
- - ∙ xq
q x q x
(Explanations will vary.)

102) Use two different methods to simplify the fraction. Explain each step of your work.
5 7
6 4z

Answer: One method is to simplify the numerator and denominator separately, multiply the numerator by the
reciprocal of the denominator, and simplify the resulting fraction, if possible.
z+4 24z z + 4 23z - 4
z- -
24 24 24 24 23z - 4 12z 23z 2 - 4z
= = = ∙ =
5 7 10z 21 10z + 21 24 10z + 21 2(10z + 21)
+ +
6 4z 12z 12z 12z
The other method is to multiply the numerator and denominator of the complex fraction by the least
common denominator of the fractions in the numerator and the fractions in the denominator of the
complex fraction, and then simplify the resulting fraction, if possible.
z+4 z+4
z- z- ∙ 24z
24 24 24z 2 - z(z + 4) 23z 2 - 4z
= = =
5 7 5 7 20z + 42 2(10z + 21)
+ + ∙ 24z
6 4z 6 4z
(Explanations will vary.)

s-1 + z -1 s - z
103) Is = a true statement? Explain your answer by simplifying the expression on the left, step by
s-4 - z -4 s + z
step, until it is an expression with only positive exponents that cannot be further simplified.
Answer: No, it is not a true statement. Here are the correct steps:

1 1 1 1
+ + ∙ s4 z 4
s-1 + z -1 s z s z s3 z 4 + s4 z3 s3 z 3(z + s) s3 z 3
= = = = =
s-4 - z -4 1
1 1
∙ s4z 4 z 4 - s4 z 2 + s2 (z + s)(z - s) z 2 + s2 (z - s)
s4 z 4 s4 z4
(Explanations will vary.)

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Without actually solving the equation, list all possible numbers that would have to be rejected if they appeared as
potential solutions.
9 7
104) + =0
x+6 x-9
A) 6, -9, -9, -7 B) -6, 9 C) -6, 9, 9, 7 D) 6, -9
Answer: B

14 1 1
105) - =
6x + 13 x 13x - 9
13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9
A) - , B) 0, ,- C) - , , -14 D) 0, - ,
6 13 6 13 6 13 6 13
Answer: D

18 11 x
106) + =
13x 10x 8
A) 13, 10, 8
B) 0
C) 13, 10
D) There are no numbers that would have to be rejected.
Answer: B

9x + 1 11x + 9
107) =
x - 18 16x + 7
A) 18, -
B) 0, 18, -
C) 18,
D) There are no numbers that would have to be rejected.
Answer: A

x + 10 9x + 16 x
108) - =
x - 13 x - 19 x-5
A) -13, -19, -5
B) 13, 19, 5
C) 0, 13, 19, 5
D) There are no numbers that would have to be rejected.
Answer: B

7 1 6
109) + =
x - 5x x + 1 x -7
A) -1, 7
B) 5, -1, 7
C) 0, 5, -1, 7
D) There are no numbers that would have to be rejected.
Answer: C

Solve the equation.

1 12
110) 1 + =
x x2
1 1
A) {-3, 4} B) - , C) {3, 4} D) {-4, 3}
4 3
Answer: D

2 t
111) =
t 3t - 4
A) ∅ B) {0, 4} C) {4} D) {4, 2}
Answer: D

28 30
112) =1+
x-2 x+2
A) {-30, 12} B) ∅ C) {10, -12} D) {-10, 12}
Answer: C

2y + 3 3
113) =
y 2
A) {-6} B) {0} C) {3} D) {6}
Answer: A

1 5 -25
114) + =
x-5 x 2
x - 5x
A) {0} B) {0, 5} C) ∅ D) {-5}
Answer: C

3 7
115) 1 - =
2x 4
1 1
A) - B) C) {-2} D) {2}
2 2
Answer: C

x -2x 2x - 3
116) = +
2x + 2 4x + 4 x+1
12 3
A) {3} B) - C) {-3} D)
5 2
Answer: A

11 1 1
117) + =-
7x 2x 14
A) {-29} B) {29} C) {-30} D) ∅
Answer: A

4x - 5 2x - 1
118) =
2x + 1 x+6
33 29 31
A) B) ∅ C) D) -
19 19 19
Answer: C

1 1 -41
119) + =
w + 11 3w - 8 2
3w + 25w - 88
A) {-3} B) {-11} C) ∅ D) , -11
Answer: C

Graph the rational function. Give the equations of the vertical and horizontal asymptotes.

120) f(x) =

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x




A) x = 0; y = -3 B) x = 0; y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

C) x = -2; y = 0 D) x = 0; y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

Answer: D

121) f(x) = -

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x




A) x = 0; y = 0 B) x = -2; y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

C) x = 0; y = 0 D) x = 0; y = -3
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

Answer: A

122) f(x) = -

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x




A) x = 0; y = 0 B) x = 0; y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

C) x = 0; y = -3 D) x = -2; y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

Answer: B

123) f(x) =

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x




A) x = 0; y = 2 B) x = 0; y = -2
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

C) x = -2; y = 0 D) x = 2; y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

Answer: C

124) f(x) =

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x




A) x = -2; y = 0 B) x = 2; y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

C) x = 2; y = 0 D) x = -3; y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

Answer: C

Solve the problem.
125) The average number of vehicles waiting in line at a toll booth of a super highway is modeled by the function
n(x) = , where x is a quantity between 0 and 1 known as the traffic intensity. To the nearest tenth, find
0.5(1 - x)
the average number of vehicles waiting if the traffic intensity is 0.81.
A) 6.9 vehicles B) 3.5 vehicles C) 8.5 vehicles D) 1.6 vehicles
Answer: A

126) The resistance, in ohms, of a 25-foot piece of wire is given by the function R(d) = , where d is the diameter
of the wire in inches. What is the resistance, rounded to the nearest hundredth of an ohm, if the wire has a
diameter of 0.17 inches?
A) 0.53 ohms B) 6.54 ohms C) 0.87 ohms D) 0.99 ohms
Answer: C

127) The current, in amperes, for a piece of wire with an electromotive force of 86 volts, is given by the function
C(r) = , where r is the resistance of the wire in ohms. What is the current, rounded to the nearest hundredth of
an ampere, if the wire has a resistance of 26 ohms?
A) 3.31 amperes B) 33.08 amperes C) 3.24 amperes D) 3.55 amperes
Answer: A

128) The average number of vehicles waiting in line at a toll booth of a super highway is modeled by the function
n(x) = , where x is a quantity between 0 and 1 known as the traffic intensity. What happens to the
0.5 (1 - x)
average number of vehicles waiting as traffic intensity increases?
A) The average number of vehicles waiting remains constant.
B) The average number of vehicles waiting decreases.
C) The average number of vehicles waiting increases.
D) The average number of vehicles waiting decreases at first, but then increases.
Answer: C

129) The resistance, in ohms, of a 25 foot piece of wire is given by the function R(d) = , where d is the diameter
of the wire in inches. What happens to the resistance of the wire as the diameter of the wire decreases?
A) The resistance increases.
B) The resistance decreases.
C) The answer cannot be determined without additional information.
D) The resistance remains constant.
Answer: A

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Answer the question.

y+ 4 y+ 4 1
130) For the equation + = , would any numbers have to be rejected if they appeared as potential
3 3 15
solutions? Explain.
Answer: No. There are no variable expressions in the denominators.

z2 + 36 z 6
131) For the equation - = , would any numbers have to be rejected if they appeared as potential
z-6 z+6 z
solutions? Explain.
Answer: Yes. 0, -6, and 6 would have to be rejected, since each would cause a denominator to equal 0.

m2 1
132) For the equation = , would any numbers have to be rejected if they appeared as potential solutions?
m + 8m 2
Answer: Yes. 0 and -8 would have to be rejected, since each would cause the denominator to equal 0.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Solve the problem. Round your answer, as needed.

133) The distance of an object from a fulcrum is given by d = . Find D if d = 7, w = 11, and W = 10.
A) 0.157 B) 0.064 C) 7.7 D) 15.714
Answer: C

1 1 1
134) A formula for electric circuits is = + . If a = 17 and b = 19, find c.
a b c
A) 2.235 B) 0.006 C) 161.5 D) 1.789
Answer: C

1 1 1
135) A formula for electric circuits is = + . If c = 12 and b = 7, find a.
a b c
A) 32.571 B) 0.226 C) 11.083 D) 4.421
Answer: D

136) The total resistance in this electric circuit is given by the formula below. Find the total resistance for a = 4, b = 5,
c = 8 ohms.
Total resistance = a + .
1 1
b c

A) 8.00 ohms B) 7.08 ohms C) 4.33 ohms D) 12.38 ohms

Answer: B

137) Calculate an average rate of speed for v = 2.1 mph and d = 6.4 mph in the formula
A= .
d v
A) Cannot be determined without additional information
B) 3.16 mph
C) 1.26 mph
D) 1.58 mph
Answer: B

138) A formula for the focal length of a lens is

Calculate f (the focal length) for a = 8 cm and b = 13 cm.
A) 6.5 cm B) 5.0 cm C) 4.0 cm D) 3.0 cm
Answer: B

PV pv
139) A gas law in chemistry says that = . If T = 340, t = 380, V = 11, P = 70, and v = 10, find the value of p.
T t
A) 0.226 B) 86.059 C) 8.606 D) 308
Answer: B

Solve the formula for the specified variable.

140) P = for r
1 + rt
P-1 P-A A- P
A) r = B) r = C) r = D) r = P - tA
At 1+t Pt
Answer: C

PV pv
141) = for P
T t
pvT pv tvT pvV
A) P = B) P = C) P = D) P =
tV tTV pV tT
Answer: A

142) F = C + 32 for C
5 5 9 F - 32
A) C = B) C = (F - 32) C) C = (F - 32) D) C =
F - 32 9 5 9
Answer: B

143) A = P(1 + nr) for r

Pn P-A A- P A
A) r = B) r = C) r = D) r =
A- P Pn Pn n
Answer: C

144) S = 2πrh + 2πr2 for h
S - 2πr2 S
A) h = 2π(S - r) B) h = C) h = hS - r D) h = -1
2πr 2πr
Answer: B

145) V = Bh for h
3B 3V V B
A) h = B) h = C) h = D) h =
V B 3B 3V
Answer: B

Gm1 m 2
146) F = for G
F Fd2 Fm1 m 2
A) G = Fd2 B) G = C) G = D) G =
m1m2 m1m2 d2
Answer: C

1 1
147) + = c for b
a b
1 1 a 1
A) b = B) b = -a C) b = D) b = ac -
ac c ac - 1 a
Answer: C

1 1 1
148) + = for c
a b c
a+b ab
A) c = B) c = C) c = a + b D) c = ab(a + b)
ab a+b
Answer: B

149) A = h(B + b) for B
2A - bh A - bh 2A + bh
A) B = B) B = C) B = 2A - bh D) B =
h h h
Answer: A

Solve the problem. Round your answer, as needed.

150) Dr. Wong can see 11 patients in 3 hours. At this rate, how long would it take her to see 99 patients?
A) 26 hours B) 33 hours C) 27 hours D) 363 hours
Answer: C

151) Dr. Taylor can see 6 patients in 3 hours. At this rate, how long would it take him to see 48 patients?
A) 24 hours B) 23 hours C) 96 hours D) 18 hours
Answer: A

152) Maria and Charlie can deliver 66 papers in 3 hours. How long would it take them to deliver 44 papers?
A) 2.0 hours B) 4.5 hours C) 2.7 hours D) 132 hours
Answer: A

153) Doug and Inga can deliver 100 papers in 4 hours. How long would it take them to deliver 95 papers?
A) 380 hours B) 4.8 hours C) 3.8 hours D) 4.2 hours
Answer: C

154) Mara can type 57 words per minute. How many words would she type in hour (45 minutes)?
A) 1924 words B) 43 words C) 2565 words D) 76 words
Answer: C

155) Sven can type 48 words per minute. How many words would he type in hour (20 minutes)?
A) 144 words B) 960 words C) 320 words D) 16 words
Answer: B

156) A machine can fill 4788 boxes of cereal in 0.9 hour. How many boxes of cereal can it fill per hour?
A) 4309 boxes B) 4788 boxes C) 4789 boxes D) 5320 boxes
Answer: D

157) A machine can fill 1866 cartons of milk in 0.2 hour. How many cartons of milk can it fill per hour?
A) 6220 cartons B) 373 cartons C) 9330 cartons D) 1866 cartons
Answer: C

158) If a boat uses 17 gallons of gas to go 78 miles, how many miles can the boat travel on 68 gallons of gas?
A) 19 miles B) 332 miles C) 624 miles D) 312 miles
Answer: D

159) On a map of the United States, the distance between Phoenix and Reno is 2.4 inches. The two cities are actually
768 miles apart. On this same map, what would be the distance between two cities that are 1440 miles apart?
A) 4.8 inches B) 4.5 inches C) 4.4 inches D) 4.6 inches
Answer: B

Suppose the triangles shown are similar, with angle A = angle D, angle B = angle E, and angle C = angle F. Answer the

30 32

15 16

A 2x - 7 C D 2x + 4 F

What is the value of x?

A) 15 B) 31 C) 16 D) 9
Answer: D


B 4x - 5

2x + 4
5 7.5

A 10 C D 15 F

What is the value of x?

A) 11 B) 20 C) 25 D)
Answer: A


85 85

34 34

C 4x - 8 A F 6x + 3 D

What is the value of x?

31 23
A) 34 B) 17 C) D)
2 4
Answer: D


50 26

25 13

A 2x - 7 C D 2x + 4 F

What is the length of side DF?

A) 54 B) 30 C) 22 D) 76
Answer: C


4x - 5
2x + 4 12

A 17 C D 25.5 F

What is the length of side EF?

A) 195 B) 127 C) D) 39
Answer: D

Solve the problem.

165) Chuck and Dana agree to meet in Chicago for the weekend. Chuck travels 270 miles in the same time that Dana
travels 245 miles. If Chuck's rate of travel is 5 mph more than Dana's, and they travel the same length of time, at
what speed does Chuck travel?
A) 54 mph B) 46 mph C) 49 mph D) 62 mph
Answer: A

166) The speed of a stream is 5 mph. If a boat travels 52 miles downstream in the same time that it takes to travel 26
miles upstream, what is the speed of the boat in still water?
A) 18 mph B) 10 mph C) 15 mph D) 17 mph
Answer: C

167) A plane flies 500 miles with the wind and 300 miles against the wind in the same length of time. If the speed of
the wind is 20 mph, what is the speed of the plane in still air?
A) 80 mph B) 70 mph C) 105 mph D) 85 mph
Answer: A

168) Tom Quig traveled 260 miles east of St. Louis. For most of the trip he averaged 60 mph, but for one period of
time he was slowed to 20 mph due to a major accident. If the total time of travel was 7 hours, how many miles
did he drive at the reduced speed?
A) 90 miles B) 100 miles C) 80 miles D) 75 miles
Answer: C

169) A boat goes 160 miles downstream in the same time it can go 120 miles upstream. The speed of the current is 8
miles per hour. Find the speed of the boat in still water.
A) 28 mph B) 64 mph C) 48 mph D) 56 mph
Answer: D

170) A jet plane traveling at a constant speed goes 1200 miles with the wind, then turns around and travels for 1000
miles against the wind. If the speed of the wind is 50 mph and the total flight took 4 hours, find the speed of the
A) 605 mph B) 550 mph C) 435 mph D) 525 mph
Answer: B

171) A man rode a bicycle for 12 miles and then hiked an additional 8 miles. The total time for the trip was 5 hours.
If his rate when he was riding a bicycle was 10 miles per hour faster than his rate walking, what was each rate?
A) Bike: 11.5 mph B) Bike: 13 mph C) Bike: 12 mph D) Bike: 14.5 mph
Hike: 1.5 mph Hike: 3 mph Hike: 2 mph Hike: 4.5 mph
Answer: C

172) A boat can go 21 mph in still water. It takes as long to go 180 miles upstream as it does to go downstream 240
miles. How fast is the current?
A) 3 mph B) 6 mph C) 1 mph D) 2 mph
Answer: A

173) Martha can rake the leaves in her yard in 2 hours. Her younger brother can do the job in 6 hours. How long
will it take them to do the job if they work together?
3 2
A) hr B) 3 hr C) hr D) 6 hr
2 3
Answer: A

174) One maid can clean the house three times faster than another. Working together they can clean the entire house
in 3 hours. How long would it take the faster maid cleaning alone?
A) 4 hr B) 5 hr C) 3 hr D) hr
Answer: A

175) Frank can type a report in 2 hours and James takes 5 hours. How long will it take the two of them typing
10 10 7
A) hr B) 5 hr C) hr D) hr
3 7 10
Answer: C

176) An experienced accountant can balance the books twice as fast as a new accountant. Working together it takes
the accountants 8 hours. How long would it take the experienced accountant working alone?
A) 20 hr B) 16 hr C) 12 hr D) 4 hr
Answer: C

177) Two machines are turned on at 8:00 A.M. If one can produce 47 items each hour and the other can produce 32
items each hour, at what time will they produce a total of 158 items?
A) 10:00 A.M. B) 11:30 A.M. C) 9:00 A.M. D) 11:00 A.M.
Answer: A

Provide an appropriate response.

178) Choose the equivalent form of the given formula for area of a regular polygon.
A = nsa
ns nA 2n 2A
A) a = B) s = C) s = D) a =
2A 2a aA ns
Answer: D

179) Choose the equivalent form of the given formula for lateral area of a cone.
A = πrs
A r πA πA
A) r = B) s = C) r = D) s =
πs πA s r
Answer: A

180) Choose the equivalent form of the given formula for lateral area of a cylinder.
A = 2πrh.
2A πr A rA
A) r = B) h = C) r = D) h =
πh 2A 2πh 2π
Answer: C

181) Choose the equivalent form of the given formula relating the weight of an object and its distance from the
dw = DW.
dW w dw d
A) D = B) d = C) D = D) w =
Answer: C

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

182) Give the first step in solving the given equation for x.
xy = x(y + z)
Answer: The first step is the use of the distributive property on the right side of the equation.

183) Give the first step in solving the given equation for x.
xy - z = xz + y
Answer: The first step is to subtract xz from both sides of the equation or to add z to both sides of the equation.

184) Give the first step in solving the given equation for x.
xy + xz = y - z
Answer: The first step is to use the distributive property to factor x from both terms on the left side of the equation.

185) Give the first step in solving the given equation for x.
y+ z=
Answer: The first step is to multiply both sides of the equation by (x - y).

186) Bridget drives to work at 62 miles per hour before the morning rush hour, but returns home during the evening
rush hour at only 40 miles per hour. Explain why 51 is not a valid solution to the problem "What was her
average speed for the day's driving?"
Answer: Answers may vary. One possibility: This solution, the average of the two speeds, assumes that the driver
is driving at each speed for an equal amount of time. This is an invalid assumption, since it will take the
driver longer to drive the same distance at a slower rate (i.e., during the evening rush hour). Thus, the
driver will spend more time at the lower speed, and her average speed will be less than 51 mph.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Determine whether the variation between the indicated quantities is direct or inverse.
187) The distance traveled by you in a car and the time taken to drive this distance
A) Inverse B) Direct
Answer: B

188) The price of an item and the quantity of the item that you can purchase with a given amount of money
A) Inverse B) Direct
Answer: A

189) The weight of a baby in pounds and his age in months

A) Direct B) Inverse
Answer: A

190) The time it takes to drive 100 miles and the speed at which you drive
A) Direct B) Inverse
Answer: B

191) The number of hours worked by an hourly worker and the amount of her paycheck
A) Inverse B) Direct
Answer: B

192) The balance on your credit card and the amount of available credit
A) Inverse B) Direct
Answer: A

Determine whether the equation represents direct, inverse, joint, or combined variation.
193) y =
A) Combined B) Direct C) Joint D) Inverse
Answer: D

194) y = 5x3
A) Inverse B) Combined C) Joint D) Direct
Answer: D

195) y = 3x2z 3
A) Combined B) Direct C) Joint D) Inverse
Answer: C

196) y =
A) Direct B) Combined C) Joint D) Inverse
Answer: B

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Write the formula using the "language" of variation.

197) C = 2πr, where C is the circumference of a circle of radius r
Answer: The circumference of a circle varies directly as its radius.

198) A = πr2 , where A is the area of a circle of radius r.

Answer: The area of a circle varies directly as the square of its radius.

199) V = πr2 h, where V is the volume of a cylinder of radius r and height h.

Answer: The volume of a cylinder varies directly as its height and directly as the square of its radius.

200) A = (1/2)bh, where A is the area of a triangle with base b and height h
Answer: The area of a triangle varies directly as the product of its height and its base.

201) P = nb, where P is the perimeter of a regular polygon with n sides each of length b.
Answer: The perimeter of a regular polygon varies directly with the length of each side and number of sides.

202) f = mv2 /r, where f is the centripetal force of an object of mass m moving along a circle of radius r at velocity v
Answer: The centripetal force of an object varies directly as its mass and the square of its velocity and inversely as
the radius of the circle it moves along.

203) r = d/t, where r is the rate by which distance d is covered in time t

Answer: Rate varies directly as distance and inversely as time.

204) P = kNT/V, where P is the gas pressure of N molecules of a gas in a volume V at temperature T
Answer: Pressure varies directly as temperature and the number of molecules and inversely as volume.

205) I = PRT, where I is the simple interest on a principal of P dollars invested for T years at an interest rate of R per
Answer: Simple interest varies directly as principal, rate of interest, and time.

206) f-stop = f/D, where f-stop is camera setting with a lens with focal length f and diaphragm opening D
Answer: A camera's f-stop varies directly as the lens focal length and inversely as the diaphragm opening.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Solve the problem.

207) If m varies directly as p, and m = 35 when p = 7, find m when p is 9.
A) 25 B) 81 C) 45 D) 49
Answer: C

208) If s varies directly as t2 , and s = 225 when t = 5, find s when t is 6.

A) 30 B) 270 C) 45 D) 324
Answer: D

209) If x varies inversely as v, and x = 15 when v = 9, find x when v = 27.

A) 45 B) 81 C) 5 D) 3
Answer: C

210) If x varies inversely as y2 , and x = 6 when y = 6, find x when y = 2.

A) 24 B) 54 C) 108 D) 3
Answer: B

211) If f varies jointly as q2 and h, and f = 24 when q = 2 and h = 3, find f when q = 3 and h = 4.
A) 72 B) 18 C) 8 D) 24
Answer: A

212) If f varies jointly as q2 and h, and f = 36 when q = 3 and h = 2, find q when f = 160 and h = 5.
A) 5 B) 4 C) 2 D) 3
Answer: B

213) If f varies jointly as q2 and h, and f = 96 when q = 4 and h = 3, find h when f = 100 and q = 5.
A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D) 5
Answer: C

214) If f varies jointly as q2 and h, and f = -81 when q = 3 and h = 3, find f when q = 4 and h = 6.
A) -48 B) -18 C) -288 D) -72
Answer: C

215) The weight of a liquid varies directly as its volume V. If the weight of the liquid in a cubical container 5 cm on a
side is 250 g, find the weight of the liquid in a cubical container 3 cm on a side.
A) 54 g B) 27 g C) 6 g D) 12 g
Answer: A

216) The distance it takes to stop a car varies directly as the square of the speed of the car. If it takes 112 feet for a car
traveling at 40 miles per hour to stop, what distance is required for a speed of 52 miles per hour?
A) 189.62 ft B) 201.58 ft C) 162.24 ft D) 189.28 ft
Answer: D

217) The current I in an electrical conductor varies inversely as the resistance R of the conductor. The current is 7
amperes when the resistance is 785 ohms. What is the current when the resistance is 842 ohms?
A) 6.5 amps B) 7.5 amps C) 0.13 amps D) 0.15 amps
Answer: A

218) The intensity of a radio signal from the radio station varies inversely as the square of the distance from the
station. Suppose the the intensity is 8000 units at a distance of 2 miles. What will the intensity be at a distance of
12 miles? Round your answer to the nearest unit.
A) 205 units B) 222 units C) 186 units D) 248 units
Answer: B

219) For a fixed amount of principal, the simple interest varies jointly with the rate and the time. If the simple
interest is $1050 when the rate is 3% and the time is 7 years, find the simple interest when the rate is 5% and the
time is 10 years.
A) $2750 B) $250 C) $5000 D) $2500
Answer: D

220) If the height of a rectangular solid is held constant, the volume varies jointly with the length and the width. If
the volume is 120 cubic inches when the length is 8 inches and the width is 3 inches, find the volume when the
length is 7 inches and the width is 4 inches.
A) 112 in.3 B) 140 in. 3 C) 160 in. 3 D) 105 in. 3
Answer: B

221) The volume of wood in a tree varies jointly as the height of the tree and the square of the distance around the
tree trunk. If the volume of wood is 15.84 cubic feet when the height is 22 feet and the distance around the trunk
is 3 feet, what is the volume of wood obtained from a tree that is 30 feet tall having a measurement of 5 feet
around the trunk?
A) 69 ft3 B) 64 ft3 C) 52 ft3 D) 60 ft3
Answer: D

222) The volume V of a given mass of gas varies directly as the temperature T and inversely as the pressure P. If V =
352.0 in. 3 when T = 320° and P = 10 lb/in.2 , what is the volume when T = 280° and P = 15 lb/in.2 ?
A) 175.3 in.3 B) 245.3 in.3 C) 185.3 in.3 D) 205.3 in.3
Answer: D

223) The volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure and directly as the temperature (in Kelvin). If a certain gas
occupies a volume of 2.5 liters at a temperature of 380 K and a pressure of 20 newtons per square centimeter,
find the volume when the temperature is 342 K and the pressure is 30 newtons per square centimeter. Round
your answer to the nearest tenth.
A) 1.5 L B) 55.6 L C) 4.2 L D) 47.5 L
Answer: A

224) The resistance of a wire varies directly as the length of the wire and inversely as the square of the diameter of
the wire. A 20 foot length of wire with a diameter of 0.1 inch has a resistance of 3 ohms. What would the
resistance be for a 33 foot length, with diameter 0.01 inch, of the same kind of wire ?
A) 2.45 ohms B) -2.05 ohms C) 4.95 ohms D) 16.95 ohms
Answer: C

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Provide an appropriate response.

225) Consider an equation of direct variation y = kx. When x increases, does y increase or decrease?
Answer: y increases.

226) Consider an equation of inverse variation y = . When x increases, does y increase or decrease?
Answer: y decreases.

227) State whether the following situation represents direct variation, inverse variation, or neither, and explain why:
A runner's speed in a race and the time that it takes to run the race.
Answer: Inverse variation; the greater the speed, the shorter the time.

228) State whether the following situation represents direct variation, inverse variation, or neither, and explain why:
The weight of a roast and the number of servings obtained from it.
Answer: Direct variation; the greater the weight, the greater the number of servings.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Find all real numbers excluded from the domain of the function. Then give the domain, using set-builder notation.
x2 - 6x
229) f(x) =
x2 - 4x - 12
A) -6, 2; {x|x ≠ -6, 2} B) -2, 6; {x|x ≠ -2, 6} C) -6, 6; {x|x ≠ -6, 6} D) 0, 6; {x|x ≠ 0, 6}
Answer: B

Write the expression in lowest terms.

a2 - 49
a 2 + 9a + 14
a-7 a+7 a+7 a-7
A) B) C) D)
a-2 a+2 a-2 a+2
Answer: D

Multiply or divide.
x-8 x2 - 6x - 16
231) ∙
(x + 2)2 (x - 8)2
x-8 1 1
A) B) C) D) x + 2
x+2 x-8 x+2
Answer: C

7x + 14 4x2 + 8x + 4
232) ∙
x+1 x2 - 4
28(x + 2)(x + 1) 28(x + 1) 7(x + 1) 28(x + 1)
A) B) C) D)
x2 - 4 x-2 x-2 x+2

Answer: B

4x - 4y 2y - 2x
233) ÷
25 - 5z z-5
2 2 2(x - y) 2
A) - B) C) D)
5 5 5 25
Answer: B

x2 - 81 8x + 72
234) ÷
2 2
x + 6x + 9 x + 5x + 6
(x + 9)(x - 2) (x - 9)(x + 2) (x - 9)(x + 2) x+3
A) B) C) D)
8(x - 3) x+3 8(x + 3) (x - 9)(x + 2)
Answer: C

Find the least common denominator for the group of denominators.

235) 4a - 20, a 2 - 5a
A) 4a2 - 20 B) 4a(a - 5) C) 4a 2 - 5 D) 4a - 5
Answer: B

Add or subtract as indicated.

3 9
236) +
14x 10x2
12 12 3(5x + 21) 108
A) B) C) D)
14x + 10x2 140x2 70x2 70x2
Answer: C

1 11
237) -
8x y2 2xy

5 - 44x4 1 - 44x2 y 1 - 44x 7 - 44x3y

A) B) C) D)
8x3 y 8x3 y2 8x3 y2 8x4 y3
Answer: B

x 3
238) -
2 2
x - 16 x + 5x + 4
x2 - 2 x2 - 2x + 12
A) B)
(x - 4)(x + 4)(x + 1) (x - 4)(x + 4)(x + 1)
x2 - 2x + 12 x2 + 2x + 12
C) D)
(x - 4)(x + 4) (x - 4)(x + 4)(x + 1)
Answer: B

2 x x2 + 2
239) - +
x - 8 x - 1 x2 - 9x + 8

10x 2x2 - 6x - 4 -6x 10x

A) B) C) D)
(x + 8)(x + 1) (x + 8)(x + 1) (x - 8)(x - 1) (x - 8)(x - 1)
Answer: D

Simplify the complex fraction.
6x + 10
9x + 15
1 2 2 3
A) B) C) D)
7 3 7 7
Answer: C

9 x
x 9
1 1
9 x
A) -(x + 9) B) -(x - 9) C) 9x(x + 9) D) x + 9
Answer: A

a -2 - b-1
4a -1 + 3b-2
b2 - a 2 b b2 - a 2b b2 - a2 ab2 - a 2
A) B) C) D)
4b2 + 3a2 4ab2 + 3a 2 4ab2 + 3a 2 4b2 + 3a 2b
Answer: B

Simplify the expression and solve the equation.

243) One of the following is an expression to be simplified by algebraic operations, and the other is an equation to be
solved. Identify each, and then simplify the one that is an expression and solve the one that is an equation.
2x x 13 2x x 13
(a) + = (b) + -
7 4 2 7 4 2
A) (a) Equation. The solution to the equation is:
15 13
(b) Expression. The simplified form of the expression is: x-
28 2
B) (a) Equation. The solution to the equation is:
15 13
(b) Expression. The simplified form of the expression is: x-
28 2
C) (a) Expression. The simplified form of the expression is:
15 13
(b) Equation. The solution to the equation is : x-
28 2
D) (a) Equation. The solution to the equation is: 14
15 13
(b) Expression. The simplified form of the expression is: x-
28 2
Answer: A

Solve the equation.
2 t
244) =
t 5t - 12
A) {4, 6} B) {0, 36} C) {0} D) 0,
Answer: A

9 4 9
245) - =
y + 2 y - 2 y2 - 4
A) {31} B) {7} C) {-7} D) ∅
Answer: B

Solve for the indicated variable.

h(B + b)
246) A = for b
A - Bh 2A - Bh 2A + Bh
A) b = B) b = C) b = 2A - Bh D) b =
h h h
Answer: B

Graph the function. Give the equations of its vertical and horizontal asymptotes.
247) f(x) =

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x




A) Vertical asymptote: x = 2 B) Vertical asymptote: x = -2

Horizontal asymptote: y = 0 Horizontal asymptote: y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

C) Vertical asymptote: x = 2 D) Vertical asymptote: x = -3
Horizontal asymptote: y = 0 Horizontal asymptote: y = 0
y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 x
-2 -2

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8

Answer: C

248) Sandi can make a quilt in 10 days and Eva can make a quilt in 7 days. In how many days can they make a quilt
working together?
1 17 2 2
A) 4 days B) 3 days C) 5 days D) 4 days
2 70 9 17
Answer: D

249) The speed of a stream is 6 mph. If a boat travels 92 miles downstream in the same time that it takes to travel 46
miles upstream, what is the speed of the boat in still water?
A) 12 mph B) 20 mph C) 21 mph D) 18 mph
Answer: D

250) To determine the number of fish in a lake, a park ranger catches 300 fish, tags them, and returns them to the
lake. Later, 72 fish are caught, and it is found that 24 of them are tagged. Estimate the number of fish in the lake.
A) 518,400 B) 6 C) 100 D) 900
Answer: D

251) Suppose the velocity of an automobile starting from rest is given by

2t + 4
where v is the velocity in miles per hour and t is the time in seconds. Find the number of seconds when the
velocity is 50 miles per hour.
A) 2 sec B) 4 sec C) 1 sec D) 3 sec
Answer: A

252) The speed of a vehicle varies inversely as the time it takes to travel a fixed distance. If a vehicle travels a fixed
distance at 20 miles per hour in 35 minutes, how fast must it travel to cover the same distance in 25 minutes?
175 100 7
A) 28 mph B) mph C) mph D) mph
4 7 100
Answer: A

253) Wind resistance or atmospheric drag tends to slow down moving objects. Atmospheric drag varies jointly as an
object's surface area A and velocity v. If a car traveling at a speed of 40 mph with a surface area of 31 ft2
experiences a drag of 186 N (Newtons), how fast must a car with 41 ft2 of surface area travel in order to
experience a drag force of 455.1 N?
A) 71 mph B) 79 mph C) 76 mph D) 74 mph
Answer: D


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