l3m5 Questions

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Advanced Certificate in Procurement & Supply Operations

L3M5 Socially Responsible Procurement

Name: ____________________________________________
Q1.Who drew up the Guiding principles on Business and Human rights which was endorsed by the UN
Human Rights council in 2011?

a. Professor John Ruggie

b. Anold Schwarzenegger

c. The International Labour Organization

d. The USA

Q2. The objectives of Corporate Social Responsibility are sometimes known as the ‘triple bottom line’
these refer to …

a. people, planet and profit

b. total quality management

c. task, team and individual

d. key performance indicators

Q3. In France it is compulsory that companies implement a vigilance plan to mitigate against human
rights-related risks as required by which law

a. Corporate duty of Vigilance law

b. The Modern Slavery Act

c. California Transparency in Supply Chains Act

d. The Mine health and Safety Act

Q4. The concept which concerns itself with meeting the needs of the present, without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their needs is known as …

a. promotability

b. sustainability

c. accountability

d. malleability
Q5. An environmental impact of transportation could be …

a. loss of profit

b. air pollution and atmospheric emissions

c. loss of resource

d. pest factors

Q6. Which of the following approaches might an organisation adopt to support CSR …?

a. annual team reporting

b. vision and mission statements

c. procurement processes which deliver positive social outcomes

d. total quality management

Q7. An organisation may include the use of which of the following in its defined social outcomes …

a. ethical codes of conduct

b. local labour

c. environmental scanning

d. international labour laws

Q8. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space.

An organisation’s can be described as “the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and
indirectly support human activities”.

carbon footprint, environmental sustainability, noise pollution, corporate social responsibility

Q9. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

A model that policy makers and others can use to reform and apply regulations in an effective and
logical way is a …….
regulatory framework, key success factor, key performance indicator

Q10. A social audit measures the supply chain’s social compliance with company’s internal code of
conduct and international standards and regulations

True, False

Q11. Drag and match the correct term option against its definition.

a. An inspection of an organization by an independent by

an independent company or body
b. An inspection of a supplier by an organization or
company contracted by the organisation
c. An inspection of an organization by an auditor
employed by the organisation

First party audit/internal audit, second party/external/supplier audit, third party audit

Q12 Analysing the organisation’s effect on the society and environment by evaluating its operating
procedures, code of conduct and other factors is called…..

CSR audit, financial audit, social audit

Q13. Which of the following are USA governmental regulatory agencies?

a. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Health and Safety Agency (OHSA)

b. Logistics Emissions Reduction Scheme and International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

c. Eco-management and Audit Scheme and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

d. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Occupational Health and Safety Agency

Q14. The most widely used international accounting tool for government and business leaders to
understand, quantify and manage greenhouse gas emissions is the …..
The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate Standard, Millennium Development Goals 2000

Q15. The ILO core conventions, Ruggie framework and others are not legally binding for companies


Q16. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

___________ imposes extensive obligations on owners and operators of mines to manage health and
safety in South Africa

Corporate Duty of Vigilance, Mine Health and Safety Act

Q17. What does KPI stand for?

a. key productivity indicator

b. key productivity index

c. key performance indicator

d. key performance index

Q18. Tick all that apply

What areas should be included under a CSR?

a. people

b. profit

c. purchase

d. planet

Q19. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

Total hours of training per year per category/total employees per category defines …..

Life cycle assessment, average hours of training per employee per year per category, employee turnover
20. Assessing the environmental impact of each step in a product’s life cycle from raw material
extraction through to the use, repair, and maintenance of the product is known by three names. Which
one of the following is not one of these names?

a. cradle-to-grave analysis

b. life-cycle analysis

c. life-cycle assessment

d. CSR analysis

Q21. A CSR report must summarise the company’s programme to monitor and manage social and
environmental impacts of the business


Q22. All KPIs measures provide indicators as to how well a company is achieving the results it desires



Regarding the key steps in the KPI process, drag and drop the correct option into the blank box

Assess, evaluate, identify

Q24. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

____________________________________ is a management initiative where companies integrate

social and environmental concerns into their business operations and _____________________ is one of
the main contributing elements of CSR
Sustainability, corporate social responsibility, risk

Q25. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

___________________________________ in supply chains is the process of making decisions that meet

an organization’s needs for goods and services in a way that benefits not only the organization itself but
also society as a whole while minimizing the organization’s impact on the environment

corporate social responsibility, sustainability

Q26. Which one of the following is not a procurement risk factor?

a. fraud and conflict of interest

b. abuse and contract failure

c. reputation loss and financial loss

d. good corporate governance and responsible procurement

Q27. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

Behavior that is acceptable in accordance with principles of right or good conduct in the context of a
particular situation and is consistent with international norms of behaiour defines ……..

Corporate governance, ethical behaviour

Q28. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

___________________ provides guidance on how socially responsible enterprise or organization can

and should work with implementation, stakeholder involvement, due diligence and communication on
its CSR performance

ISO 26000, ISO 14001, ISO 9000, 20400

29 Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

_________________________ means analyzing sustainability performance to compare an

organisation’s KPIs with those of other organizations in the same industry while
_______________________ is removing factors that might affect the validity of direct comparisons
between KPIs.

normalization, benchmarking

Q30 There are four steps to sustainable reporting.

Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

1. _________________

2. Measure performance

3. Evaluate performance

4. ____________________

Manage performance, Define goals and metrics,

Q31. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

An approach to measuring performance that looks at multiple factors or variables is called a


Balanced score card, key performance indicators (KPIs)

Q32. Drag and drop the correct option into the blank space

________________________________________ is about communicating how the company manages its

long term value creation by taking an integrated approach by reporting how the company integrates
environmental and social thinking into its business.

Sustainability reporting, integrated reporting

Q33. Drag and drop water foot print, residual waste/waste impact and waste footprint correctly into the
blank space to match the definitions given

a. Waste that is not able to be recycled or reused

and which ends up in garbage dumps called
b. The indicator of water use that looks at both
direct and indirect water use
c. The indicator of waste impact that looks at both
direct and indirect waste production by an
Q34. Social impacts are more difficult to quantify than environmental impacts


Q35. What are the tree factors that make up the triple bottom line reporting?

a. Financial, managerial and ethical

b. Profit, loss and overheads

c. Financial, environmental and social

d. Product, price and people

Q36. What are the most important environmental issues that we should consider when designing pour
sustainability reporting?

a. Greenhouse gas emissions

b. Water management

c. Recycling and reusing waste

d. All of the above

Q37 the greenhouse protocol corporate standard has three scopes for accounting and reporting on

Drag and drop the correct focus option for each scope into the blank space


indirect emissions from energy purchased by the organization, indirect emissions from sources not
owned by the organization, direct emissions from an organization’s own activities

Q38. Drag and drop the correct focus option for each scope into the blank space

___________________________ is a function in an organization that costs money to operate but does

not generate revenues while a __________________________________________ is a section of the
organization that has authority to affect both revenue and costs incurred by and allocated to that
function where performance is measure by the profit generated

cost centre, profit centre


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