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LAST NAME AND NAME: Apaza Garcia Jhonatan Walter


Passive 1 (present simple)

Make these active present simple sentences passive. You don't need to repeat 'somebody'.

1) Somebody sends emails. Emails are sent.

2) Somebody cuts the grass. The Grass was cut

3) Somebody prefers chocolate. The chocolate is prefered by somebody

4) Somebody often steals cars. The cars often are stolen

5) Somebody plays loud music. The loud music is played

6) Somebody speaks English here. The english is spaken here

7) Somebody loves the London parks. The London Parks are loved

8) Somebody wants staff. The staff is wanted

9) Somebody writes articles. The articles are writen

10) Somebody loves Julie. Julie is loved

11) Somebody reads a lot of books. The book are read a lot

12) Somebody cooks dinner every day. The dinner is cooked every day

13) Somebody delivers milk in the mornings. The milk is delivered in the mornings

14) Somebody buys flowers for the flat. The flowers is bought by somebody for the flat

15) Somebody washes the cars every week. The cars are washed every week

16) Somebody writes a report every Friday. The report is writeen every friday

17) Somebody fixes the roads. The roads are fixed

18) Somebody builds new houses every year. Every year the new houses are built

19) Somebody sells vegetables in the market. In the market the vegetables are sold

20) Somebody cleans the office every day. The office is cleaned every day

Passive 2 (past simple)

Make the passive form with the past simple. You don't need to repeat 'somebody'.

1) Somebody found the key. The key was found.

2) Somebody made mistakes. The mistakes were made

3) Somebody loved that woman. That women was loved

4) Somebody cleaned the rooms. The rooms were cleaned

5) Somebody fixed the computer. The computer was fixed

6) Somebody built that house. That house was

7) Somebody wrote War and Peace. War and peace was written

8) Somebody painted The Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa was painted

9) Somebody stole my wallet. My wallet was stolen

10) Somebody prepared lunch. The lunch was prepared

11) Somebody drank a lot of coffee. The coffe was drunk

12) Somebody forgot the papers. The papers were forgotten

13) Somebody closed the windows. The Windows were closed

14) Somebody invited Julie and Luke to a party. For the party was invited Julie and Luke

15) Somebody built a website. The website was built

16) Somebody ate all the cakes. All cakes were aten

17) Somebody told me to wait. Told me was wait

18) Somebody employed a lot of new waiters. Of new waiters were employed

19) Somebody opened a shop. The shop was opened

20) Somebody lost the letter. The letter was lost

Active or Passive 3. Circle the correct option “active” or “passive”

1. I ate a piece of chocolate cake.


2. The librarian read the book to the students.


3. The money was stolen.


4. They are paid on Fridays.


5. The movie is being made in Hollywood.


6. I washed my car three weeks ago.


7. His hair was cut by a professional.

8. I will introduce you to my boss this week.


9. It would have been fixed at the weekend.


10. The national anthem is being sung by Jason this time.


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