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Unit 7: Will it really happen?

Unit 1: Words
I. New words
1. The future: tương lai
2. Travel /ˈtrævl/: to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance
3. Satellite /ˈsætəlaɪt/: vệ tinh
4. The moon: mặt trăng
5. The sun: mặt trời
6. Planets /ˈplænɪt/: những hành tinh
7. Rocket /ˈrɑːkɪt/: tên lửa
8. Astronaut /ˈæstrənɔːt/: phi hành gia
9. Star: ngôi sao
10. Spaceship: tàu vũ trụ
II. Listen and read
o Focus children's attention on the story. Ask questions about each frame of the story.
 Ask Are they happy or sad?
 What is Max reading?
 What is he talking about?
Encourage predictionsabout the story.
o Play the recording for children to listen to and follo w the dialogue in their books.
o Ask questions to check comprehension ,
 When do Amy and Leo have to go back to Australia?
 Will they miss their holiday? When will there be super-fast planes?
 Are there any super-fast planes now?
o Play th e recording a second time for children to follow . Ask children to find any words
from Exercise 1 that appear in the story (the future).
III. Flyers 1 test 3

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