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Trần Ngân Hà

Nguyễn Kim Xuyến

Nguyễn Bảo Đông Anh
Huỳnh Lý Phương Nghi
1. 10 examples of equative sentences

1. My brother is as tall as my father.

2. The sun is as bright as a diamond.
3. The cat is as lazy as a sloth.
4. The ocean is as vast as the sky.
5. My love for you is as deep as the ocean.
6. The mountain is as majestic as a king.
7. The rose is as red as a fire truck.
8. The elephant is as strong as a bulldozer.
9. The moon is as bright as a spotlight.
10. The lion is as fierce as a tiger.

2. 10 examples of generic sentences

1. The cat sat on the windowsill.
2. The sun was shining brightly in the sky.
3. She walked down the street with her head held high.
4. The flowers bloomed in the springtime.
5. He opened the door and stepped inside.
6. The children played in the park all afternoon.
7. The car drove down the winding road.
8. The book was filled with colorful illustrations.
9. The rain poured down from the dark clouds.
10. She smiled and waved at her friends as they passed by.

3. 10 examples of analytic sentences

1. All mammals have hair.
2. The sun rises in the east.
3. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.
4. A triangle has three sides.
5. All bachelors are unmarried.
6. A square has four equal sides.
7. The sum of two even numbers is always an even number.
8. All right angles measure 90 degrees.
9. A mammal is an animal that gives birth to live young and nurses them with milk.
10. A bachelor party is a celebration for a man who is about to get married.

4. 10 examples of synthetic sentences

1. The robot walked across the room and picked up the book.
2. The scientist created a new type of plastic using advanced technology.
3. The computer generated a realistic image of a beach scene.
4. The artificial intelligence program learned to play chess in just a few hours.
5. The lab technician synthesized a new medication to treat the disease.
6. The company manufactured a line of synthetic fabrics that are more durable than natural fibers.
7. The virtual reality headset simulated a rollercoaster ride.
8. The engineer designed a synthetic heart valve that mimics the function of a real one.
9. The 3D printer produced a synthetic model of a human heart for medical research.
10. The chemist combined various chemicals to create a synthetic fragrance for perfumes.

5. 10 examples contradictory sentences

1. I am a vegetarian, but I love eating steak.

2. She hates the beach, yet she always goes on vacation to tropical islands.
3. He claims to be environmentally conscious, but he drives a gas-guzzling SUV.
4. The sign says "No Trespassing," but the gate is wide open.
5. She says she's on a diet, but she keeps snacking on junk food.
6. He's a doctor, but he smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.
7. The company promotes a healthy work-life balance, but employees are expected to work overtime
every week.
8. She's a fitness instructor, but she never exercises outside of work.
9. He preaches about the importance of honesty, but he lies to his friends and family.
10. The politician promised to lower taxes, but taxes have actually increased since they took office.

6. 10 examples of entailments
1. If John is a bachelor, then he is unmarried.
2. If it is raining, then the ground is wet.
3. If Sarah is a mother, then she has children.
4. If the sun is shining, then it is daytime.
5. If a triangle has three sides, then it is a polygon.
6. If a mammal has fur, then it is warm-blooded.
7. If a person is over 18 years old, then they are an adult.
8. If a bird has feathers, then it can fly.
9. If a square has four equal sides, then it is a regular polygon.
10. If a plant receives sunlight, then it can photosynthesize.

7. 10 examples of paraphrases
1. Original: "The dog chased the cat around the yard."
Paraphrase: "The cat was pursued by the dog in the yard."

2. Original: "The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg."

Paraphrase: "Steven Spielberg was the director of the film."
3. Original: "The company's profits have increased by 20%."
Paraphrase: "There has been a 20% rise in the company's profits."

4. Original: "The students were excited about their upcoming field trip."
Paraphrase: "The upcoming field trip generated excitement among the students."

5. Original: "The novel is set in 19th century England."

Paraphrase: "The story takes place in England during the 1800s."

6. Original: "The chef prepared a delicious three-course meal."

Paraphrase: "The cook made a tasty three-course dinner."

7. Original: "The government is implementing new policies to reduce pollution."

Paraphrase: "New measures are being put in place by the government to decrease pollution."

8. Original: "The athlete broke the world record in the 100-meter dash."
Paraphrase: "The runner set a new world record in the 100-meter sprint."

9. Original: "The scientist conducted experiments to test her hypothesis."

Paraphrase: "The researcher performed tests to verify her theory."

10. Original: "The children played in the park all afternoon."

Paraphrase: "The kids spent the entire afternoon playing at the park."

8. 10 examples of contradictories
1. "I am hungry" and "I am not hungry"
2. "The sky is blue" and "The sky is not blue"
3. "I love chocolate" and "I hate chocolate"
4. "She is tall" and "She is short"
5. "The cat is black" and "The cat is white"
6. "I am happy" and "I am sad"
7. "He is wearing a red shirt" and "He is wearing a blue shirt"
8. "It is raining" and "It is not raining"
9. "The book is on the table" and "The book is not on the table"
10. "She is a doctor" and "She is not a doctor"

9. 10 examples of lexically ambiguous sentences

1. "I saw her duck." (Did I see her lower her head or did I see a waterfowl?)

2. "I can't bear to watch this show." (Do I dislike it or am I physically unable to bear it?)

3. "She left him behind." (Did she abandon him or did she physically leave him in a location?)

4. "I saw the man with the binoculars." (Did I see a man who was using binoculars or did I see a man
who was made of binoculars?)

5. "I saw the dog with the telescope." (Did I see a dog who was using a telescope or did I see a dog
who was made of telescopes?)

6. "I ate the sandwich on the train." (Did I eat the sandwich while riding on a train or did I eat a
sandwich that was made of trains?)

7. "I saw her duck with a bow." (Did I see her lower her head while holding a bow or did I see a
waterfowl with a bow?)

8. "I saw the man on the hill with a telescope." (Did I see a man standing on a hill while using a
telescope or did I see a man who was made of hills and telescopes?)

9. "I saw the cat with the binoculars." (Did I see a cat who was using binoculars or did I see a cat who
was made of binoculars?)

10. "I saw the bird with the broken wing." (Did I see a bird with a wing that was broken or did I see a
bird who was made of broken wings?)

10. 10 examples of structurally ambiguous sentences

1. "I saw the man with the binoculars."
- This sentence could mean that the speaker saw a man who was holding binoculars, or that the
speaker saw a man through binoculars.

2. "She cooked the dinner in the microwave for her family."

- This sentence could mean that she used the microwave to cook dinner for her family, or that she
cooked dinner for her family who were in the microwave.
3. "The dog bit the man with the newspaper."
- This sentence could mean that the dog bit a man who was holding a newspaper, or that the dog bit a
man who was made of newspaper.

4. "I saw the girl with the telescope."

- This sentence could mean that the speaker saw a girl who was holding a telescope, or that the
speaker saw a girl through a telescope.

5. "The teacher told the students to raise their hands."

- This sentence could mean that the teacher instructed the students to physically raise their hands, or
that the teacher told the students to increase their hands in number.

6. "The man saw the woman with the binoculars."

- This sentence could mean that the man saw a woman who was holding binoculars, or that the man
saw a woman through binoculars.

7. "I saw the bird with the binoculars."

- This sentence could mean that the speaker saw a bird through binoculars, or that the speaker saw a
bird who was holding binoculars.

8. "The cat chased the mouse with the broom."

- This sentence could mean that the cat used a broom to chase the mouse, or that the cat chased the
mouse while holding a broom.

9. "The man saw the woman with the telescope."

- This sentence could mean that the man saw a woman who was holding a telescope, or that the man
saw a woman through a telescope.

10. "The chef cooked the meal with the vegetables."

- This sentence could mean that the chef used vegetables to cook the meal, or that the chef cooked the
meal while standing on top of vegetables.

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