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Photoshoot Planning

Photograph 1: This photograph is of the band together, they are all standing around a brick
wall. One member of the band will be holding a guitar. The lead singer of the band will be
pointing towards the camera. This will be a low angle shot.
Editing: This photograph will be mostly black and white, the only thing that won't be in black
and white is the guitar which will be in its full colour.

Photograph 2: This photograph is of the lead singer of the band. He will be standing in front
of a blank wall with a microphone in his hand.
Editing: The blank background will be edited to place a solid black background behind it.
The lead singer then will be outlined with a red stroke and a faint red dropshadow.

Photograph 3: This photograph shows the drummer, standing in front of a blank wall, he will
be holding his drumsticks in a cross type shape, looking directly towards the camera.
Editing: The blank background will be edited out to be a solid white background. The
drummer will then have a red outline around him.

Photograph 4: This photograph will be of the bass player. He is standing in front of a blank
wall while holding his Bass.
Editing: This photograph’s background will be replaced with a solid dark grey colour. He will
be surrounded by a red outline.

Photograph 5: This photograph is of the two guitarists. They are standing in front of a blank
wall, both holding their guitars.
Editing: The background of the photograph will be removed, the background will be
replaced with a solid light grey colour, both of the band members will be surrounded by a red

Photograph 6: This photograph will show all band members standing around at a train
station. This is a medium long shot.
Editing: The background of the photograph will be in black and white while the band is in full

Photograph 7: This photograph shows the band all stood on the top level of the car park
with a night view behind them.
Editing: Anything shown in the background of this image will have a red outline added to it.

Photograph 8: This photograph includes both of the guitarists, they are standing on an
angle next to each other. They will be holding their guitars. They are stood on the top level of
a car park
Editing: Both of the guitars will have a red tint added to them. Both of the band members
will be outlined with a red stroke.

Photograph 9: The lead singer is in front of a microphone while standing at a train station.
He is looking off from the camera into the distance, this will be done as a midshot.
Editing: There will be no changes made to this photograph
Photograph 10: This photograph will be of the drummer playing his drums, this will be a
mid-shot from the left hand side of the drummer.
Editing: The Drum Sticks will be outlined in a red stroke.

Photograph 11: This photograph is of the band members all being around a tree, some of
them will be standing, some of them will be sitting. This will be done as a long shot
Editing: There will be no changes to this image

Photograph 11: Long-Shot of the Singer looking towards the camera, he is in front of a
blank wall.
Photograph 12: Long-Shot of the Drummer looking towards the camera, he is in front of a
blank wall.
Photograph 13: Long-Shot of the Bass Guitarist looking towards the camera, he is in front
of a blank wall.
Photograph 14: Long-Shot of one of the guitarists looking towards the camera, he is in front
of a blank wall.
Photograph 15: Long-Shot of the other guitarist looking towards the camera, he is in front of
a blank wall.
Editing: These will be all edited together and made into a silhouette, there will be a solid
white background. This will be a long landscape image.

Photograph 16: This photograph just shows a microphone, drum kit, the two guitars and the
bass together, there are no band members in this photograph.
Editing: This image will not be changed

Photograph 17: This photograph will show the lead singer of the band with the two
guitarists alongside him. The guitarists will be holding their guitars on opposite sides of each
other. This will be done as a long shot. They will be standing in front of a blank background.
Editing: The band members will be cut out and a solid red stroke will be added around
them. Then the background will be removed and replaced with a black background.

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