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Chemistry Laboratory Page 1

pH and Buffers


Group #1


Dr. Doan Hoai Linh

Chemical Engineering Laboratory

Group #1
Nguyen Hoang Minh Duy, Dinh Vinh Thuy An, Pham Vu Hai Dang, Pham Chau Tan Dat
Experiment performed: 2
Submitted: October 10th

I affirm that I have carefully proofread each report section, and that each
satisfies all applicable criteria listed on the report checklist.


Table of Contents:
Chemistry Laboratory Page 2

Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 3

Theory: ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Application: ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Experimental Methods: .................................................................................................................. 5

Result and Discussion: .................................................................................................................... 9

Conclusion: ....................................................................................................................................16

References: .................................................................................................................................... 16
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I/ Introduction:

In this study, experiments were conducted with a focus on pH levels and buffer solutions, aiming to

differentiate between strong and weak acids. The objective was to understand the concepts of calculating and

creating buffer solutions and evaluating their effectiveness in maintaining pH levels. A range of scenarios

was investigated, including the determination of pH in deionized water, strong and weak acids, salts, and

various buffer solutions.

II/ Theory:

Acids are materials that, when in contact with water, break apart into charged particles, known as ions.

Among these ions is the hydrogen ion (H+) but hydrogen ion doesn't exist independently in an aqueous

solution; instead, it combines with a water molecule to form the hydronium ion (H3O+). On the other hand,

bases undergo ionization in water to produce hydroxide ions (OH−)[1] . In Brønsted-Lowry theory, an acid is

defined as a substance capable of liberating a proton, akin to the principles outlined in the Arrhenius theory[2].

Conversely, a base is characterized as a substance capable of receiving a proton. When acids undergo

dissociation, the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution is increased, denoted as [H+]. Conversely, by

bases undergoing dissociation, a proton is accepted from the solvent (water) to generate [OH-][2].

Acid Dissociation: HA(aq) + H2O(l) ⇄ A−(aq) + H3O+(aq) [3]

Ka = [HA]

Base Dissociation: B(aq) + H2O(l) ⇄ HB+(aq) + OH−(aq) [3]

Kb = [B]

Ka x Kb = Kw[4]
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pKa + pKb = 14 at 25∘ C[4]

pH = -log[H+][5]

pOH = -log[OH-][5]

pKw = -log[Kw] = [1.0 x 10-14] = 14[5]

Acidic: pH < 7[6]

Basic: pH > 7[6]

Neutral: pH = 7[6]

Acids and bases that undergo complete dissociation are referred to as strong[2]. On the flip side, weak

acids and weak bases experience limited dissociation in water[2].

A buffer refers to a solution containing a weak acid or weak base paired with its corresponding

conjugate weak base or weak acid, respectively. Buffers serve the purpose of resisting significant shifts in pH

upon the addition of H+ or OH-. This resistance stems from the interaction of the weak base, A-, with added

H+ and the weak acid, HA, with added OH-. Alterations in the pH of buffer solutions can be calculated using

the Henderson-Hasselbach equation[7].

[A−] [7]
pH = pKa + log [HA]

Dilution involves reducing the solute concentration in a solution by incorporating additional solvent,

typically water. To dilute a solution, one increases the solvent quantity without augmenting the amount of

solute present.

Moles of solute = (molarity)(liters of solution) => Moles of solute = MV[8]

So we have: M1V1 = M2V2 [8]

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III/ Application:

pH significantly influences both the speed and trajectory of chemical reactions. Many reactions exhibit

an ideal pH at which they operate with the highest efficiency. Additionally, Maintaining the right pH is

essential for ensuring the safety and prolonging the shelf life of a variety of food products. Specific pH levels

are necessary in many food items to inhibit microbial growth and prevent spoilage. Buffers are used in

industrial processes such as manufacture of paper, dyes, inks, paints, drugs… Moreover, buffers are utilized

in agriculture, the production of dairy products, and the preservation of a wide range of foods and fruits.

IV/ Experimental Methods:

Laboratory equipment:

Stiring rod Cylinder

Pipette pump Volumetric flask

Pipette pH meter

Dropper Beaker

Bottle of distilled water Erlenmeyer flask

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1. Deionized water

In the first (deionized water) experiment, a beaker and cylinder were prepared. Then 50mL of deionized

water was poured into a beaker after being measured by a cylinder. A stirring rod was used to stir deionized

water for 20 seconds. Afterwards, the stirring rod was stopped using and pH value was recorded.

Consequently, the process of stirring, taking measurements and recording pH was conducted each 20 seconds

and was kept repeating until a significant alteration in pH became imperceptible.

2. Strong acid

a. Preparation:

Firstly, 2 beakers were prepared. Then, in the first beaker, taked an approximately of 10ml 0.1M

hydrochloric acid (HCl) by using cylinder. In the second beaker, using cylinder to take an approximately of

20ml 0.1M sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Finally, using volumetric flask and pipette, 10ml 0.1M NaOH and

90ml H2O were mixed to create 100ml 0.01M NaOH solution.

Note: during the process of making NaOH solution, make sure to check the dilution process.
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b. pH measurement:

Firstly, recorded the pH value in the 10ml 0.1M ydrochloric acid (HCl) beaker. Then, added 90ml

distilled water and recorded pH. After that, added 10ml 0.1M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and recorded pH.

Finally, added 90ml 0.01M NaOH and recorded the final pH value.

3. Weak acid

a. Preparation:

Using pipette and volumetric flask, 3 solutions were prepared. Solution A was 0.1M acid acetic

(CH3COOH). Solution B was 0.01M acid acetic (CH3COOH) and was created by diluting solution A 10

times. Solution C was 0.001M CH3COOH and was created by diluting solution A 100 times or by diluting

solution B 10 times.

b. pH measurement:

Using cylinder, 20ml of each solution A, B and C were taken into 3 separate beakers. Then, recorded the

pH and calculated the averaged Ka value.

4. Salts

Three solutions were needed to perform this experiment. Firstly, 0.1M sodium chloride ( NaCl ) was

solution A, as for solution B it was 0.1M sodium acetate ( CH3COONa ), finally solution C was ammonium

chloride ( CH4Cl )

5. Buffer

Section 1: Preparation
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Firstly, approximately 50mL of 0.1M acid acetic (CH3COOH) was prepared inside the beaker 1.

Secondly, approximately 50mL of 0.1M sodium acetate (CH3COONa) was prepared inside the beaker 2.

Thirdly, approximately 40mL of 0.1M hydrochloric acid (HCl) was prepared inside the beaker 3. Finally,

approximately 40mL of 0.1M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was prepared inside the beaker 4.

Section 2: Buffer A

10ml 0.1M acid acetic (CH3COOH) from beaker 1 was mixed with 40ml 0.1M CH3COONa to form

50ml Buffer A and the pH of beaker A was recorded about twice. Then, used a volumetric pipette to divide

solution A into two equal parts, named Buffer A1 and Buffer A2. Recorded the pH in each beaker and write

the figure down.

For A1: 10 drops of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in beaker 3 were added by Pasteur pipette into beaker A1 and

recorded the pH value. Then continued to add more drops HCl and recorded the pH value until the figure

changed by one unit from the start ( wrote down the number of drops of HCl).

For A2: 10 drops of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in beaker 4 were added by using a Pasteur pipette into beaker

A2 and recorded the pH value. Then continuously added more drops of NaOH and recorded the pH until the

value changes by one unit from the start (wrote down the number of drops of NaOH).

Section 3: Buffer B

10ml 0.1M sodium acetate (CH3COONa) from beaker 1 was mixed with 40ml 0.1M Acid acetic

(CH3COOH) to form 50ml Buffer B and the pH of beaker B was recorded about 2 times. Then, used the

volumetric pipette to divide solution B into two equal parts, named Buffer B1 and Buffer B2. Recorded the

pH in each beaker and wrote the value down.

Chemistry Laboratory Page 9

For B1: 10 drops of Hydrochloric acid (HCl) in beaker 3 were added by using a Pasteur pipette into beaker

B1 and record the pH. Then continuously added more drops of HCl and recorded the pH until the pH value

changes by one unit from the start (remembered to write down the number of drops of HCl).

For B2: 10 drops of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in beaker 4 was added by using a Pasteur pipette into beaker

B2 and recorded the pH. Then continuously added more drops of NaOH and recorded the pH until the pH

figure changes by one unit from the start (remembered to write down the number of drops of NaOH).

V/ Result and Discussion:

1. Deionized water

Table 1: Deionized water

Observed pH
Time (second)
1st (Group 1) 2nd (Group 2)

0 9.14 5.8

20 9.56 6.35

40 9.38 6.53

60 9.05 6.43

80 8.86 6.4

100 8.73 6.38

120 8.64 6.35

Chemistry Laboratory Page 10

140 8.54 6.37

160 8.44 6.27

Figure 1: The pH versus time(s)


After being stirred continuously at 20-second intervals, the pH of deionized water was lowered gradually

due to the interaction and absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) during the stirring process. Moreover, carbonic

acid (H2CO3) was formed through the reaction which was the main cause of the decrease in pH value. The

demonstration of the reaction was facilitated by the equation below:

CO2 + H2O ⇄ H2CO3

The result of the experiment was found to be unmatched with the theory, as well as with the other group

(group 2). While the pH of distilled water was theoretically around 7, the actual result was determined to be
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between 9.14 and 8.44. Additionally, the average percentage difference between the 2 groups was

approximately 31.91%. The dissimilarity in the results might be attributed to either an error in the equipment

or a mistake made by members of the two groups during the experiment.

2. Strong acid

Table 2: Strong acid

Measured pH

Solution Theoretical pH
1st 2nd

(Group 1) (Group 2)

10 mL of 0.1M HCl 1 1.22 2.15

Add 90 mL of distilled water 2 3.34 2.8

Add 10 mL of 0.1M NaOH 7 7.93 11.55

Add 90 mL of 0.01M NaOH 11.65 11.68 11.83

3. Weak acid

Table 3: Weak acid

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Measured pH

Solution 1st 2nd Averaged Ka

(Group 1) (Group 2)

0.1M acetic acid 4.04 3.34 2.74x10-4

0.01M acetic acid 5.29 4.51 1.8x10-5

0.001M acetic acid 6.67 4.49 1.63x10-5

4. Salt

Table 4: Salt

Measured pH
Solution 1st 2nd Explaination
Group 1 Group 2

0.1M NaCl ≈7 7.44 6 Sodium chloride ( NaCl ) was created by strong

acid radical as well as strong base radical therefore

it became neutral salt which have pH of 7. The

0.1M >7 7.38 8.35 reason why sodium acetate ( CH3COONa ) pH

CH3COONa was expected to be higher than 7 its because this

solution was called basic salt have a strong base

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radical however it acid radical was a weak one.

Ammonium chloride ( CH4Cl ) predicted pH was

0.1M NH4Cl <7 6.75 5.59
lower than 7 for the reason that it was formed by a

strong acid radical and a weak base radical.

Even though solutions that were measured by both groups were the same, the results were slightly

different from the predicted pH as well the other groups this was cause by the inconsistency in the measuring


5. Buffer

Measured pH
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)
Buffer 0.1M 0.1M [Acid] [Base] 1st 2nd
(group 1) (group 2)

A 10.0 40.0 0.02 0.08 5.35 5.57 5.96

B 40.0 10.0 0.08 0.02 4.15 4.63 4.73

Calculation pH:

Buffer A

Total volume: Vtotal = VCH3COOH + VCH3COONa= 10+40 = 50mL = 0.05L

nCH3COOH = 0.01 x 0.1 = 0.001 mol

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0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.004 0.004

[Acid] = n/V = 0.001/0.05 = 0.02M

[Base] = n/V = 0.004/0.05 = 0.08M

pKa (CH3COOH ) = -log(Ka) = 4.75  Ka = 1.8 x 10-5

pH = pKa + lg([A-]/[HA]) = 5.35

Buffer B

Total volume: Vtotal = VCH3COOH + VCH3COONa = 40 + 10 = 50 (mL)

The final solution concentration of CH3COOH:

Mi x Vi = Mf x Vf ➔ MCH3COOH = 0.08 (M)

The final solution concentration of CH3COONa:

Mi x Vi = Mf x Vf ➔ MCH3COONa = 0.02 (M)

CH3COONa → CH3COO- + Na+ (1)

CH3COOH + H2O ↔ CH3COO- + H3O+ (2)

From (1): MCH3COO- = MNa+ = 0.02M

From (2): CH3COOH + H2O → CH3COO- + H3O+

Initial: 0.08 0.02

Reacted: x x x

Final: 0.08–x 0.02+x

pKa (CH3COOH) = -log (Ka) = 4.75 → Ka = 1.8x10-5

→ x = 0.08 M
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MCH3COO-= 0,02 + x = 0.02 M

➔ [Acid] = [H3O+] =0.08M; [Base] = MCH3COO- = 0.02M

pH = pKa + lg([A-]/[HA]) = 4.15

Because the equipment used to measure the pH value was not the same in both groups, the results varied


Part 1: Addition of 10 drops 0.1M HCl

Total volume

pH from the pH after adding HCl (drops) to

Buffer Comments/ explanation
start (pH0) 10 drops HCl change pH by one

unit (pH0-1)

When hydrochloric acid

A 5.57 4.75 100
(HCl) was added to the buffer

solution, the pH value

B 4.63 4.35 120
decreased very slowly.

Part 2: Addition of 10 drops 0.1M NaOH

Total volume

pH from the pH after adding NaOH (drops) to

Buffer Comments/ explanation
start (pH0) 10 drops NaOH change pH by

one unit (pH0-1)

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A 5.57 6.45 10 When sodium hydroxide

(NaOH) was added to the

B 4.49 6.25 80 buffer solution, the pH value

increased very quickly

VI/ Conclusion:

Knowledge regarding pH measurement, preparation of buffer solutions and discrimination among acids

with varying concentrations was learnt through the experiment. Additionally, a comprehensive analysis of

numerous solutions of acids, bases and salts was undertaken to determine the respective pH values. Besides,

the difference in results of the 2 groups could be realized because of mistakes in technique and errors in

equipment (pH meter).

VII/ References:

[1] – Arrhenius theory

[2] - Brønsted and Lewis Acids and Bases

[3] - Acid and Base Dissociation

[4] - Relationship between Ka and Kb

[5] – The pH scale

[6] – pH scale and water

[7] Lab Manual – International University

[8] - Dilution

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