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Part 1

Type 1. Description

1. Well Ok
2. I need to start off by pointing out that...
3. Another point which I could add is that...
4. And I shouldn't forget to mention that...
Type 2. Liking
Well, to be honest I should really say that...
I am really into sth/ I am really big on sth
One of my perennial favourites is ...
And I guess this is probably because...
As well as this.../On top of this...
-> connected speech

as well as this -> as wellas this

on top of this -> on toppof this
Type 3. Disliking
what dont you like about wild animals?
what dont you like about extreme sports?

these animals are potential diseases threats such

bulls racing
Type 3. Disliking
what dont you like about extreme sports?

are dangerous for the players

it can increase high risk of injuries
as well as this, extreme sports require players that
have strong health and professional skills
Type 4. Types of
Of course, you know, there’s quite a mixed variety of...

But I guess the most + adj ... would probably be...

The point I want to add about ___is that...

Besides (buses), .../As well as (buses), ... another ___

And the main characteristic of ___ is that ...

Likewise, as might be expected, there are things like...

Type 5. Wh/How often
Well to be honest, I think I would have to say that it really depends.

Like for instance .../Like more specifically ...

If (situation 1) ... then I will most likely ...
If I am over the moon/on cloud nine, then I will ___

Whereas on the other hand

If (situation 2) ... then I will most probably...
If I am feeling under the weather/down in the dumps, then I
will ___
Type 6. Yes/no question
Well in actual fact, if I think about it, I guess that in many
ways ___(paraphrase đề)

... especially when you consider that ___(câu YES)

Even so, you could also say that ___(câu NO)

So all things considered I guess the answer is both yes

and no.
Type 7. Would question
Wow that is a really interesting question to think about

If I had the chance/opportunity, I would (action 1)

Also, I imagine I would consider (Ving)

Would you like to be in a film?

Part 2
Take note 3 steps Part 2
1. Select topic -> dễ nói + dễ phát triển
2. Write down nice vocab -> liên quan đến chủ đề
3. Write down tense
Ok I will start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of ___(Question 1)____
And I think I would have to choose ___(Answer 1___)

Now with regard to the next point of _(Question 2)

And the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that___(Answer 2)___

Progressing to the subject of __(Question 3)__

I would like to explain that___(Answer 3)___

Finally then, if there's time, i could deal with the last question of __(Question 4)__
I would say that__(Answer 4)___
Part 3
Type 1. Compare
Sure, without a doubt ...
There are a number of underlying differences here.
Well I do not want to assume a generalization here, but I still may make
my point now.

First and foremost, I would say the most fundamental would be that
Whereas on the other hand ....

on top of this
... a subsequent contrast could be that ...
Then again, in opposition ...
Type 2. Predicting
Certainly, I’m sure that most people would agree that there
will be a number of major changes related to this.

1. To begin with, I’d predict that we will most likely have...

2. On top of this, I imagine it’s quite likely that we will soon


3. And I know it’s a bit of a crazy thought, but one day we

may even have...
Type 3. Reasons
Well in my opinion I guess I would have to say that
There are obviously a number of motives surrounding this idea.

1. The chief cóz might be that. people have many trips in order to have a chance
to escape the hustle and bustle of life (ròi xa khỏi những thứ xô bồ hằng ngày)

2. As well as this, a subsequent factor could be because modern peopl’e tend to

travel to another place to en’hance their understanding of new culture, new
place and new things
Type 4. Advantage
Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits.

But I would probably say that for the most part, the one
thing that really stands out is that__(advantage 1)___
This is without doubt beneficial because_____

As well as this a further favorable aspect would be
that__(advantage 2)___
This is clearly advantageous because...
Type 5. Disdvantage
What are the disadvantages of travelling by airplanes.

I think it’s fair to say that there are few negative aspects

I guess the most impractical characteristic would be that...they are
Most people would agree that this is problematic because... many people
do not have the ability to afford the prices

At the same time, another stumbling block might be that ... airplanes are
extremely dangerous
And the trouble with this is that ... it may crash anytime during the flight
Type 6. Problems
Obviously we can say there are quite a lot of dangers with regard
to this issue.

At the outset, the most crucial predicament is that...(problem 1)

This is clearly alarming because...(consequence)

Additionally, another major cause for concern has to be the fact

that...(problem 2)
And the underlying repercussions of this are that...(consequence)
Type 7. Solutions
In my view there are a number of actions that could be taken.

When dealing with first problem, the easiest way to work it out would be to..
Most people would agree that this is beneficial because...

Taking on the second problem, the most successful way to confront this
would be to...

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