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Group 2 - English Debate

A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the positive effects of SIM

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

SIM registration is a process by which a mobile network operator or telecommunications

authority collects and verifies the personal information of individuals who purchase or use a
mobile Subscriber Identity Module card or SIM card to help our society and mitigate dangerous
situations in our country.

Now that I've already explained what it's all about, let me share my views and opinions on the
topic of SIM card registration and why it is beneficial for us.

SIM card registration can offer several benefits for Filipinos and the government in the
Philippines because…

1. It can help reduce various types of telecom fraud, such as SIM card cloning, identity theft,
and subscription fraud. Because of the modern-day technology that makes up this process,
cybercrimes or telecommunication crimes can be more challenging for fraudsters because their
identities are linked to their mobile numbers, as they can be traced and held accountable for
their actions.

2. In case of a lost or stolen phone, SIM card registration can also assist in blocking the SIM
card as it will also help in tracking the device which will increase the chances of recovering it.
When individuals make emergency calls, their registered information can be used to dispatch
help more effectively, potentially saving lives during critical situations.

3. SIM card registration can also help to protect consumers from unauthorized SIM card swaps,
where their numbers are transferred to other devices without their consent. Other than that, SIM
card registration can be valuable for national security purposes, as it enables authorities to
monitor and investigate potential threats or illegal activities.

4. Telecom providers can use the registered data to offer tailored services, such as
location-based promotions, language preferences, and personalized recommendations, which
can enhance the user experience. Parents can also use SIM card registration to have better
control over their children's mobile phone usage, ensuring that they have safe and
age-appropriate access to telecommunications services.
Closing Remarks:
In summary, SIM Registration is very beneficial to our society because it helps us to access
services easily. Moreover, SIM Registration helps the government to promote the responsible
and ethical use of mobile services, as the users are already aware that their actions can be
traced back to them.

A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the negative effects of SIM

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

SIM registration is a process by which a mobile network operator or telecommunications

authority collects and verifies the personal information of individuals who purchase or use a
mobile Subscriber Identity Module card or SIM card to help our society and mitigate dangerous
situations in our country.

Now that I've already explained what it's all about, let me share my views and opinions on the
topic of SIM card registration and why it puts us on a pedestal.

1. SIM card registration raises concerns regarding both our privacy and our freedom of
expression rights. Requiring the registration of social media accounts can pose potential
threats, such as the risk of data privacy breaches. The existence of a registered
database can become an attractive target for cyber attackers and cybercriminals, and
the security of such databases cannot always be guaranteed. That's why the
government should not make this policy obligatory.

2. SIM card registration may also lead to an intrusion of individuals' privacy rights and data.
Additionally, some individuals may provide false information during registration, making it
challenging to verify the accuracy of the collected data. Moreover, the effectiveness of
SIM card registration in preventing or solving crimes may be limited, as determined
individuals can still find ways to use unregistered or fake SIM cards.

3. Furthermore, the potential for SIM card registration to be used for surveillance purposes
raises valid concerns. In some cases, governments or authorities may misuse this data
to monitor citizens' communications and activities, infringing upon the right to privacy
and freedom of expression. With that being said, this policy should be put to an end
because it violates the Data Privacy Act signed into law. And doesn't this hypocrisy make
you want to petition for them to stop it too? They're the ones who signed it into law but
also, they're the one who violates the rights of their people.
Closing Remarks:
It's important to recognize that SIM card registration policies should be transparent,
accountable, and subject to oversight. Robust data protection regulations and cybersecurity
measures must be in place to safeguard the collected information.

The decision to implement SIM card registration should carefully consider the balance between
security and privacy concerns and the potential impact on vulnerable populations. Effective
safeguards, transparency, and responsible data management are essential to mitigate the
potential drawbacks of such systems.


Good Morning Everyone,

I am Ace Merfel Cafe from Group 2 and for today's discourse, I will discuss the effects of
Interfaith marriages/relationships.

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

Interfaith marriages/relationships are an issue here in our country.

Interfaith marriage, sometimes called a "mixed marriage", is marriage between spouses

professing different religions.

Now that I've already told you what it's all about let's get on to my argument on why Interfaith
Marriages or Relationships should be accepted by society, the first reason is:

1. Interfaith marriages give cross-cultural competency
The first and foremost advantage of marrying someone from a different nationality is that we
become cross-culturally competent and flexible in our thinking. This gives us an advantage
when dealing with someone who belongs to a different country or religion.

2. Interfaith marriages reduce stereotypes one has for other nations

Stereotype thinking might get ruled out once you marry someone from another nation. This is
because, when we live with someone belonging to a different race or ethnicity, then after
spending most of the time with that person, we might come out of the thoughts or stereotypes
that were set in our mind against the people belonging to that country. Overcoming these
stereotypes helps in making our minds more flexible.

3. Interfaith relationships encourage individuals from different religious backgrounds to

understand and respect each other's beliefs, fostering tolerance and intercultural understanding.
Being in an interfaith relationship can lead to personal growth as individuals may learn about
and appreciate different belief systems, which can be a valuable experience.
Closing Remarks:

For most interfaith couples, dating someone of a different faith has led them to a deeper
understanding of their own religious identity. Since they had to discuss their beliefs and
practices with their partner, they were able to better understand why these aspects mattered to
them. However, if two people each feel strongly committed to their individual beliefs, there’s a
chance that it could potentially create some tension in the relationship, especially if both just
ignore each other’s differences. Come up with a plan, then, to deal with these incompatibilities.
The key is for each individual to compromise on matters that won’t affect the core of who they
are as a person of faith.

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the negative effects of
Interfaith Marriages or Relationship


Now that I have already told you what it's all about let's get onto my argument on why Interfaith
Marriages or Relationships should not be passed into law the first reason is

1. Interfaith marriage is less satisfying than single-faith marriages.

Praying together, attending church services together, and going to church-related outings and
camps together, are crucial bonding moments for couples and families. But interfaith couples
are rarely able to enjoy these. Over time, the missed bonding opportunities will cause
resentment and dissatisfaction in the relationship.

2. There Are Too Many Challenges

One spouse may look forward to celebrating Christmas, egg-hunting with his kids on Easter, or
doing scary tricks on Halloween, while the other spouse does not believe in nor observe those
celebrations. That leaves conflict and awkwardness for everyone in that relationship. Couples
may struggle to find a balance between the various traditions and try to make both partners and
their families feel included.

3. Some argue that religious compatibility is essential for a successful and harmonious
marriage. They believe that differing religious beliefs can lead to conflict, especially in raising
children with conflicting values. Children in interfaith families may experience confusion as they
navigate the beliefs and practices of two different religions. They might find it challenging to
reconcile conflicting religious teachings.

One spouse may teach his children about purgatory and the soul going to heaven right after
death (Catholic), while the other spouse may teach the children that there´s no purgatory and
that death means a long sleep in the grave, waiting for Jesus´ second coming (Seventh Day

One spouse may talk about the Great Design, God is the Creator, while the other spouse
believes in evolution (not everyone who believes in evolution is an Atheist). Or one spouse may
keep the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, while the other spouse keeps the first day.

Closing Remarks :
In conclusion, interfaith marriages often face challenges that can lead to dissatisfaction and
conflict. The missed opportunities for bonding through religious activities can breed resentment.
Additionally, navigating conflicting traditions and beliefs can create tension and confusion,
especially when raising children with differing values and teachings. While some believe
religious compatibility is crucial for a harmonious marriage, interfaith unions require thoughtful
communication and compromise to overcome these challenges and foster understanding.


Good Morning Everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the effects of Legalizing
Abortion in the Philippines.

But first, allow me to ask you some questions.

As we all know, the issue of legalizing abortion has a profound significance, touching upon
matters of ethics, personal autonomy, public health, and societal values. It prompts us to ask a
series of probing questions that challenge our perspectives and assumptions. Should societies
reevaluate age-old abortion laws that curtail women's reproductive rights? Is it time to view
access to safe and legal abortion as a fundamental human right? How do we navigate the
intersection of personal choice and government regulation when it comes to a person's body?

In this discussion, and my group mates/I will prove that Legalizing Abortion in the Philippines
can help us to attain the highest standard of health; and freedom from ill-treatment, harmful
practices, and gender-based violence which affects our society today.

The right to abortion and the right to bodily autonomy are fundamental human rights.

Denying abortion via criminalization violates the fundamental rights to equality,

non-discrimination, and privacy.
With that being said, allow me to share my perspective about the positive things that signing
Abortion into law will give.


1. It provides incest and rape survivors and sexually exploited/trafficked women the opportunity
to end unwanted pregnancies through safe abortion procedures

Rape and incest survivors and sexually exploited women must be free to discontinue their
unwanted pregnancies without risk to their lives.

One of the glaring consequences of rape is

unwanted pregnancy. Some women and girls who became pregnant resulting from rape were
forced to resort to clandestine and unsafe abortions to end their unwanted pregnancies while
others have tried to commit suicide and we don't want that to happen.

In line with mandating abortion into law, this issue can be avoided.

2. Young women and girls belonging to poor and large families that end up sexually

Poor women who lack access to contraceptives and safe abortion end up having too many
children to feed, further aggravating their impoverished situation. Unfortunately, many young
women and girls belonging to poor and large families end up being sexually exploited/trafficked
by their parents demonstrating the intersectionality of gender-based violence, poverty, and
inability to fulfill reproductive rights.

3. To reduce maternal deaths related to unintended/unwanted pregnancies and unsafe

abortions during humanitarian crises

This public health issue should urgently be addressed especially now with the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in higher rates of unintended and unwanted pregnancies due to
lack of access to contraceptives and higher incidences of rape, intimate partner violence, and
sexual exploitation. During this pandemic, the day-to-day reality of these women is joblessness,
hunger, poverty, and being stuck at home with their abusers.

The Population Commission cites that about 40 to 50 adolescent girls aged 10-14 give birth
every week. It has been found that many adolescent girls aged 15 and below became pregnant
due to sexual assault, highlighting the need to address gender-based violence with due
diligence, including by providing access to emergency contraceptives and safe abortion, and in
effective prevention by raising the age of sexual consent to 16 as recommended by the
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW Committee).
Without access to safe abortion, many of these women and adolescent girls would discontinue
their pregnancies unsafely and may end up with an estimated 26% increase in 2020 maternal
deaths due to the pandemic’s disruption of access to health services.

4. To repeal a discriminatory law against women and eliminate harmful stigma against women

Not only women who induce abortion of viable pregnancies suffer inhumane and degrading
treatment or are delayed and sometimes denied emergency post-abortion care, a legal
procedure to save their lives. The same goes for women suffering complications from naturally
occurring medical conditions such as spontaneous abortions/miscarriages, incomplete abortion,
and intrauterine fetal demise.

This discriminatory law against women must be decriminalized to end the harmful stigma
women suffer, and the judgmental religious beliefs imposed on women who want to discontinue
their pregnancies.

Closing Remarks :
Whether one likes it or not, abortion is rampant in the country due to unplanned/unwanted
pregnancies. Since it is criminalized, many women resort to unsafe abortions which lead to
complications and many disadvantaged women are dying because of these complications.

In conclusion, advocating for legalizing abortion is driven by several critical considerations.

Firstly, it provides a safe and compassionate option for survivors of incest, rape, and sexual
exploitation to terminate unwanted pregnancies and avoid the risks associated with clandestine
and unsafe procedures.

Secondly, it addresses the plight of young women and girls from disadvantaged backgrounds
who are vulnerable to sexual exploitation and trafficking, offering them control over their
reproductive choices, thereby alleviating their economic and social burdens.

Thirdly, in the context of humanitarian crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it aims to reduce
maternal deaths stemming from unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions, recognizing the
pressing need for access to contraceptives, emergency contraceptives, and safe abortion
procedures during such challenging times.

Lastly, the effort to repeal discriminatory laws and eliminate harmful stigmas against women
underscores the importance of upholding their reproductive rights and ending inhumane
treatment and judgmental beliefs. Legalizing abortion is a multifaceted approach aimed at
safeguarding the health, rights, and dignity of women, particularly those in vulnerable situations.
I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the negative effects
of Legalizing Abortion in the Philippines.


Now that I've already told you what it's all about let's get onto my argument on why Legalizing
Abortion in the Philippines should not be passed into law, the first reason is:

1. Everyone should have responsibility for their behavior. Some people think that abortion
is an easy way to avoid having a baby. Therefore, they mate whenever they want. And
after that, if they notice a pregnancy, they'll go to the hospital. It sounds very easy;
however, it sounds like they lack responsibility for their behavior.

2. Abortion is not the easy way that people think. It's possible that a woman can't have a
baby anymore because it hurts the woman's body. Besides, women may die because of
it. Women may resort to unsafe methods, such as self-induced or clandestine abortions,
often performed by unqualified individuals or in unsterile environments. If the abortion
procedure is incomplete, remnants of fetal tissue or pregnancy-related material can
remain in the uterus, potentially causing infection or bleeding.

3. Abortion is murder because human life begins when the heart makes its first beat, which
is the 18th day after conception. Also, the fetus feels pain because studies made by Dr.
Nathanson, an obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in Manhattan, showed that during an
abortion the fetus’s mouth is open as if it was screaming a silent scream. This shows
that human life has begun while still in the womb. Proving that, abortion does cause the
fetus pain and that abortion shouldn’t be legal.

Closing Remarks:
The Philippine government has made efforts to improve access to contraceptive services, but
abortion is illegal under all circumstances and is thus highly stigmatized. Nonetheless, abortion
is common but is often performed in unsanitary conditions and using outdated techniques.
Unsafe abortion carries significant risks for Filipino women: About 1,000 die each year from
abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality ratio. Tens of
thousands of women are hospitalized each year for complications from unsafe abortions.

In conclusion, the abortion debate encompasses a range of complex viewpoints. Some argue
that individuals should take responsibility for their behavior and not use abortion as a means to
avoid the consequences of their actions. It can have physical and emotional consequences for
women, and in cases of unsafe procedures, it can be life-threatening. Another contentious
aspect revolves around the question of when human life begins. For those who contend that it
starts as early as the 18th day after conception, abortion is seen as equivalent to murder, fueled
by the belief that a fetus can feel pain during the procedure. This perspective challenges the
legality of abortion, emphasizing the potential suffering of the fetus.
Thus explaining that abortion should not be legalized.


A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the positive effects of
Lowering the Age for Criminal Liability.

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

Lowering the Age for Criminal Liability is an issue here in our country.

During the 2016 election campaign, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte vowed to clamp down
on crime. As part of this promise, he pledged to lower the minimum age of criminal
responsibility, sparking widespread condemnation from children’s rights organizations and the
international community, including the UN.

Now that I have already told you what's it all about let's get on to my argument on why lowering
the age for criminal liability should be passed into law the first reason is

1. Lowering the age of criminal responsibility is vital in the protection of the youth from abuse
and exploitation by criminals and syndicates.

Heinous crimes are being committed by children and reports show that minors are being hired
by criminal gangs and syndicates, such as kidnapping, homicide, drug dealing, and robbery to
avoid arrest and prosecution. Exempting the age brackets of 12-15 from criminal liability could
be used by unscrupulous minds to justify the offender’s criminal acts. That's why I believe that
putting minors in jail is better than just counseling them because if we approve this law we could
lower the crime rates made by the gangs who exploit minors.

2. The massive influences of modern media have given minors immense awareness of their
surroundings. Children today, as they've said, are much more discerning than those ten years
ago. A lower age for criminal liability may provide clearer legal guidelines for the prosecution of
young offenders, avoiding ambiguity in the treatment of juvenile offenders. Thus, it is just right to
lower the criminal responsibility of minors

3. There are now many criminal cases involving minors below 15 years old. Lowering the age of
criminal responsibility will be of great help to law enforcement agencies who face difficulty in
treating children in conflict with the law in the age bracket 12 to 15 who act with discernment.
They argue that a lower age of criminal liability can act as a deterrent, discouraging young
individuals from engaging in criminal activities due to the fear of legal consequences.

Closing Remarks :
This bill seeks to strengthen the country’s juvenile system by imposing penalties on youthful
offenders involving crimes like murder, kidnapping, rape, robbery, arson, carnapping, drug
trafficking, and other offenses. In turn, they will be subjected to a community-based intervention
program to be supervised by a local social welfare and development officer.

A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the negative effects
of Lowering the Age for Criminal Liability.

Now that I've already told you what it's all about let's get on to my argument on why Lowering
The Age for Criminal Liability should not be passed into law, the first reason is:

1. Children are not little adults.

Scientific research shows that “children and adolescents differ significantly from adults in
decision-making, propensity to engage in risky behavior, impulse control, identity development,
and overall maturity.” (Psychological Association of the Philippines, 2016)

Hence, a child should not be held to the same standards as adults. Too young to vote, get
married, and have a driver's license but not too young to be charged for a crime and be held in

2. It will not result in lower crime rates.

According to the Philippine National Police, children commit only 1.72% of total crimes in the
Philippines. Most are petty crimes like theft, which is often linked to poverty. Jail is no place for a
child. Due to a lack of youth care facilities, children will most likely end up in jails where they
may be subjected to violence and abuse. Detention should be the last resort, not the first and
only option.

3. Lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility will not stop syndicates from using
children. It will encourage syndicates to use children younger than 9 or 12 years old. The
Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 does not need to be amended. It needs to be fully
implemented. The law already provides guidelines on how children who commit crimes should
be handled. Contrary to popular belief, children who commit serious offenses are held
accountable. But instead of receiving harsh punishments, the child is placed in a youth care
facility or Bahay Pag-Asa to undergo intensive intervention programs supervised by a
multi-disciplinary team.

Closing Remarks:
This regressive law, if passed, will endanger children’s lives rather than reduce crimes. Let's not
relive the moment when the police act as judge, jury, and literally, executioner, this bill risks
enabling further abuses of power— that affect our society and most especially our youth.

The Philippine authorities claim the draft law is designed to rehabilitate children. If that was the
goal, they would focus on fulfilling their obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of
the Child and existing juvenile welfare laws.


A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the positive effects of
Confidential funds

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

Typically, the term “confidential funds” refers to a particular budgetary allocation in the
government or organizational finances that is not made public for security, privacy, or strategic
considerations. This money is frequently utilized for delicate or secretive tasks, such as secret
projects or national security activities. The necessity for secret finances stems from the need to
uphold confidentiality and safeguard sensitive data.

Now that I've already told you what it's all about let's get on to my argument on why Confidential
funds should be accepted by society, the first reason is:


1. The preservation of national security is one of the main arguments for using secret
money. This money can be used to carry out clandestine activities, acquire intelligence,
and fund defense projects that are essential to a country’s security. Government
representatives and intelligence agencies contend that the security and interests of a
nation must be protected through the use of secret funding.

2. With confidential funds, the government may react quickly to unanticipated

circumstances or emergencies without having to wait around for regular budget
allocation procedures to finish. Case studies of emergencies and top-secret military
operations frequently mention the necessity for the flexibility provided by private

3. Confidential funding can guarantee that classified projects or activities stay secret in
circumstances where sensitive information must be protected. Examples include
clandestine intelligence operations and research initiatives that demand confidentiality to
safeguard national interests.

Closing remarks:
Confidential funds are a two-edged sword that may provide discretion and flexibility for crucial
activities while also creating dangers connected to accountability and transparency. To
guarantee that these monies are used for their intended purpose, whether it is national security,
sensitive research, or emergency response, it is imperative to strike a balance between the
requirement for secrecy and effective control procedures. This will help prevent misuse and the
deterioration of the public’s confidence.

A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's

discussion, I will discuss the negative effects of Confidential funds

Now that I've already told you what it's all about let's get on to my argument on why Confidential
funds should not be accepted by society, the first reason is:

1. Lack of accountability and openness are the main issues with secret money. It is difficult
to guarantee that these monies are utilized for legal reasons because they are not open
to public inspection. Investigations and reports on government transparency have
brought to light situations in which private monies were exploited for immoral or corrupt

2. Without adequate supervision, there is a chance that people or organizations entrusted

with secret money would misuse them for their advantage or illegal actions. Globally,
there have been many reports of misappropriation and corruption involving secret

3. The existence of confidential funds might cause people to lose faith in the government or
other organizations since they may be seen as a cover for illegal or immoral behavior by
the public. Public opinion polls frequently reveal a link between a perceived lack of
openness and diminished faith in governmental institutions.
4. Since confidential funds are private, building strong accountability procedures might be
difficult, making it hard to identify and stop misuse. Reports from auditing organizations
frequently point to flaws in the accountability procedures for secret money.

Closing Remarks:
Confidential funds cast a shadow over transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct within
organizations. They can lead to a lack of oversight, fostering an environment ripe for misuse or
even corruption. Moreover, they may erode trust among stakeholders and undermine the
integrity of an institution. It is crucial for organizations to carefully consider the implications of
maintaining confidential funds and implement robust measures to mitigate potential risks.
Striking a balance between necessary confidentiality and transparent financial practices is
essential for sustaining trust, credibility, and long-term success.

A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the positive effects of

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

Cryptography is used for security in the digital or virtual currency known as cryptocurrency. To
offer decentralization, security, and financial independence, it was developed as a reaction to
conventional financial systems. The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was released in 2009 by an
unidentified person or group known only as Satoshi Nakamoto. Since then, several thousand
other cryptocurrencies have appeared, each with unique features and functions.

Now that I've already told you what it's all about let's get onto my argument on why
cryptocurrency should be legal and used by our society, the first reason is:

1. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to give underbanked and unbanked communities

throughout the world access to financial services, facilitating financial inclusion. Reports
from institutions like the World Bank and the United Nations place a strong emphasis on
the contribution that cryptocurrencies make to boosting financial access.

2. Especially in areas where traditional financial services are expensive, cryptocurrencies

can reduce transaction fees, making cross-border payments and remittances more
accessible. According to the World Bank, the cost of sending remittances globally is
roughly 6.8%, although bitcoin transactions can be far cheaper.
3. The emergence of cryptocurrencies has sparked advancements in this field, with
applications that go beyond finance to include supply chain management, healthcare,
and more. The potential of blockchain technology in numerous industries is highlighted
in reports from consulting organizations like Deloitte and McKinsey.

Closing Remarks:
The financial industry is being disrupted by cryptocurrency, which presents both possibilities and
difficulties. While the positive aspects of volatility, regulatory issues, security risks, and
environmental concerns must be addressed for cryptocurrencies to reach their full potential in a
way that benefits society as a whole, their potential for financial inclusion, lower transaction
costs, and technological innovation is encouraging. The future of cryptocurrencies will be
shaped by finding a balance between innovation and responsible governance.

Now that I've already told you what it's all about let's get onto my argument on why
Cryptocurrency should not replace cash, the first reason is:

1. Extreme price volatility is a characteristic of cryptocurrencies that prevents them from

serving as reliable collections of wealth and can cause investors to suffer substantial
financial losses. The price of bitcoin, for instance, has frequently witnessed severe price
fluctuation, with daily percentage movements often exceeding those of typical financial

2. Governments and financial institutions have regulatory difficulties due to the

decentralized and unknown nature of cryptocurrencies, which raises worries about tax
theft, money laundering, and other forms of fraud. The effort to adjust to this new
financial paradigm is reflected in the legislative measures and debates taken by several
countries and regulatory agencies throughout the world.

3. Hacking and fraud can result in huge financial losses when it comes to cryptocurrency
wallets and exchanges. Several well-publicized bitcoin exchange breaches cost
consumers billions of dollars.

4. The energy-intensive cryptocurrency mining process has sparked worries about its
carbon impact, particularly for Proof of Work (PoW) cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
According to studies, mining bitcoins uses more energy than certain small nations, which
raises carbon dioxide emissions.
Closing Remarks:
Cryptocurrencies have ushered in a new era of financial innovation and potential, it is crucial to
acknowledge the negative effects they can entail. From market volatility and regulatory
uncertainties to security risks and environmental concerns, these challenges warrant careful
consideration. Striking a balance between embracing the transformative potential of
cryptocurrencies and addressing their drawbacks will be instrumental in shaping a sustainable
and inclusive future for digital finance. As the landscape continues to evolve, proactive
measures and thoughtful policies will play a pivotal role in maximizing the benefits while
mitigating the downsides of this dynamic technology.


Good morning everyone, my name is (name) from group 2, and for today's discussion, I will
discuss the positive effects of Same-sex marriage

Now that I've already told you what it's all about let's get on to my argument on why same-sex
marriage in the Philippines should be passed into law, the first reason is:

1. Affirmative arguments in support of same-sex marriage typically on principles of
EQUALITY, LOVE & INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. It has been widely accepted in many
countries leading to the legalization of same-sex marriage in various parts of the world.

2. One important argument for same sex marriage is that everyone in our society should
have equal rights to do whatever they want to do, as long as they do not harm others.

3. There are several advantages associated with legalizing same sex marriage like
EQUALITY and CIVIL RIGHTS, strengthening families, social acceptance, mental health
and well being, fulfilling love and commitment and child care. Same sex couple who
have children benefit from the legal protection and stability that marriage provide.
Legalizing same sex marriage is a matter of recognizing the basic human rights, dignity,
and equality of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Closing remarks:
In my opinion, we should give people the freedom to do whatever they want to do with their
lives. This includes marrying the person they want to marry, independent of the sex or other
characteristic of the person.
Now that I've already told you what it's all about let's get on to my argument on why same
sex marriage in the Philippines should not be passed into law, the first
reason is:

1. Marriage defines as the legal union of a man with a woman for life. Same sex marriage
is marriage between partners with same sex and/or gender identity. Same sex marriage
should be prohibited and not be legalized in the Philippines. It is contrary to the word of
God and is compatible with the beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious
groups. It disrupts the original meaning of marriage.

2. Social conservatives and others who oppose same sex marriage assert that marriage
between a man and a woman is the bedrock of healthy society because it leads to stable
families and ultimately to children who grow up to be productive adults. Allowing gay
marriage and lesbian couples to wed, will radically redefine marriage and further weaken
it. The Catholic church and Christian groups have played a leading role in public
opposition to same sex marriage. Homosexuality (same or one gender) is unnatural and
immoral and is incompatible with the beliefs of several Christian.

3. Same-sex couples cannot naturally produce a biological child together through sexual
reproduction because it requires the contribution of both male and female reproductive systems.
In a heterosexual couple, a sperm from the male fertilizes an egg from the female to create an
embryo, which develops into a baby. The high cost of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) often makes it
financially inaccessible for many couples. They can also adopt children but ensuring legal rights
and protections, such as second-parent adoption, can be a complex and costly process in some

Closing Remarks:
Marriage is the joining of man and a woman, not joining of two women and two men. Same sex
marriage can confuse younger children too. Children should have a male father and a female
mother in their lives. Same sex marriage will soon start to decrease the population because gay
couples cannot reproduce so that will reduce the growth of humans and it will weaken the
institution of marriage.

A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the positive effects that the
Maharlika Funds will bring.

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.
The Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) is a newly enacted sovereign wealth fund for the
Philippines. The Fund is designed to catalyze economic development and accelerate the
country's growth by optimizing the use of government financial assets and promoting their
intergenerational management.

The MIF is expected to have the following positive impacts:

1. The MIF will serve as a long-term source of investment capital, fostering economic
growth and job creation.

Explanation: The creation of the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) marks a significant
step forward in the Philippines' economy because long-term investments offer stability
and predictability to our country. By having a reliable source of investment capital
through the MIF, the government can make strategic decisions for the future. It can plan
and execute projects that contribute to the country's economic resilience, further
attracting foreign investors and encouraging a favorable business environment.

2. The fund will be used to finance infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, and airports,
improving connectivity and making the country more attractive to investors. These
projects will not only enhance connectivity within the nation but also improve the overall
transportation infrastructure, making it more efficient and accessible for both domestic
and international travelers.

Investments in roads will facilitate smoother and faster movement of goods and people,
reducing transportation bottlenecks and costs. Improved bridges will strengthen
transportation links between different regions, fostering economic growth and regional

3. Level up investments in agriculture modernization and food security, if not

self-sufficiency, which will raise farmers’ incomes, boost harvests, and bring down the
retail cost of farm goods for the benefit, especially of ordinary consumers; as a board of
directors appointed by the president will oversee the fund, ensuring improved
governance and preventing corruption.

Closing Remarks:
The MIF marks the Philippines' inaugural sovereign wealth fund that will be allocated across a
diverse range of assets, including foreign currencies, fixed-income instruments, domestic and
foreign corporate bonds, commercial real estate, and infrastructure projects. Unlike other
state-run corporations, the MIC can maximize the use of government assets through its
would-be investments in projects that generate bigger returns.
A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the cons of the Maharlika

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

On July 18, 2023, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. signed the Republic Act 11954 known as the
Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) which aims to catalyze economic development and accelerate
the country's growth by optimizing the use of government financial assets and promoting their
intergenerational management.

However, the entire thing remains problematic to this day, even after its enactment.

1. The fund was signed into law way too fast by international standards. Other countries
take years, not months, to carefully craft their strategic investment funds, especially
since public funds are on the line.

As a result of the railroading of this measure, Maharlika was passed without consulting
the public whose monies will be put into this fund.

A Social Weather Stations survey showed that as of late March 2023, 47%, or almost
half of adult respondents, knew “almost nothing or nothing” about the Maharlika bill, and
a full third said they had “only a little” knowledge about it, which made this bill suspicious
in the eyes of the general public.

2. The Maharlika Investment Fund has the potential to become a considerable burden on
taxpayers if it is not subject to proper management and oversight. Without diligent and
transparent management, there is a risk that the MIF could be misappropriated to favor
specific special interests rather than serving the broader interests of the general public.
This could result in the misallocation of public funds and undermine the fund's original
purpose which is to help our country's economy.

3. There is also a proposal to divert public funds to the Maharlika Investment Fund made
by President Marcos. He argues that these funds should be actively invested to generate
returns, but the existing public funds are far from underutilized. Existing public funds,
particularly in state-owned banks like Land Bank and Development Bank, are already
dedicated to crucial roles in stimulating countryside development and supporting small
and medium enterprises.
By diverting funds away from these institutions, Maharlika Investment Funds compromises their
ability to fulfill their mandates effectively. Moreover, proponents of MIF have failed to explain the
opportunity cost of using the fund for investments versus traditional government spending on
public goods. Which raises doubts regarding whether this could help our economy or not.

Closing Remarks:
In summary, the hasty approval of the Maharlika Investment Fund, without sufficient public
consultation and awareness, raises significant concerns. The lack of public knowledge about
this fund, as indicated by a survey, has generated suspicion among the general population.

While active investment is commendable, it must be managed transparently to avoid


Moreover, redirecting funds from state-owned banks may compromise their vital roles in the
development and support of small enterprises.

In essence, the Maharlika Investment Fund holds promise but requires cautious management to
ensure it serves the best interests of the Philippines.

A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the positive effects of
Abolishing the K-12 Curriculum.

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

The idea of "abolishing the K-12 curriculum" typically refers to the proposal or discussion of
eliminating or significantly revising the K-12 education system. In many countries, including the
Philippines, K-12 education refers to the mandatory schooling period from kindergarten (K)
through 12th grade. Abolishing this system would involve major changes to the structure and
content of compulsory education.

1. The prospect of abolishing the K-12 curriculum introduces an intriguing possibility that
students can enter the workforce at a younger age. This appeal extends not only to
those who may not aspire to pursue a college education but also to those who are keen
on commencing their careers and earning income at an earlier stage in their lives.

For individuals who are not inclined towards higher education, the option to enter the
workforce sooner can be a compelling proposition. It provides an opportunity to gain
practical work experience, financial independence, and a head start in building their
professional lives. This may be particularly attractive for students who have a clear
career path in mind that does not necessarily require a college degree, such as pursuing
vocational or trade careers.

2. Abolishing this curriculum would also mean that the stress and pressure on students
would be reduced, potentially improving their overall well-being. The existing K-12
program, with its prolonged mandatory schooling period, often subjects students to the
strain of lengthy years of study and academic expectations.

With the abolition of K-12, students could experience a more relaxed and balanced
approach to their educational journey. This, in turn, may alleviate the anxiety and
pressure that sometimes accompany standardized testing and the extended schooling
period. A reduction in the intensity of academic demands can foster a more positive and
supportive learning environment, potentially allowing students to explore their interests
and passions without the constant weight of academic stress.

3. By shortening the mandatory schooling period, resources that would have been
allocated to the extended K-12 curriculum can be redirected toward other critical
educational initiatives and programs like improving the system itself, enhancing teacher
training, providing better infrastructure and facilities, and expanding access to education
for underserved communities.

Additionally, it is worth emphasizing that the cost savings might be particularly significant
for underprivileged families who struggle to afford the expenses associated with sending
their children to school. Abolishing the K-12 program and reducing the duration of
compulsory education can ease the financial burden on these families, allowing more
children to access education and potentially break the cycle of poverty.

Closing Remarks:
In conclusion, the notion of abolishing the K-12 curriculum presents a potential for earlier
workforce entry, offering a compelling choice for students not inclined towards higher education.
This shift aims to reduce stress and pressure on students, fostering a more balanced and
supportive learning environment.

Furthermore, the financial advantages associated with shortening the mandatory schooling
period can lead to cost savings for governments and institutions. These savings can be
strategically reinvested in improving the educational system, teacher training, and infrastructure,
and expanding access to underserved communities, thus promoting equity in education.

While abolishing K-12 represents a significant departure from the current educational structure,
it underscores the importance of flexibility and individual choice in education. It is a debate that
encompasses not only academic considerations but also social and economic aspects,
emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to education policy.

A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the negative effects of
Abolishing the K-12 Curriculum.

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

The idea of "abolishing the K-12 curriculum" typically refers to the proposal or discussion of
eliminating or significantly revising the K-12 education system. In many countries, including the
Philippines, K-12 education refers to the mandatory schooling period from kindergarten (K)
through 12th grade. Abolishing this system would involve major changes to the structure and
content of compulsory education.

Before the K to 12 program was implemented in the Philippine Education System, primary and
secondary education in the Philippines used to entail only 10 years of schooling, of which the
first six years covered elementary school and the last four years covered high school

1. Some of the advantages that were presented by the Philippine K to 12 programs

revolved around better student training, and better competency of students on a global
scale – with the officials claiming that Filipino students who graduate from senior high
school will not only be ready for employment but will also be up to par with the
international education standards. Moreover, the K to 12 Led to Higher Quality Education
in the Philippines. With the national government’s backing, the Department of Education
improved the quality of education for public schools which also made senior high
graduates employable even without a college education. If this would be abolished, then
there's a high possibility that the students of the next curriculum would suffer.

2. Aside from better training and skills attainment, students are given three tracks and
multiple strands that will help them forge a path on the specialization or career they’re
planning on pursuing. The DepEd promised to offer higher quality education through
these tracks, which will give students enough time to master a field and enhance their
skills. In the end, K to 12 program graduates will become globally competitive and ready
for the expanding labor market. However, if this curriculum were removed from our
education system, the students would have a hard time mastering a field and enhancing
the skills that would help them adjust to real-life situations.
3. The implementation of K-12 education has had a noteworthy impact on the employment
landscape, particularly within the education sector. With the extension of the education
system to include two additional years, more teaching positions were required to cater to
the expanded student population. This surge in demand for teachers, specifically those
qualified to teach the K-12 curriculum, created a need for additional funding and
resources. If the K-12 curriculum would be abolished, what would happen to the
teachers? They'd be jobless, for sure.

Closing Remarks:
In conclusion, the implementation of the K to 12 program in the Philippine education system
brought substantial benefits. It extended the length of primary and secondary education,
aligning the country with international standards and improving the quality of education. The
three tracks offered students specialized paths, enhancing their skills and global
competitiveness. Abolishing this curriculum could jeopardize the quality of education and lead to
joblessness among teachers. Therefore, maintaining the K to 12 program is essential to ensure
a well-prepared and globally competitive workforce, as well as the job security of educators.

A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the positive effects of the
Death Penalty.

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is a legal sentence in which a person is
executed as a punishment for a crime, typically a serious one such as murder or acts
considered as capital offenses. The methods of execution can vary, including hanging, shooting,
electrocution, lethal injection, and more.

Society has always used punishment to discourage would-be criminals from unlawful action.
Since society has the highest interest in preventing murder, it should use the strongest
punishment available to deter murder, and that is the death penalty. If murderers are sentenced
to death and executed, potential murderers will think twice before killing for fear of losing their
own life.
1. When someone takes a life, the balance of justice is disturbed. Unless that balance is
restored, society will succumb to a rule of violence. Only the taking of the murderer’s life
restores the balance and allows society to show convincingly that murder is an
intolerable crime that will be punished in kind. Retribution has its basis in religious
values, which have historically maintained that it is proper to take an “eye for an eye”
and a life for a life.

Although the victim and the victim’s family cannot be restored to the status that preceded
the murder, at least an execution brings closure to the murderer’s crime, and closure to
the ordeal for the victim’s family ensures that the murderer will create no more victims.

2. Death Penalty also eliminates the possibility of escape: Individuals who are extremely
violent and have committed heinous crimes, such as serial killers, pose a significant risk
to society due to their likelihood of continuing their violent acts. For this reason, there is a
need to permanently separate them from the general population. However, sentencing
these individuals to life imprisonment does not always ensure that they will be kept away
from society indefinitely. There have been instances where criminals sentenced to life
imprisonment managed to escape from prison, subsequently returning to society and
continuing their violent and dreadful acts. Over the years, there have been multiple
cases of notorious killers, exemplified by individuals like Ted Bundy, escaping from
incarceration and inflicting harm on more innocent people. If these murderers had been
executed initially, the lives of their later victims might have been spared.

3. The utilization of capital punishment leads to cost reduction. The imprisonment of

criminals involves significant expenses, as the state is responsible for meeting their
fundamental needs, including food, shelter, and clothing, ensuring humane living
conditions. Consider a scenario where an individual is serving a life sentence for murder.
The state is obliged to provide for their well-being throughout their entire life term. When
the person completes their life sentence, it results in substantial costs for taxpayers. If
the individual had been executed, a significant amount of money would have been
preserved. This is the basis for the argument that capital punishment is a financially
efficient choice.
Closing Remarks:
In summary, proponents of the death penalty argue that it serves as a potent deterrent against
murder, restoring the balance of justice and upholding the principle of "an eye for an eye." They
contend that the death penalty brings closure to the victim's family and ensures that the
murderer will not harm others.

Additionally, the death penalty eliminates the possibility of dangerous criminals escaping and
continuing their violent acts, reducing the risk to society. Furthermore, it is seen as
cost-effective, saving taxpayers from the financial burden of long-term imprisonment. These
arguments reflect the perspective that capital punishment is not only a means of retribution but
also a crucial tool for maintaining social order and preventing future acts of extreme violence.


A pleasant morning to everyone,

I am (name) from Group 2 and for today's discussion, I will discuss the negative effects of the
Death Penalty

But first, allow me to give you a summary of what it's all about.

The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is a legal sentence in which a person is
executed as a punishment for a crime, typically a serious one such as murder or acts
considered as capital offenses. The methods of execution can vary, including hanging, shooting,
electrocution, lethal injection, and more. It is an inhumane way to deter a criminal's life which is
then condemned by the Catholic Church and other religious groups.

1. The death penalty alone imposes an irrevocable sentence. Once an inmate is executed,
nothing can be done to make amends if a mistake has been made. The saddest thing
about capital punishment is the stories of unfortunate people who end up being executed
for crimes they didn’t commit. Sadly for some of these innocent people, the truth takes a
long time to come out, and by the time the evidence that proves they are innocent comes
out, they might have already been executed. This proves that capital punishment is
unreliable as there is a frame-up or set-up that could happen on death row.

2. Another reason why capital punishment should be discouraged is that certain crimes are
committed on impulse. Let’s take the case of a person who kills someone on impulse or
in a state of strong emotion and instantly regrets his action. While this person has killed
and committed a crime and deserves to be punished seriously, it is sometimes too harsh
to give such a person the death sentence for an act he never thoroughly intended.
Because of this, I believe that this law should be abolished completely because if our
perceptions could change, then people who didn't mean to commit a crime can do it too.
3. Retribution is another word for revenge. Although our first instinct may be to inflict
immediate pain on someone who wrongs us, the standards of a mature society demand
a more measured response. The emotional impulse for revenge is not a sufficient
justification for invoking a system of capital punishment, with all its accompanying
problems and risks. Our laws and criminal justice system should lead us to higher
principles that demonstrate complete respect for life, even the life of a murderer.
Encouraging our basest motives of revenge, which ends in another killing, extends the
chain of violence.

Allowing executions sanctions killing as a form of ‘pay-back.’

The notion of an eye for an eye, or a life for a life, is a simplistic one which our society
has never endorsed. We do not allow torturing the torturer, or raping the rapist. Taking
the life of a murderer is a similarly disproportionate punishment. And an 'eye for an eye'
will make the world go blind.

Closing Remarks:
In conclusion, the death penalty, or capital punishment, is a controversial and inhumane practice
condemned by various religious groups, including the Catholic Church. One of the fundamental
flaws of this system is its irreversibility; once a person is executed, there's no way to rectify any
mistakes made, leading to tragic cases of innocent individuals being put to death.

Moreover, capital punishment fails to account for impulsive crimes and those committed in the
heat of the moment. It's often seen as too harsh for acts that lack premeditation, raising
questions about the fairness of such a punishment.

The idea of retribution, or revenge, is at the core of the death penalty, but it runs counter to the
principles of a mature and just society. Encouraging revenge as a motive for punishment
perpetuates a cycle of violence, which society should aim to break. The concept of 'an eye for
an eye' oversimplifies complex moral and ethical considerations, making it an unsuitable
foundation for a fair and humane justice system. Ultimately, the death penalty has numerous
ethical and practical challenges, leading many to advocate for its abolition.

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