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The shown picture describes the circulation of water in nature, which is the locomotion of water from

ocean to air then to the ground of globe.

In general, it is clear that there are three primary stages in this process, beginning with evaporating
water and falling rain from clouds and ending process with running back of water into the oceans again.

At the first stage, water evaporates into the air, caused by heat from the sun. And there is a fact that
80% of total water vapour in air is taken from the oceans. Following this, water vapour condenses to
form clouds. Then at the second stage calling “precipitation”, water vapour from heavy clouds falls as
rain to the ground forming lakes or as snow in the mountains with low temperature. Next the surface
runoff, which is made from rainwater seeps through the ground, takes place and creates the
groundwater when it reaches the impervious layer. The final stage, the groundwater has saltwater
intrusion before it passes into the oceans to complete the cycle.

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