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A Research Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Business Management and Accountancy
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Santa Cruz Main Campus
Santa Cruz, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Office Administration


February 2021


COLAMBO in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF
SCIENCE IN OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, is hereby recommended for approval and


Thesis Adviser
Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _________.


Statistician Subject Specialist

English Critic Technical Expert


Research Coordinator
Accepted and approved in in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Science in Office Administration.


Dean, CBMA
Chairperson, Research and Development
Date Signed
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

The Laguna State Polytechnic University is a center of sustainable development
initiatives transforming lives and communities.
LSPU provides quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive
research, sustainable extension and production services for improved quality of life.
LSPU delivers quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive
research, sustainable extension and production services. Thus, we are committed with
continual improvement to meet applicable requirements to provide quality, efficient,
and effective services to the university stakeholder’s highest level of satisfaction
through an excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity,
professionalism and innovation.


The College of Business Management and Accountancy commits to produce
highly skilled, compliment, disciplined and well trained professionals in the field of
business, management and accountancy furthermore it aims to:
1. Develop the individual’s full potential in the performance of tasks in their fields of
2. Ensure graduate’s success in qualifying Certified Public Accountant/Financial
Analyst Professional examination, national certifications through relevant
instruction and adequate training programs.
3. Develop individuals who values, aspiration and ideas shall promote, enrich and
disseminate Filipino values, traditions, through relevant cultural social activities.
4. Develop individual students’ entrepreneurial and management skills.
5. Equip prospective manpower imbued with leadership and professional
competencies for responsive and effective services.
6. Develop globally competitive graduates with the vision for continuous professional
growth and development.
7. Promote distinctive research outputs that would alleviate the economic condition
of the underprivileged people.
8. Produce dynamic Professionals who will match the need of the manpower
industries to help advance the lives of people in the local, national and global

This study is wholeheartedly and devotedly dedicated to the most valuable persons in

her life.

First and foremost, to the Almighty God in heaven; to her beloved mother Ms. Doressa

J. Abustan for her guidance, hardship, patient, with her relentless support of moral,

spiritual, emotional, financial, and unconditional love.

To her daughter Keziah Gretsch Colambo Elera who serves as her motivation,

inspiration, strength, and she was very thankful for understanding her busy schedule

while doing this research.

To her brother Mike Zil Djan A. Colambo, her sister Miles Ariel Dean Abustan, her

grandfather Ruben V. Colambo, and her sister in law Rogielina Armenta Colambo for

the encouragement that she will make it happen.

To her friends, Jimbel, Rosinie, Edill, Jay-el, and Jerico thank you for being positive and

making her college life the most unforgettable one.


The researcher would like to show her genuine appreciation and gratitude to all

the sources that became her motivation, inspiration, and guide; and to the persons who

play a part in making this study possible.

Above everything, to our Almighty God, for giving a marvelous life, his

unconditional love, guidance, blessings, and his wisdom;

Laguna State Polytechnic University, for offering the course of Bachelor of

Science in Office Administration thank you for accepting us and for being our home for

more than 4 years.

Mario R. Briones, Ed. D. President of Laguna State Polytechnic University for all

of his motivational words;

Engr. Manuel Luis R. Alvarez, Campus Director of Laguna State Polytechnic

University for allowing the researcher to perform a survey;

Rina J. Arcigal, Ph.D., the Chairperson, Research and Development for her

assistance and dedicated involvement in every step throughout the process.

Mary Jane D. Fuentes, DPA, Dean of College of Business Management and

Accountancy for her guidance;

Rozalle H. Palacol, MBA, Research Unit Head for her encouragement, her

understanding, and for giving us the courage that we will make it through ;

Marilyn P. Pielago, Ed.D, Researcher Adviser for her support and knowledge that

she shares with the researcher;

Benjamin O Arjona, Ed. D., the Statistician, for his assistance in the statistical

treatment or the gathered and presented data;

Rhoneil B. Vibora, M.A, the Technical Editor for checking the formatting of the

work of the researcher;

Maria Eloisa D. Ponce, MAEd, the Subject Specialist for improving the research

to be reliable and factual;

Caezar D. Pamin, Ph. D., the English Critic for checking the construction of

sentences of the researchers' study;

And to the Managers of Sta. Cruz and Pagsanjan, Laguna, for granting her

permission and entertaining her survey.

The study entitled “Manager practices towards organizational success” intend to

answer the question such What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of Age, Gender, Civil Status, and Highest Educational Attainment? What is the extent of

leadership practice in terms of Develop Self-awareness, Develop Better Listening Skills,

Developing People, Coaching and Mentoring, and Unleash a Positive working

environment? What is the level of organizational success through leadership practices in

terms of Effective Communication, Customer Relation, and Employee Satisfaction and

Competence? And Is there a significant effect in the manager practices towards

organizational success?

The respondents will come from the fast-food branch managers in the

Municipality of Sta. Cruz Laguna. Using a descriptive research design, researcher is

required to gather data to determine the manager practices towards organizational

success. After gathering, it was tabulated using Weighted Mean, Standard Deviation,

and t-test.

The profile of the respondents with regards to ages “20 to 29 years old”

got the highest frequency of thirty-seven (37) or 74.00 percent and eleven (11) or 22.00

percent are “30 to 39 years old”. While the ages “40 to 49 years old” have the lowest

frequency of two (2) or 4.00 percent of the total respondent. In terms of gender

“Female” got the highest frequency of twenty-eight (28) or 56.00 percent while the

gender “Male” has the lowest frequency of twenty-two (22) or 44.00 percent of the

total respondent. With regards to the status “Single” got the highest frequency of thirty-
three (33) or 66.00 percent while the status “Married” have the lowest frequency of

seventeen (17) or 34.00 percent of the total respondent. And with regards of Highest

Educational Attainment, all of the sixty (60) or 100.00 percent of the respondents are

“College graduate”.

The extent of manager practices in terms of Develop Self-awareness got a

mean of 4.67, standard deviation of 0.527, and verbally interpreted as “Very High”. In

terms of Develop Better Listening Skills got mean of 4.66, standard deviation of 0.498,

and verbally interpreted as “Very High”. In terms of Developing People got a mean of

4.68, standard deviation of 0.484, and verbally interpreted as “Very High”. In terms of

Coaching and Mentoring got a mean of 4.71, standard deviation of 0.464, and verbally

interpreted as “Very High”. and in terms of Unleash a Positive Working Environment got

a mean of 4.63, standard deviation of 0.603, and verbally interpreted as “Very High”.

The Level of organizational success through manager practices as to

Effective Communication got a mean of 4.69, standard deviation of 0.498, and verbally

interpreted as “Very High”. As to Customer Relation got mean of 4.76, standard

deviation of 0.446, and verbally interpreted as “Very High”. And as to Employee

Satisfaction and Competence got a mean of 4.58, standard deviation of 0.618, and

verbally interpreted as “Very High”.

Based on the data, it is shown that there is “a significant effect of

Manager Practices towards Organizational Success” at 0.05 level of significance. It shows

that the null hypothesis stating that “There is no significant effect of Manager Practices
towards Organizational Success” is rejected, it can be inferred that there is a

“significant” effect between them.


Preliminaries Page

TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET......................................................................................... ii

VMQP ......................................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION ............................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. v

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................. viii

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xiiii



Background of the Study..........................................................................

Theoretical Framework............................................................................

Conceptual Framework............................................................................

Statement of the Problem........................................................................

Research Hypothesis................................................................................

Significance of the Study..........................................................................

Scope and Limitation................................................................................

Definition of Terms...................................................................................

Related Literature.....................................................................................

Related Studies.........................................................................................


Research Design.......................................................................................

Subject of the Study.................................................................................

Respondent of the Study..........................................................................

Sampling Technique.................................................................................

Data Gathering Procedure........................................................................



Summary of Findings................................................................................


Recommendation ....................................................................................



A. Letter of Request..................................................................................

B. Survey Questionnaire...........................................................................

C. Survey Documentation Pictures...........................................................

Executive Summary.............................................................................................

Curriculum Vitae..................................................................................................


This chapter contains the introduction and the background of the researcher's



A manager is liable for overseeing a department or group of employees within a

selected organization or company. Managers are utilized in every sector, and therefore

the business model relies on their leadership and skill to operationalize the

management structure. Working as a manager is an accomplishment because it reveals

a professional’s ability to successfully lead, oversee multiple business operations,

manage stress, and effectively communicate with coworkers.

The manager is a leadership philosophy during which a person interacts with

others—either during a management or fellow employee capacity—to achieve authority

instead of power. The system embodies a decentralized organizational structure. The

manager's main goal is to serve. this is often different from traditional leadership where

the leader's main focus is that the thriving of their company or organizations. A manager

shares power puts the wants of the workers first and, helps people develop and perform

as highly as possible. Manager inverts the norm, which puts the customer service

associates because of the main priority. rather than the people working to serve the

leader, the leader exists to serve the people. The authority intends to push the well-

being of those around him or her. Manager involves the individual demonstrating the
characteristics of empathy, listening, stewardship, and commitment to private growth

toward others.

A manager isn't a leadership style or technique intrinsically. Rather it is a way of

behaving that you simply adopt over the long term. It complements democratic

leadership styles, and it's similarities with Transformational Leadership – which is usually

the foremost effective style to use in business situations – and Level 5 Leadership –

which is where leaders demonstrate humility within the way they work.

As a manager, you are a servant first – they specialize in the requirements of

others, they think of their team members first before themselves. They acknowledge

other people's perspectives, give them the support they need to meet their work and

personal goals, involve them in decisions where appropriate, and build a sense of

community within your team. This leads to higher engagement, more trust, and stronger

relationships with team members and other stakeholders. This results in higher

engagement, more trust, and stronger relationships with team members and other

stakeholders. It may also cause increased innovation.

A manager is about making a difference through a mindful and helpful

perspective. Managers often attract criticism, but their motivation to do what is right

and to help their team and organization cannot be questioned.

A manager is humble, not arrogant. They do not seek personal recognition and

get a great deal of satisfaction from seeing others succeed with their help. Managers will

push in all directions, resolutely insisting on a significant change that helps their people
achieve great results. They are brave and not afraid to express opinions or to surface

dysfunctions that are often uncomfortable to confront.

One of the most crucial aspects of running a business is choosing an effective

leadership model to help ensure success. The manager model has become an

increasingly popular choice in recent years because it focuses on meeting the needs of

employees and empowering them to do their best work. First developed by Robert K.

Greenleaf in 1970, the model rejects the traditional authoritarian stance of most

business structures in favor of business owners who are empathetic and responsive to

employee needs and are interested in both personal and professional growth. In a

management setting, managers delegate tasks and provide constant support to team

members through research, gathering supplies, and continuing education.


Successful organizations need both inspirational leaders and sound managers. to

realize increased and sustainable results, organizations must execute strategies and

have interaction with employees. Success is measured by analyzing where the

organization is with reference to its goals and its mission

The researcher, came up with this topic because managers play an important

role in organizational success. there are practices to achieve those goals.

Organizational success is dependent on a lot of factors, both internal and

external. When it comes to the people in the company, three primary components must

be optimized: structure, talent, and behavior. Like a three-legged stool, if any one of
these components is lacking, the organization gets less stable and less able to withstand

external pressures. However, when all three components are fully developed and in

place, the path to organizational success is much easier to navigate. It’s important not

to develop each of these pillars in vacuums. They all depend on each other and should

be strengthened equally.

To achieve increased and sustainable results, organizations need to execute

strategies and engage employees. Success is measured by analyzing where the

organization is in regards to its goals and its mission. Organizations need to think about

the future of their business and think of better ways to be successful. Organizations can

either view their challenges as competition with others or as opportunities to push them

closer to reaching their full potential. What route they choose to take determines if

they are successful or not.


The magnum opus of Robert Greenleaf, the manager is a recent theory of

leadership that argues that the most effective leaders are servants of their people.

Managers get results for their organization through whole-hearted attention to their

followers and followers’ needs. Unlike many approaches to leadership, which offer

suggestions on how top-level leaders can influence and motivate those further down

the hierarchy, the manager puts its emphasis on collaboration, trust, empathy, and

ethics. The leader should be a servant first, leading from a desire to better serve others

and not to attain more power. The assumption is that if leaders focus on the needs and
desires of followers, followers will reciprocate through increased teamwork, deeper

engagement, and better performance.

Greenleaf first presented the theory in a 1970 essay, The manager as Leader.

However, numerous other theorists have contributed to our understanding of the

manager. One theorist, Larry Spears, outlined ten characteristics of managers by

analyzing the writings of Greenleaf. These ten characteristics are listening, empathy,

healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment

to the growth of others, and building community.

A manager may be defined as a leader whose primary purpose for leading is to

serve others by investing in their development and well-being for the benefit of

accomplishing tasks and goals for the common good. Being just a service-oriented

person, in the traditional notion of servanthood, does not qualify one as a manager.

Arlene Hall (1991) has observed that doing menial chores does not necessarily indicate a

manager. Instead, a manager is one who invests himself or herself in enabling others, in

helping them be and do their best. Also, the manager should not be equated with self-

serving motives to please people or to satisfy one's need for acceptance and approval.

At the very heart of a manager is the genuine desire to serve others for the common

good. In the manager, self-interest gives way to collective human development.

Leadership begins from within (Bender, 1997). Character is what kind of people

we are. In a manager, this means a fundamental commitment to serving others with

integrity and humility. It is placed at the core of the circles because everything else a

leader does flows from this inner reality.

The above theories consist of concepts and together with reference. It

demonstrates the concepts that are relevant to the topic and that relate to the broader

areas of knowledge being considered. It described and explained the meaning of a

manager as well as the success of an organization or how it can achieve.


This study intends to establish a conceptual framework regarding manager

practices toward organizational success. The conceptual framework of the study will

simply present in a paradigm with two variables.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Demographic Profile Organizational Success in terms of:

 Age  Effective Communication

 Gender  Customer Relation

 Civil Status  Employee Satisfaction and

 Highest Educational Attainment Competence


 Develop Self-awareness

 Develop Better Listening Skills

 Developing People

 Coaching and Mentoring

 Unleash a Positive working

 Figure 1: The independent variables including age, gender, civil status, highest

educational attainment, develop self-awareness, develop better listening skills,

developing people, coaching and mentoring, and unleash a positive working


 Figure 2: The dependent variables including effective communication, customer

relation, and employee satisfaction and competence.


The purpose of this study is to determine manager practices toward

organizational success.

Specifically, seek to answer the following question:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Highest Educational Attainment

2. What is the extent of leadership practice in terms of:

2.1 Develop Self-awareness

2.2 Develop Better Listening Skills

2.3 Developing People

2.4 Coaching and Mentoring

2.5 Unleash a Positive working environment

3. What is the level of organizational success through leadership practices in terms of:

3.1 Effective Communication

3.2 Customer Relation

3.3 Employee Satisfaction and Competence

4. Is there a significant effect on the manager practices towards organizational success?


There is a significant effect between managers' practices and organizational



This study aims to determine the manager practices towards organizational



The study can benefit the community by promoting manager services to lead to

organizational success.


This study is beneficial to the managers to know how to achieve organizational

success. it gives them the knowledge to perform their position well.


The study is useful for future researchers as it gives enough information and

enhances their knowledge about the manager.

This study helps the students to motivate themselves as future leaders.


This study included fifty Fast-food branch managers from the Municipality of Sta.

Cruz and Pagsanjan, Laguna.

The managers' practices will be based on the researcher questionnaire based on

age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment, develop self-awareness,

develop better listening skills, developing people, coaching and mentoring, and unleash

a positive working environment, effective communication, customer relation, employee

satisfaction and competence towards organizational success.


For better understanding, the following terms are defined:

Age- it refers to the age of the respondents when the survey was conducted.

Civil Status- corresponds to your family situation.

Coaching and Mentoring - Managers help their colleagues understand the

organization's mission and their role in fulfilling it.

Customer Relations- it refers to providing answers to short-term roadblocks as well as

proactively creating long-term solutions that are geared towards customer success.

Develop Better Listening Skills - allows the manager to increase their knowledge base

and be able to empathize with another point of view. the manager listens in as many
ways as possible. They observe what people are doing. By listening, managers can

identify the needs of their colleagues and customers.

Developing People - acknowledge other people's perspectives, give them the support

they need to meet their work and personal goals, involve them in decisions where

appropriate, and build a sense of community within your team.

Develop Self-awareness – it strengthens the manager to fulfill the needs of others and

to persuade those being led toward the common good. If we want to be an effective

manager, we need to be aware of who we are and how we impact others.

Effective Communication- it refers to the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts,

knowledge, and information such that the purpose or intention is fulfilled in the best

possible manner.

Employee Satisfaction and Competence- it refers to describe how satisfied or content

employees are with elements like their jobs, their employee experience, and the

organizations they work for.

Gender- refers to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.

Highest Educational Attainment- it refers to the completion of a level of education that

refers to the achievement of the learning objectives of that level, typically validated

through the assessment of acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Unleash a Positive working environment - manager unleashes everyone and

encourages them to make the maximum contribution they can make to the organization

and the people it serves.



This chapter contains the facts and principles to guide the researchers' study.


The self-awareness of managers will show how focus they are on themselves,

how they act, their thoughts, and even their emotions. Their behavior aligns with their

values, and understand correctly how others perceive them.

Self-awareness has long been seen by practitioners and researchers as both a

primary means of alleviating psychological distress and the path of self-development for

psychologically healthy individuals. Four decades ago, Gu et al., (2015) wrote that

increased awareness of the self is both a tool and a goal, while more recently an

extensive review has demonstrated that different aspects of self-awareness, including

mindfulness and rumination, mediate the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on

mental health outcomes.

The importance of self-awareness goes beyond well-being and mental state to

incorporate substantial impacts on day-to-day functioning. it's important effects on

performance, with reflection and mindfulness encouraging persistence with tasks

despite performance-related stress and rumination associated with interpersonal

difficulties in accordance of the study of Brinker et al., (2014).

An extensive review has demonstrated that different aspects of self-awareness,

including mindfulness and rumination, mediate the impact of mindfulness-based

interventions on mental health outcomes mentioned by Gu et al., (2015). Feldman et

al., (2014) introduce that the importance of self-awareness goes beyond well-being and

mental health to include substantial impacts on day-to-day functioning. It has

important effects on performance, with reflection and mindfulness encouraging

persistence with tasks despite performance-related stress and rumination related to

interpersonal difficulties.

A second and related conceptualization of self-awareness, namely mindfulness,

has come under extensive scrutiny recently, with research generally indicating a positive

relationship between mindfulness and well-being and mindfulness practice associated

with long-term positive impacts on quality of life Morgan et al., (2014).

The listening skills are part of a communication process that managers should

have, it is their ability to receive and interpret what their people or even their customer


Under Sudha Mishra (2020), better listening skills are one of the most important

components of communication for the manager. It can be used as a powerful means to

ensure an increased commitment, willing support, and retention of the subordinated.

Manager with effective listening skills develop a better rapport with subordinates and

thus have more positive and fruitful interactions with them. Empathetic listening

involves three aspects: showing a willingness to listen, showing an understanding of the

spoken message, and showing an understanding of the unspoken message. A manager

should not only provide his subordinates a chance to speak but should also actively

engage in their opinions and ideas. This is the skill most managers ignore, which leads

to pent-up grievances and dissatisfaction among the employees.

Under Harry Weger Jr. et. al., (2014) that among the listening skills academics

and practitioners identify as valuable, active listening also called empathic listening,

speaker-listener technique, reflected listening, dialogic listening, continues to garner the

lion's share of attention. Active listening involves restating a paraphrased version of the

speaker's message, asking questions when appropriate, and maintaining moderate to

high nonverbal conversational involvement. Practitioners and researchers from fields

such as social work, nursing, education, physician-patient communication, leadership,

public administration, sales, and crisis negotiation, specifically identify active listening as

an important communication skill during initial interactions.

This practice improves not just the skills of the manager but also the people or

the employees they handles. This will help the managers to understand their people

deeply, and it will improve their teamwork.

As mentioned by Mohammed Al- Malki and Wang Juan (2018), Leadership is

considered a widely discussed topic in the literature. Leadership is considered a way

person uses to developing people. Employees play a critical role in ensuring the quality

of service. When employees are clear about their expectations and requirements, they

are more likely to perform better. Although leaders are responsible for the proper task
and job allocation, different leadership styles have several approaches to how tasks are

being allocated. Leaders are claimed to have a positive impact on the efficiency of the

organization by influencing the team members. Particularly, leaders considerably

influence their followers in the organization. Therefore, it is important to understand

the nature of leadership styles such as transactional and transformational to assess their

impact on resolving different organizational problems.

Mohammed Al-Malki and Wang Juan (2018), mentioned the role of leaders is

crucial in gaining the trust of their subordinates and stimulate their commitment

towards the successful fulfillment of the undertaken project. Mohammed Al-Malki and

Wang Juan (2018), described the influence of leaders in the following manner. Firstly,

the leaders should have idealized influence, in other words, they have to be charismatic.

Leaders can execute confidence and competence. Secondly, leaders should be able to

inspire their followers; this is mainly attributed to their role of inspirational motivation.

The leaders need to be able to take each separately while dealing with them. Each

person is different from the others regarding their characteristics; needs, wants, and

attitude towards specific tasks. Therefore, leaders should have individual consideration

for each team member.

Beattie et al., (2014) created four broad variants labeled coaching, executive

coaching, business coaching, and life-coaching. The key issue is that the coaching

process of providing help to individuals, groups, and organizations through some form

of ‘facilitation activity or intervention’ was found to be common to all four variants.

It is important to note that there are only a few studies on managerial coaching

and fewer empirical studies about the outcomes of managerial coaching and mentoring

that have definitive results Beattie et al., (2014) mentioned.

Coaching and mentoring are used by management to drive desirable workplace

behavior and support the personal and professional growth of employees.

Morgan, M. and Rochford, S. (2017) cited that coaching and mentoring are often

terms that are used interchangeably, however, as professional development processes,

they are distinct and offer different benefits to traditional training methods. A

systematic review of the literature about coaching and mentoring and its application to

social work practice highlighted some interesting contrasts with traditional training


Also, Makoto Matsuo (2015) reviewed the coaching literature to develop a

coaching measurement scale, consisting of guidance, facilitation, and inspiration. The

guidance refers to providing constructive feedback and advice to improve performance,

facilitation to stimulating creative thinking to solve problems, and inspiration to

encourage employees to grow and undertake new challenges continuously.

The working environment is not just focused on the building but also on the

relationship between the employees and the managers. A positive working

environment will help its people to be more productive and happy at the same time.

Thiruchelvan Sinnappan (2017), defines a positive working environment because

the physical geographical location like offices which involve factors like air quality,
background level, employee’s welfare, or perhaps adequate parking. Meanwhile,

performance is defined within the Human Resource Management textbook because the

level of accomplishment is per a given standard which consists of accuracy, duration,

completeness, and cost. Workplace environment and performance are inter-related and

that they play a serious role within the performance of an employee.

According to Sinnappan (2017), working environment factors can be in two

different forms which are the physical component of the work environment and the

other is a behavior component work environment. These two factors have their

performance indicator which is inter-related to each other. This study will investigate

the influence of comfort level, workspace layout, furniture, technology, noise,

ventilation, lighting, communication, supervisor support, and job aid on an employee’s

job performance. This study is to identify key factors related to the working

environment influencing employees of the AV and to further investigate how these

factors can be used to improve the performance of the employees. It is believed that

the outcome of this study would be used as a recommendation to the company.

The biggest goal of all business organizations is to increase their productivity,

thus decreasing their cost of production and making high profits. Although, there is a

very less amount of effort, which these organizations make to increase their

productivity. Many employers have a very wrong view that productivity can be

increased by giving their employees a good pay package and timely increments for their

work. What these employers are not aware of is that there are many other factors,

which affect the performance of the employees in an organization. One of the major
factors, which have an impact on the motivation level of the employees and their

performance, is the workplace environment.

Effective communication conveys information to another effectively and

efficiently. Having this skill or ability will benefit its organization by sharing of

information between people within a company and even to their loyal and potential


Anchal Luthra and Dr. Richa Dahiya (2015), Effective communication acts as an

important factor to grow as an efficient and successful manager. To achieve professional

success managers must be effective and convincing communicators. Lee Froschheiser

mentioned that it is important that managers and their teams must learn how to

communicate perfectly as this will not only help teams to complete their projects

successfully but also enable organizations to achieve success and growth. According to

many researchers, the manager is one who can take charge, direct, encourage, or

stimulate others. They have an attitude to convince others and to make them follow

the goals or the participles defined by them. They are results-oriented hence, well-

trained and experts in controlling difficult to difficult conditions and help to enhance the

outputs of teams working with them. Communication enables them to share what they

have and what they expect from others. So, it is effective communication, which makes

the manager lead successfully. Good communication skills help to develop better

understanding and beliefs among people inspire them to follow the principles and

values which their leader wants to inculcate in them. In the absence of good

communication skills, a manager fails to achieve the goals set by him and by the
organizations and makes him an ineffective leader. By interacting more efficiently with

his team and colleagues, a manager can increase his potential and will be able to get

work done by members of his team.

According to research on leadership, trust is a factor that any individual wants

to have before the following anyone enthusiastically in any situation, whether it may be

a battleground or meeting room, and want to get assured that the leader they are going

to follow is truthful and ethical.

Having a good relationship with your customers will lead the organization to the

top. It requires courtesy, professionalism, and effective response. Every organization

has a different approach to its customer and it defends also what is their target


Customer relation system falls into three categories; operational, analytical, or

collaborative in accordance of Soltani and Navimipour (2016), and they are consistently

being improved and helping organizations gain customer knowledge, improve internal

and external socialization, and support processes to provide learning opportunities

Khodakarami and Chan (2014) illustrated.

Tangaza et. al., (2015) reported one of the challenges in experiencing success

with a customer relations system starts with flawed implementation efforts.

Employee satisfaction means that they are happy and contented in their jobs.

Achievement and recognition are some of the reasons why employees are satisfied with
their jobs. Being a competent manager will encourage their people to do better with

their jobs.

Akhila Nidadhavolu (2018) defines that employee satisfaction is a topic of

interest for both the researchers and the people who work in organizations. This topic

has been associated with several organizational aspects of leadership, performance,

attitude, and morale. Many researchers have attempted to classify the various elements

of employee satisfaction and study what outcomes these elements have on employee

performance and commitment to an organization.

According to Dimitrios Belias and Athanasios Koustellios (2014), employee

satisfaction is multi-faceted, this means that when employees satisfied in one are but do

not necessarily mean they are satisfied in all areas as well as when employee

dissatisfaction in one area does not say they are entirely dissatisfied with their overall

job. Hence, while employees were satisfied with one's job, still it will not give a

guarantee of loyalty as one or the other form of employee satisfaction would be either

undervalued Ahmad et. al., (2014); Belias and Koustellios (2014a); Bramlett-Solomon



According to Anna Sutton (2016), Self-awareness can be broadly defined as the

extent to which people are consciously aware of their internal states and their

interactions or relationships with others. Viewed as an overarching theoretical

construct, self-awareness is operationalized in different ways depending on the focus of

the research. A distinction is often drawn between situational and dispositional self-

awareness, reflecting the different approaches of social psychologists and personality

psychologists respectively.

Self-awareness has long been seen by practitioners and researchers as both a

primary means of alleviating psychological distress and the path of self-development for

psychologically healthy individuals. Four decades ago, Fenigstein wrote that increased

awareness of the self is both a tool and a goal while more recently an extensive review

has demonstrated that different aspects of self-awareness, including mindfulness and

rumination, mediate the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on mental health

outcomes according to Gu et. al., (2015). The importance of self-awareness goes beyond

well-being and mental health to include substantial impacts on day-to-day functioning.

It has important effects on performance, with reflection and mindfulness encouraging

persistence with tasks despite performance-related stress Feldman et. al., (2014)

illustrated and rumination related to interpersonal difficulties Brinker et. al., (2014)


Listening comprehension is a vital part of learning. Learners want to know native

speakers and lots of multimedia like DVDs and therefore the Internet. Listening could be

a significant skill to develop in second learning.

Listening skill is extremely important in foreign acquisition because the key to be

told a language is to receive language input. As cited by Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani

(2016), acquisition happens when learners have sufficient comprehensible input. It

stated that listening is critical in learning because it provides input for learners and it

plays a very important role within the development of learners’ language.

The study conducted by Mohammed Al- Malki and Wang Juan (2017), identified

the main behaviors that are observed in the traits of leaders such as goal clarification,

team boundaries setting, the guidance of members, leading followers, engaging

members to the team, meeting organization and information flow control. Aggregate

leadership dimensions, in turn, include guiding, involving, role specifying, and organizing


Michael Zammuto (2019) mentioned that developing people could be a

professional asset to businesses, it’s important to grasp its benefit to workers, as well.

Business owners should know that the success of employee development directly

correlates with employee retention and also the environment employees are a

component of every day. When workers are confident, sure of themselves, and not

struggling to meet their basic duties, they're likelier to excel and continue the corporate.

Workplace engagement and productivity are the most effective friends of any

entrepreneur who is serious about his or her business withstanding the test of your


The success of developing people is especially beneficial to Millennial workers.

As more and more Millennials leave college and enter the workforce, they want to feel

comfortable and confident in their abilities to perform admirably. This means having a

healthy workplace environment and having the ability to carry out designated tasks in
the correct manner. Business owners furthermore may find success in setting up

employee development programs that are required before hiring new workers.

Richard Smith and David Lynch (2014) conclude that truly effective managers and

managerial leaders are those who embed effective coaching into the heart of their

management practice. Richard Smith and David Lynch (2014) make the point that for

those studies showing a positive impact on both teacher and learner outcomes of

mentoring and coaching, the most important messages are the processes involved:

collaboration, sustained, embedded in real-life learning contexts, and supported by


Nevertheless, the mentoring role is fraught not just for school leaders. Richard

Smith and David Ernest Lynch (2014) study of 15 middle managers trained to coach 75

employees found that the manager as a coach has to be sensitive and empathetic in

building the coaching relationship and should draw clear boundaries between their role

as a leader with a power relationship and supportive coach. A study of 11 companies

and 5,000 employees report that where employees believed that their managers

provided ongoing coaching and feedback to help them succeed, 93% reported a

willingness to put in the additional effort when needed, compared to only 33% of those

who reported poor coaching and feedback. If this study is representative, it suggests

that mentoring and coaching skills are a core capability for leaders and that even then,

the processes can go wrong.

Coaching is often defined as helping someone to execute a task. it's an activity

that happens frequently, from childhood to adulthood. Numerous varieties of coaching

exist, but managerial coaching of subordinates is that the focus of this section

henceforth, the term coaching refers to managerial coaching during this paper.

Coaching refers to managers providing one-on-one feedback to subordinates, aimed

toward improving their work performance, which assists them in acquiring effective

daily interaction skills. in keeping with Makoto Matsuo (2015), coaching may be a

required skill that has to be incorporated into managers’ daily management activities.

Following the study of Joan Cheverie (2017), a positive workplace is more

successful over time because it increases positive emotions and well-being. This, in turn,

improves the link of team members and amplifies their abilities and their creativity. this

kind of workplace environment could be a buffer against negative experiences like

stress, thus improving staff's resiliency to make a come back from challenges and

difficulties while bolstering their overall health. it's the additional benefit of attracting

employees, making them more loyal to the team and to the organization still as bringing

out their strengths. When organizations develop positive cultures, they achieve

significantly higher levels of organizational effectiveness — including customer

satisfaction, productivity, and employee engagement.

In line with Ajay Malhan (2019), a positive work environment can have plenty of

positive effects on not only the welfare of the individual employee but on the business’

bottom line. If people are happy where they work and therefore the environment they

walk into daily, they're likely to be more productive and make fewer mistakes. When
each employee is charged with positive energy, the contagion of excellent vibes is

inevitable. The underlying fact is that positivity is contagious the maximum amount as

negativity. A poor work environment can impede productivity, leading employees to

become demotivated and eventually quit. More often, it's noticed that poor working

conditions may cause long-term health problems like stress, anxiety, and depression.

Puneet Pandey (2017) cited that the working environment plays an important

role in the employee’s productivity. The working environment is argued to impact

immensely on employee’s productivity either towards negative or positive outcomes. In

the world, there are international organizations that debate the rights of an employee.

Most people spend fifty percent of their lives within indoor environments, which greatly

influence their mental status, actions, abilities, and productivity. Better outcomes and

increased productivity is assumed to be the result of a better workplace environment. A

better physical environment of the office will boost the employees and ultimately

improve their productivity. Various literature pertains to the study of multiple offices

and office buildings indicated that the factors such as dissatisfaction, cluttered

workplaces, and the physical environment are playing a major role in the loss of

employee productivity.

Effective communication involves individuals possessing positive views of

themselves and others, and engaging in trusting and intimate relationships Mishra et.

al., (2014) mentioned. The communication theory was relevant when addressing a

practical lifeworld in which communication is a term. Communication theory embraces

the notion that the environmental context within which a message delivers and receives
significant influences on communication. Organizations should place a high priority on

communication at the management level. Managers with ineffective communication

strategies have neither a negative attitude concerning themselves nor a positive attitude

toward others per Hussein et. al., (2014). The opposite applied to managers possessing

a positive attitude toward themselves and a negative view toward others as claimed by

Hussein et al., (2014). Manager mindsets have adverse effects on the work

environment. Hussein et. al., (2014) concluded that manager that have effective

communication strategies reported fewer employee concerns.

Customer Relation is a mixture of different concepts, practices, strategies,

philosophies, capabilities, and technological resources companies use to manage and

analyze customer interactions and data throughout the client's lifecycle based on

Orenga-Roglá and Chalmeta (2016); practitioners and scholars are still searching for a

better definition of customer relation. Customer relation is the combination and

integration of technologies and business processes to identify and meet customer needs

at any engagement with the firm. Customer relation is usually designed to consolidate

customer information across different channels or point of sales and facilitate

businesses to develop long-term relationships with customers. The implementation of

customer relationships that can facilitate better and quicker business decisions,

promotes inter-departmental teamwork and communication within a company to

improve the overall customer experience Orenga-Roglá and Chalmeta (2016) illustrated.

Esra Çakmak et. al., (2015) employee satisfaction is based on various theories,

such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, Vroom’s

expectancy theory, and Porter-Lawler’s expectancy theory, which expands on Vroom’s

theory. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, individuals have a series of

needs that must be fulfilled for self-actualization. The needs are in a certain hierarchical

order from basic to complex needs, starting with physiological needs (thirst, hunger,

sex), followed by needs for security, love, acknowledgment, and ending with self-

actualization. Although needs that are met have a motivational role in behavior until

they arise once again, needs that are not met any longer play a motivational role in

behavior. Although there are employee satisfaction studies based on this theory, this

theory has been criticized for not considering the cognitive processes that are

instrumental in the development of attitudes and has lost their popularity over time.

The competence model used in this study is based on the previous

conceptualizations of manager's skill requirements based on Martin Vaculik et. al.,

(2014). In the category of task-related competencies, we included a manager's

achievement orientation, problem-solving, and problem analysis skills, and the ability to

influence others Vaculik et. al., (2014) illustrated. Vaculok et al., (2014) stated that in

people-related competencies, we incorporated a manager's ability to build relationships

with other people. In self-related competencies, we included a leader’s integrity,

fairness, maturity, honesty, and trustworthiness.

Chapter III


This chapter discusses the research method of this study and the detailed

implementation of the research design.

Research Design

Using a descriptive research design, the study will be conducted in the

Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Laguna. This method will be used and the researcher is

required to gather data to determine the manager practices towards organizational


According to Krathwohl (1993), a descriptive study might employ methods of

analyzing correlations between multiple variables by using tests like Pearson's Product

Moment correlation, regression, or multivariate analysis. the most purposes of research

are to explain, explain, and validate findings. Description emerges following creative

exploration, and serves to arrange the findings to suit them with explanations, so test or

validate those explanations.

This research design is the most suitable in this study since this study aims to

determine the manager practices towards organizational success.

Subject of the Study

The subject of this study is the manager's practices towards organizational

Respondent of the Study

The respondents of this study will come from the fast-food branch managers in

the Municipality of Sta. Cruz Laguna.

The respondents can be male or female, single, married, or widowed since they

could give the needed information as respondents for the study.

Sampling Technique

Convenience and purposive sampling methods are non-probability sampling and

it can be defined as other identification of the specific process by which the entities of

the sample have been selected. The application of quota sampling ensures that the

sample group represents certain characteristics of the population chosen by the

researcher. The interview with the matrix of the target population, that is represented

and potential respondents were selected according to that matrix.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher proposed the research title “Manager Practices Towards

Organizational Success”, and then approved by the panelist. The researcher will use

data sources of data gathered from the Municipality of Santa Cruz, fast-food branch

managers specifically. This study will gather information through a research

questionnaire for the respondents. The questionnaire which was used as the major

instrument in the data of this study was made. The contingent draft of the

questionnaire was submitted to the adviser for judgmental validation. After the

validation of the questionnaire, the researcher will process the endorsement letter to be

able to convey a survey and distribute the questionnaire to the respective respondents
in the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Laguna. The compiled responses were tallied.

Tabulated and undergoes the same process.

Data Gathering Instrument

One of the effective and efficient methods of gathering data is through a

questionnaire. A questionnaire or social survey is a set of printed or written questions

with a choice of answers, devised for a survey or statistical study. The questionnaire is

the main instrument for collecting data in survey research. It is a set of standardized

questions, often called items, which follow a fixed scheme to collect individual data

about one or more specific topics.

The respondents will ask from five scales indicated in Table 1.

Table 1. Data Interpretation of manager practices towards organizational success

Rating Scale Description

5 Always

4 Often

3 Sometimes

2 Rarely

1 Never

Statistical Treatment

The responses made by the respondents were presented and tabulated using the

following formulas.
Weighted Mean used when we consider some data values to be

more important than other values and so we want them to contribute more to the final


Standard Deviation is a number used to tell how measurements for a group are

spread out from the average mean or expected value.

t-test is a type of inferential statistic used for the purpose of

hypothesis testing in statistics. All the data was gathered, analyzed, and interpreted to

determine the Manager Practices towards Organizational Success.



This chapter contains the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data

gathered by the researcher using the survey questionnaire answered by the fast-food

chain's managers in Sta. Cruz and Pagsanjan, Laguna.

Demographic Profile of the fast-food chain's managers in Sta. Cruz and Pagsanjan,


The demographic profile of fast-food chains managers, which includes age,

gender, civil status, and educational attainment is shown in this section.

20 - 29 years old 30 - 39 years old 40 - 49 years old




Figure 1. Profile of the respondents with regards of Age

Graph shows that ages “20 to 29 years old” got the highest frequency of thirty-

seven (37) or 74.00 percent of the total respondent. And eleven (11) or 22.00 percent of
the respondent are “30 to 39 years old”. While the ages “40 to 49 years old” have the

lowest frequency of two (2) or 4.00 percent of the total respondent

This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to age are majority

young adolescent during the time of the study.

Composition benefits emerge when different organizational activities can be

better performed by staff with differing skills. Having employees of different ages, for

example, can help a firm maintain better relationships with customers from different

age groups. A group of employees consisting of different age groups would therefore be

more productive than a group with employees belonging all to the same age group in

accordance with Zenger and Lawrence (1989).



Figure 2. Profile of the respondents with regards of Gender

Graph shows that gender “Female” got the highest frequency of twenty-eight

(28) or 56.00 percent of the total respondent. While the gender “Male” has the lowest

frequency of twenty-two (22) or 44.00 percent of the total respondent

This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to gender are

majority female during the time of the study.

In Western societies, gender is a defining aspect of individual identity. It has a

profound influence on our lives from the moment we are born, and we enact its social

and cultural meanings at every level, from the intrapsychic to legal and political

Castaneda and Burns-Glover (2004) cited.

Civil Status

34% Single


Figure 3. Profile of the respondents with regards of Civil Status

Graph shows that the status “Single” got the highest frequency of thirty-three

(33) or 66.00 percent of the total respondent. While the status “Married” have the

lowest frequency of seventeen (17) or 34.00 percent of the total respondent

This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to the status are

majority single during the time of the study.

Based on Labib (2019) civil status corresponds to your family situation. It can

meanbeing single, married, in a civilunion, adopted, divorced, a member of a single-

parent family, or any form of family ties or affinity with another person.
Highest Educational Attainment
High School Graduate College Under Graduate
College Graduate 2 Year Course


0 0 0


Figure 4. Profile of the respondents with regards of Highest Educational Attainment

Graph shows that all of the fifthy (50) or 100.00 percent of the respondents are

“College graduate”.

This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to highest

educational attainment are all baccalaureate degree during the time of the study.

Educational attainment refers to the highest level of education that an individual

has completed Kominski and Siegel (1993) cited,

Table 1. Extent of manager practices in terms of Develop Self-awareness

Statement Mean SD Remarks

Feel comfortable in the role of managing 4.74 0.44 Strongly
people. Agree
The ego does not get in the way of making 4.62 0.60 Strongly
sound, logical decisions. Agree
Set an appropriate example for the employees. 4.78 0.42 Strongly
My people regularly come forward with ideas, 4.58 0.64 Strongly
problems or suggestions. Agree
Effective in coaching the people to higher levels 4.64 0.48 Strongly
of performance. Agree
Overall Mean = 4.67
Standard Deviation = 0.527
Verbal Interpretation = Very High

Scale Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High
4 3.40-4.19 Agree High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree Moderately High
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Very Low

To a very high, the manager set an appropriate example for the employees with

(M = 4.78, SD = 0.42) and feel comfortable in the role of managing people with (M =

4.74, SD = 0.44). Although also observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating

was the people regularly come forward with ideas, problems or suggestions with (M =

4.58, SD = 0.64).
The overall mean of 4.67, standard deviation of 0.527, indicate the extent of

manager practices in terms of Develop Self-awareness have a remark of strongly agree

and verbally interpreted as very high.

The finding shows that the manager practices in terms of Develop Self-

awareness is very evident.

a leader with good self-awareness would recognize factors such as whether he

or she was liked, or was exerting the right amount of pressure on organization

members. The first step to becoming emotionally intelligent is to become as self-aware

as possible. According to Okpara and Edwin, (2015), once we become aware of our

emotions, strengths, and weaknesses, we can begin to think about how to manage and

apply them to help us achieve our goals.

Self-awareness, within the construct of emotional intelligence, is not as widely

studied as it is in other disciplines. Sullivan (2017) defines self-awareness as recognizing

one’s emotions and their effects and self-awareness concerns knowing one’s internal

states, preferences, resources, and intuitions.

Table 2. Extent of manager practices in terms of Develop Better Listening Skills

Statement Mean SD Remarks

Depend on interactions and the use of 4.64 0.53 Strongly
communication Agree
Listen non-judgementally even if I disagree with 4.58 0.57 Strongly
the person whose talking. Agree
Listen intently to others to identify and clarify 4.72 0.45 Strongly
the purpose and passion of the group Agree
Seek to identify a means for building community 4.74 0.44 Strongly
among those who work within the organization. Agree
Engaging self in the opinion of others. 4.64 0.48 Strongly
Overall Mean = 4.66
Standard Deviation = 0.498
Verbal Interpretation = Very High

Scale Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High
4 3.40-4.19 Agree High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree Moderately High
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Very Low

To a very high, the manager seeks to identify a means for building community

among those who work within the organization with (M = 4.74, SD = 0.44) and listen

intently to others to identify and clarify the purpose and passion of the group with (M =

4.72, SD = 0.45). Although also observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating
was the listen non-judgementally even if I disagree with the person whose talking with

(M = 4.58, SD = 0.57).

The overall mean of 4.66, standard deviation of 0.498, indicate the extent of

manager practices in terms of Develop Better Listening Skills have a remark of strongly

agree and verbally interpreted as very high.

The finding shows that the manager practices in terms of Develop Better

Listening Skills is very obvious.

Yi (2015) Illustrated that managers abilities to comprehend spoken language

would automatically improve inductively, through practice. In other words, learners

would develop listening skills with exposure to oral discourse through repetition and


Based on Duwadi (2014) listening skills are important for career success,

organization effectiveness, and worker satisfaction. Numerous studies and experts

report that good listeners make good managers and those good listeners advance more

rapidly in their organizations.

Table 3. Extent of manager practices in terms of Developing People

Statement Mean SD Remarks

We develop work plans with my team 4.72 0.45 Strongly
Use every possible situation to develop the 4.72 0.45 Strongly
team Agree
Regularly assess team members' performance 4.58 0.50 Strongly
against objective, clearly defined criteria Agree
Manager will inspire, motivate, and consider 4.68 0.51 Strongly
their people. Agree
Manager cares about the people I work with. 4.70 0.51 Strongly
Overall Mean = 4.68
Standard Deviation = 0.484
Verbal Interpretation = Very High

Scale Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High
4 3.40-4.19 Agree High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree Moderately High
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Very Low

To a very high, the manager develop work plans with my team, use every possible

situation to develop the team with (M = 4.72, SD = 0.45) and manager cares about the

people and work with (M = 4.70, SD = 0.51). Although also observed to very high, the

item with the lowest rating was they regularly assess team members' performance

against objective, clearly defined criteria with (M = 4.58, SD = 0.50).

The overall mean of 4.68, standard deviation of 0.484, indicate the extent of

manager practices in terms of Developing People have a remark of strongly agree and

verbally interpreted as very high.

The finding shows that the manager practices in terms of Developing People are

very apparent.

Successful performance management for developing people and the

organization involves activities that ensure goals are met efficiently and effectively.

According to Stratz, Matt (2015), it is an ongoing process essential to achieving the

company mission that is much more than just an end-of-year performance review. To

develop people engaged in their work and help them grow into leaders within the

company, invest in them.

Table 4. Extent of manager practices in terms of Coaching and Mentoring

Statement Mean SD Remarks

Understanding how to communicate a vision 4.74 0.44 Strongly
that generates enthusiasm and commitment. Agree
Knowing how to articulate the department's 4.70 0.46 Strongly
strategy and objectives. Agree
Understanding how to influence, inspire and 4.76 0.43 Strongly
motivate others. Agree
Knowing how to act as an inspirational role 4.68 0.47 Strongly
model for other members of team. Agree
Understanding how to take responsibility and be 4.66 0.52 Strongly
accountable for actions. Agree
Overall Mean = 4.71
Standard Deviation = 0.464
Verbal Interpretation = Very High

Scale Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High
4 3.40-4.19 Agree High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree Moderately High
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Very Low

To a very high, the manager understanding how to influence, inspire and motivate

others with (M = 4.76, SD = 0.43) and understanding how to communicate a vision that

generates enthusiasm and commitment with (M = 4.74, SD = 0.44). Although also

observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating was the understanding how to

take responsibility and be accountable for actions with (M = 4.66, SD = 0.52).

The overall mean of 4.71, standard deviation of 0.464, indicate the extent of

manager practices in terms of Coaching and Mentoring have a remark of strongly agree

and verbally interpreted as very high.

The finding shows that the manager practices in terms of Coaching and

Mentoring is well manifested.

DiGirolamo and Tkach (2019) stated that there is a collaborative and egalitarian

rather than the authoritarian relationship between coach and coachee and concluded

that coaching is more about asking the right questions than telling people what to do,

and it is not necessarily concerned with subject-matter expertise or advice-giving.

Consequently, coaching is an inherently participative activity in which energy,

knowledge, and information are shared and co-created within the relationship.

Mentoring is another helping activity that often shares some characteristics of

coaching like trust, presence, active listening. It is important to differentiate coaching

from mentoring under the study of DiGirolamo and Tkach (2019).

Table 5. Extent of manager practices in terms of Unleash a Positive Working


Statement Mean SD Remarks

The organization create an environment that is 4.66 0.56 Strongly
supportive of employees’ psychological health Agree
and respond to concerns appropriately
Having a culture that is trusting, honest and fair 4.64 0.60 Strongly
to all employees Agree
Support employees’ understanding of how their 4.74 0.44 Strongly
work contributes to the organization’s success Agree
and set clear expectations of what they need to
do and how they are to achieve it
Support further development of employee skills 4.68 0.47 Strongly
related to required duties of the job Agree
Having an established and effective recognition 4.42 0.84 Strongly
and reward system Agree
Overall Mean = 4.63
Standard Deviation = 0.603
Verbal Interpretation = Very High

Scale Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High
4 3.40-4.19 Agree High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree Moderately High
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Very Low

To a very high, the manager support employees’ understanding of how their work

contributes to the organization’s success and set clear expectations of what they need

to do and how they are to achieve it with (M = 4.74, SD = 0.44) and support further
development of employee skills related to required duties of the job with (M = 4.68, SD

= 0.47). Although also observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating was the

having an established and effective recognition and reward system with (M = 4.42, SD =


The overall mean of 4.63, standard deviation of 0.603, indicate the extent of

manager practices in terms of Unleash a Positive Working Environment have a remark of

strongly agree and verbally interpreted as very high.

The finding shows that the manager practices in terms of Unleash a Positive

Working Environment is well established.

Sinnappan (2017) mentioned that positive working environment factors can be

in two different forms which are the physical component of the work environment and

the other is the behavior component work environment.

The effects of a positive working environment are also related to the wellbeing

of the employees and wellbeing at the workplace is a driver for productivity. This

involves job satisfaction, appreciation, work engagement, and also, work-life balance

Palvalin (2017) cited.

Table 6. Level of organizational success through manager practices as to Effective


Statement Mean SD Remarks

Giving full attention to what other people are 4.60 0.61 Strongly
saying. Agree
Understanding how to provide effective 4.64 0.48 Strongly
feedback to others. Agree
Knowing how to delegate tasks appropriately. 4.74 0.44 Strongly
Understanding how to work collaboratively with 4.74 0.44 Strongly
others to implement changes. Agree
Knowing how to deliver sales presentations and 4.72 0.50 Strongly
demonstrations. Agree
Overall Mean = 4.69
Standard Deviation = 0.498
Verbal Interpretation = Very High

Scale Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High
4 3.40-4.19 Agree High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree Moderately High
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Very Low
To a very high, the organization knows how to delegate tasks appropriately,

understanding how to work collaboratively with others to implement changes with (M =

4.74, SD = 0.44) and knowing how to deliver sales presentations and demonstrations

with (M = 4.72, SD = 0.50). Although also observed to very high, the item with the
lowest rating was the giving full attention to what other people are saying with (M =

4.60, SD = 0.61).

The overall mean of 4.69, standard deviation of 0.498, indicate the level of

organizational success through manager practices as to Effective Communication have a

remark of strongly agree and verbally interpreted as very high.

The finding shows that the organizational success through manager practices as

to Effective Communication is well demonstrated.

Effective managerial communication styles influence performance, engagement,

and organizational effectiveness. Transformational leaders motivate, inspire, and build

trust relationships based on a shared understanding with employees. O'Neill et. al.,

(2015) pointed out that good communication motivates and engages employees by

allowing them to understand current organizational changes and how they should


Sarros et. al., (2014) found that positive communication is verbal, or body

language demonstrated through friendly, smart, and helpful demeanor directed toward

educational strategies, which increases the academic success of learners.

Communication exchanges determine behaviors, objectives, and cultures.

Table 7. Level of organizational success through manager practices as to Customer


Statement Mean SD Remarks

Understanding how to establish and grow 4.80 0.40 Strongly
relationships with current and prospective Agree
Knowing how to build relationships with the 4.78 0.46 Strongly
customer by establishing rapport and trust. Agree
Identify customer needs through the use of 4.74 0.44 Strongly
effective questioning and investigation. Agree
Know how to overcome customer objections. 4.70 0.51 Strongly
Services attract and retain valued loyal 4.78 0.42 Strongly
customers. Agree
Overall Mean = 4.76
Standard Deviation = 0.446
Verbal Interpretation = Very High

Scale Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High
4 3.40-4.19 Agree High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree Moderately High
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Very Low

To a very high, the organization understands how to establish and grow

relationships with current and prospective customers with (M = 4.80, SD = 0.40) and

knowing how to build relationships with the customer by establishing rapport and trust
with (M = 4.78, SD = 0.46). Although also observed to very high, the item with the

lowest rating was they know how to overcome customer objections with (M = 4.70, SD =


The overall mean of 4.76, standard deviation of 0.446, indicate the level of

organizational success through manager practices as to Customer Relation have a

remark of strongly agree and verbally interpreted as very high.

The finding shows that organizational success through manager practices as to

Customer Relation is well displayed.

Organizations focusing on these dimensions help enhance the quality of services

and customer relations. Hafeez and Abbas (2017) in their study suggested that

customer and firm relationship is influenced by the knowledge of employees about the

services that are provided by their organization.

As claimed by Hafeez and Abbas (2017) that though customer relationship

management is important for all businesses but service firms, it has become even more

Table 8. Level of organizational success through manager practices as to Employee

Satisfaction and Competence

Statement Mean SD Remarks

Allows an employee an opportunity to advance 4.66 0.52 Strongly
in their specialization. Agree
Gives a good feedback on how an individual can 4.68 0.51 Strongly
advance in their career. Agree
Takes an interest to an individual’s career 4.62 0.53 Strongly
development. Agree
Maintains a competitive pay and benefits 4.42 0.78 Strongly
package. Agree
Pays policy that helps attract and retain high 4.50 0.68 Strongly
performing employees. Agree
Overall Mean = 4.58
Standard Deviation = 0.618
Verbal Interpretation = Very High

Scale Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High
4 3.40-4.19 Agree High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Agree Moderately High
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree Low
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Very Low

To a very high, the organization gives a good feedback on how an individual can

advance in their career with (M = 4.68, SD = 0.51) and allows an employee an

opportunity to advance in their specialization with (M = 4.66, SD = 0.52). Although also

observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating was they maintains a competitive

pay and benefits package with (M = 4.42, SD = 0.78).

The overall mean of 4.58, standard deviation of 0.618, indicate the level of

organizational success through manager practices as to Employee Satisfaction and

Competence have a remark of strongly agree and verbally interpreted as very high.

The finding shows that the organizational success through manager practices as

to Employee Satisfaction and Competence is very plain.

Under Gorenak et. al., (2019) job satisfaction is seen as an individual’s perception

of his or her experiences with the company as a whole, part of the company, company

procedures, and fellow employees.

Competencies were dened as the knowledge that an individual has gained.

Understanding of competencies evolved through time, and various researchers added

additional content to competencies. Competencies are being reflected in the behavior

of individuals. Behaviour, in turn, is the result of individuals’ upbringing knowledge and

experiences Snell et al., (2015) mentioned.

Table 9. Significant effect of Manager Practices towards Organizational Success

Organizational Success F-value p-value Analysis
Effective Communication 4.5095 0.0000 Significant
Develop Self- Customer Relation 3.3912 0.0000 Significant
Employee Satisfaction
4.9508 0.0000 Significant
and Competence
Effective Communication 3.3622 0.0000 Significant
Develop Better Customer Relation 2.8232 0.0002 Significant
Listening Skills
Employee Satisfaction
2.9128 0.0001 Significant
and Competence
Effective Communication 2.6075 0.0005 Significant
Developing Customer Relation 3.8395 0.0000 Significant
Employee Satisfaction
2.6628 0.0004 Significant
and Competence
Effective Communication 3.6476 0.0000 Significant
Coaching and Customer Relation 3.2445 0.0000 Significant
Employee Satisfaction
3.6250 0.0000 Significant
and Competence
Effective Communication 4.4996 0.0000 Significant
Unleash a
Customer Relation 2.4129 0.0013 Significant
Positive Working
Environment Employee Satisfaction
4.8000 0.0000 Significant
and Competence
Table 9 shows the significant effect of Manager Practices towards Organizational


The Manager Practices that have effect to the Organizational Success includes

Effective Communication, Customer Relation and Employee Satisfaction and

The Develop Self-Awareness for Effective Communication have (F=4.5095),

Customer Relation have (F=3.3912) and Employee Satisfaction and Competence have

(F=4.9508), are significant at 0.0000 probability level. This means that the Develop Self-

Awareness has direct effect to the Organizational Success.

The Develop Better Listening Skills for Effective Communication have (F=3.3622),

Customer Relation have (F=2.8232) and Employee Satisfaction and Competence have

(F=2.9128), are significant at 0.0000, 0.0002, 0.0001 probability level. This means that

the Develop Better Listening Skills has direct effect to the Organizational Success.

The Developing People for Effective Communication have (F=2.6075), Customer

Relation have (F=3.8395) and Employee Satisfaction and Competence have (F=2.6628),

are significant at 0.0005, 0.0000, 0.0004 probability level. This means that the

Developing People has direct effect to the Organizational Success.

The Coaching and Monitoring for Effective Communication have (F=3.6476),

Customer Relation have (F=3.2445) and Employee Satisfaction and Competence have

(F=3.6250), are significant at 0.0000 probability level. This means that the Coaching and

Monitoring has direct effect to the Organizational Success.

The Unleash a Positive Working Environment for Effective Communication have

(F=4.4996), Customer Relation have (F=2.4129) and Employee Satisfaction and

Competence have (F=4.8000), are significant at 0.0000, 0.0013 probability level. This

means that Unleash a Positive Working Environment has a direct effect to the

Organizational Success.
Based on the data, it is shown that there is “a significant effect of Manager

Practices towards Organizational Success” at 0.05 level of significance. It shows that the

null hypothesis stating that “There is no significant effect of Manager Practices towards

Organizational Success” is rejected, it can be inferred that there is a “significant” effect

between them.


This chapter presents the summary, the conclusions drawn, and the

recommendations made as an outgrowth of this study.


This study was conducted to determine what are the manager practices toward

organizational success.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions such as:

What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: a) Age; b)

Gender; c) Civil Status; d) Highest Educational Attainment; 2. What is the extent of

leadership practice in terms of: a) Develop Self-awareness; b) Develop Better Listening

Skills; c) Developing People; d) Coaching and Mentoring; e) Unleash a Positive working

environment; 3. What is the level of organizational success through leadership practices

in terms of: a) Effective Communication; b) Customer Relation; c) Employee Satisfaction

and Competence; 4. Is there a significant effect on the manager practices towards

organizational success?

The descriptive approach was used to gather information for an accurate

interpretation of findings with reputable companies.

The data gathered were from the fifty (50) managers of fast-food chains from

Sta. Cruz and Pagsanjan, Laguna. The research instrument used in the study was a
survey questionnaire, it is a printed questionnaire with a choice of answers, devised for

a survey or statistical study.


The following findings were based on gathered and interpreted data:

1. The Demographic Profile was in terms of age, gender, civil status, and highest

educational attainment.

The ages “20 to 29 years old” got the highest frequency of thirty-seven (37) or 74.00

percent of the total respondent. And eleven (11) or 22.00 percent of the respondent are

“30 to 39 years old”. While the ages “40 to 49 years old” have the lowest frequency of

two (2) or 4.00 percent of the total respondent.

The gender “Female” got the highest frequency of twenty-eight (28) or 56.00

percent of the total respondent. While the gender “Male” has the lowest frequency of

twenty-two (22) or 44.00 percent of the total respondent.

The status “Single” got the highest frequency of thirty-three (33) or 66.00

percent of the total respondent. While the status “Married” has the lowest frequency of

seventeen (17) or 34.00 percent of the total respondent.

On the highest educational attainment, all of the sixty (60) or 100.00 percent of

the respondents are “College graduates”.

2. The extent of the leadership practices was in terms of developing self-awareness,

develop better listening skills, developing people, coaching and mentoring, and unleash

a positive working environment.

Develop Self-awareness got an overall mean of 4.67, standard deviation of 0.527,

indicate the extent of manager practices in terms of Develop Self-awareness have a

remark of strongly agree and verbally interpreted as very high. Develop better listening

skills got overall mean of 4.66, the standard deviation of 0.498, indicate the extent of

manager practices in terms of Develop Better Listening Skills have a remark of strongly

agree and verbally interpreted as very high. Develop people got an overall mean of

4.68, the standard deviation of 0.484, indicate the extent of manager practices in terms

of Developing People have a remark of strongly agree and verbally interpreted as very

high. Coaching and mentoring got an overall mean of 4.71, the standard deviation of

0.464, indicate the extent of manager practices in terms of Coaching and Mentoring

have a remark of strongly agree and verbally interpreted as very high. Unleash a

Positive Working Environment got an overall mean of 4.63, the standard deviation of

0.603, indicate the extent of manager practices in terms of Unleash a Positive Working

Environment have a remark of strongly agree and verbally interpreted as very high.

3. The level of organizational success through leadership practices in terms of effective

communication, customer relation, and employee satisfaction and competence.

Effective Communication got an overall mean of 4.69, standard deviation of

0.498, indicate the level of organizational success through manager practices as to

Effective Communication have a remark of strongly agree and verbally interpreted as

very high. Customer Relation got an overall mean of 4.76, standard deviation of 0.446,

indicate the level of organizational success through manager practices as to Customer

Relation have a remark of strongly agree and verbally interpreted as very high.

Employee Satisfaction and Competence got an overall mean of 4.58, standard deviation

of 0.618, indicate the level of organizational success through manager practices as to

Employee Satisfaction and Competence have a remark of strongly agree and verbally

interpreted as very high.

4. Based on the data, it is shown that there is “a significant effect of Manager Practices

towards Organizational Success” at 0.05 level of significance. It shows that the null

hypothesis stating that “There is no significant effect of Manager Practices towards

Organizational Success” is rejected, it can be inferred that there is a “significant” effect

between them.


The following results are derived based on the findings of the report.

1. It can be concluded that the demographic profile of the respondents is

related to the manager's practices towards organizational success because it

just shows that even they have differences, they are capable of being a

manager and can help for organizational success.

2. The extent of the leadership practices of developing self-awareness, develop

better listening skills, developing people, coaching and mentoring, and

unleash a positive working environment was very high because it can help

the manager to expand their skills mostly of verbal communication skills.

3. The level of organizational success through leadership practices of effective

communication, customer relation, and employee satisfaction and

competence was very high because it can help the top management up to

the customers of the organization.

4. It can be concluded that there is a significant effect of Manager Practices

towards Organizational Success with a 0.05 level of significance.


Based on the results and conclusions presented that illustrate the manager's

practices towards organizational success.

1. Managers should accept the opinion of others and make it an inspiration to

provide better service and improve performance for the organization

2. Continue a good services to maintain your value customers and attract

potentital customer.

3. The organization must have a seminar for the managers to expand skills or

capability on how to handle a customer with an unpleasant attitude because

these days customer is not always right.

4. The organization should let its managers expand their learnings or skills for a

position or opportunity in the company.

5. Managers should know how to multitask and must know how to delegate

tasks appropriately to their people.


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Appendix A

Appendix B


Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University
Sta. Cruz Main Campus
Sta. Cruz, Laguna

College of Business Management and Accountancy

Bachelor of Science in Office Administration

Survey Questionnaire

Name (optional):________________________________ Date:_________________

Organization: __________________________________ Age: _________________
Gender: _______________________________________ Civil Status:___________
Highest Educational Attainment:_________________________________________

The purpose of this questionnaire is to know the practices of managers towards

organizational success.

Directions: Please rate the following by placing a checkmark ( ) according to the

frequency you think that describes you. Do not skip answering any questions. Use the
following as your guide in answering the questions.
5 – Always 4 – Often 3 – Sometimes
2 – Rarely 1 – Never
PRACTICES 5 4 3 2 1
Develop Self-awareness Alway Ofte Sometime Rarel Neve
s n s y r
Feel comfortable in the role of managing
The ego does not get in the way of making
sound, logical decisions.
Set an appropriate example for the
My people regularly come forward with
ideas, problems or suggestions.
Effective in coaching the people to higher
levels of performance.
Develop Better Listening Skills Alway Ofte Sometime Rarel Neve
s n s y r
Depend on interactions and the use of
Listen non-judgmentally even if I disagree
with the person whose talking.
Listen intently to others to identify and clarify
the purpose and passion of the group
Seek to identify a means for building
community among those who work within the
Engaging self in the opinion of others.
Developing People Alway Ofte Sometime Rarel Neve
s n s y r
We develop work plans with my team
Use every possible situation to develop the
Regularly assess team members'
performance against objective, clearly
defined criteria
Manager will inspire, motivate, and consider
their people.
Manager cares about the people I work with.
Coaching and Mentoring Alway Ofte Sometime Rarel Neve
s n s y r
Understanding how to communicate a vision
that generates enthusiasm and commitment.
Knowing how to articulate the department's
strategy and objectives.
Understanding how to influence, inspire and
motivate others.
Knowing how to act as an inspirational role
model for other members of team.
Understanding how to take responsibility and
be accountable for actions.
Unleash a Positive working environment Alway Ofte Sometime Rarel Neve
s n s y r
The organization create an environment that
is supportive of employees’ psychological
health and respond to concerns
Having a culture that is trusting, honest and
fair to all employees
Support employees’ understanding of how
their work contributes to the organization’s
success and set clear expectations of what
they need to do and how they are to achieve
Support further development of employee
skills related to required duties of the job
Having an established and effective
recognition and reward system
Effective Communication Alway Ofte Sometime Rarel Neve
s n s y r
Giving full attention to what other people are
Understanding how to provide effective
feedback to others.
Knowing how to delegate tasks
Understanding how to work collaboratively
with others to implement changes.
Knowing how to deliver sales presentations
and demonstrations.
Customer Relation Alway Ofte Sometime Rarel Neve
s n s y r
Understanding how to establish and grow
relationships with current and prospective
Knowing how to build relationships with the
customer by establishing rapport and trust.
Identify customer needs through the use of
effective questioning and investigation.
Know how to overcome customer objections.
Services attract and retain valued loyal
Employee Satisfaction and Competence Alway Ofte Sometime Rarel Neve
s n s y r
Allows an employee an opportunity to
advance in their specialization.
Gives a good feedback on how an individual
can advance in their career.
Takes an interest to an individual’s career
Maintains a competitive pay and benefits
Pays policy that helps attract and retain high
performing employees.
Appendix C


Last December 11, 2020, Ms. Colambo conduct the survey in Chowking Sta. Cruz. She
asked Mrs. Almanza questions about how they become a manager and the experience of
managing people in their organization.

Mr. Gonzaga tells his journey before he became a manager in Chowking Sta. Cruz. He is
one of the staff before then became a chef until he was promoted. He tells also that he was an
Automotive graduate of Laguna State Polytechnic University.
December 14, 2020, is a pick season because Chrismas is coming but Mr. Aninag
manager of Bonchon of Sunstar Mall still accommodated the survey of Ms. Colambo and said
that he will give her a call if the survey is done.

December 14, 2020, Ms. Colambo survey manager of Max’s Restaurant of Sunstar Mall.
Mr. Noriel said that some managers are not on duty because they have the schedules of work so
he said that Ms. Colambo can go back on Friday, December 18, 2020, to get the answered
survey form.
Ms. Colambo gives the survey form this December 14, 2020, to Ms. Abaya of Shakey’s
Sta. Cruz and said that Ms. Colambo can go back on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, to get the
answered survey form because the rest of the managers are not on duty.

December 14, 2020, Ms. Colambo gives the survey form to Ms. Tess one of the
managers in Jollibee of Sunstar Mall. She said that Ms. Colambo can return this Thursday,
December 17, 2020, because the Restaurant Manager Ms. Oliveros is not on duty on this day.
Ms. Quelisle is one of the managers in the Mcdonalds Sambat. Even it's the pick hours
of their store they accommodate my survey and wait a couple of minutes to get the answered
survey form the same day December 14, 2020.

Restaurant Manager of Jollibee Areza Mrs. Reyes answered the survey form honestly,
and it’s good because that day almost all of the managers are on duty, and even in its pick
season, they accommodate the survey very fast.
December 16, 2020, Ms. Colambo survey Mr. Allen Almazona, one of the managers of
Jollibee Areza.

December 16, 2020, Ms. Colambo survey Mr. Ken Atienza, one of the managers of
Jollibee Areza.
December 16, 2020, Ms. Colambo survey Mrs. Rogieline Evangelista, one of the
managers of Jollibee Areza.

Ms. Colambo conducts a survey this December 28, 2020, in Dominos Pizza Sta. Cruz, Mr.
Bernardino is one of the managers. He said that Ms. Colambo can get the survey tomorrow so
the other manager can answer too.
Mr. Renz Sancon manager of Jollibee Pagsanjan. Ms. Colambo conduct a survey on
December 28, 2020.

Ms. Colambo conducts a survey this December 12, 2020, in KFC Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Ethel
Parañaque is the Restaurant Manager.

1. What is the Based on the 1. The The following Based on the results
demographic data, it is Demographic results are and conclusions
profile of the shown that Profile was in derived based presented that
respondents? there is “a terms of age, on the findings illustrate the
1.1 Age significant gender, civil of the report. manager's practices
1.2 Gender effect of status, and 1. It can be towards
1.3 Civil Status Manager highest concluded that organizational
1.4 Highest Practices educational the success.
Educational towards attainment. demographic 1. Managers should
Attainment Organizational The ages “20 to profile of the accept the opinion of
2. What is the Success” at 29 years old” respondents is others and make it an
extent of 0.05 level of got the highest related to the inspiration to provide
leadership significance. It frequency of manager's better service and
practice in shows that thirty-seven (37) practices improve performance
terms of: the null or 74.00 percent towards for the organization
2.1 Develop hypothesis of the total organizational 2. Continue a good
Self-awareness stating that respondent. And success because services to maintain
2.2 Develop “There is no eleven (11) or it just shows your value customers
Better Listening significant 22.00 percent of that even they and attract potentital
Skills effect of the respondent have customer.
2.3 Developing Manager are “30 to 39 differences, they 3. The organization
People Practices years old”. are capable of must have a seminar
2.4 Coaching towards While the ages being a manager for the managers to
and Mentoring Organizational “40 to 49 years and can help for expand skills or
2.5 Unleash a Success” is old” have the organizational capability on how to
Positive rejected, it lowest success. handle a customer
working can be frequency of 2. The extent of with an unpleasant
environment inferred that two (2) or 4.00 the leadership attitude because
3. What is the there is a percent of the practices of these days customer
level of “significant” total developing self- is not always right.
organizational effect respondent. awareness, 4. The organization
success between The gender develop better should let its
through them. “Female” got listening skills, managers expand
leadership the highest developing their learnings or skills
practices in frequency of people, for a position or
terms of: twenty-eight coaching and opportunity in the
3.1 Effective (28) or 56.00 mentoring, and company.
Communication percent of the unleash a
3.2 Customer total positive working
Relation respondent. environment
3.3 Employee While the was very high
Satisfaction gender “Male” because it can
and has the lowest help the
Competence frequency of manager to
4. Is there a twenty-two (22) expand their
significant or 44.00 percent skills mostly of
effect in the of the total verbal
manager respondent. communication
practices The status skills.
towards “Single” got the 3. The level of
organizational highest organizational
success? frequency of success through
thirty-three (33) leadership
or 66.00 percent practices of
of the total effective
respondent. communication,
While the status customer
“Married” has relation, and
the lowest employee
frequency of satisfaction and
seventeen (17) competence was
or 34.00 percent very high
of the total because it can
respondent. help the top
On the highest management up
educational to the
attainment, all customers of
of the sixty (60) the
or 100.00 organization.
percent of the 4. It can be
respondents are concluded that
“College there is a
graduates”. significant effect
2. The extent of of Manager
the leadership Practices
practices was in towards
terms of Organizational
developing self- Success with a
awareness, 0.05 level of
develop better significance.
listening skills,
coaching and
mentoring, and
unleash a
positive working
Develop Self-
awareness got
an overall mean
of 4.67,
deviation of
0.527, indicate
the extent of
practices in
terms of
Develop Self-
awareness have
a remark of
strongly agree
and verbally
interpreted as
very high.
Develop better
listening skills
got overall
mean of 4.66,
the standard
deviation of
0.498, indicate
the extent of
practices in
terms of
Develop Better
Listening Skills
have a remark
of strongly
agree and
interpreted as
very high.
Develop people
got an overall
mean of 4.68,
the standard
deviation of
0.484, indicate
the extent of
practices in
terms of
People have a
remark of
strongly agree
and verbally
interpreted as
very high.
Coaching and
mentoring got
an overall mean
of 4.71, the
deviation of
0.464, indicate
the extent of
practices in
terms of
Coaching and
Mentoring have
a remark of
strongly agree
and verbally
interpreted as
very high.
Unleash a
Environment got
an overall mean
of 4.63, the
deviation of
0.603, indicate
the extent of
practices in
terms of
Unleash a
have a remark
of strongly
agree and
interpreted as
very high.
3. The level of
success through
practices in
terms of
relation, and
satisfaction and
got an overall
mean of 4.69,
deviation of
0.498, indicate
the level of
success through
practices as to
have a remark
of strongly
agree and
interpreted as
very high.
Relation got an
overall mean of
4.76, standard
deviation of
0.446, indicate
the level of
success through
practices as to
Relation have a
remark of
strongly agree
and verbally
interpreted as
very high.
Satisfaction and
Competence got
an overall mean
of 4.58,
deviation of
0.618, indicate
the level of
success through
practices as to
Satisfaction and
have a remark
of strongly
agree and
interpreted as
very high.
4. Based on the
data, it is shown
that there is “a
significant effect
of Manager
Success” at 0.05
level of
significance. It
shows that the
null hypothesis
stating that
“There is no
significant effect
of Manager
Success” is
rejected, it can
be inferred that
there is a
effect between

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