Social Media Communication Strategy Worksheet

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Target Audience
I. Parents (especially mothers) of children aged 0-2 living in urban areas
II. Paediatricians practicing in the Area.

2. Determine Your Objectives

a. What do you want to achieve through your social media outreach and
I. Provide information among parents about the importance of paediatric oral health and
promote good oral health habits, such as brushing twice daily and flossing regularly.
II. Raise awareness and encourage participation in campaigns for immunizations,
specifically the HPV vaccine, among parents of adolescents aged 11-12 years old.
III. Encourage paediatricians to communicate more effectively with their patients and families
about the importance of physical activity in children's health.
b. Restate Your Objectives in SMART Terms
I. By December 2022, increase parental knowledge and awareness of the importance of
paediatric oral health, resulting in a 10% increase in the number of parents of children aged
0-2 who report practicing proper oral health habits, as measured through a pre- and post-
campaign survey.
II. Within six months, increase awareness and encourage participation in the campaign to
boost HPV vaccine uptake among parents of adolescents aged 11-12 years old, resulting in
a 15% increase in the number of adolescents receiving the HPV vaccine, as measured
through vaccine administration records.
III. Over the course of one year, increase the percentage of paediatricians who communicate
effectively with their patients and families about physical activity recommendations, resulting
in a 20% increase in the number of paediatricians implementing evidence-based guidelines
for promoting physical activity.

3. Define Audience Communication Needs

I. Parents in urban areas may lack knowledge about the importance of paediatric oral health
and good oral health habits for children.
II. Parents may not be aware of the HPV vaccine and the importance of vaccinating their
adolescent children.
III. Paediatricians may not have the resources or training to communicate effectively with
their patients and families about physical activity recommendations.
4. Goal Integration
a. Supporting the organization's mission: The social media objectives support the
organization's mission of improving and promoting paediatric health through increased
educational awareness.
b. Opportunities for communication: National Children's Dental Health Month, National
Immunization Awareness Month, and various conferences and events related to paediatric

5. Message Development
I. "Start early: Your child's oral health begins at infancy, and good habits last a lifetime."
II. "Protect your child against HPV: Vaccinating your child at age 11 or 12 can prevent future
HPV-related cancers."
III. "Get moving: Encourage physical activity as a key component for your child's overall
health and wellbeing."

6. Resources and Capacity

The social media team will be responsible for implementation, with approximately 20 hours
per week allocated for content creation and maintenance.

7. Identify Social Media Tools

I. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
II. YouTube
III. TikTok

8. Define Activities
I. Develop and promote a social media campaign encouraging parents to establish good oral
health habits in their children.
II. Use social media to promote the HPV vaccine and provide educational resources for
parents and paediatricians.
III. Collaborate with paediatric organizations and experts to create social media content
promoting physical activity.
9. Identify Your Key Partners and their Roles and Responsibilities
I. Paediatricians: Provide medical expertise and resources for social media campaigns.
II. Oral health professionals: Provide information and resources for social media campaigns
on paediatric oral health.
III. Parents: Serve as participants in social media campaigns and share content with their

10. Define Success for Evaluation

I. Increase in pre- and post-campaign survey results among parents of children aged 0-2
who practice proper oral health habits.
II. Increase in the percentage of adolescents aged 11-12 receiving the HPV vaccine, as
measured through vaccine administration records.
III. Increase in the percentage of paediatricians who communicate effectively with their
patients and families about physical activity recommendations, as measured through
surveys and assessments.

11. Evaluate
Create an evaluation plan to measure the success of the social media campaigns, including
surveying parents, analysing vaccine administration records, and conducting assessments
with paediatricians. Additionally, use social media metrics to track engagement and reach.
Step 1: Developing the Model

1. Social media team (number of team members, skills, expertise)
2. Content creation resources (budget, software, tools)
3. Collaborations with paediatricians and oral health professionals
4. Educational resources on paediatric oral health and HPV vaccine
5. Access to web analytics and social media platforms

1. Number of social media posts per platform
2. Number of engagements (likes, comments, shares) per post
3. Number of followers/likes on social media platforms
4. Number of video views and shares on YouTube
5. Number of clicks on campaign-related links

1. Increased awareness and knowledge of paediatric oral health among parents
2. Increased participation and vaccination rates for HPV vaccine among adolescents
3. Improved communication between paediatricians and patients, leading to increased
physical activity in children

Step 2: Developing the Questions

1. How many members are on the social media team? What are their specific roles and
2. How many content creation resources (budget, software, tools) are allocated for social
media campaigns?
3. How many collaborations have been established with paediatricians and oral health
4. How many educational resources on paediatric oral health and HPV vaccine have been
developed and shared?
5. How many web analytics tools and social media platforms are being utilized?
1. How many social media posts were published on each platform (Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter) during a specific timeframe?
2. How many engagements (likes, comments, shares) did each social media post receive?
3. How many new followers/likes were gained on each social media platform during a
specific timeframe?
4. How many views and shares did campaign-related videos receive on YouTube?
5. How many clicks did campaign-related links receive?

1. What percentage of parents reported increased awareness and knowledge of paediatric
oral health after the social media campaign?
2. What percentage of parents reported increased intention to vaccinate their adolescent
children after the social media campaign?
3. What percentage of paediatricians reported improved communication with their patients
and families regarding physical activity recommendations after the social media campaign?

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