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J Forensic Sci, May 2018, Vol. 63, No.

doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13677
TECHNICAL NOTE Available online at:


Roberta Somma ,1 Ph.D.; Maria Cascio,2 M.Sc.; Massimiliano Silvestro,2 M.Sc.; and
Eliana Torre,3 M.A.

A GIS-based Quantitative Approach for the

Search of Clandestine Graves, Italy*

ABSTRACT: Previous research on the RAG color-coded prioritization systems for the discovery of clandestine graves has not considered all
the factors influencing the burial site choice within a GIS project. The goal of this technical note was to discuss a GIS-based quantitative
approach for the search of clandestine graves. The method is based on cross-referenced RAG maps with cumulative suitability factors to host a
burial, leading to the editing of different search scenarios for ground searches showing high-(Red), medium-(Amber), and low-(Green) priority
areas. The application of this procedure allowed several outcomes to be determined: If the concealment occurs at night, then the “search sce-
nario without the visibility” will be the most effective one; if the concealment occurs in daylight, then the “search scenario with the DSM-based
visibility” will be most appropriate; the different search scenarios may be cross-referenced with offender’s confessions and eyewitnesses’ testi-
monies to verify the veracity of their statements.

KEYWORDS: forensic science, forensic geology, ground searches, clandestine graves, prioritization system, GIS

From the analysis of clandestine graves with bodies/human influencing the choice of the burial sites are therefore: diggabil-
remains, recovered from northern to southern Italy in the last ity, landscape/slope, vegetation, human-made structures, geomor-
10 years (1–17), burials were discovered by law enforcement phology, and visibility (18,22,23).
thanks to information provided mainly by passersby, informants, The search for clandestine graves requires a complex forensic
and witnesses (and sometimes the offenders themselves). It fol- investigation where sites with particular characteristics have to
lows that in Italy the percentage of findings due to intelligence- be searched, identified, and evaluated by an intelligence-led mul-
led investigations is today very low (~5%) (1–17). By contrast, tidisciplinary team. This involves both law-enforcement agents
much more attention is paid by law enforcement to intelligence- and various experts such as forensic geologists as well as spe-
led searches for clandestine graves in Great Britain (18), Aus- cialists of other forensic disciplines (25). Surface evidence of a
tralia (19), and in Latin America (20,21). possible recent clandestine grave is furnished by visual inspec-
Most criminals seek burial sites having the following charac- tion of potential ground disturbances and anomalies
teristics: (i) a soft and thick soil, the former feature allowing a (18,22,23,26–29). During a nonintrusive examination of the
quick and efficient burial, the latter allowing the body/item to be search area, recent graves may be detected by means of remote
effectively concealed (18); (ii) a plain surface or a slope as gen- sensing and using high-resolution photography with adequate
tle as possible (22); (iii) little or no surface changes in soil fea- resolution, preferably infrared and ultraviolet (30–32). High-reso-
tures (23); (iv) hidden locality from potential eyewitnesses (22); lution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) constitute a powerful
(v) familiar location (to monitor the site) (22); (vi) easy access tool for search purposes. These DEMs furnish a georeferenced
on foot or by vehicle (to satisfy the principle of the least effort) fly-through visualization of the topographic surface, that is, fun-
(22); (vii) reference points to be able to monitor the burial site damental for ground-search purposes; indeed, Digital Terrain
(known as the Winthroping principle) (24); and (viii) stable areas Models (DTMs; e.g., a digital surface interpolating ground) and/
not affected by erosion; however, depending on behavioral and or Digital Surface Models (DSMs; e.g., a digital surface interpo-
geographical profiling, offenders may prefer burials located on lating ground as well as vegetation and human structures) aid
the river banks (22) or landslides (18). The main factors searches, for they may detect georeferenced topographic expres-
sions related to graves (22,32) as well as detailed 3D images of
vegetation changes (33). Subsurface features may be investigated
Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences, and Morphological and according to geophysical (Ground Penetrating Radar—GPR,
Functional Images (BIOMORF), Universita degli Studi di Messina, Viale F. magnetometry, and electrical resistivity) and geochemical meth-
Stagno d’Alcontres, Messina, Italy.
2 ods (23,25,29,34–43), which are also used in archeology (24–
Land Engineering, Via L. Sciascia, Complesso Iride 83, 98100 Messina,
Italy. 26,44). The search for clandestine graves may be also assisted
Contrada Conca d’oro, 98168 Messina, Italy. by another search tool, which is helpful in certain circumstances
*Presented at the 2016 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly and in terms of economic and human resources: the Red-Amber-

(2016 EGU), April 17-22, 2016 Wien, Osterreich. Green (RAG) prioritization system, also known as the traffic
Received 5 June 2017; and in revised form 31 July 2017; accepted 21 light system by search practitioners. Significant contribution to
Aug. 2017.

882 © 2017 American Academy of Forensic Sciences


this system was provided by Ruffell and McKinley (22), Don-

Previous Studies on RAG Prioritization System
nelly and Harrison (18), and Ruffell and McAllister (23).
Notwithstanding the promising applications of the GIS-based A landform mapping approach was applied by Ruffell and
techniques in forensics (22,23,45–60), the first studies, in which McKinley (22) to prepare a map of priority search areas or
individual maps used in the search for a burial and/or deposition domains concerning the disappearance of a girl, whose body
site were also integrated with global information systems (GIS), was presumably buried in an area of mixed bogs and moorlands.
were reported in Ruffell and McKinley (22) and Ruffell and Both a schematic map of the search location and a landform
McAllister (23). In contrast to previous studies (22,23), a new map were designed by the authors. In the former, the main con-
GIS-based method, based on cross-referenced RAG maps in tour lines, roads/paths, vegetation, and geomorphological fea-
order to evaluate “cumulative” suitability to host a burial, was tures (trees, bogs) were represented; in the latter, the map was
reported with preliminary data in Somma et al. (61). Therefore, divided into domains delimited by watersheds, with indications
the goal of this technical note was to thoroughly illustrate this related to the visibility from roads and houses. These domains
innovative GIS-based presearch method for demonstrating that it were numbered in reverse order, the lowest numbers indicating
can assist investigators as well as canine scent detection team the highest priority. This landform map with domains was pro-
with better management of efforts, resources, and time during duced also by creating individual GIS-based maps related to ele-
recent clandestine grave ground searches. vation data and viewshed analysis, based on topographic
For the verification of the approach, the method was applied information, integrated by additional data related to the vegeta-
to two different simulated crime scenes consisting of two clan- tion reconstructed by terrestrial LiDAR images. The GIS-based
destine burials of a homicide victim (Figs 1, 2 and 3). At both slope map was created with nine arbitrary chosen slope ranges;
crime scenes, the victims were buried in two rural areas of the GIS-based color-coded map of the viewshed analysis was
northeastern Sicily (Italy, Fig. 1). The cadaver/human remains made by mapping the visible areas in green color and the invisi-
were simulated by a plastic mannequin and a dummy bust. ble areas in gray color and using one viewpoint of the search
Although reconstructing a more realistic crime scene with area. Although these maps were separately elaborated in a GIS
human cadavers or carcasses would have been preferable, these environment, the resulting map of the landform with the priority
were not used in the present research, because it was consid- domains represented a sort of “proto” GIS-based RAG system
ered that the GIS-based method was not based on identification based mainly on the reconstruction of the vegetation features
of geochemical or geophysical signatures and because current and the GIS-based slope and visibility characteristics.
Italian laws do not allow these kinds of experiments. Given A full description and history of the development of the
that in Italy, agricultural fields and wooded areas are among RAG prioritization system have been provided by the pioneer-
the preferred burial sites (1–17), the graves were dug in a cul- ing research of Donnelly and Harrison (18). These authors have
tivated field with fruits trees (Fig. 2) and in a wooded area shown several examples of RAG maps prepared for police
(Fig. 3). The GIS operators were unaware of the location of searches for homicide victims. RAG diggability maps success-
the graves when they applied the method to the simulated fully assisted police in finding the targeted burials. A diggabil-
crime scenes. The graves of both sites were finally searched ity map of a Scottish island was generated to identify areas
for by a search team of 9 students, they too being unaware of most suitable for hosting a burial, using only the Red (dig-
the burial site location. Information on the crime scenes and gable) and Green (not diggable) class. Another map consisted
materials provided to the team during the search were as fol- in a geomorphological interpretation of the aerial photographs
lows: (i) the age of the burial, (ii) the intelligence-led data and landscape showing mainly anthropogenic and natural
related to the crime, (iii) the GIS-based search scenarios, and ground disturbances or vegetation changes and anthropogenic
(iv) a metal probe (T-bar) (37). structures. The authors’ studies included detailed analyses of

FIG. 1––(a) Europe with southern Italy shown in the rectangle. (b) Southern Italy with the two crime scenes. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlineli-]

FIG. 2––Photographs of the crime scene at Alı. (a) Burial site under the olive trees. On the grave, the growth up of new grass is observable. (b) Grave with
the body simulated by a dummy in a black plastic bag. (c) Northeasterly view of part of the search area. In the NW zone, the burial site is located behind the
ridge, and the passage from the olive grove to the thick vegetation is discernible. (d) Cut of grave showing homogeneous topsoil. (e) View of landscape with
45° dipping slope, thick vegetation, and outcropping metamorphic rocks (phyllites). (f) Change from thin vegetation of terraces with grass and olive trees to
thick vegetation of shrubbery, brush, and oak trees. [Color figure can be viewed at]

the aerial imagery, and geomorphology, and underlined the A RAG system for the ground searches of burials in grave-
importance to consider behavioral and geographical profiling yards/cemeteries was deployed by Ruffell and McAllister (22) in
and victimology evaluation (18). order to provide a multiproxy assessment of the state of

FIG. 3––Photographs of the crime scene at Messina. (a) Burial site under the oak trees. The grave was concealed with leaves. (b) Depression corresponding
to the grave (after leaf removal). (c) Dummy recovered from the grave during forensic archeological excavation. (d) Wooded area with pine trees. (e) Aerial
view of the crime scene (flight by DJI phantom 4 drone, 50 m high from the ground; photograph camera provided with 12-megapixel resolution) with the bur-
ial site (rectangle). [Color figure can be viewed at]

inhumations to allow authorities to decide whether or not exca- geological, hydrological-hydrogeological, and land-use maps, (ii)
vation had to be done. Before the burial site survey and the geochemical surveys of waters near the burial site, and (iii) geo-
RAG assessment, according to the authors, it is necessary first to physical surveys. Furthermore, the authors stated that it is useful
make a desktop study collecting information related to: (i) to store and view all these data in a GIS environment, as data

may be compared and statistically considered. After that, the were reported in the related RAG maps, where each factor was
method combined in the RAG system the three main elements classified on the basis of high (Red), medium (Amber), and low
related to previous data as well as new surveys: (i) grave mark- (Green) suitability to host a burial. With the cross-referencing of
ers; (ii) physical features; and (iii) geophysical anomalies. If these factors, the search scenarios showing the high- (Red), med-
none of the three elements is present, the site is classified Green. ium- (Amber), and low- (Green) priority search areas were
If two of the three elements are present, the site is classified finally edited.
Amber. If all three elements are present, the site is classified as
Red, and therefore as a site of a high probability to host a grave.
The Method of the GIS-Based Color-Coded Prioritization
With this method a RAG code is assigned to each surveyed and
System Related to the Search of Clandestine Graves
georeferenced point of the RAG map in the field, covering each
part of the search area. The procedure presented here for the discovery of buried vic-
A GIS-based approach was recently developed by Somma tims develops a GIS-based Color-coded Prioritization System,
et al. (61) to edit RAG maps and the related search scenarios for that is, able to edit both the RAG maps of factors/entities influ-
a simulated clandestine grave. The method involved the con- encing the burial site choice and the search scenarios. This
struction of a GeoDataBase in the GIS environment. The factors method is followed in two phases: (i) the GIS-based RAG maps
determining the burial site choice of the offender were identified, of the geographic entities are drawn (Table 1); (ii) the GIS-based
organized, and evaluated in ArcMap ArcGIS software. These search scenarios are designed (Table 2).

TABLE 1––The first phase of the GIS-based method: workflow of the geographical entities influencing suitability to host clandestine graves and the related
RAG color-coded classes within the ArcGIS project.

GIS-Based Amber-Coded
Entities RAG Red-Coded Class Class (Medium Green-Coded Class Arcgis Design and
Map (High Suitability) Suitability) (Low Suitability) Tools Aim of the Procedure
Search area and / / / 1 Shapefile polygons • Manual mapping of the search area and
access/exit 2 Shapefile points access/exit position
Diggability Easy Moderately Difficult 1 Shapefile polygons • Manual mapping of the diggability-related
difficult RAG areas
Landscape/ <20° 20°–27° >27° 1 Slope Tool • Automated procedure to identify the slope dip
Slope 2 Reclassify Tool direction
3 Raster to Polygon • The cells of the raster file, bearing the slope
Tool values, are attributed to the RAG classes,
4 Shapefile polygons according to appropriate ranges of slope
5 Clip Tool angles
• Conversion of the raster cells into polygonal
shapefiles for an automated mapping of the
RAG area
• Manual mapping of the terraces in RAG areas
• Overlap of the terrace-related shapefile
polygons with the RAG areas of the slope
RAG shapefile polygons
Vegetation Absent, thin with Along belts Dense 1 Shapefile polygons • Manual mapping of the vegetation-related Red
sparse, well- surrounding 2 Buffer Tool and Green class areas
spaced trees or dense vegetation • The buffer zone is created for the Amber class
wooded areas areas, along a belt between the Red and Green
areas, and inside of specific Green areas
Human-made Absent Along belts Present (with 1 Shapefile polygons • Manual mapping of the Red and Green class
structures surrounding concrete floor or 2 Buffer Tool areas
structures path) • The buffer zone is created for the Amber
areas, along a belt along the external edge of
the Red areas, and for the belts along the
external edge of the Green areas to be added
to the Green areas previously manually
Geomorphology Stable areas Along belts Unstable areas 1 Shapefile polygons • Manual mapping of the Red and Green class
surrounding 2 Buffer Tool areas
unstable areas • The buffer zone is created for the Amber
areas, along a belt along the Red and Green
areas, in the internal side of the Green areas
Visibility Invisible from Visible from one Visible from two 1 Visibility Tool of • Assigning to each DTM/DSM cell the number
possible single viewpoint or more the extension Spatial of points visible to a possible eyewitness
eyewitnesses of possible viewpoints of Analyst Tools • The cells of the raster file, bearing the number
eyewitnesses possible (Viewshed analysis) of points visible to a possible eyewitness, are
eyewitnesses 2 Reclassify Tool reclassified and attributed to the RAG classes,
extension of the according to appropriate ranges of values
Spatial Analyst • Conversion of the raster cells into polygonal
Tools shapefiles for an automated mapping of the
3 Raster to Polygon RAG areas

TABLE 2––The second phase of the GIS-based method: workflow of the RAG Search Scenario maps within the ArcGIS project.

GIS-Based RAG RED-Coded Arcgis

Search Scenario Class (High Amber-Coded Class (Medium Green-Coded Class (Low Design and
MAP Priority) Priority) Priority) Tools Aim of the Procedure
Search scenario All 2–6 entities At least one of the 2–6 entities is At least one of the 2–6 1 Merge • Automated procedure to
without visibility are red amber among the amber and red entities is green among the Tool determine cumulative
class RAG class 2 Clip suitability
Tool • Cut of the overlapping
DTM-based All 2–7 entities At least one of the 2–7 entities is At least one of the 2–7 1 Merge • Automated procedure to
visibility search are red amber among the amber and red entities is green among the Tool determine cumulative
scenario class RAG class 2 Clip suitability
Tool • Cut of the overlapping
DSM-based All 2–7 entities At least one of the 2–7 entities is At least one of the 2–7 1 Merge • Automated procedure to
visibility search are red amber among the amber and red entities is green among the Tool determine cumulative
scenario class RAG class 2 Clip suitability
Tool • Cut of the overlapping

bedrock and soil; (ii) estimating the soil composition, texture,

The GIS-Based Entities RAG Maps
structure, and engineering properties along some natural cross-
The first phase of the GIS-based method is devoted to create sections during a presearch reconnaissance visit and test pits, as
the RAG maps of the geographic entities (Table 1). The related recommended by Donnelly and Harrison (18), (iii) testing the
GeoDataBase is established by: (i) bibliographic research (land ground with hand tools (18) and a metal probe (22). In the dig-
use, geological, cadastral maps, etc.); (ii) inspection visits; (iii) gability RAG map, three different RAG color-coded classes are
high-resolution aerial/satellite orthophotographs; (iv) DTMs and defined: the Red class for the easily diggable soils with spade or
DSMs; (v) ArcGIS (ver. 10) automated procedures (58). shovel (high suitability); the Amber class for the moderately dif-
In the planning of the conceptual and logical model, the Geo- ficult diggable soils with spade or shovel (medium suitability);
DataBase is structured bearing in mind what kinds of informa- the Green class for the difficultly or not diggable soils/outcrop-
tion are needed for the GIS system to detect the areas “suitable” ping bedrock with spade or shovel (low suitability). The differ-
to host the burial. Subsequently, all the geographical entities crit- ent RAG color-coded classes areas are created by designing
ical to define the specific purpose of the model are identified shapefile polygons within the ArcGIS project (Table 1).
and organized in the GeoDataBase. The physical model of the
GeoDataBase emerged from the conceptual and logical model is
Landscape/Slope RAG Map
structured considering the following seven entities reported in
information layers: (i) Search Area and Access/Exit, (ii) Digga- The landscape/slope layer of the GIS platform is estimated by
bility, (iii) Landscape/Slope, (iv) Vegetation, (v) Human-made analyzing the DTM and using the Slope Tool. This tool, together
Structures, (vi) Geomorphology, and (vii) Visibility (Table 1). with the information contained within the DTM, identifies the
Entities 2–7 are classified into three Red, Amber, and Green slope dip direction and consequently develops an automated ras-
color-coded classes corresponding, respectively, to high, med- ter file with cells bearing the slope values expressed in degrees
ium, and low “suitability” to host a burial site. Only the search or percentages. The evaluation of the resulting slope-related data
area and access/exit entity are excluded, being irrelevant for the enables the different RAG color-coded classes to be arbitrarily
detection of the search classes. attributed to the raster-file cells. The slope ranges that are to be
attributed to the RAG classes, crucial within the ArcGIS project,
are chosen by evaluating: (i) the effort of the offender while
Search Area and Access/Exit
dragging the body to the burial site, experiencing horizontal to
The borders of the search area are fundamental to delimit the dip slopes during tests on the field; the offender’s perception of
extent of the ground search. The search area layer of the GIS the victim’s weight during the dragging along a 150 m long dis-
platform is determined by the analysis of both the aerial and tance (62) to the burial site, may be equivalent to three times the
satellite imagery and the cadastral information. The search area real body weight (63,64); (ii) the internal friction angle of soil
limit is created by designing a digital shapefile polygon within (φ) influencing the slope stability. The three different RAG
the ArcGIS project. The access/exit positions are created by color-coded classes attributed to the raster-file cells are defined
designing shapefile points within the ArcGIS project (Table 1). as follows: (i) the Red class for the horizontal to subhorizontal
slope (high suitability); (ii) the Amber class for the gentle slope
(medium suitability); and (iii) the Green class for the gentle to
Diggability RAG Map
dip slope (low suitability). The cells bearing the slope values in
The diggability layer of the GIS platform is determined by the automated raster file, considering the appropriate ranges of
analyzing the aerial and satellite imagery, the geological/pedo- values, are attributed to the RAG classes using the Reclassify
logical/hydrogeological maps, and the surveying data. The quali- Tool extension of the Spatial Analyst Tools (Table 1). The
tative evaluation of diggability is made on the basis of the soil resulting RAG color-coded slope raster cells are converted into
type and hand tools (or mechanical excavator) used to dig the polygonal shapefiles by means of the Raster to Polygon Tool
grave. It is evaluated by: (i) identifying areas with outcropping (Table 1). The slope data may be further processed for those

areas with artificial terraces (Table 1). Despite the steepness of indicating the sites where the grave could be dug with medium
the terraced ground, these are easily accessible when wide difficulty (medium suitability; Table 1).
enough. Consequently, considering appropriate terrace sizes, the
easily accessible terraces are attributed to the Red class, the ter-
Geomorphology RAG Map
races of medium accessibility are attributed to the Amber class,
and the terraces of difficult accessibility are attributed to the The geomorphological data are gathered after analysis of the
Green class. The overlap of these manually designed shapefile aerial and satellite imagery, the hydrogeological risk map, and a
polygons identifying RAG terraced areas with the slope RAG visual survey. These data include watersheds, streams/rivers
shapefile polygons previously determined by the raster to poly- prone to water erosion, and unstable areas such as landslides.
gon conversion, using the Clip Tool, produces a RAG map of These data may be included in the three different RAG color-
the slope RAG areas with terraces within the ArcGIS project coded classes of the geomorphology RAG Map. The Red class
(Table 1). includes the stable zones, being evaluated as sites where digging
is “safe” and feasible (high suitability). The Green class includes
the unstable zones related to streams and landslides, being evalu-
Vegetation RAG Map
ated as sites where digging is “unsafe” and not feasible (low
The vegetation-related data (vegetation type and age) are suitability). The Red and Green color-coded areas are created by
compiled after the analysis of the aerial and satellite imagery, designing shapefile polygons within the ArcGIS project
of land-use maps, and of a general onsite vegetation survey. (Table 1). To define the intermediate Amber shapefile polygons
The qualitative evaluation of the vegetation is made on plant (medium suitability), a buffer zone is created along the inner
type and density: (i) absent or thin with grass, shrubs, and edge of the Green polygons (Table 1).
trees, or wooded areas with well-spaced trees (with strong cov-
ering effect); (ii) moderately dense; (iii) dense with brambles,
Visibility RAG Map
shrubs, and trees. The vegetation-related data are attributed to
the three different RAG color-coded classes of the vegetation The viewshed analysis is performed in ArcGIS using the
RAG Map within the ArcGIS project. The Red class covers the DTM and the DSM. It provides two different layers, namely a
areas either (i) with absent or thin vegetation, these areas being DTM-based visibility layer and a DSM-based visibility layer.
easily reachable by the offender while carrying the body; or (ii) These result from considering the viewpoints from which possi-
with wooded areas, these being well concealed for covert activi- ble eyewitnesses could have seen the concealment area. For the
ties (high suitability). The Green class includes the areas with viewshed analysis, the following parameters may be evaluated as
dense vegetation, these being impenetrable (low suitability). follows: (i) the angle of the visual field and the elevation of the
The areas of Red and Green color-coded classes are delineated viewpoint of the eyewitnesses; (ii) the elevation of the observed
by designing shapefile polygons within the ArcGIS project point, located on the main roads and buildings around the search
(Table 1). The Amber class covers the areas with moderately area; and (iii) the maximum distance necessary to see a person
dense vegetation, these areas showing a moderately difficult in the search area. In the DTM-based visibility layer, the invisi-
accessibility (medium suitability). This class is created by ble zones result from the cover effect of the landscape, according
means of the Buffer Tool along the external edge of the Red to the procedure followed by Ruffell and McKinley (22),
shapefile polygons (Table 1). whereas in the DSM-based visibility layer, the invisible zones
result from the cover effect of the vegetation and buildings, in
addition to the landscape effect. These layers are prepared by
Human-made Structures RAG Map
means of the Visibility Tool of the extension Spatial Analyst
The layer of human-made structures of the GIS platform is Tools; this extension processes the individual points of view in
established by analyzing both the aerial/satellite imagery and the relation to the elevations of the DTM and DSM (Table 1). The
cadastral information. The structures may be roads, dirt paths, resulting database is finally used for reclassifying the raster files
sidewalks, concrete platforms (squares, etc.), buildings, stone or by means of the Reclassify Tool extension of the Spatial Analyst
concrete walls, etc. When a burial is made with hand tools, these Tools (Table 1). The Reclassify Tool makes it possible to attri-
human structures are excluded as possible burial sites. The bute the raster cells to three different RAG color-coded auto-
absence of recent concrete pouring (ascertained during site visits) mated classes in the DTM- or DSM-based visibility raster layers
and/or of new buildings construction after the disappearance date of the visibility RAG Maps. The Red, Amber, and Green areas
need to be searched, as these sites may be used to cover up the include, respectively, invisible cells (high suitability), visible
burial. The data related to the human-made structures are attribu- cells from only one viewpoint (medium suitability), and visible
ted to the three different RAG color-coded classes of the human- cells from two or more viewpoints (low suitability). Finally, the
made structures RAG map within the ArcGIS project. The RAG areas are converted into polygonal shape files using the
related Red—Green class shapefile polygons include the zones Raster to Polygon Tool extension Conversion Tools (Table 1).
without and with human structures (Table 1), being evaluated as
sites where digging is feasible (high suitability) or not (low suit-
The Search-Scenario Maps of the RAG Prioritization System
ability). The Green areas also include the bands running along
the buildings and both sides of the roads/paths, as the offender The second phase of the GIS-based method is devoted to cre-
could consider them unsafe because any concealment signs or ate the search-scenario maps (Table 2). Search scenarios are
markers on the ground could be visible for potential eyewit- established by evaluating the cumulative suitability to host a bur-
nesses. These bands are determined using the Buffer Tool Anal- ial by cross-referencing all the RAG maps related to the entities
ysis Tools (Table 1). Similarly, to define the intermediate Amber considered. Each entity is cross-referenced with the others in
shapefile polygons, a buffer zone may be created along the order to define areas at high, medium, and low suitability for the
external edge of the Red shapefile polygons, the Amber burial site corresponding to high-, medium-, and low-priority

areas for the search of clandestine burials. In the construction of

Crime Scene at Messina
search scenarios, it is assumed that: (i) The Red class is applied
for areas in which all entities are red; (ii) the Green class is The simulated crime scene (Fig. 3) was chosen in the area of
applied for areas in which at least one entity is at low suitability Messina (Fig. 1). It was located at a rural site (Fig. 3), on a gen-
among the three RAG classes; and (iii) the Amber class is tle slope at 65–85 m a.s.l. The clandestine grave was dug along
applied for areas in which at least one entity is amber among the the edge of a plain area surrounding an artificial lake (Fig. 3a,
Amber and Red classes. The cumulative suitability is achieved e). The burial site was chosen in an area not visible by potential
by means of the Merge Tool within ArcGIS (Table 2). The over- ground eyewitnesses and by aerial view (Fig. 3a, e). The grave
lapping areas of the three classes are successively cut using the had a rhombohedral form and was 0.9 m long, 0.5 m wide, and
Clip Tool. This tool allows a polygon with the requested attri- 0.5 m deep (Fig. 3b, c). The human remains, simulated by a
butes to be chosen by cutting off any overlapping information bust of a mannequin, was 0.8 m long (Fig. 3c). After the body
(Table 2). The search scenarios are constructed by considering was interred on 15 July 2016 within a plastic bag (Fig. 3c), the
the following: (i) the 2–6 entities associated with the DTM-based grave was concealed covering the disturbed ground with leaves
visibility or with the DSM-based visibility; (ii) the 2–6 entities (Fig. 3a). The GIS-based Color-coded Prioritization System of
without considering the visibility (Table 2). Following this this crime scene was prepared on 1 May 2017. The “blind”
procedure, three search scenarios are generated, namely RAG forensic search test was performed on 23 June 2017.
GIS-based Search-Scenario Map with DTM-based Visibility,
GIS-based RAG Search-Scenario Map with DSM-based Visibil-
Search Area and Access/Exit
ity, GIS-based RAG Search-Scenario Map without Visibility
(Table 2). The search area of the Alı crime scene was calculated to be
The access/exit position is reported in the search-scenario 39,317 m2. It was geographically limited by the borders of the
maps, the point from which the offender begins to transport the suspect’s ranch. These corresponded to: (i) two streams with a
body toward the burial site being a key parameter to evaluate NNW-SSE trend, in the northeastern and southwestern sectors;
the walking feasibility toward the burial site, as it allows an (ii) the internal side of the perimeter wall (with an entry/exit
evaluation of the cost analysis, also known as spreading with gate) in the southern sector; and (iii) an asphalted road (with an
friction (18). entry/exit) in the northern area (Fig. 4a).
The search area of the Messina crime scene, calculated to be
15,624 m2, was geographically limited by the property line of
The Application of the GIS-Based Color-Coded Prioritization
the suspect’s ranch (Fig. 5a). These corresponded to: (i) an
System for the Search of Clandestine Graves: The Simulated
asphalted road, in the northeastern and northwestern sectors
Crime Scenes at Alı and Messina (Italy)
(with an entry/exit); (ii) a metal fence in the southern and south-
The following intelligence-led data related to the missing per- eastern sectors.
son and the main suspect were considered as follows: (i) The
victim was buried in the suspect’s ranch (Figs 1, 2 and 3); (ii)
the grave was dug with pick and shovel; and (iii) the conceal-
ment occurred in daylight. The DTM and DSM used within the The Alı crime scene was characterized mainly by soil outcrops
ArcGIS were characterized by a spatial resolution of 2 9 2 m with thicknesses ranging from a few decimeters to a few meters
with 1 m of elevation and were acquired by means of LiDAR (Fig. 2a), and second by outcroppings of phyllites (Fig. 2e). The
airplane flights. Rainfall was registered at around 900 mm/y drift geology of the area was characterized by a natural granular
(65). At both crime scenes, the GIS-team spent one day on the soil showing a silty-sandy texture with detritus clasts, overlying
desktop study to apply the GIS-based color-coded prioritization bedrock of Paleozoic phyllites belonging to the Miocene Man-
system. danici nappe (66–68) (Fig. 2e). The areas with thick granular
soils on cultivated fields were included in the Red class and con-
stituted 47.3% of the total (18,583 m2, Figs 4b and 6a). The
Crime Scene at Alı
areas with thick granular soils on abandoned cultivated field
The simulated crime scene was chosen in the area of Alı were included in the Amber class and covered 10% (3935 m2,
(near the city of Messina, Italy; Fig. 1). It was located in an Figs 4b and 6a). The areas with thin granular soils on aban-
isolated rural site (Fig. 2), on a gentle slope at 495 m to doned cultivated field or outcropping phyllites were included in
570 m a.s.l. (Fig. 2c), divided by a small watershed, and par- the Green class and represented 42.7% (16,797 m2, Figs 4b
tially terraced for cultivation (Fig. 2c). The clandestine grave and 6a).
was dug near a border of an olive terrace (Fig. 2a, b, c). The The Messina crime scene was characterized mainly by soil
burial site was chosen in an area not visible by potential outcrops, with thicknesses ranging from a few decimeters to one
ground eyewitnesses but visible by aerial view (Fig. 2a, c). meter. The drift geology of the area was characterized by a natu-
The grave had a rectangular form and was 2 m long, 0.5 m ral granular soil showing a silty-sandy texture with gravel clasts,
wide, and 0.75 m deep (Fig. 2a, b). The body of the victim, overlying sands with gravels belonging to the Middle Pleistocene
simulated by an entire mannequin, was 1.7 m long (Fig. 2b, Messina Formation (69). The areas with thick granular soils
d). After the body was interred on 5 August 2015 within a were included in the Red class and covered 4.1% of the total
black plastic bag, the grave was concealed covering the dis- (640 m2, Figs 5b and 7a). The areas with thin granular soils
turbed ground with brushwood. The GIS-based Color-coded were included in the Amber class and covered 89.6%
Prioritization System of this crime scene was prepared the 1 (14,000 m2, Figs 5b and 7a). The areas with thin granular soils
September 2015. The “blind” forensic search test was con- were included in the Green class and represented 6.3% (982 m2,
ducted on 17 September 2015. Figs 5b and 7a).

FIG. 4––RAG prioritization system of the Alı crime scene (Red, high suitability; Amber, medium suitability; Green, low suitability to host burial site; the bur-
ial site is represented by a ~4 9 4 m square). (a) Search area delineated showing the access/exit and the burial site. (b) Diggability RAG Map (the burial site
lies in the Red area). (c) Landscape/Slope RAG Map (the burial site lies in the Red area). (d) Vegetation RAG Map (the burial site lies in the Red area). (e)
Human-made Structures RAG Map (the burial site lies in the Red area). (f) Geomorphology RAG Map (the burial site lies in the Red area). (g) Viewpoints out-
side the search area used for the viewshed analysis. (h) Visibility RAG Map defined using the DTM (the burial site lies in the Green area). (i) Visibility RAG
Map defined using the DSM (the burial site lies in the Red area). [Color figure can be viewed at]

FIG. 5––RAG prioritization system of the Messina crime scene (Red, high suitability; Amber, medium suitability; Green, low suitability to host burial site; the
burial site is represented by a ~4 9 4 m square). (a) Search area delineated showing the access/exit and the burial site. (b) Diggability RAG Map (the burial
site lies in the Red area). (c) Landscape/Slope RAG Map (the burial site lies in the Red area). (d) Vegetation RAG Map (the burial site lies in the Red area).
(e) Human-made Structures RAG Map (the burial site lies in the Red area). (f) Geomorphology RAG Map (the burial site lies in the Red area). (g) Viewpoints
outside the search area used for the viewshed analysis. (h) Visibility RAG Map defined using the DTM (the burial site lies in the Amber area). (i) Visibility
RAG Map defined using the DSM (the burial site lies in the Red area). [Color figure can be viewed at]

FIG. 6––(a) Percentages of the RAG color-coded suitability to host the burial site for each of the evaluated entities of the Alı crime scene. (b) Percentages of
the RAG color-coded suitability to host the burial site in the different RAG maps of the search scenario (RAG_DTM: RAG map considering the DTM-based vis-
ibility; RAG_DSM: RAG map considering the DSM-based visibility; RAG_NV: RAG map without considering the visibility). [Color figure can be viewed at]

(10,465 m2) for the Red class area, (ii) 12.4% (1939 m2) for the
Amber class area, and (iii) 20.6% (3230 m2) for the Green class
The Landscape/Slope RAG maps were characterized as fol- area (Figs 5c and 7a).
lows: (i) Red class assigned to cells with slope of less than 20°;
(ii) Amber class to those between 20° and 27°; (iii) and Green
class to those greater than 27°. As both crime scenes have artifi-
cial terraces, the slope RAG class extents were corrected, respec- The southern sector of the Alı crime scene was characterized
tively, assigning to the RAG classes the areas with terraces by a rural area consisting mainly of olive trees with an average
having a width >4 m, between 4 and 3 m, and <3 m. of 6 m spacing on cultivated terraces (Fig. 2a, c), and where
The percentages of the areas of the Landscape/Slope RAG low grass, oak trees, and chestnuts were also present. In the
map at the Alı crime scene were as follows: (i) 20.4% northern area, vineyards with <4 m spacing were present chiefly
(8029 m2) for the Red class area, (ii) 23.9% (9378 m2) for the in terraced fields. By contrast, dense vegetation consisting of
Amber class area, and (iii) 55.7% (21,908 m2) for the Green trees, brambles, and shrubs covered the slopes near the streams
class area (Figs 4c and 6a). and around the steepest, north-central area dividing the southern
The percentages of the areas of the Landscape/Slope RAG zone from the northern one and acting as a natural physical bar-
map at the Messina crime scene were as follows: (i) 67% rier (Fig. 2). The vegetation-related data were attributed to the

FIG. 7––(a) Percentages of the RAG color-coded suitability to host the burial site for each of the evaluated entities at the Messina crime scene. (b) Percent-
ages of the RAG color-coded suitability to host the burial site in the different RAG maps of the search scenario (RAG_DTM: RAG map considering the DTM-
based visibility; RAG_DSM: RAG map considering the DSM-based visibility; RAG_NV: RAG map without considering the visibility). [Color figure can be
viewed at]

three different RAG color-coded classes of the vegetation RAG northeastern zone from the southwestern one and acting as a nat-
Map (Figs 4d and 6a). The Red class covered both the areas ural physical barrier (Figs 3a, b and 5d). The vegetation-related
with olive orchards, vineyards, isolated trees with little vegeta- data were attributed to the three different RAG color-coded
tion, and open ground (Figs 4d and 6a). The Green class classes of the vegetation RAG Map (Fig. 5d). The Red class
included the areas with dense vegetation with brambles, shrubs, covered the wooded area with well-spaced pines, scattered oaks,
and trees (Figs 4d and 6a). The Amber class was defined along and low grass (Figs 5d and 7a). The Green class included the
a 10 m-wide buffer zone (Figs 4d and 6a). The percentages of areas with dense vegetation with oak trees, pines, brambles, and
the areas of the vegetation RAG map were, respectively, as fol- shrubs (Figs 5d and 7a). The Amber class was defined along a
lows: (i) 65.5% (25,740 m2) for the Red class area, (ii) 19.4% 10 m-wide buffer zone. The percentages of the areas of the veg-
(7620 m2) for the Amber class area, and (iii) 15.1% (5955 m2) etation RAG map were, respectively, as follows: (i) 79.9%
for the Green class area (Figs 4d and 6a). (12,485 m2) for the Red class area, (ii) 12.8% (2000 m2) for the
The Messina crime scene was characterized by a wooded area Amber class area, and (iii) 7.3% (1140 m2) for the Green class
with pines and scattered oaks. In the northwestern area, pine area (Figs 5d and 7a).
trees with low grass prevailed and were well spaced (averaging
4 m apart; Fig. 3d). In the southwestern area, the oak trees pre-
Human-Made Structures
dominated over the pines, and the vegetation was dense with
brambles and shrubs (Fig. 3a, e). This dense vegetation covered The structures found at the Alı crime scene consisted of: (i)
the slope on the western side of the artificial lake, dividing the two rural dirt paths; (ii) stone walls; (iii) two ruins with concrete

floors (Fig. 2c). The structures found at the Messina crime scene 94.0% (14,686 m2) for the Red class area, (ii) 3.6% (561 m2)
consisted of: (i) one rural dirt path; (ii) stone walls; (iii) concrete for the Amber class area, and (iii) 2.4% (377 m2) for the Green
floor with benches; and (iv) artificial lake with a concrete bed class area (Figs 5f and 7a).
(Fig. 3a, e).
The data were attributed to the three different RAG color-
coded classes of the human-made structures RAG map within
the ArcGIS project. The zones without and with human-made The viewshed analysis based on the viewpoints (Figs 4g and
structures were attributed to the Red and the Green class, respec- 5g) produced two Visibility RAG maps for each crime scene:
tively. The Green areas also included the areas related to the the DTM-based and the DSM-based Visibility RAG maps. The
4 m-wide bands running along both sides of the paths. The invisible and visible zones were attributed to the Red and Green
Amber class included the 4 m-wide buffer zones. class, respectively. The Amber class included visible cells from
At the Alı crime scene, the percentages of the areas of the only one viewpoint.
human-made structures on the RAG map were, respectively, as At the Alı crime scene, the percentages of the areas in the
follows: (i) 84.1% (33,045 m2) for the Red class area, (ii) 12.8% DTM-based Visibility RAG map were as follows: (i) 2.8%
(5031 m2) for the Amber class area, and (iii) 3.2% (1240 m2) (1095 m2) for the Red class, (ii) 1.4% (538 m2) for the Amber
for the Green class area (Figs 4e and 6a). class, and (iii) 95.8% (37,680 m2) for the Green class (Figs 4h
At the Messina crime scene, the percentages of the areas of and 6a). The percentages of the areas in the DSM-based Visibil-
the human-made structures RAG map were, respectively, as fol- ity RAG map were as follows: (i) 19.6% (7690 m2) for the Red
lows: (i) 80% (12,485 m2) for the Red class area, (ii) 13.8% class, (ii) 4.9% (1930 m2) for the Amber class, and (iii) 75.5%
(2156 m2) for the Amber class area, and (iii) 6.3% (982 m2) for (29,700 m2) for the Green class (Figs 4i and 6a).
the Green class area (Figs 5e, and 7a). At the Messina crime scene, the percentages of the areas in
the DTM-based Visibility RAG map were as follows: (i) 0.8%
(130m2) for the Red class, (ii) 20.5% (3197 m2) for the Amber
class, and (iii) 78.7% (12,297 m2) for the Green class (Figs 5h
At the Alı crime scene, the geomorphological data included and 7a). The percentages of the areas in the DSM-based Visibil-
the following: (i) the watershed trend, (ii) the areas of the ity RAG map were as follows: (i) 31.6% (4930m2) for the Red
streams, and (iii) superficial landslides. The geomorphological class, (ii) 56.5% (8825 m2) for the Amber class, and (iii) 11.9%
features found at the Messina crime scene consisted of areas of (1865 m2) for the Green class (Figs 5i and 7a).
the streams suitable to erosion. The stable and the unstable zones
were attributed to the Red and the Green class, respectively. To
Search Scenarios
define the intermediate Amber class, a 4 m-wide buffer zone
was created along the streams or the landslides. Three different RAG maps of the search scenarios were pre-
At the Alı crime scene, the percentages of the areas of the pared for the two crime scenes (Figs 8 and 9): (i) the search sce-
geomorphology RAG Map were, respectively, as follows: (i) nario with the DTM-based visibility, (ii) with the DSM-based
83.7% (32,910 m2) for the Red class area, (ii) 6.1% (2387 m2) visibility, and (iii) without the visibility.
for the Amber class area, and (iii) 10.2% (4020 m2) for the In the Alı crime scene search scenario with DTM-based visi-
Green class area (Figs 4f and 6a). bility, the Red area proved to occupy 0.1% (29.9 m2) of the
At the Messina crime scene, the percentages of the areas of entire search area, whereas the Amber and Green areas repre-
the geomorphology RAG Map were, respectively, as follows: (i) sented 0.8% (310 m2) and 99.1% (38,977 m2), respectively

FIG. 8––The RAG prioritization system of the Alı crime scene (Red, high suitability; Amber, medium suitability; Green: low suitability to host burial site; the
burial site is represented by a ~4 9 4 m square). (a) GIS-based RAG Search Scenario Map with DTM-based visibility (the burial site lies in the Green area).
(b) GIS-based RAG Search Scenario Map with DSM-based visibility (the burial site lies in the Red area). (c) GIS-based RAG Search Scenario Map without Vis-
ibility (the burial site lies in the Red area). [Color figure can be viewed at]

FIG. 9––The RAG prioritization system of the Messina crime scene (Red, high suitability; Amber, medium suitability; Green, low suitability to host burial
site; the burial site is represented by a ~4 9 4 m square). (a) GIS-based RAG Search Scenario Map with DTM-based visibility (the burial site lies in the
Amber area). (b) GIS-based RAG Search Scenario Map with DSM-based visibility (the burial site lies in the Red area). (c) GIS-based RAG Search Scenario
Map without Visibility (the burial site lies in the Red area). [Color figure can be viewed at]

(Figs 8a and 6b). On the other hand, in the search scenario with found above the anomaly (Fig. 2a). The forensic archeological
the DSM-based visibility, the Red area occupied 5.9% excavation resulted in the recovery of the simulated victim from
(2313 m2), and Amber and Green 5.6% (2218 m2) and 88.5% both the burials (Figs 2 and 3). The time spent on the ground
(34,786 m2), respectively (Figs 8b and 6b). Finally, in the search searches by the search team was roughly 1 hour at the Alı crime
scenario without the visibility, the Red area constituted 29.0% scene and three hours at the Messina crime scene.
(11,412 m2), with Amber and Green making up 22.8%
(8965 m2) and 48.2% (18,940 m2), respectively (Figs 8c and
The Grave in the Search Scenarios
In the Messina crime scene search scenario with DTM-based The grave at the Alı crime scene was 137 m NNW of the
visibility, the Red area proved to occupy 0% (0 m2) of the entire entry/exit at the base of 2.5-m high-olive trees with a thin
search area, whereas the Amber and Green areas represented canopy 2 m wide, near the northeastern corner of the highest
17.2% (2691 m2) and 82.8% (12,933 m2), respectively (Figs 9a olive terrace (Fig. 2). The grave was spotted in a high-priority
and 7b). On the other hand, in the search scenario with the area both in the DSM-based search scenario (Fig. 8b) and in the
DSM-based visibility, the Red area occupied 2.1% (332 m2) of search scenario without visibility (Fig. 8c). However, according
the search area, and Amber and Green 33.1% (5171 m2) and to the DTM-based search scenario, it was located in a low-prior-
64.8% (10,121 m2), respectively (Figs 9b and 7b). Finally, in ity area (Fig. 8a).
the search scenario without the visibility, the Red area consti- The grave at the Messina crime scene was 152 m NNW of
tuted 3.29% (515 m2) of the search area, with Amber and Green the entry/exit at the base of an oak tree 12 m high, under a 12-
making up 66.12% (10,330 m2) and 30.59% (4779 m2), respec- m-wide canopy, along the northeastern border of the plain with
tively (Figs 9c and 7b). the artificial lake (Fig. 3a, e). It was spotted in a high-priority
The time spent on the desktop study to apply the GIS-based area both in the DSM-based search scenario (Fig. 9b) and the
color-coded prioritization system was roughly 1 day for the Alı search scenario without visibility (Fig. 9c). However, according
crime scene and half a day for the Messina crime scene. to the DTM-based search scenario, it was located in a medium-
priority area (Fig. 9a).
Ground Search
A ground search was made for both crime scenes. The search
team, using the search-scenario maps, began to search from the The idea of Ruffell and McAllister (23) to assign a “weight”
access/exit position and surveyed first the high–medium-priority to the different association of factors served as a fundamental
areas. At the Alı crime scene, as the southern access/exit is starting point to develop the RAG system presented here. As
linked to a path reaching the high-to-medium-priority areas opposed to previous studies (18,22,23), in the GIS-based method
(Fig. 8b), searches started from this site. During the searches, presented here, the main factors influencing the burial site choice
the team looked for ground disturbance and vegetation anoma- were classified in RAG cumulative classes finalized at the cre-
lies, in the high-to-medium-priority areas of the search scenarios. ation of different search scenarios. Moreover, as opposed to the
For the anomalies found in the Red and Amber areas, the soil approach of Ruffell and McAllister (23), the method presented
density was tested with a metal probe. At both crime scenes, the here was planned without involving geophysical surveys, the
team found one anomaly characterized by soft soil and a ground GIS-based RAG system presented here being a presearch desk-
depression of a few centimeters. Moreover, at the Alı crime top method. In fact, one of the aims of the present research was
scene, recently sprouted grass along a rectangular area was the better management of efforts, costs, and resources, and the

postponing of the geophysical surveys (GPR, etc.) during the percentage will become higher, and therefore with lower effi-
ground search for recent burials, reserving them only for anoma- cacy, in search scenarios related to concealment at night; (iii)
lies evidenced by visual inspection in the high-to-medium-prior- criteria to build the GIS database are arbitrary: This signifies that
ity areas. the quality and efficiency of the resulting scenarios are strongly
influenced by the operator’s skills and expertise.
Future research will deal with the preparation of a presearch
Concluding Remarks
and ground-search protocol for clandestine graves. This will be
In the GIS-based RAG system presented here, the Alı grave subjected to a search test, where the concealment will be simu-
(Fig. 2a), although not visible by possible ground eyewitnesses lated and the gravesite unknown to the authors. This will be in
as ascertained by the viewshed analysis (Fig. 4i), was visible by collaboration with law enforcement and will aim to integrate the
aerial view (Figs 2a and 4a). By contrast, the Messina grave, GIS-based search scenarios presented here with other related dis-
being under wide, thick oak canopy (Fig. 3a, e), was not visible ciplines. The high-to-medium-priority areas of the presearch
either by possible ground eyewitnesses (Fig. 5i) or by aerial GIS-based color-coded search scenarios will be investigated dur-
view (Figs 3a, e and 5a). These different circumstances, with ing the subsequent ground search by visual inspection
respect to aerial sighting, suggest that: (i) In the search areas (18,19,26,28,29), geophysical methods (22,25,29,34–44), and
where a recent grave is exposed to the aerial viewing, the analy- ground laser scanner (70).
sis of the landscape by means of high-resolution aerial imagery
and DTMs may be sufficient for search purposes; (ii) by con-
trast, if a burial is covered by the tree canopy, the application of Acknowledgments
the GIS-based approach using both the DTM and DSM view- The anonymous reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief Michael A.
shed analyses may be successful, as it is impossible to detect a Peat are kindly thanked for their constructive reviews, which led
burial with only high-resolution aerial imagery. to significant improvements of the original manuscript.
The time spent at the crime scenes to apply the GIS-based We are greatly indebted to Laurance Donnelly, Alastair Ruf-
color-coded prioritization system, and the successive ground fell, Lorna Dawson, and Jennifer McKinley for useful discus-
search using the RAG search scenarios, depended on the size of sions opening our minds on the complex and sensitive theme of
the search area and of the high-to-medium-priority area, respec- the search of clandestine graves.
tively. Furthermore, the time spent on the desktop study for the
Alı crime scene was double with respect to Messina, being twice
the size, whereas the time spent for the ground searches was References
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