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The Man and His Music

Regarded as one of Bohol's most prolific songwriters and tunesmiths

in recent memory, TQ Solis, Jr. of Loay, Bohol, has made his mark in
the field of music that has become so overly competitive and steep
with the advent of a cultural renaisance taking place at all levels in
the Philippines, from the late 70s up to the present. Having
participated in quite a number of songwriting competitions, like the
long-standing Metro Cebu Popular Music Festival - and every so
often creating music at will for different occasions - TQ's musicality or
name as a songwriter had already secured itself in the
consciousness of many fellow musicians and music lovers all over
the province and beyond. His popularly penned-songs, Gugma, Hain
Ka?, Damgo Man Lang, Bohol, One Heart, One Mind, etc. will forever
be etched in the consciousness of those who follow and admired his
music, as well as by those whose minds he helped formed as a
young music teacher early in his career. As an early proponent of
Jazz and the classical genre, TQ's music proved to have developed
into unique blend of the many popular-styles and oido (self-created)
musical progressions that only he and a few informal followers of
same musical style - but which many local band musicians have
enthusiastically learned to adapt into their own musical styles - have
quietly championed. Meet the music and the man, the quiet but
trendsetting, TQdelSol! - (Fro 2/7/07)


Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 20:03:17 -0800 (PST)

From: "Fro" <>
Subject: Writ Up on TQdelSol (LoL)
"TQ Solis, Jr." <>, "Arnold Zamora"
<>, "Manuel Arcamo"
<>, "Filipinas Adiong"
Also here: TQdelSol Music

Ayaw katawa, Q. That's the best I could do (for now). Mas lami man
god ang site nga naay semi-intro ba. If you want something else,
we'll do... ipada lang.
Note: Instant thought ra ning write up, after we talked on the phone
tonight, but with a lot of truth to it... that you may not now about. I
remember, way back in 1976, after my high school graduation, Dr.
Brydz (Brydon Lungay - kuyaw nimong disciple and admirer) teaching
Meo Mascarinas and Jimmy Cempron (now in Austria) the broken-
chord stuff that you started in the seminary, while our UB-related frat,
the Puppies., were having a get together at the Sayson's residence
near the new Capitol Building. That was when Meo and Jimmy were
just starting out, and they in turn taught many band members of
Deltas the stuff which had become popular among Tagbilaran
musicians (Cesar Plazo, Pepot Besas, even Pedring, etc) in the 80s.
Whether you knew that or not, and whether we're still conscious of it
or not, but those little events of the past have bonded lots of people
together over lapads of Tanduay or galons of tuba over time, and
established friendship that up to now is quite strong, respectable and
second-to-none! I felt lucky to have been at the right place and the
right time to witness all those... and, unbelievably, those people I
mentioned haven't forgotten it. Uniquely Bol-anon!

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