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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Name: Jamica L. Deleña Date:

Year and Section: 3 D

Reflective Essay

The investigative writing report and presentation seminar I attended, with the "theme"
sufficient writing: expanding knowledge and building confidence in different spheres, proved
to be a transformative experience, providing helpful insights and enhancing my
understanding in various facets of my fields of specialization. I had the chance to gather
significant ideas from the presenters during the investigative writing report and presentation
seminar, which allowed me to further my understanding in various aspects of my fields of

The speaker stressed the importance of thorough research and fact-checking as one important
aspect. Investigative writing requires conducting in-depth research, gathering data, and cross-
referencing information from a variety of sources; this process ensures the accuracy and
reliability of the final report or presentation. The speakers emphasized the significance of
investigative journalists working to be objective and free of prejudice. I saw that the
presenters were highly competent and skilled in their specialized disciplines during the whole
session. Their knowledge was clear in the interesting and insightful presentation they gave.
Furthermore, their enthusiasm for the subject was contagious, making an indelible effect on
the audience. The discussion throughout the lecture helped me to look at certain thoughts and
ideas from several angles. Participating in discussions and exchanging ideas with other
attendees allowed me to learn new insights and question my pre-existing assumptions. This
lively exchange of ideas prompted me to examine my preconceptions and investigate
alternate points of view, ultimately increasing my grasp of the subject.

The seminar material went beyond the topic's immediate area and included brooder
arrangements, theories, and concepts. The seminar highlighted the interdisciplinary character
of knowledge by studying the linkages between the subject matter and adjacent topics. The
combination of numerous theories and concepts showed the intricate web of ideas that
contribute to our field's progress. This brooder viewpoint is critical for remaining informed
and adapting to an ever-changing situation. The seminar's discovered information has far-
reaching ramifications for my career development. It provides me with the tools and
knowledge I need to face new difficulties in my area. I anticipate that the information learned
will improve my problem-solving skills, encourage innovation, and allow me to contribute
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

more effectively to my field. Furthermore, this knowledge enables me to stay on the cutting
edge of innovations and assures my continuous relevance in a changing work context. The
notion of thoroughness emerged from the investigative writing report and presentation

The need of acquiring correct factual facts to support cines and make a solid argument was
underlined in the research. Furthermore, the workshop emphasized the need of critical
thinking and analysis in investigative writing, which requires a better grasp of complicated
subjects. These ideas reminded me of how important research strategies are in developing
well-rounded and trustworthy investigative reports and presentations. The seminar's topic and
the presenters' competence heavily impacted my decision to attend. A big motivator was the
ability to learn from prominent specialists and get rights to their research and experiences.
The influence of the seminar on my choice reaffirmed the value of lifelong learning and the
need of continual professional growth in my career.

Throughout the investigative writing class, I felt a range of feelings, including interest and
enthusiasm about the topic, as I have always been fascinated by the profession of
investigative journalism. As the seminar proceeded, I felt a mixture of inspiration and
appreciation for the journalists who offered their ideas and experiences. There were
discouraging moments while wrestling with complicated topics or confronted with the ethical
quandaries that investigative journalists frequently face. Overall, the seminar instilled in me a
feeling of love and resolve to pursue this type of writing with integrity and discipline. Finally,
the seminar was a transforming event that expanded my knowledge of my subject. The
knowledge obtained, the topics investigated, as well as the emotion and travel, all contributed
to a wonderful learning experience. I have newfound knowledge and a rekindled passion for
my work, and I'm ready to take on new tasks and contribute significantly.

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